corner_pin_node_t::corner_pin_node_t() : xform2d_node_t() { set_name("corner_pin"); param_set().param_changed.connect( boost::bind( &corner_pin_node_t::param_changed, this, _1, _2)); }
corner_pin_node_t::corner_pin_node_t( const corner_pin_node_t& other) : xform2d_node_t( other) { param_set().param_changed.connect( boost::bind( &corner_pin_node_t::param_changed, this, _1, _2)); }
int do_gyro_calibration(int mavlink_fd) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "don't move system"); struct gyro_scale gyro_scale = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; int res = OK; /* reset all offsets to zero and all scales to one */ int fd = open(GYRO_DEVICE_PATH, 0); res = ioctl(fd, GYROIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&gyro_scale); close(fd); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_RESET_CAL_MSG); } if (res == OK) { /* determine gyro mean values */ const unsigned calibration_count = 5000; unsigned calibration_counter = 0; unsigned poll_errcount = 0; /* subscribe to gyro sensor topic */ int sub_sensor_gyro = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro0)); struct gyro_report gyro_report; while (calibration_counter < calibration_count) { /* wait blocking for new data */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = sub_sensor_gyro; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret > 0) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro0), sub_sensor_gyro, &gyro_report); gyro_scale.x_offset += gyro_report.x; gyro_scale.y_offset += gyro_report.y; gyro_scale.z_offset += gyro_report.z; calibration_counter++; if (calibration_counter % (calibration_count / 20) == 0) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, (calibration_counter * 100) / calibration_count); } } else { poll_errcount++; } if (poll_errcount > 1000) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SENSOR_MSG); res = ERROR; break; } } close(sub_sensor_gyro); gyro_scale.x_offset /= calibration_count; gyro_scale.y_offset /= calibration_count; gyro_scale.z_offset /= calibration_count; } if (res == OK) { /* check offsets */ if (!isfinite(gyro_scale.x_offset) || !isfinite(gyro_scale.y_offset) || !isfinite(gyro_scale.z_offset)) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: offset is NaN"); res = ERROR; } } if (res == OK) { /* set offset parameters to new values */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_XOFF"), &(gyro_scale.x_offset)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_YOFF"), &(gyro_scale.y_offset)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_ZOFF"), &(gyro_scale.z_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: failed to set offset params"); res = ERROR; } } #if 0 /* beep on offset calibration end */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "gyro offset calibration done"); tune_neutral(); /* scale calibration */ /* this was only a proof of concept and is currently not working. scaling will be set to 1.0 for now. */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "offset done. Rotate for scale 30x or wait 5s to skip."); warnx("offset calibration finished. Rotate for scale 30x, or do not rotate and wait for 5 seconds to skip."); /* apply new offsets */ fd = open(GYRO_DEVICE_PATH, 0); if (OK != ioctl(fd, GYROIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&gyro_scale)) { warn("WARNING: failed to apply new offsets for gyro"); } close(fd); unsigned rotations_count = 30; float gyro_integral = 0.0f; float baseline_integral = 0.0f; // XXX change to mag topic orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sub_sensor_combined, &raw); float mag_last = -atan2f(raw.magnetometer_ga[1], raw.magnetometer_ga[0]); if (mag_last > M_PI_F) { mag_last -= 2 * M_PI_F; } if (mag_last < -M_PI_F) { mag_last += 2 * M_PI_F; } uint64_t last_time = hrt_absolute_time(); uint64_t start_time = hrt_absolute_time(); while ((int)fabsf(baseline_integral / (2.0f * M_PI_F)) < rotations_count) { /* abort this loop if not rotated more than 180 degrees within 5 seconds */ if ((fabsf(baseline_integral / (2.0f * M_PI_F)) < 0.6f) && (hrt_absolute_time() - start_time > 5 * 1e6)) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "scale skipped, gyro calibration done"); close(sub_sensor_combined); return OK; } /* wait blocking for new data */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = sub_sensor_combined; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret) { float dt_ms = (hrt_absolute_time() - last_time) / 1e3f; last_time = hrt_absolute_time(); orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sub_sensor_combined, &raw); // XXX this is just a proof of concept and needs world / body // transformation and more //math::Vector2f magNav(raw.magnetometer_ga); // calculate error between estimate and measurement // apply declination correction for true heading as well. //float mag = -atan2f(magNav(1),magNav(0)); float mag = -atan2f(raw.magnetometer_ga[1], raw.magnetometer_ga[0]); if (mag > M_PI_F) { mag -= 2 * M_PI_F; } if (mag < -M_PI_F) { mag += 2 * M_PI_F; } float diff = mag - mag_last; if (diff > M_PI_F) { diff -= 2 * M_PI_F; } if (diff < -M_PI_F) { diff += 2 * M_PI_F; } baseline_integral += diff; mag_last = mag; // Jump through some timing scale hoops to avoid // operating near the 1e6/1e8 max sane resolution of float. gyro_integral += (raw.gyro_rad_s[2] * dt_ms) / 1e3f; // warnx("dbg: b: %6.4f, g: %6.4f", (double)baseline_integral, (double)gyro_integral); // } else if (poll_ret == 0) { // /* any poll failure for 1s is a reason to abort */ // mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "gyro calibration aborted, retry"); // return; } } float gyro_scale = baseline_integral / gyro_integral; warnx("gyro scale: yaw (z): %6.4f", (double)gyro_scale); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "gyro scale: yaw (z): %6.4f", (double)gyro_scale); if (!isfinite(gyro_scale.x_scale) || !isfinite(gyro_scale.y_scale) || !isfinite(gyro_scale.z_scale)) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "gyro scale calibration FAILED (NaN)"); close(sub_sensor_gyro); mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "gyro calibration failed"); return ERROR; } /* beep on calibration end */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "gyro scale calibration done"); tune_neutral(); #endif if (res == OK) { /* set scale parameters to new values */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_XSCALE"), &(gyro_scale.x_scale)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_YSCALE"), &(gyro_scale.y_scale)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_GYRO_ZSCALE"), &(gyro_scale.z_scale))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: failed to set scale params"); res = ERROR; } } if (res == OK) { /* apply new scaling and offsets */ fd = open(GYRO_DEVICE_PATH, 0); res = ioctl(fd, GYROIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&gyro_scale); close(fd); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_APPLY_CAL_MSG); } } if (res == OK) { /* auto-save to EEPROM */ res = param_save_default(); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); } } if (res == OK) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); } return res; }
void Ekf2Replay::task_main() { // formats const int _k_max_data_size = 1024; // 16x16 bytes uint8_t data[_k_max_data_size] = {}; const char param_file[] = "./rootfs/replay_params.txt"; // Open log file from which we read data // TODO Check if file exists int fd = ::open(_file_name, O_RDONLY); // create path to write a replay file char *replay_log_name; replay_log_name = strtok(_file_name, "."); char tmp[] = "_replayed.px4log"; char *path_to_replay_log = (char *) malloc(1 + strlen(tmp) + strlen(replay_log_name)); strcpy(path_to_replay_log, "."); strcat(path_to_replay_log, replay_log_name); strcat(path_to_replay_log, tmp); // create path which tells user location of replay file char tmp2[] = "./build_posix_sitl_replay/src/firmware/posix"; char *replay_file_location = (char *) malloc(1 + strlen(tmp) + strlen(tmp2) + strlen(replay_log_name)); strcat(replay_file_location, tmp2); strcat(replay_file_location, replay_log_name); strcat(replay_file_location, tmp); // open logfile to write _write_fd = ::open(path_to_replay_log, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU); std::ifstream tmp_file;; std::string line; bool set_default_params_in_file = false; if (tmp_file.is_open() && ! tmp_file.eof()) { getline(tmp_file, line); if (line.empty()) { // the parameter file is empty so write the default values to it set_default_params_in_file = true; } } tmp_file.close(); std::ofstream myfile(param_file, std::ios::app); // subscribe to estimator topics _att_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); _estimator_status_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(estimator_status)); _innov_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(ekf2_innovations)); _lpos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)); _control_state_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(control_state)); // we use attitude updates from the estimator for synchronisation _fds[0].fd = _att_sub; _fds[0].events = POLLIN; bool read_first_header = false; bool set_user_params = false; PX4_INFO("Replay in progress... \n"); PX4_INFO("Log data will be written to %s\n", replay_file_location); while (!_task_should_exit) { _message_counter++; uint8_t header[3] = {}; if (::read(fd, header, 3) != 3) { if (!read_first_header) { PX4_WARN("error reading log file, is the path printed above correct?"); } else { PX4_INFO("Done!"); } _task_should_exit = true; continue; } read_first_header = true; if ((header[0] != HEAD_BYTE1 || header[1] != HEAD_BYTE2)) { // we assume that the log file is finished here PX4_WARN("Done!"); _task_should_exit = true; continue; } // write header but only for messages which are not generated by the estimator if (needToSaveMessage(header[2])) { writeMessage(_write_fd, &header[0], 3); } if (header[2] == LOG_FORMAT_MSG) { // format message struct log_format_s f; if (::read(fd, &f.type, sizeof(f)) != sizeof(f)) { PRINT_READ_ERROR; _task_should_exit = true; continue; } writeMessage(_write_fd, &f.type, sizeof(log_format_s)); memcpy(&_formats[f.type], &f, sizeof(f)); } else if (header[2] == LOG_PARM_MSG) { // parameter message if (::read(fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_PARM_s)) != sizeof(log_PARM_s)) { PRINT_READ_ERROR; _task_should_exit = true; continue; } writeMessage(_write_fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_PARM_s)); // apply the parameters char param_name[16]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++) { param_name[i] = data[i]; if (data[i] == '\0') { break; } } float param_data = 0; memcpy(¶m_data, &data[16], sizeof(float)); param_t handle = param_find(param_name); param_type_t param_format = param_type(handle); if (param_format == PARAM_TYPE_INT32) { int32_t value = 0; value = (int32_t)param_data; param_set(handle, (const void *)&value); } else if (param_format == PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT) { param_set(handle, (const void *)¶m_data); } // if the user param file was empty then we fill it with the ekf2 parameter values from // the log file if (set_default_params_in_file) { if (strncmp(param_name, "EKF2", 4) == 0) { std::ostringstream os; double value = (double)param_data; os << std::string(param_name) << " "; os << value << "\n"; myfile << os.str(); } } } else if (header[2] == LOG_VER_MSG) { // version message if (::read(fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_VER_s)) != sizeof(log_VER_s)) { PRINT_READ_ERROR; _task_should_exit = true; continue; } writeMessage(_write_fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_VER_s)); } else if (header[2] == LOG_TIME_MSG) { // time message if (::read(fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_TIME_s)) != sizeof(log_TIME_s)) { // assume that this is because we have reached the end of the file PX4_INFO("Done!"); _task_should_exit = true; continue; } writeMessage(_write_fd, &data[0], sizeof(log_TIME_s)); } else { // the first time we arrive here we should apply the parameters specified in the user file // this makes sure they are applied after the parameter values of the log file if (!set_user_params) { myfile.close(); setUserParams(param_file); set_user_params = true; } // data message if (::read(fd, &data[0], _formats[header[2]].length - 3) != _formats[header[2]].length - 3) { PX4_INFO("Done!"); _task_should_exit = true; continue; } // all messages which we are not getting from the estimator are written // back into the replay log file if (needToSaveMessage(header[2])) { writeMessage(_write_fd, &data[0], _formats[header[2]].length - 3); } if (header[2] == LOG_RPL1_MSG && _part1_counter_ref > 0) { // we have found another imu replay message while we still have one waiting to be published. // so publish that now publishAndWaitForEstimator(); } // set estimator input data setEstimatorInput(&data[0], header[2]); // we have read the imu replay message (part 1) and have waited 3 more cycles for other replay message parts // e.g. flow, gps or range. we know that in case they were written to the log file they should come right after // the first replay message, therefore, we can kick the estimator now if (_part1_counter_ref > 0 && _part1_counter_ref < _message_counter - 3) { publishAndWaitForEstimator(); } } } ::close(_write_fd); ::close(fd); delete ekf2_replay::instance; ekf2_replay::instance = nullptr; // Report sensor innovation RMS values to assist with time delay tuning if (_numInnovSamples > 0) { PX4_INFO("GPS vel innov RMS = %6.3f", (double)sqrtf(_velInnovSumSq / _numInnovSamples)); PX4_INFO("GPS pos innov RMS = %6.3f", (double)sqrtf(_posInnovSumSq / _numInnovSamples)); PX4_INFO("Hgt innov RMS = %6.3f", (double)sqrtf(_hgtInnovSumSq / _numInnovSamples)); PX4_INFO("Mag innov RMS = %6.4f", (double)sqrtf(_magInnovSumSq / _numInnovSamples)); PX4_INFO("TAS innov RMS = %6.3f", (double)sqrtf(_tasInnovSumSq / _numInnovSamples)); } }
void CameraTrigger::cycle_trampoline(void *arg) { CameraTrigger *trig = reinterpret_cast<CameraTrigger *>(arg); // default loop polling interval int poll_interval_usec = 5000; if (trig->_command_sub < 0) { trig->_command_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command)); } bool updated = false; orb_check(trig->_command_sub, &updated); struct vehicle_command_s cmd; unsigned cmd_result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_TEMPORARILY_REJECTED; bool need_ack = false; // this flag is set when the polling loop is slowed down to allow the camera to power on trig->_turning_on = false; // these flags are used to detect state changes in the command loop bool main_state = trig->_trigger_enabled; bool pause_state = trig->_trigger_paused; // Command handling if (updated) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), trig->_command_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL) { need_ack = true; if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param7) == 1) { // test shots are not logged or forwarded to GCS for geotagging trig->_test_shot = true; } if (commandParamToInt((float)cmd.param5) == 1) { // Schedule shot trig->_one_shot = true; } cmd_result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL) { need_ack = true; if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param3) == 1) { // pause triggger trig->_trigger_paused = true; } else if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param3) == 0) { trig->_trigger_paused = false; } if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param2) == 1) { // reset trigger sequence trig->_trigger_seq = 0; } if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param1) == 1) { trig->_trigger_enabled = true; } else if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param1) == 0) { trig->_trigger_enabled = false; } cmd_result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST) { need_ack = true; /* * TRANSITIONAL SUPPORT ADDED AS OF 11th MAY 2017 (v1.6 RELEASE) */ if (cmd.param1 > 0.0f) { trig->_distance = cmd.param1; param_set(trig->_p_distance, &(trig->_distance)); trig->_trigger_enabled = true; trig->_trigger_paused = false; } else if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param1) == 0) { trig->_trigger_paused = true; } else if (commandParamToInt(cmd.param1) == -1) { trig->_trigger_enabled = false; } // We can only control the shutter integration time of the camera in GPIO mode (for now) if (cmd.param2 > 0.0f) { if (trig->_camera_interface_mode == CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GPIO) { trig->_activation_time = cmd.param2; param_set(trig->_p_activation_time, &(trig->_activation_time)); } } // Trigger once immediately if param is set if (cmd.param3 > 0.0f) { // Schedule shot trig->_one_shot = true; } cmd_result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_INTERVAL) { need_ack = true; if (cmd.param1 > 0.0f) { trig->_interval = cmd.param1; param_set(trig->_p_interval, &(trig->_interval)); } // We can only control the shutter integration time of the camera in GPIO mode if (cmd.param2 > 0.0f) { if (trig->_camera_interface_mode == CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GPIO) { trig->_activation_time = cmd.param2; param_set(trig->_p_activation_time, &(trig->_activation_time)); } } cmd_result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } } // State change handling if ((main_state != trig->_trigger_enabled) || (pause_state != trig->_trigger_paused) || trig->_one_shot) { if (trig->_trigger_enabled || trig->_one_shot) { // Just got enabled via a command // If camera isn't already powered on, we enable power to it if (!trig->_camera_interface->is_powered_on() && trig->_camera_interface->has_power_control()) { trig->toggle_power(); trig->enable_keep_alive(true); // Give the camera time to turn on before starting to send trigger signals poll_interval_usec = 3000000; trig->_turning_on = true; } } else if (!trig->_trigger_enabled || trig->_trigger_paused) { // Just got disabled/paused via a command // Power off the camera if we are disabled if (trig->_camera_interface->is_powered_on() && trig->_camera_interface->has_power_control() && !trig->_trigger_enabled) { trig->enable_keep_alive(false); trig->toggle_power(); } // cancel all calls for both disabled and paused hrt_cancel(&trig->_engagecall); hrt_cancel(&trig->_disengagecall); // ensure that the pin is off hrt_call_after(&trig->_disengagecall, 0, (hrt_callout)&CameraTrigger::disengage, trig); // reset distance counter if needed if (trig->_trigger_mode == TRIGGER_MODE_DISTANCE_ON_CMD || trig->_trigger_mode == TRIGGER_MODE_DISTANCE_ALWAYS_ON) { // this will force distance counter reinit on getting enabled/unpaused trig->_valid_position = false; } } // only run on state changes, not every loop iteration if (trig->_trigger_mode == TRIGGER_MODE_INTERVAL_ON_CMD) { // update intervalometer state and reset calls trig->update_intervalometer(); } } // run every loop iteration and trigger if needed if (trig->_trigger_mode == TRIGGER_MODE_DISTANCE_ON_CMD || trig->_trigger_mode == TRIGGER_MODE_DISTANCE_ALWAYS_ON) { // update distance counter and trigger trig->update_distance(); } // One shot command-based capture handling if (trig->_one_shot && !trig->_turning_on) { // One-shot trigger trig->shoot_once(); trig->_one_shot = false; if (trig->_test_shot) { trig->_test_shot = false; } } // Command ACK handling if (updated && need_ack) { vehicle_command_ack_s command_ack = { .timestamp = 0, .result_param2 = 0, .command = cmd.command, .result = (uint8_t)cmd_result, .from_external = 0, .result_param1 = 0, .target_system = cmd.source_system, .target_component = cmd.source_component }; if (trig->_cmd_ack_pub == nullptr) { trig->_cmd_ack_pub = orb_advertise_queue(ORB_ID(vehicle_command_ack), &command_ack, vehicle_command_ack_s::ORB_QUEUE_LENGTH); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_command_ack), trig->_cmd_ack_pub, &command_ack); } } work_queue(LPWORK, &_work, (worker_t)&CameraTrigger::cycle_trampoline, camera_trigger::g_camera_trigger, USEC2TICK(poll_interval_usec)); }
void bool_param_t::button_checked( int state) { param_set()->begin_edit(); set_value( state); param_set()->end_edit(); }
std::auto_ptr<undo::command_t> static_param_t::do_create_command() { return std::auto_ptr<undo::command_t>( new static_param_command_t( *param_set(), id())); }
void MavlinkParametersManager::handle_message(const mavlink_message_t *msg) { switch (msg->msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_LIST: { /* request all parameters */ mavlink_param_request_list_t req_list; mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(msg, &req_list); if (req_list.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (req_list.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || req_list.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { _send_all_index = 0; } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: { /* set parameter */ if (msg->msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET) { mavlink_param_set_t set; mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &set); if (set.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (set.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || set.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, set.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* attempt to find parameter, set and send it */ param_t param = param_find_no_notification(name); if (param == PARAM_INVALID) { char buf[MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "[pm] unknown param: %s", name); _mavlink->send_statustext_info(buf); } else { /* set and send parameter */ param_set(param, &(set.param_value)); send_param(param); } } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_READ: { /* request one parameter */ mavlink_param_request_read_t req_read; mavlink_msg_param_request_read_decode(msg, &req_read); if (req_read.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (req_read.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || req_read.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* when no index is given, loop through string ids and compare them */ if (req_read.param_index < 0) { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, req_read.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* attempt to find parameter and send it */ send_param(param_find_no_notification(name)); } else { /* when index is >= 0, send this parameter again */ send_param(param_for_used_index(req_read.param_index)); } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_MAP_RC: { /* map a rc channel to a parameter */ mavlink_param_map_rc_t map_rc; mavlink_msg_param_map_rc_decode(msg, &map_rc); if (map_rc.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (map_rc.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || map_rc.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* Copy values from msg to uorb using the parameter_rc_channel_index as index */ size_t i = map_rc.parameter_rc_channel_index; _rc_param_map.param_index[i] = map_rc.param_index; strncpy(&(_rc_param_map.param_id[i][0]), map_rc.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ _rc_param_map.param_id[i][MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_MAP_RC_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; _rc_param_map.scale[i] = map_rc.scale; _rc_param_map.value0[i] = map_rc.param_value0; _rc_param_map.value_min[i] = map_rc.param_value_min; _rc_param_map.value_max[i] = map_rc.param_value_max; if (map_rc.param_index == -2) { // -2 means unset map _rc_param_map.valid[i] = false; } else { _rc_param_map.valid[i] = true; } _rc_param_map.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); if (_rc_param_map_pub < 0) { _rc_param_map_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(rc_parameter_map), &_rc_param_map); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(rc_parameter_map), _rc_param_map_pub, &_rc_param_map); } } break; } default: break; } }
