コード例 #1
Crossings self_crossings(Path const &p) {
    Crossings ret;
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(bounds(p));
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
        Crossings res = curve_self_crossings(p[i]);
        offset_crossings(res, i, i);
        append(ret, res);
        for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
            unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
            pair_intersect(p[i], 0, 1, p[j], 0, 1, res);
            //if(fabs(int(i)-j) == 1 || fabs(int(i)-j) == p.size()-1) {
                Crossings res2;
                for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) {
                    if(res[k].ta != 0 && res[k].ta != 1 && res[k].tb != 0 && res[k].tb != 1) {
                res = res2;
            offset_crossings(res, i, j);
            append(ret, res);
    return ret;
コード例 #2
Crossings curve_self_crossings(Curve const &a) {
    Crossings res;
    std::vector<double> spl;
    append(spl, curve_mono_splits(a));
    for(unsigned i = 1; i < spl.size(); i++)
        for(unsigned j = i+1; j < spl.size(); j++)
            pair_intersect(a, spl[i-1], spl[i], a, spl[j-1], spl[j], res);
    return res;
コード例 #3
 * This uses the local bounds functions of curves to generically intersect two.
 * It passes in the curves, time intervals, and keeps track of depth, while
 * returning the results through the Crossings parameter.
void pair_intersect(Curve const & A, double Al, double Ah, 
                    Curve const & B, double Bl, double Bh,
                    Crossings &ret,  unsigned depth=0) {
   // std::cout << depth << "(" << Al << ", " << Ah << ")\n";
    OptRect Ar = A.boundsLocal(Interval(Al, Ah));
    if (!Ar) return;

    OptRect Br = B.boundsLocal(Interval(Bl, Bh));
    if (!Br) return;
    if(! Ar->intersects(*Br)) return;
    //Checks the general linearity of the function
    if((depth > 12)) { // || (A.boundsLocal(Interval(Al, Ah), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1 
                    //&&  B.boundsLocal(Interval(Bl, Bh), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1)) {
        double tA, tB, c;
        if(linear_intersect(A.pointAt(Al), A.pointAt(Ah), 
                            B.pointAt(Bl), B.pointAt(Bh), 
                            tA, tB, c)) {
            tA = tA * (Ah - Al) + Al;
            tB = tB * (Bh - Bl) + Bl;
            intersect_polish_root(A, tA,
                                  B, tB);
            if(depth % 2)
                ret.push_back(Crossing(tB, tA, c < 0));
                ret.push_back(Crossing(tA, tB, c > 0));
    if(depth > 12) return;
    double mid = (Bl + Bh)/2;
    pair_intersect(B, Bl, mid,
                    A, Al, Ah,
                    ret, depth+1);
    pair_intersect(B, mid, Bh,
                    A, Al, Ah,
                    ret, depth+1);
コード例 #4
/** A simple wrapper around pair_intersect */
Crossings SimpleCrosser::crossings(Curve const &a, Curve const &b) {
    Crossings ret;
    pair_intersect(a, 0, 1, b, 0, 1, ret);
    return ret;
コード例 #5
Crossings pair_intersect(Curve const & A, Interval const &Ad,
                         Curve const & B, Interval const &Bd) {
    Crossings ret;
    pair_intersect(A, Ad.min(), Ad.max(), B, Bd.min(), Bd.max(), ret);
    return ret;