コード例 #1
ファイル: viewgfx.cpp プロジェクト: qwijibo/mame
static void palette_handler(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container, ui_gfx_state &state)
	device_palette_interface *palette = state.palette.interface;
	palette_device *paldev = dynamic_cast<palette_device *>(&palette->device());

	int total = state.palette.which ? palette->indirect_entries() : palette->entries();
	const rgb_t *raw_color = palette->palette()->entry_list_raw();
	render_font *ui_font = mui.get_font();
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int x, y, skip;

	// add a half character padding for the box
	chheight = mui.get_line_height();
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	// the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	// add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	// add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	// compute the cell size
	float cellwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) / (float)state.palette.columns;
	float cellheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) / (float)state.palette.columns;

	// figure out the title
	std::ostringstream title_buf;
	util::stream_format(title_buf, "'%s'", palette->device().tag());
	if (palette->indirect_entries() > 0)
		title_buf << (state.palette.which ? _(" COLORS") : _(" PENS"));

	// if the mouse pointer is over one of our cells, add some info about the corresponding palette entry
	int32_t mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y;
	float mouse_x, mouse_y;
	bool mouse_button;
	render_target *mouse_target = mui.machine().ui_input().find_mouse(&mouse_target_x, &mouse_target_y, &mouse_button);
	if (mouse_target != nullptr && mouse_target->map_point_container(mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y, container, mouse_x, mouse_y)
		&& cellboxbounds.x0 <= mouse_x && cellboxbounds.x1 > mouse_x
		&& cellboxbounds.y0 <= mouse_y && cellboxbounds.y1 > mouse_y)
		int index = state.palette.offset + int((mouse_x - cellboxbounds.x0) / cellwidth) + int((mouse_y - cellboxbounds.y0) / cellheight) * state.palette.columns;
		if (index < total)
			util::stream_format(title_buf, " #%X", index);
			if (palette->indirect_entries() > 0 && !state.palette.which)
				util::stream_format(title_buf, " => %X", palette->pen_indirect(index));
			else if (paldev != nullptr && paldev->basemem().base() != nullptr)
				util::stream_format(title_buf, " = %X", paldev->read_entry(index));

			rgb_t col = state.palette.which ? palette->indirect_color(index) : raw_color[index];
			util::stream_format(title_buf, " (R:%X G:%X B:%X)", col.r(), col.g(), col.b());

	// expand the outer box to fit the title
	const std::string title = title_buf.str();
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), title.c_str());
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	// go ahead and draw the outer box now
	mui.draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	// draw the title
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (auto ch : title)
		container.add_char(x0, y0, chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), rgb_t::white(), *ui_font, ch);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), ch);

	// draw the top column headers
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < state.palette.columns; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container.add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), rgb_t::white(), *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		// if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which
		// one it's referring to
		if (skip != 0)
			container.add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + cellboxbounds.y0), UI_LINE_WIDTH, rgb_t::white(), PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	// draw the side column headers
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < state.palette.columns; y += 1 + skip)

		// only display if there is data to show
		if (state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns < total)
			char buffer[10];

			// if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which
			// one it's referring to
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container.add_point(0.5f * (x0 + cellboxbounds.x0), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, rgb_t::white(), PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			// draw the row header
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container.add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, mui.machine().render().ui_aspect(), rgb_t::white(), *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	// now add the rectangles for the colors
	for (y = 0; y < state.palette.columns; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < state.palette.columns; x++)
			int index = state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns + x;
			if (index < total)
				pen_t pen = state.palette.which ? palette->indirect_color(index) : raw_color[index];
				container.add_rect(cellboxbounds.x0 + x * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + y * cellheight,
									cellboxbounds.x0 + (x + 1) * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + (y + 1) * cellheight,
									0xff000000 | pen, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	// handle keys
	palette_handle_keys(mui.machine(), state);
コード例 #2
ファイル: uigfx.c プロジェクト: AreaScout/mame-libretro
static void palette_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state *state)
	int total = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_size(machine.colortable) : machine.total_colors();
	const char *title = state->palette.which ? "COLORTABLE" : "PALETTE";
	const rgb_t *raw_color = palette_entry_list_raw(machine.palette);
	render_font *ui_font = ui_get_font(machine);
	float cellwidth, cellheight;
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int x, y, skip;

	/* add a half character padding for the box */
	chheight = ui_get_line_height(machine);
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	/* the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box */
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	/* add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding */
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	/* add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line */
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	/* figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit */
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	/* go ahead and draw the outer box now */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	/* draw the title */
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	/* compute the cell size */
	cellwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) / (float)state->palette.count;
	cellheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) / (float)state->palette.count;

	/* draw the top column headers */
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container->add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
		/* one it's referring to */
		if (skip != 0)
			container->add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + cellboxbounds.y0), UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* draw the side column headers */
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y += 1 + skip)

		/* only display if there is data to show */
		if (state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count < total)
			char buffer[10];

			/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
			/* one it's referring to */
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container->add_point(0.5f * (x0 + cellboxbounds.x0), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			/* draw the row header */
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container->add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	/* now add the rectangles for the colors */
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x++)
			int index = state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count + x;
			if (index < total)
				pen_t pen = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_color(machine.colortable, index) : raw_color[index];
				container->add_rect(cellboxbounds.x0 + x * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + y * cellheight,
									cellboxbounds.x0 + (x + 1) * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + (y + 1) * cellheight,
									0xff000000 | pen, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* handle keys */
	palette_handle_keys(machine, state);
コード例 #3
ファイル: viewgfx.cpp プロジェクト: ursine/mame
static void palette_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state &state)
	palette_device *palette = state.palette.device;

	int total = state.palette.which ? palette->indirect_entries() : palette->entries();
	const rgb_t *raw_color = palette->palette()->entry_list_raw();
	render_font *ui_font = machine.ui().get_font();
	float cellwidth, cellheight;
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int x, y, skip;
	char title[100];

	// add a half character padding for the box
	chheight = machine.ui().get_line_height();
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	// the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	// add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	// add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	// figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit
	const char *suffix = palette->indirect_entries() == 0 ? "" : state.palette.which ? " COLORS" : " PENS";
	sprintf(title, "'%s'%s", palette->tag(), suffix);
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	// go ahead and draw the outer box now
	machine.ui().draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	// draw the title
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	// compute the cell size
	cellwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) / (float)state.palette.columns;
	cellheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) / (float)state.palette.columns;

	// draw the top column headers
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < state.palette.columns; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container->add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		// if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which
		// one it's referring to
		if (skip != 0)
			container->add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + cellboxbounds.y0), UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	// draw the side column headers
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < state.palette.columns; y += 1 + skip)

		// only display if there is data to show
		if (state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns < total)
			char buffer[10];

			// if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which
			// one it's referring to
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container->add_point(0.5f * (x0 + cellboxbounds.x0), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			// draw the row header
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container->add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	// now add the rectangles for the colors
	for (y = 0; y < state.palette.columns; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < state.palette.columns; x++)
			int index = state.palette.offset + y * state.palette.columns + x;
			if (index < total)
				pen_t pen = state.palette.which ? palette->indirect_color(index) : raw_color[index];
				container->add_rect(cellboxbounds.x0 + x * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + y * cellheight,
									cellboxbounds.x0 + (x + 1) * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + (y + 1) * cellheight,
									0xff000000 | pen, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	// handle keys
	palette_handle_keys(machine, state);