/* buf= pointer to beginning of uri (sip:[email protected]:5060;a=b?h=i) * len= len of uri * returns: fills uri & returns <0 on error or 0 if ok */ int parse_uri(char* buf, int len, struct sip_uri* uri) { enum states { URI_INIT, URI_USER, URI_PASSWORD, URI_PASSWORD_ALPHA, URI_HOST, URI_HOST_P, URI_HOST6_P, URI_HOST6_END, URI_PORT, URI_PARAM, URI_PARAM_P, URI_PARAM_VAL_P, URI_VAL_P, URI_HEADERS, /* param states */ /* transport */ PT_T, PT_R, PT_A, PT_N, PT_S, PT_P, PT_O, PT_R2, PT_T2, PT_eq, /* ttl */ PTTL_T2, PTTL_L, PTTL_eq, /* user */ PU_U, PU_S, PU_E, PU_R, PU_eq, /* method */ PM_M, PM_E, PM_T, PM_H, PM_O, PM_D, PM_eq, /* maddr */ PMA_A, PMA_D, PMA_D2, PMA_R, PMA_eq, /* lr */ PLR_L, PLR_R_FIN, PLR_eq, /* gr */ PG_G, PG_G_FIN, PG_eq, /* r2 */ PR2_R, PR2_2_FIN, PR2_eq, /* transport values */ /* udp */ VU_U, VU_D, VU_P_FIN, /* tcp */ VT_T, VT_C, VT_P_FIN, /* tls */ VTLS_L, VTLS_S_FIN, /* sctp */ VS_S, VS_C, VS_T, VS_P_FIN, /* ws */ VW_W, VW_S, VW_S_FIN, VWS_S_FIN }; register enum states state; char* s; char* b; /* param start */ char *v; /* value start */ str* param; /* current param */ str* param_val; /* current param val */ str user; str password; int port_no; register char* p; char* end; char* pass; int found_user; int error_headers; unsigned int scheme; uri_type backup; #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG int i; #endif #define SIP_SCH 0x3a706973 #define SIPS_SCH 0x73706973 #define TEL_SCH 0x3a6c6574 #define URN_SERVICE_SCH 0x3a6e7275 #define URN_SERVICE_STR ":service:" #define URN_SERVICE_STR_LEN (sizeof(URN_SERVICE_STR) - 1) #define case_port( ch, var) \ case ch: \ (var)=(var)*10+ch-'0'; \ break #define still_at_user \ if (found_user==0){ \ user.s=uri->host.s; \ if (pass){\ user.len=pass-user.s; \ password.s=pass+1; \ password.len=p-password.s; \ }else{ \ user.len=p-user.s; \ }\ /* save the uri type/scheme */ \ backup=uri->type; \ /* everything else is 0 */ \ memset(uri, 0, sizeof(struct sip_uri)); \ /* restore the scheme, copy user & pass */ \ uri->type=backup; \ uri->user=user; \ if (pass) uri->passwd=password; \ s=p+1; \ found_user=1;\ error_headers=0; \ state=URI_HOST; \ }else goto error_bad_char #define check_host_end \ case ':': \ /* found the host */ \ uri->host.s=s; \ uri->host.len=p-s; \ state=URI_PORT; \ s=p+1; \ break; \ case ';': \ uri->host.s=s; \ uri->host.len=p-s; \ state=URI_PARAM; \ s=p+1; \ break; \ case '?': \ uri->host.s=s; \ uri->host.len=p-s; \ state=URI_HEADERS; \ s=p+1; \ break; \ case '&': \ case '@': \ goto error_bad_char #define param_set(t_start, v_start) \ param->s=(t_start);\ param->len=(p-(t_start));\ param_val->s=(v_start); \ param_val->len=(p-(v_start)) #define u_param_set(t_start, v_start) \ if (uri->u_params_no < URI_MAX_U_PARAMS){ \ if((v_start)>(t_start)){ \ uri->u_name[uri->u_params_no].s=(t_start); \ uri->u_name[uri->u_params_no].len=((v_start)-(t_start)-1); \ if(p>(v_start)) { \ uri->u_val[uri->u_params_no].s=(v_start); \ uri->u_val[uri->u_params_no].len=(p-(v_start)); \ } \ } else { \ uri->u_name[uri->u_params_no].s=(t_start); \ uri->u_name[uri->u_params_no].len=(p-(t_start)); \ } \ uri->u_params_no++; \ } else { \ LM_ERR("unknown URI param list excedeed\n"); \ } #define semicolon_case \ case';': \ if (pass){ \ found_user=1;/* no user, pass cannot contain ';'*/ \ pass=0; \ } \ state=URI_PARAM /* new param */ #define question_case \ case '?': \ uri->params.s=s; \ uri->params.len=p-s; \ state=URI_HEADERS; \ s=p+1; \ if (pass){ \ found_user=1;/* no user, pass cannot contain '?'*/ \ pass=0; \ } #define colon_case \ case ':': \ if (found_user==0){ \ /*might be pass but only if user not found yet*/ \ if (pass){ \ found_user=1; /* no user */ \ pass=0; \ }else{ \ pass=p; \ } \ } \ state=URI_PARAM_P /* generic param */ #define param_common_cases \ case '@': \ /* ughhh, this is still the user */ \ still_at_user; \ break; \ semicolon_case; \ break; \ question_case; \ break; \ colon_case; \ break #define u_param_common_cases \ case '@': \ /* ughhh, this is still the user */ \ still_at_user; \ break; \ semicolon_case; \ u_param_set(b, v); \ break; \ question_case; \ u_param_set(b, v); \ break; \ colon_case; \ break #define value_common_cases \ case '@': \ /* ughhh, this is still the user */ \ still_at_user; \ break; \ semicolon_case; \ param_set(b, v); \ break; \ question_case; \ param_set(b, v); \ break; \ colon_case; \ state=URI_VAL_P; \ break #define param_switch(old_state, c1, c2, new_state) \ case old_state: \ switch(*p){ \ case c1: \ case c2: \ state=(new_state); \ break; \ u_param_common_cases; \ default: \ state=URI_PARAM_P; \ } \ break #define param_switch1(old_state, c1, new_state) \ case old_state: \ switch(*p){ \ case c1: \ state=(new_state); \ break; \ param_common_cases; \ default: \ state=URI_PARAM_P; \ } \ break #define param_switch_big(old_state, c1, c2, d1, d2, new_state_c, new_state_d) \ case old_state : \ switch(*p){ \ case c1: \ case c2: \ state=(new_state_c); \ break; \ case d1: \ case d2: \ state=(new_state_d); \ break; \ u_param_common_cases; \ default: \ state=URI_PARAM_P; \ } \ break #define value_switch(old_state, c1, c2, new_state) \ case old_state: \ switch(*p){ \ case c1: \ case c2: \ state=(new_state); \ break; \ value_common_cases; \ default: \ state=URI_VAL_P; \ } \ break #define value_switch_big(old_state, c1, c2, d1, d2, new_state_c, new_state_d) \ case old_state: \ switch(*p){ \ case c1: \ case c2: \ state=(new_state_c); \ break; \ case d1: \ case d2: \ state=(new_state_d); \ break; \ value_common_cases; \ default: \ state=URI_VAL_P; \ } \ break #define transport_fin(c_state, proto_no) \ case c_state: \ switch(*p){ \ case '@': \ still_at_user; \ break; \ semicolon_case; \ param_set(b, v); \ uri->proto=(proto_no); \ break; \ question_case; \ param_set(b, v); \ uri->proto=(proto_no); \ break; \ colon_case; \ default: \ state=URI_VAL_P; \ break; \ } \ break /* init */ end=buf+len; p=buf+4; found_user=0; error_headers=0; b=v=0; param=param_val=0; pass=0; password.s = 0; password.len = 0; port_no=0; state=URI_INIT; memset(uri, 0, sizeof(struct sip_uri)); /* zero it all, just to be sure*/ /*look for sip:, sips: or tel:*/ if (len<5) goto error_too_short; scheme=buf[0]+(buf[1]<<8)+(buf[2]<<16)+(buf[3]<<24); scheme|=0x20202020; if (scheme==SIP_SCH){ uri->type=SIP_URI_T; }else if(scheme==SIPS_SCH){ if(buf[4]==':'){ p++; uri->type=SIPS_URI_T;} else goto error_bad_uri; }else if (scheme==TEL_SCH){ uri->type=TEL_URI_T; }else if (scheme==URN_SERVICE_SCH){ if (memcmp(buf+3,URN_SERVICE_STR,URN_SERVICE_STR_LEN) == 0) { p+= URN_SERVICE_STR_LEN-1; uri->type=URN_SERVICE_URI_T; } else goto error_bad_uri; }else goto error_bad_uri; s=p; for(;p<end; p++){ switch((unsigned char)state){ case URI_INIT: switch(*p){ case '[': /* uri = [ipv6address]... */ state=URI_HOST6_P; s=p; break; case ']': /* invalid, no uri can start with ']' */ case ':': /* the same as above for ':' */ goto error_bad_char; case '@': /* error no user part */ goto error_bad_char; default: state=URI_USER; } break; case URI_USER: switch(*p){ case '@': /* found the user*/ uri->user.s=s; uri->user.len=p-s; state=URI_HOST; found_user=1; s=p+1; /* skip '@' */ break; case ':': /* found the user, or the host? */ uri->user.s=s; uri->user.len=p-s; state=URI_PASSWORD; s=p+1; /* skip ':' */ break; case ';': /* this could be still the user or * params?*/ uri->host.s=s; uri->host.len=p-s; state=URI_PARAM; s=p+1; break; case '?': /* still user or headers? */ uri->host.s=s; uri->host.len=p-s; state=URI_HEADERS; s=p+1; break; /* almost anything permitted in the user part */ case '[': case ']': /* the user part cannot contain "[]" */ goto error_bad_char; } break; case URI_PASSWORD: /* this can also be the port (missing user)*/ switch(*p){ case '@': /* found the password*/ uri->passwd.s=s; uri->passwd.len=p-s; port_no=0; state=URI_HOST; found_user=1; s=p+1; /* skip '@' */ break; case ';': /* upps this is the port */ uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; /* user contains in fact the host */ uri->host.s=uri->user.s; uri->host.len=uri->user.len; uri->user.s=0; uri->user.len=0; state=URI_PARAM; found_user=1; /* there is no user part */ s=p+1; break; case '?': /* upps this is the port */ uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; /* user contains in fact the host */ uri->host.s=uri->user.s; uri->host.len=uri->user.len; uri->user.s=0; uri->user.len=0; state=URI_HEADERS; found_user=1; /* there is no user part */ s=p+1; break; case_port('0', port_no); case_port('1', port_no); case_port('2', port_no); case_port('3', port_no); case_port('4', port_no); case_port('5', port_no); case_port('6', port_no); case_port('7', port_no); case_port('8', port_no); case_port('9', port_no); case '[': case ']': case ':': goto error_bad_char; default: /* it can't be the port, non number found */ port_no=0; state=URI_PASSWORD_ALPHA; } break; case URI_PASSWORD_ALPHA: switch(*p){ case '@': /* found the password*/ uri->passwd.s=s; uri->passwd.len=p-s; state=URI_HOST; found_user=1; s=p+1; /* skip '@' */ break; case ';': /* contains non-numbers => cannot be port no*/ case '?': goto error_bad_port; case '[': case ']': case ':': goto error_bad_char; } break; case URI_HOST: switch(*p){ case '[': state=URI_HOST6_P; break; case ':': case ';': case '?': /* null host name ->invalid */ case '&': case '@': /*chars not allowed in hosts names */ goto error_bad_host; default: state=URI_HOST_P; } break; case URI_HOST_P: switch(*p){ check_host_end; } break; case URI_HOST6_END: switch(*p){ check_host_end; default: /*no chars allowed after [ipv6] */ goto error_bad_host; } break; case URI_HOST6_P: switch(*p){ case ']': state=URI_HOST6_END; break; case '[': case '&': case '@': case ';': case '?': goto error_bad_host; } break; case URI_PORT: switch(*p){ case ';': uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; state=URI_PARAM; s=p+1; break; case '?': uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; state=URI_HEADERS; s=p+1; break; case_port('0', port_no); case_port('1', port_no); case_port('2', port_no); case_port('3', port_no); case_port('4', port_no); case_port('5', port_no); case_port('6', port_no); case_port('7', port_no); case_port('8', port_no); case_port('9', port_no); case '&': case '@': case ':': default: goto error_bad_port; } break; case URI_PARAM: /* beginning of a new param */ switch(*p){ param_common_cases; /* recognized params */ case 't': case 'T': b=p; state=PT_T; break; case 'u': case 'U': b=p; state=PU_U; break; case 'm': case 'M': b=p; state=PM_M; break; case 'l': case 'L': b=p; state=PLR_L; break; case 'g': case 'G': b=p; state=PG_G; break; case 'r': case 'R': b=p; state=PR2_R; break; default: b=p; state=URI_PARAM_P; } break; case URI_PARAM_P: /* ignore current param */ /* supported params: * maddr, transport, ttl, lr, user, method, r2 */ switch(*p){ u_param_common_cases; case '=': v=p + 1; state=URI_PARAM_VAL_P; break; }; break; case URI_PARAM_VAL_P: /* value of the ignored current param */ switch(*p){ u_param_common_cases; }; break; /* ugly but fast param names parsing */ /*transport */ param_switch_big(PT_T, 'r', 'R', 't', 'T', PT_R, PTTL_T2); param_switch(PT_R, 'a', 'A', PT_A); param_switch(PT_A, 'n', 'N', PT_N); param_switch(PT_N, 's', 'S', PT_S); param_switch(PT_S, 'p', 'P', PT_P); param_switch(PT_P, 'o', 'O', PT_O); param_switch(PT_O, 'r', 'R', PT_R2); param_switch(PT_R2, 't', 'T', PT_T2); param_switch1(PT_T2, '=', PT_eq); /* value parsing */ case PT_eq: param=&uri->transport; param_val=&uri->transport_val; uri->proto = PROTO_OTHER; switch (*p){ param_common_cases; case 'u': case 'U': v=p; state=VU_U; break; case 't': case 'T': v=p; state=VT_T; break; case 's': case 'S': v=p; state=VS_S; break; case 'w': case 'W': v=p; state=VW_W; break; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* generic value */ case URI_VAL_P: switch(*p){ value_common_cases; } break; /* udp */ value_switch(VU_U, 'd', 'D', VU_D); value_switch(VU_D, 'p', 'P', VU_P_FIN); transport_fin(VU_P_FIN, PROTO_UDP); /* tcp */ value_switch_big(VT_T, 'c', 'C', 'l', 'L', VT_C, VTLS_L); value_switch(VT_C, 'p', 'P', VT_P_FIN); transport_fin(VT_P_FIN, PROTO_TCP); /* tls */ value_switch(VTLS_L, 's', 'S', VTLS_S_FIN); transport_fin(VTLS_S_FIN, PROTO_TLS); /* sctp */ value_switch(VS_S, 'c', 'C', VS_C); value_switch(VS_C, 't', 'T', VS_T); value_switch(VS_T, 'p', 'P', VS_P_FIN); transport_fin(VS_P_FIN, PROTO_SCTP); /* ws */ value_switch(VW_W, 's', 'S', VW_S); case VW_S: if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') { state=(VWS_S_FIN); break; } /* if not a 's' transiting to VWS_S_FIN, fallback * to testing as existing VW_S_FIN (NOTE the missing break) */ state=(VW_S_FIN); transport_fin(VW_S_FIN, PROTO_WS); transport_fin(VWS_S_FIN, PROTO_WSS); /* ttl */ param_switch(PTTL_T2, 'l', 'L', PTTL_L); param_switch1(PTTL_L, '=', PTTL_eq); case PTTL_eq: param=&uri->ttl; param_val=&uri->ttl_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* user param */ param_switch(PU_U, 's', 'S', PU_S); param_switch(PU_S, 'e', 'E', PU_E); param_switch(PU_E, 'r', 'R', PU_R); param_switch1(PU_R, '=', PU_eq); case PU_eq: param=&uri->user_param; param_val=&uri->user_param_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* method*/ param_switch_big(PM_M, 'e', 'E', 'a', 'A', PM_E, PMA_A); param_switch(PM_E, 't', 'T', PM_T); param_switch(PM_T, 'h', 'H', PM_H); param_switch(PM_H, 'o', 'O', PM_O); param_switch(PM_O, 'd', 'D', PM_D); param_switch1(PM_D, '=', PM_eq); case PM_eq: param=&uri->method; param_val=&uri->method_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /*maddr*/ param_switch(PMA_A, 'd', 'D', PMA_D); param_switch(PMA_D, 'd', 'D', PMA_D2); param_switch(PMA_D2, 'r', 'R', PMA_R); param_switch1(PMA_R, '=', PMA_eq); case PMA_eq: param=&uri->maddr; param_val=&uri->maddr_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* lr */ param_switch(PLR_L, 'r', 'R', PLR_R_FIN); case PLR_R_FIN: switch(*p){ case '@': still_at_user; break; case '=': state=PLR_eq; break; semicolon_case; uri->lr.s=b; uri->lr.len=(p-b); break; question_case; uri->lr.s=b; uri->lr.len=(p-b); break; colon_case; break; default: state=URI_PARAM_P; } break; /* handle lr=something case */ case PLR_eq: param=&uri->lr; param_val=&uri->lr_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* r2 */ param_switch1(PR2_R, '2', PR2_2_FIN); case PR2_2_FIN: switch(*p){ case '@': still_at_user; break; case '=': state=PR2_eq; break; semicolon_case; uri->r2.s=b; uri->r2.len=(p-b); break; question_case; uri->r2.s=b; uri->r2.len=(p-b); break; colon_case; break; default: state=URI_PARAM_P; } break; /* handle lr=something case */ case PR2_eq: param=&uri->r2; param_val=&uri->r2_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; /* gr */ param_switch(PG_G, 'r', 'R', PG_G_FIN); case PG_G_FIN: switch(*p){ case '@': still_at_user; break; case '=': state=PG_eq; break; semicolon_case; uri->gr.s=b; uri->gr.len=(p-b); break; question_case; uri->gr.s=b; uri->gr.len=(p-b); break; colon_case; break; default: state=URI_PARAM_P; } break; /* handle gr=something case */ case PG_eq: param=&uri->gr; param_val=&uri->gr_val; switch(*p){ param_common_cases; default: v=p; state=URI_VAL_P; } break; case URI_HEADERS: /* for now nobody needs them so we completely ignore the * headers (they are not allowed in request uri) --andrei */ switch(*p){ case '@': /* yak, we are still at user */ still_at_user; break; case ';': /* we might be still parsing user, try it */ if (found_user) goto error_bad_char; error_headers=1; /* if this is not the user we have an error */ /* if pass is set => it cannot be user:pass * => error (';') is illegal in a header */ if (pass) goto error_headers; break; case ':': if (found_user==0){ /*might be pass but only if user not found yet*/ if (pass){ found_user=1; /* no user */ pass=0; }else{ pass=p; } } break; case '?': if (pass){ found_user=1; /* no user, pass cannot contain '?'*/ pass=0; } break; } break; default: goto error_bug; } } /*end of uri */ switch (state){ case URI_INIT: /* error empty uri */ goto error_too_short; case URI_USER: /* this is the host, it can't be the user */ if (found_user) goto error_bad_uri; uri->host.s=s; uri->host.len=p-s; state=URI_HOST; break; case URI_PASSWORD: /* this is the port, it can't be the passwd */ if (found_user) goto error_bad_port; uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; uri->host=uri->user; uri->user.s=0; uri->user.len=0; break; case URI_PASSWORD_ALPHA: /* this is the port, it can't be the passwd */ goto error_bad_port; case URI_HOST_P: case URI_HOST6_END: uri->host.s=s; uri->host.len=p-s; break; case URI_HOST: /* error: null host */ case URI_HOST6_P: /* error: unterminated ipv6 reference*/ goto error_bad_host; case URI_PORT: uri->port.s=s; uri->port.len=p-s; uri->port_no=port_no; break; case URI_PARAM: case URI_PARAM_P: case URI_PARAM_VAL_P: u_param_set(b, v); /* intermediate param states */ case PT_T: /* transport */ case PT_R: case PT_A: case PT_N: case PT_S: case PT_P: case PT_O: case PT_R2: case PT_T2: case PT_eq: /* ignore empty transport params */ case PTTL_T2: /* ttl */ case PTTL_L: case PTTL_eq: case PU_U: /* user */ case PU_S: case PU_E: case PU_R: case PU_eq: case PM_M: /* method */ case PM_E: case PM_T: case PM_H: case PM_O: case PM_D: case PM_eq: case PLR_L: /* lr */ case PR2_R: /* r2 */ case PG_G: /* gr */ uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; break; /* fin param states */ case PLR_R_FIN: case PLR_eq: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; uri->lr.s=b; uri->lr.len=p-b; break; case PR2_2_FIN: case PR2_eq: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; uri->r2.s=b; uri->r2.len=p-b; break; case PG_G_FIN: case PG_eq: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; uri->gr.s=b; uri->gr.len=p-b; break; case URI_VAL_P: /* intermediate value states */ case VU_U: case VU_D: case VT_T: case VT_C: case VTLS_L: case VS_S: case VS_C: case VW_W: case VS_T: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); break; /* fin value states */ case VU_P_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_UDP; break; case VT_P_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_TCP; break; case VTLS_S_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_TLS; break; case VS_P_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_SCTP; break; case VW_S: case VW_S_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_WS; break; case VWS_S_FIN: uri->params.s=s; uri->params.len=p-s; param_set(b, v); uri->proto=PROTO_WSS; break; /* headers */ case URI_HEADERS: uri->headers.s=s; uri->headers.len=p-s; if (error_headers) goto error_headers; break; default: goto error_bug; } switch(uri->type){ case SIP_URI_T: if ((uri->user_param_val.len == 5) && (strncasecmp(uri->user_param_val.s, "phone", 5) == 0)) { uri->type = TEL_URI_T; /* move params from user into uri->params */ p=q_memchr(uri->user.s, ';', uri->user.len); if (p){ uri->params.s=p+1; uri->params.len=uri->user.s+uri->user.len-uri->params.s; uri->user.len=p-uri->user.s; } } break; case SIPS_URI_T: if ((uri->user_param_val.len == 5) && (strncasecmp(uri->user_param_val.s, "phone", 5) == 0)) { uri->type = TELS_URI_T; p=q_memchr(uri->user.s, ';', uri->user.len); if (p){ uri->params.s=p+1; uri->params.len=uri->user.s+uri->user.len-uri->params.s; uri->user.len=p-uri->user.s; } } break; case TEL_URI_T: case TELS_URI_T: /* fix tel uris, move the number in uri and empty the host */ uri->user=uri->host; uri->host.s=""; uri->host.len=0; break; case URN_SERVICE_URI_T: /* leave the actual service name in the URI domain part */ break; case ERROR_URI_T: LM_ERR("unexpected error (BUG?)\n"); goto error_bad_uri; break; /* do nothing, avoids a compilation warning */ } #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG /* do stuff */ LM_DBG("parsed uri:\n type=%d user=<%.*s>(%d)\n passwd=<%.*s>(%d)\n" " host=<%.*s>(%d)\n port=<%.*s>(%d): %d\n params=<%.*s>(%d)\n" " headers=<%.*s>(%d)\n", uri->type, uri->user.len, ZSW(uri->user.s), uri->user.len, uri->passwd.len, ZSW(uri->passwd.s), uri->passwd.len, uri->host.len, ZSW(uri->host.s), uri->host.len, uri->port.len, ZSW(uri->port.s), uri->port.len, uri->port_no, uri->params.len, ZSW(uri->params.s), uri->params.len, uri->headers.len, ZSW(uri->headers.s), uri->headers.len ); LM_DBG(" uri params:\n transport=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>, proto=%d\n", uri->transport.len, ZSW(uri->transport.s), uri->transport_val.len, ZSW(uri->transport_val.s), uri->proto); LM_DBG(" user-param=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->user_param.len, ZSW(uri->user_param.s), uri->user_param_val.len, ZSW(uri->user_param_val.s)); LM_DBG(" method=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->method.len, ZSW(uri->method.s), uri->method_val.len, ZSW(uri->method_val.s)); LM_DBG(" ttl=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->ttl.len, ZSW(uri->ttl.s), uri->ttl_val.len, ZSW(uri->ttl_val.s)); LM_DBG(" maddr=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->maddr.len, ZSW(uri->maddr.s), uri->maddr_val.len, ZSW(uri->maddr_val.s)); LM_DBG(" lr=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->lr.len, ZSW(uri->lr.s), uri->lr_val.len, ZSW(uri->lr_val.s)); LM_DBG(" r2=<%.*s>, val=<%.*s>\n", uri->r2.len, ZSW(uri->r2.s), uri->r2_val.len, ZSW(uri->r2_val.s)); for(i=0; i<URI_MAX_U_PARAMS && uri->u_name[i].s; i++) LM_DBG("uname=[%p]-><%.*s> uval=[%p]-><%.*s>\n", uri->u_name[i].s, uri->u_name[i].len, uri->u_name[i].s, uri->u_val[i].s, uri->u_val[i].len, uri->u_val[i].s); if (i!=uri->u_params_no) LM_ERR("inconsisten # of u_name:[%d]!=[%d]\n", i, uri->u_params_no); #endif return 0; error_too_short: LM_ERR("uri too short: <%.*s> (%d)\n", len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_bad_char: LM_ERR("bad char '%c' in state %d" " parsed: <%.*s> (%d) / <%.*s> (%d)\n", *p, state, (int)(p-buf), ZSW(buf), (int)(p-buf), len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_bad_host: LM_ERR("bad host in uri (error at char %c in" " state %d) parsed: <%.*s>(%d) /<%.*s> (%d)\n", *p, state, (int)(p-buf), ZSW(buf), (int)(p-buf), len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_bad_port: LM_ERR("bad port in uri (error at char %c in" " state %d) parsed: <%.*s>(%d) /<%.*s> (%d)\n", *p, state, (int)(p-buf), ZSW(buf), (int)(p-buf), len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_bad_uri: LM_ERR("bad uri, state %d parsed: <%.*s> (%d) / <%.*s> (%d)\n", state, (int)(p-buf), ZSW(buf), (int)(p-buf), len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_headers: LM_ERR("bad uri headers: <%.*s>(%d) / <%.*s>(%d)\n", uri->headers.len, ZSW(uri->headers.s), uri->headers.len, len, ZSW(buf), len); goto error_exit; error_bug: LM_CRIT("bad state %d parsed: <%.*s> (%d) / <%.*s> (%d)\n", state, (int)(p-buf), ZSW(buf), (int)(p-buf), len, ZSW(buf), len); error_exit: ser_error=E_BAD_URI; uri->type=ERROR_URI_T; update_stat(bad_URIs, 1); return E_BAD_URI; }
void CameraTrigger::poll(void *arg) { CameraTrigger *trig = reinterpret_cast<CameraTrigger *>(arg); bool updated; orb_check(trig->_vcommand_sub, &updated); if (updated) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), trig->_vcommand_sub, &trig->_command); if(trig->_command.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL) { if(trig->_command.param1 < 1) { if(trig->_trigger_enabled) { trig->_trigger_enabled = false ; } } else if(trig->_command.param1 >= 1) { if(!trig->_trigger_enabled) { trig->_trigger_enabled = true ; } } // Set trigger rate from command if(trig->_command.param2 > 0) { trig->_integration_time = trig->_command.param2; param_set(trig->integration_time, &(trig->_integration_time)); } } } if(!trig->_trigger_enabled) { hrt_call_after(&trig->_pollcall, 1e6, (hrt_callout)&CameraTrigger::poll, trig); return; } else { engage(trig); hrt_call_after(&trig->_firecall, trig->_activation_time*1000, (hrt_callout)&CameraTrigger::disengage, trig); orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), trig->_sensor_sub, &trig->_sensor); trig->_trigger.timestamp = trig->_sensor.timestamp; // get IMU timestamp trig->_trigger.seq = trig->_trigger_seq++; if (trig->_trigger_pub != nullptr) { orb_publish(ORB_ID(camera_trigger), trig->_trigger_pub, &trig->_trigger); } else { trig->_trigger_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(camera_trigger), &trig->_trigger); } hrt_call_after(&trig->_pollcall, (trig->_transfer_time + trig->_integration_time)*1000, (hrt_callout)&CameraTrigger::poll, trig); } }
calibrate_return mag_calibrate_all(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) { calibrate_return result = calibrate_return_ok; mag_worker_data_t worker_data; worker_data.mavlink_log_pub = mavlink_log_pub; worker_data.done_count = 0; worker_data.calibration_points_perside = calibration_total_points / calibration_sides; worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds = calibraton_duration_seconds / calibration_sides; worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_useconds = worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_seconds * 1000 * 1000; // Collect: As defined by configuration // start with a full mask, all six bits set uint32_t cal_mask = (1 << 6) - 1; param_get(param_find("CAL_MAG_SIDES"), &cal_mask); calibration_sides = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(worker_data.side_data_collected) / sizeof(worker_data.side_data_collected[0])); i++) { if ((cal_mask & (1 << i)) > 0) { // mark as missing worker_data.side_data_collected[i] = false; calibration_sides++; } else { // mark as completed from the beginning worker_data.side_data_collected[i] = true; calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] %s side done, rotate to a different side", detect_orientation_str(static_cast<enum detect_orientation_return>(i))); usleep(100000); } } for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { // Initialize to no subscription worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag] = -1; // Initialize to no memory allocated worker_data.x[cur_mag] = NULL; worker_data.y[cur_mag] = NULL; worker_data.z[cur_mag] = NULL; worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = 0; } const unsigned int calibration_points_maxcount = calibration_sides * worker_data.calibration_points_perside; char str[30]; for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { worker_data.x[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount)); worker_data.y[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount)); worker_data.z[cur_mag] = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_points_maxcount)); if (worker_data.x[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.y[cur_mag] == NULL || worker_data.z[cur_mag] == NULL) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] ERROR: out of memory"); result = calibrate_return_error; } } // Setup subscriptions to mag sensors if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { // We should not try to subscribe if the topic doesn't actually exist and can be counted. const unsigned mag_count = orb_group_count(ORB_ID(sensor_mag)); for (unsigned cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < mag_count; cur_mag++) { // Mag in this slot is available worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag] = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), cur_mag); #if defined(__PX4_QURT) || defined(__PX4_POSIX_RPI) // For QURT respectively the driver framework, we need to get the device ID by copying one report. struct mag_report mag_report; orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag], &mag_report); device_ids[cur_mag] = mag_report.device_id; #endif if (worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag] < 0) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] Mag #%u not found, abort", cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; break; } if (device_ids[cur_mag] != 0) { // Get priority int32_t prio; orb_priority(worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag], &prio); if (prio > device_prio_max) { device_prio_max = prio; device_id_primary = device_ids[cur_mag]; } } else { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] Mag #%u no device id, abort", cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; break; } } } // Limit update rate to get equally spaced measurements over time (in ms) if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { if (device_ids[cur_mag] != 0) { // Mag in this slot is available unsigned int orb_interval_msecs = (worker_data.calibration_interval_perside_useconds / 1000) / worker_data.calibration_points_perside; //calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "Orb interval %u msecs", orb_interval_msecs); orb_set_interval(worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag], orb_interval_msecs); } } } if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { int cancel_sub = calibrate_cancel_subscribe(); result = calibrate_from_orientation(mavlink_log_pub, // uORB handle to write output cancel_sub, // Subscription to vehicle_command for cancel support worker_data.side_data_collected, // Sides to calibrate mag_calibration_worker, // Calibration worker &worker_data, // Opaque data for calibration worked true); // true: lenient still detection calibrate_cancel_unsubscribe(cancel_sub); } // Close subscriptions for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { if (worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag] >= 0) { px4_close(worker_data.sub_mag[cur_mag]); } } // Calculate calibration values for each mag float sphere_x[max_mags]; float sphere_y[max_mags]; float sphere_z[max_mags]; float sphere_radius[max_mags]; // Sphere fit the data to get calibration values if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { if (device_ids[cur_mag] != 0) { // Mag in this slot is available and we should have values for it to calibrate sphere_fit_least_squares(worker_data.x[cur_mag], worker_data.y[cur_mag], worker_data.z[cur_mag], worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag], 100, 0.0f, &sphere_x[cur_mag], &sphere_y[cur_mag], &sphere_z[cur_mag], &sphere_radius[cur_mag]); if (!PX4_ISFINITE(sphere_x[cur_mag]) || !PX4_ISFINITE(sphere_y[cur_mag]) || !PX4_ISFINITE(sphere_z[cur_mag])) { calibration_log_emergency(mavlink_log_pub, "ERROR: Retry calibration (sphere NaN, #%u)", cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; } if (fabsf(sphere_x[cur_mag]) > MAG_MAX_OFFSET_LEN || fabsf(sphere_y[cur_mag]) > MAG_MAX_OFFSET_LEN || fabsf(sphere_z[cur_mag]) > MAG_MAX_OFFSET_LEN) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "Warning: %s mag with large offsets", (internal[cur_mag]) ? "autopilot, internal" : "GPS unit, external"); calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "Offsets: x: %8.4f, y: %8.4f, z: %8.4f, #%u", (double)sphere_x[cur_mag], (double)sphere_y[cur_mag], (double)sphere_z[cur_mag], cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_ok; } } } } // Print uncalibrated data points if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { // DO NOT REMOVE! Critical validation data! // printf("RAW DATA:\n--------------------\n"); // for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) { // if (worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] == 0) { // continue; // } // printf("RAW: MAG %u with %u samples:\n", (unsigned)cur_mag, (unsigned)worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]); // for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]; i++) { // float x = worker_data.x[cur_mag][i]; // float y = worker_data.y[cur_mag][i]; // float z = worker_data.z[cur_mag][i]; // printf("%8.4f, %8.4f, %8.4f\n", (double)x, (double)y, (double)z); // } // printf(">>>>>>>\n"); // } // printf("CALIBRATED DATA:\n--------------------\n"); // for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) { // if (worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] == 0) { // continue; // } // printf("Calibrated: MAG %u with %u samples:\n", (unsigned)cur_mag, (unsigned)worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]); // for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_data.calibration_counter_total[cur_mag]; i++) { // float x = worker_data.x[cur_mag][i] - sphere_x[cur_mag]; // float y = worker_data.y[cur_mag][i] - sphere_y[cur_mag]; // float z = worker_data.z[cur_mag][i] - sphere_z[cur_mag]; // printf("%8.4f, %8.4f, %8.4f\n", (double)x, (double)y, (double)z); // } // printf("SPHERE RADIUS: %8.4f\n", (double)sphere_radius[cur_mag]); // printf(">>>>>>>\n"); // } } // Data points are no longer needed for (size_t cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { free(worker_data.x[cur_mag]); free(worker_data.y[cur_mag]); free(worker_data.z[cur_mag]); } if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { for (unsigned cur_mag=0; cur_mag<max_mags; cur_mag++) { if (device_ids[cur_mag] != 0) { struct mag_calibration_s mscale; #if !defined(__PX4_QURT) && !defined(__PX4_POSIX_RPI) int fd_mag = -1; // Set new scale (void)sprintf(str, "%s%u", MAG_BASE_DEVICE_PATH, cur_mag); fd_mag = px4_open(str, 0); if (fd_mag < 0) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] ERROR: unable to open mag device #%u", cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; } if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { if (px4_ioctl(fd_mag, MAGIOCGSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale) != OK) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] ERROR: failed to get current calibration #%u", cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; } } #endif if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { mscale.x_offset = sphere_x[cur_mag]; mscale.y_offset = sphere_y[cur_mag]; mscale.z_offset = sphere_z[cur_mag]; #if !defined(__PX4_QURT) && !defined(__PX4_POSIX_RPI) if (px4_ioctl(fd_mag, MAGIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale) != OK) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_ERROR_APPLY_CAL_MSG, cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; } #endif } #if !defined(__PX4_QURT) && !defined(__PX4_POSIX_RPI) // Mag device no longer needed if (fd_mag >= 0) { px4_close(fd_mag); } #endif if (result == calibrate_return_ok) { bool failed = false; /* set parameters */ (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ID", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(device_ids[cur_mag]))); (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_XOFF", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.x_offset))); (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_YOFF", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.y_offset))); (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ZOFF", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.z_offset))); // FIXME: scaling is not used right now on QURT #ifndef __PX4_QURT (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_XSCALE", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.x_scale))); (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_YSCALE", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.y_scale))); (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ZSCALE", cur_mag); failed |= (OK != param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(mscale.z_scale))); #endif if (failed) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_ERROR_SET_PARAMS_MSG, cur_mag); result = calibrate_return_error; } else { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] mag #%u off: x:%.2f y:%.2f z:%.2f Ga", cur_mag, (double)mscale.x_offset, (double)mscale.y_offset, (double)mscale.z_offset); #ifndef __PX4_QURT calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] mag #%u scale: x:%.2f y:%.2f z:%.2f", cur_mag, (double)mscale.x_scale, (double)mscale.y_scale, (double)mscale.z_scale); #endif usleep(200000); } } } } // Trigger a param set on the last step so the whole // system updates (void)param_set(param_find("CAL_MAG_PRIME"), &(device_id_primary)); } return result; }
void MavlinkParametersManager::handle_message(const mavlink_message_t *msg) { switch (msg->msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_LIST: { /* request all parameters */ mavlink_param_request_list_t req_list; mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(msg, &req_list); if (req_list.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (req_list.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || req_list.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { if (_send_all_index < 0) { _send_all_index = PARAM_HASH; } else { /* a restart should skip the hash check on the ground */ _send_all_index = 0; } } if (req_list.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && req_list.target_component < 127 && (req_list.target_component != mavlink_system.compid || req_list.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { // publish list request to UAVCAN driver via uORB. uavcan_parameter_request_s req; req.message_type = msg->msgid; req.node_id = req_list.target_component; req.param_index = 0; if (_uavcan_parameter_request_pub == nullptr) { _uavcan_parameter_request_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(uavcan_parameter_request), &req); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(uavcan_parameter_request), _uavcan_parameter_request_pub, &req); } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: { /* set parameter */ mavlink_param_set_t set; mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &set); if (set.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (set.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || set.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, set.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* Whatever the value is, we're being told to stop sending */ if (strncmp(name, "_HASH_CHECK", sizeof(name)) == 0) { _send_all_index = -1; /* No other action taken, return */ return; } /* attempt to find parameter, set and send it */ param_t param = param_find_no_notification(name); if (param == PARAM_INVALID) { char buf[MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "[pm] unknown param: %s", name); _mavlink->send_statustext_info(buf); } else { // Load current value before setting it float curr_val; param_get(param, &curr_val); param_set(param, &(set.param_value)); // Check if the parameter changed. If it didn't change, send current value back if (!(fabsf(curr_val - set.param_value) > 0.0f)) { send_param(param); } } } if (set.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && set.target_component < 127 && (set.target_component != mavlink_system.compid || set.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { // publish set request to UAVCAN driver via uORB. uavcan_parameter_request_s req; req.message_type = msg->msgid; req.node_id = set.target_component; req.param_index = -1; strncpy(req.param_id, set.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1); req.param_id[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; if (set.param_type == MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32) { req.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32; req.real_value = set.param_value; } else { int32_t val; memcpy(&val, &set.param_value, sizeof(int32_t)); req.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT64; req.int_value = val; } if (_uavcan_parameter_request_pub == nullptr) { _uavcan_parameter_request_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(uavcan_parameter_request), &req); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(uavcan_parameter_request), _uavcan_parameter_request_pub, &req); } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_READ: { /* request one parameter */ mavlink_param_request_read_t req_read; mavlink_msg_param_request_read_decode(msg, &req_read); if (req_read.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (req_read.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || req_read.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* when no index is given, loop through string ids and compare them */ if (req_read.param_index < 0) { /* XXX: I left this in so older versions of QGC wouldn't break */ if (strncmp(req_read.param_id, HASH_PARAM, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN) == 0) { /* return hash check for cached params */ uint32_t hash = param_hash_check(); /* build the one-off response message */ mavlink_param_value_t param_value; param_value.param_count = param_count_used(); param_value.param_index = -1; strncpy(param_value.param_id, HASH_PARAM, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); param_value.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32; memcpy(¶m_value.param_value, &hash, sizeof(hash)); mavlink_msg_param_value_send_struct(_mavlink->get_channel(), ¶m_value); } else { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, req_read.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* attempt to find parameter and send it */ send_param(param_find_no_notification(name)); } } else { /* when index is >= 0, send this parameter again */ int ret = send_param(param_for_used_index(req_read.param_index)); if (ret == 1) { char buf[MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "[pm] unknown param ID: %u", req_read.param_index); _mavlink->send_statustext_info(buf); } else if (ret == 2) { char buf[MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "[pm] failed loading param from storage ID: %u", req_read.param_index); _mavlink->send_statustext_info(buf); } } } if (req_read.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && req_read.target_component < 127 && (req_read.target_component != mavlink_system.compid || req_read.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { // publish set request to UAVCAN driver via uORB. uavcan_parameter_request_s req = {}; req.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); req.message_type = msg->msgid; req.node_id = req_read.target_component; req.param_index = req_read.param_index; strncpy(req.param_id, req_read.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1); req.param_id[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; // Enque the request and forward the first to the uavcan node enque_uavcan_request(&req); request_next_uavcan_parameter(); } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_MAP_RC: { /* map a rc channel to a parameter */ mavlink_param_map_rc_t map_rc; mavlink_msg_param_map_rc_decode(msg, &map_rc); if (map_rc.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (map_rc.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || map_rc.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* Copy values from msg to uorb using the parameter_rc_channel_index as index */ size_t i = map_rc.parameter_rc_channel_index; _rc_param_map.param_index[i] = map_rc.param_index; strncpy(&(_rc_param_map.param_id[i * (rc_parameter_map_s::PARAM_ID_LEN + 1)]), map_rc.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ _rc_param_map.param_id[i * (rc_parameter_map_s::PARAM_ID_LEN + 1) + rc_parameter_map_s::PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; _rc_param_map.scale[i] = map_rc.scale; _rc_param_map.value0[i] = map_rc.param_value0; _rc_param_map.value_min[i] = map_rc.param_value_min; _rc_param_map.value_max[i] = map_rc.param_value_max; if (map_rc.param_index == -2) { // -2 means unset map _rc_param_map.valid[i] = false; } else { _rc_param_map.valid[i] = true; } _rc_param_map.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); if (_rc_param_map_pub == nullptr) { _rc_param_map_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(rc_parameter_map), &_rc_param_map); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(rc_parameter_map), _rc_param_map_pub, &_rc_param_map); } } break; } default: break; } }
void add_param( std::auto_ptr<T> p) { param_set().add_param( p);}
void do_accel_calibration(int status_pub, struct vehicle_status_s *status, int mavlink_fd) { /* announce change */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "accel calibration started"); /* set to accel calibration mode */ status->flag_preflight_accel_calibration = true; state_machine_publish(status_pub, status, mavlink_fd); /* measure and calculate offsets & scales */ float accel_offs[3]; float accel_scale[3]; int res = do_accel_calibration_mesurements(mavlink_fd, accel_offs, accel_scale); if (res == OK) { /* measurements complete successfully, set parameters */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_XOFF"), &(accel_offs[0])) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_YOFF"), &(accel_offs[1])) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_ZOFF"), &(accel_offs[2])) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_XSCALE"), &(accel_scale[0])) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_YSCALE"), &(accel_scale[1])) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_ZSCALE"), &(accel_scale[2]))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: setting offs or scale failed"); } int fd = open(ACCEL_DEVICE_PATH, 0); struct accel_scale ascale = { accel_offs[0], accel_scale[0], accel_offs[1], accel_scale[1], accel_offs[2], accel_scale[2], }; if (OK != ioctl(fd, ACCELIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&ascale)) warn("WARNING: failed to set scale / offsets for accel"); close(fd); /* auto-save to EEPROM */ int save_ret = param_save_default(); if (save_ret != 0) { warn("WARNING: auto-save of params to storage failed"); } mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "accel calibration done"); tune_confirm(); sleep(2); tune_confirm(); sleep(2); /* third beep by cal end routine */ } else { /* measurements error */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "accel calibration aborted"); tune_error(); sleep(2); } /* exit accel calibration mode */ status->flag_preflight_accel_calibration = false; state_machine_publish(status_pub, status, mavlink_fd); }
int do_airspeed_calibration(int mavlink_fd) { /* give directions */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); const unsigned calibration_count = 2000; int diff_pres_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(differential_pressure)); struct differential_pressure_s diff_pres; float diff_pres_offset = 0.0f; /* Reset sensor parameters */ struct airspeed_scale airscale = { diff_pres_offset, 1.0f, }; bool paramreset_successful = false; int fd = open(AIRSPEED_DEVICE_PATH, 0); if (fd > 0) { if (OK == ioctl(fd, AIRSPEEDIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&airscale)) { paramreset_successful = true; } else { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "airspeed offset zero failed"); } close(fd); } if (!paramreset_successful) { /* only warn if analog scaling is zero */ float analog_scaling = 0.0f; param_get(param_find("SENS_DPRES_ANSC"), &(analog_scaling)); if (fabsf(analog_scaling) < 0.1f) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "If analog sens, retry with [SENS_DPRES_ANSC=1000]"); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } /* set scaling offset parameter */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SET_PARAMS_MSG); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } } unsigned calibration_counter = 0; mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "Ensure sensor is not measuring wind"); usleep(500 * 1000); while (calibration_counter < calibration_count) { /* wait blocking for new data */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = diff_pres_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(differential_pressure), diff_pres_sub, &diff_pres); diff_pres_offset += diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa; calibration_counter++; if (calibration_counter % (calibration_count / 20) == 0) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, (calibration_counter * 80) / calibration_count); } } else if (poll_ret == 0) { /* any poll failure for 1s is a reason to abort */ mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } } diff_pres_offset = diff_pres_offset / calibration_count; if (isfinite(diff_pres_offset)) { int fd_scale = open(AIRSPEED_DEVICE_PATH, 0); airscale.offset_pa = diff_pres_offset; if (fd_scale > 0) { if (OK != ioctl(fd_scale, AIRSPEEDIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&airscale)) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "airspeed offset update failed"); } close(fd_scale); } if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SET_PARAMS_MSG); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } /* auto-save to EEPROM */ int save_ret = param_save_default(); if (save_ret != 0) { warn("WARNING: auto-save of params to storage failed"); mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "Offset of %d Pa, create airflow now!", (int)diff_pres_offset); /* wait 500 ms to ensure parameter propagated through the system */ usleep(500 * 1000); calibration_counter = 0; const int maxcount = 3000; /* just take a few samples and make sure pitot tubes are not reversed, timeout after ~30 seconds */ while (calibration_counter < maxcount) { /* wait blocking for new data */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = diff_pres_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(differential_pressure), diff_pres_sub, &diff_pres); calibration_counter++; if (fabsf(diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa) < 50.0f) { if (calibration_counter % 100 == 0) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "Missing airflow! (%d, wanted: 50 Pa, #h101)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); } continue; } /* do not allow negative values */ if (diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa < 0.0f) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "negative pressure: ERROR (%d Pa)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "%d Pa: swap static and dynamic ports!", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); close(diff_pres_sub); /* the user setup is wrong, wipe the calibration to force a proper re-calibration */ diff_pres_offset = 0.0f; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SET_PARAMS_MSG); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } /* save */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 0); (void)param_save_default(); close(diff_pres_sub); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); return ERROR; } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "positive pressure: OK (%d Pa)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); break; } } else if (poll_ret == 0) { /* any poll failure for 1s is a reason to abort */ mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } } if (calibration_counter == maxcount) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); close(diff_pres_sub); return ERROR; } mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 100); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); tune_neutral(true); close(diff_pres_sub); return OK; }
void Mavlink::mavlink_pm_message_handler(const mavlink_channel_t chan, const mavlink_message_t *msg) { switch (msg->msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_LIST: { mavlink_param_request_list_t req; mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(msg, &req); if (req.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && (req.target_component == mavlink_system.compid || req.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) { /* Start sending parameters */ mavlink_pm_start_queued_send(); send_statustext_info("[pm] sending list"); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: { /* Handle parameter setting */ if (msg->msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET) { mavlink_param_set_t mavlink_param_set; mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &mavlink_param_set); if (mavlink_param_set.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && ((mavlink_param_set.target_component == mavlink_system.compid) || (mavlink_param_set.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL))) { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, mavlink_param_set.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* attempt to find parameter, set and send it */ param_t param = param_find(name); if (param == PARAM_INVALID) { char buf[MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "[pm] unknown: %s", name); send_statustext_info(buf); } else { /* set and send parameter */ param_set(param, &(mavlink_param_set.param_value)); mavlink_pm_send_param(param); } } } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_READ: { mavlink_param_request_read_t mavlink_param_request_read; mavlink_msg_param_request_read_decode(msg, &mavlink_param_request_read); if (mavlink_param_request_read.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && ((mavlink_param_request_read.target_component == mavlink_system.compid) || (mavlink_param_request_read.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL))) { /* when no index is given, loop through string ids and compare them */ if (mavlink_param_request_read.param_index == -1) { /* local name buffer to enforce null-terminated string */ char name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, mavlink_param_request_read.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); /* enforce null termination */ name[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = '\0'; /* attempt to find parameter and send it */ mavlink_pm_send_param_for_name(name); } else { /* when index is >= 0, send this parameter again */ mavlink_pm_send_param_for_index(mavlink_param_request_read.param_index); } } } break; } }
int do_mag_calibration(int mavlink_fd) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "don't move system"); /* 45 seconds */ uint64_t calibration_interval = 45 * 1000 * 1000; /* maximum 500 values */ const unsigned int calibration_maxcount = 500; unsigned int calibration_counter; struct mag_scale mscale_null = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; int res = OK; /* erase old calibration */ int fd = open(MAG_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY); res = ioctl(fd, MAGIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale_null); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_RESET_CAL_MSG); } if (res == OK) { /* calibrate range */ res = ioctl(fd, MAGIOCCALIBRATE, fd); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "Skipped scale calibration"); /* this is non-fatal - mark it accordingly */ res = OK; } } close(fd); float *x = NULL; float *y = NULL; float *z = NULL; if (res == OK) { /* allocate memory */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 20); x = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_maxcount)); y = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_maxcount)); z = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(sizeof(float) * calibration_maxcount)); if (x == NULL || y == NULL || z == NULL) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: out of memory"); res = ERROR; return res; } } else { /* exit */ return ERROR; } if (res == OK) { int sub_mag = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_mag)); struct mag_report mag; /* limit update rate to get equally spaced measurements over time (in ms) */ orb_set_interval(sub_mag, (calibration_interval / 1000) / calibration_maxcount); /* calibrate offsets */ uint64_t calibration_deadline = hrt_absolute_time() + calibration_interval; unsigned poll_errcount = 0; mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "rotate in a figure 8 around all axis"); calibration_counter = 0; while (hrt_absolute_time() < calibration_deadline && calibration_counter < calibration_maxcount) { /* wait blocking for new data */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = sub_mag; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret > 0) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), sub_mag, &mag); x[calibration_counter] = mag.x; y[calibration_counter] = mag.y; z[calibration_counter] = mag.z; calibration_counter++; if (calibration_counter % (calibration_maxcount / 20) == 0) mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 20 + (calibration_counter * 50) / calibration_maxcount); } else { poll_errcount++; } if (poll_errcount > 1000) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SENSOR_MSG); res = ERROR; break; } } close(sub_mag); } float sphere_x; float sphere_y; float sphere_z; float sphere_radius; if (res == OK) { /* sphere fit */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 70); sphere_fit_least_squares(x, y, z, calibration_counter, 100, 0.0f, &sphere_x, &sphere_y, &sphere_z, &sphere_radius); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 80); if (!isfinite(sphere_x) || !isfinite(sphere_y) || !isfinite(sphere_z)) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: NaN in sphere fit"); res = ERROR; } } if (x != NULL) free(x); if (y != NULL) free(y); if (z != NULL) free(z); if (res == OK) { /* apply calibration and set parameters */ struct mag_scale mscale; fd = open(MAG_DEVICE_PATH, 0); res = ioctl(fd, MAGIOCGSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "ERROR: failed to get current calibration"); } if (res == OK) { mscale.x_offset = sphere_x; mscale.y_offset = sphere_y; mscale.z_offset = sphere_z; res = ioctl(fd, MAGIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_APPLY_CAL_MSG); } } close(fd); if (res == OK) { /* set parameters */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_XOFF"), &(mscale.x_offset))) res = ERROR; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_YOFF"), &(mscale.y_offset))) res = ERROR; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_ZOFF"), &(mscale.z_offset))) res = ERROR; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_XSCALE"), &(mscale.x_scale))) res = ERROR; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_YSCALE"), &(mscale.y_scale))) res = ERROR; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_MAG_ZSCALE"), &(mscale.z_scale))) res = ERROR; if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SET_PARAMS_MSG); } mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_PROGRESS_MSG, sensor_name, 90); } if (res == OK) { /* auto-save to EEPROM */ res = param_save_default(); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); } } mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "mag off: x:%.2f y:%.2f z:%.2f Ga", (double)mscale.x_offset, (double)mscale.y_offset, (double)mscale.z_offset); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "mag scale: x:%.2f y:%.2f z:%.2f", (double)mscale.x_scale, (double)mscale.y_scale, (double)mscale.z_scale); if (res == OK) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); } } return res; }
CameraTrigger::CameraTrigger() : _engagecall {}, _disengagecall {}, _engage_turn_on_off_call {}, _disengage_turn_on_off_call {}, _keepalivecall_up {}, _keepalivecall_down {}, _activation_time(0.5f /* ms */), _interval(100.0f /* ms */), _distance(25.0f /* m */), _trigger_seq(0), _trigger_enabled(false), _trigger_paused(false), _one_shot(false), _test_shot(false), _turning_on(false), _last_shoot_position(0.0f, 0.0f), _valid_position(false), _command_sub(-1), _lpos_sub(-1), _trigger_pub(nullptr), _cmd_ack_pub(nullptr), _trigger_mode(TRIGGER_MODE_NONE), _camera_interface_mode(CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GPIO), _camera_interface(nullptr) { // Initiate camera interface based on camera_interface_mode if (_camera_interface != nullptr) { delete (_camera_interface); // set to zero to ensure parser is not used while not instantiated _camera_interface = nullptr; } memset(&_work, 0, sizeof(_work)); // Parameters _p_interval = param_find("TRIG_INTERVAL"); _p_distance = param_find("TRIG_DISTANCE"); _p_activation_time = param_find("TRIG_ACT_TIME"); _p_mode = param_find("TRIG_MODE"); _p_interface = param_find("TRIG_INTERFACE"); param_get(_p_activation_time, &_activation_time); param_get(_p_interval, &_interval); param_get(_p_distance, &_distance); param_get(_p_mode, &_trigger_mode); param_get(_p_interface, &_camera_interface_mode); switch (_camera_interface_mode) { #ifdef __PX4_NUTTX case CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GPIO: _camera_interface = new CameraInterfaceGPIO(); break; case CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GENERIC_PWM: _camera_interface = new CameraInterfacePWM(); break; case CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_SEAGULL_MAP2_PWM: _camera_interface = new CameraInterfaceSeagull(); break; #endif case CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_MAVLINK: // start an interface that does nothing. Instead mavlink will listen to the camera_trigger uORB message _camera_interface = new CameraInterface(); break; default: PX4_ERR("unknown camera interface mode: %i", (int)_camera_interface_mode); break; } // Enforce a lower bound on the activation interval in PWM modes to not miss // engage calls in-between 50Hz PWM pulses. (see PX4 PR #6973) if ((_activation_time < 40.0f) && (_camera_interface_mode == CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_GENERIC_PWM || _camera_interface_mode == CAMERA_INTERFACE_MODE_SEAGULL_MAP2_PWM)) { _activation_time = 40.0f; PX4_WARN("Trigger interval too low for PWM interface, setting to 40 ms"); param_set(_p_activation_time, &(_activation_time)); } // Advertise critical publishers here, because we cannot advertise in interrupt context struct camera_trigger_s trigger = {}; _trigger_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(camera_trigger), &trigger); }
int do_accel_calibration(int mavlink_fd) { int fd; mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); struct accel_scale accel_scale = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; int res = OK; /* reset all offsets to zero and all scales to one */ fd = open(ACCEL_DEVICE_PATH, 0); res = ioctl(fd, ACCELIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&accel_scale); close(fd); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_RESET_CAL_MSG); } float accel_offs[3]; float accel_T[3][3]; if (res == OK) { /* measure and calculate offsets & scales */ res = do_accel_calibration_measurements(mavlink_fd, accel_offs, accel_T); } if (res == OK) { /* measurements completed successfully, rotate calibration values */ param_t board_rotation_h = param_find("SENS_BOARD_ROT"); int32_t board_rotation_int; param_get(board_rotation_h, &(board_rotation_int)); enum Rotation board_rotation_id = (enum Rotation)board_rotation_int; math::Matrix<3, 3> board_rotation; get_rot_matrix(board_rotation_id, &board_rotation); math::Matrix<3, 3> board_rotation_t = board_rotation.transposed(); math::Vector<3> accel_offs_vec(&accel_offs[0]); math::Vector<3> accel_offs_rotated = board_rotation_t *accel_offs_vec; math::Matrix<3, 3> accel_T_mat(&accel_T[0][0]); math::Matrix<3, 3> accel_T_rotated = board_rotation_t *accel_T_mat * board_rotation; accel_scale.x_offset = accel_offs_rotated(0); accel_scale.x_scale = accel_T_rotated(0, 0); accel_scale.y_offset = accel_offs_rotated(1); accel_scale.y_scale = accel_T_rotated(1, 1); accel_scale.z_offset = accel_offs_rotated(2); accel_scale.z_scale = accel_T_rotated(2, 2); /* set parameters */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_XOFF"), &(accel_scale.x_offset)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_YOFF"), &(accel_scale.y_offset)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_ZOFF"), &(accel_scale.z_offset)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_XSCALE"), &(accel_scale.x_scale)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_YSCALE"), &(accel_scale.y_scale)) || param_set(param_find("SENS_ACC_ZSCALE"), &(accel_scale.z_scale))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SET_PARAMS_MSG); res = ERROR; } } if (res == OK) { /* apply new scaling and offsets */ fd = open(ACCEL_DEVICE_PATH, 0); res = ioctl(fd, ACCELIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&accel_scale); close(fd); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_APPLY_CAL_MSG); } } if (res == OK) { /* auto-save to EEPROM */ res = param_save_default(); if (res != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); } } if (res == OK) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); } return res; }
int do_mag_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); struct mag_calibration_s mscale_null; mscale_null.x_offset = 0.0f; mscale_null.x_scale = 1.0f; mscale_null.y_offset = 0.0f; mscale_null.y_scale = 1.0f; mscale_null.z_offset = 0.0f; mscale_null.z_scale = 1.0f; int result = OK; // Determine which mags are available and reset each char str[30]; for (size_t i=0; i<max_mags; i++) { device_ids[i] = 0; // signals no mag } for (unsigned cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) { #ifndef __PX4_QURT // Reset mag id to mag not available (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ID", cur_mag); result = param_set_no_notification(param_find(str), &(device_ids[cur_mag])); if (result != OK) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] Unable to reset CAL_MAG%u_ID", cur_mag); break; } #else (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_XOFF", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.x_offset); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_YOFF", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.y_offset); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ZOFF", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.z_offset); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_XSCALE", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.x_scale); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_YSCALE", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.y_scale); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } (void)sprintf(str, "CAL_MAG%u_ZSCALE", cur_mag); result = param_set(param_find(str), &mscale_null.z_scale); if (result != OK) { PX4_ERR("unable to reset %s", str); } #endif /* for calibration, commander will run on apps, so orb messages are used to get info from dsp */ #ifndef __PX4_QURT // Attempt to open mag (void)sprintf(str, "%s%u", MAG_BASE_DEVICE_PATH, cur_mag); int fd = px4_open(str, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { continue; } // Get device id for this mag device_ids[cur_mag] = px4_ioctl(fd, DEVIOCGDEVICEID, 0); internal[cur_mag] = (px4_ioctl(fd, MAGIOCGEXTERNAL, 0) <= 0); // Reset mag scale result = px4_ioctl(fd, MAGIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&mscale_null); if (result != OK) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_ERROR_RESET_CAL_MSG, cur_mag); } /* calibrate range */ if (result == OK) { result = px4_ioctl(fd, MAGIOCCALIBRATE, fd); if (result != OK) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "[cal] Skipped scale calibration, sensor %u", cur_mag); /* this is non-fatal - mark it accordingly */ result = OK; } } px4_close(fd); #endif } // Calibrate all mags at the same time if (result == OK) { switch (mag_calibrate_all(mavlink_log_pub, device_ids)) { case calibrate_return_cancelled: // Cancel message already displayed, we're done here result = ERROR; break; case calibrate_return_ok: /* auto-save to EEPROM */ result = param_save_default(); /* if there is a any preflight-check system response, let the barrage of messages through */ usleep(200000); if (result == OK) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, 100); calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); break; } else { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_ERROR_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); } // Fall through default: calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, sensor_name); break; } } /* give this message enough time to propagate */ usleep(600000); return result; }
int do_airspeed_calibration(int mavlink_fd) { int result = OK; unsigned calibration_counter = 0; const unsigned maxcount = 3000; /* give directions */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_QGC_STARTED_MSG, sensor_name); const unsigned calibration_count = 2000; int diff_pres_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(differential_pressure)); struct differential_pressure_s diff_pres; float diff_pres_offset = 0.0f; /* Reset sensor parameters */ struct airspeed_scale airscale = { diff_pres_offset, 1.0f, }; bool paramreset_successful = false; int fd = px4_open(AIRSPEED0_DEVICE_PATH, 0); if (fd > 0) { if (OK == px4_ioctl(fd, AIRSPEEDIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&airscale)) { paramreset_successful = true; } else { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] airspeed offset zero failed"); } px4_close(fd); } int cancel_sub = calibrate_cancel_subscribe(); if (!paramreset_successful) { /* only warn if analog scaling is zero */ float analog_scaling = 0.0f; param_get(param_find("SENS_DPRES_ANSC"), &(analog_scaling)); if (fabsf(analog_scaling) < 0.1f) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] No airspeed sensor, see"); goto error_return; } /* set scaling offset parameter */ if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_ERROR_SET_PARAMS_MSG); goto error_return; } } mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Ensure sensor is not measuring wind"); usleep(500 * 1000); while (calibration_counter < calibration_count) { if (calibrate_cancel_check(mavlink_fd, cancel_sub)) { goto error_return; } /* wait blocking for new data */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1]; fds[0].fd = diff_pres_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(differential_pressure), diff_pres_sub, &diff_pres); diff_pres_offset += diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa; calibration_counter++; if (calibration_counter % (calibration_count / 20) == 0) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, (calibration_counter * 80) / calibration_count); } } else if (poll_ret == 0) { /* any poll failure for 1s is a reason to abort */ feedback_calibration_failed(mavlink_fd); goto error_return; } } diff_pres_offset = diff_pres_offset / calibration_count; if (PX4_ISFINITE(diff_pres_offset)) { int fd_scale = px4_open(AIRSPEED0_DEVICE_PATH, 0); airscale.offset_pa = diff_pres_offset; if (fd_scale > 0) { if (OK != px4_ioctl(fd_scale, AIRSPEEDIOCSSCALE, (long unsigned int)&airscale)) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] airspeed offset update failed"); } px4_close(fd_scale); } if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_ERROR_SET_PARAMS_MSG); goto error_return; } /* auto-save to EEPROM */ int save_ret = param_save_default(); if (save_ret != 0) { warn("WARNING: auto-save of params to storage failed"); mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_ERROR_SAVE_PARAMS_MSG); goto error_return; } } else { feedback_calibration_failed(mavlink_fd); goto error_return; } mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Offset of %d Pascal", (int)diff_pres_offset); /* wait 500 ms to ensure parameter propagated through the system */ usleep(500 * 1000); mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Create airflow now"); calibration_counter = 0; /* just take a few samples and make sure pitot tubes are not reversed, timeout after ~30 seconds */ while (calibration_counter < maxcount) { if (calibrate_cancel_check(mavlink_fd, cancel_sub)) { goto error_return; } /* wait blocking for new data */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1]; fds[0].fd = diff_pres_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int poll_ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000); if (poll_ret) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(differential_pressure), diff_pres_sub, &diff_pres); calibration_counter++; if (fabsf(diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa) < 50.0f) { if (calibration_counter % 500 == 0) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Create air pressure! (got %d, wanted: 50 Pa)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); } continue; } /* do not allow negative values */ if (diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa < 0.0f) { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Negative pressure difference detected (%d Pa)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Swap static and dynamic ports!"); /* the user setup is wrong, wipe the calibration to force a proper re-calibration */ diff_pres_offset = 0.0f; if (param_set(param_find("SENS_DPRES_OFF"), &(diff_pres_offset))) { mavlink_log_critical(mavlink_fd, CAL_ERROR_SET_PARAMS_MSG); goto error_return; } /* save */ mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, 0); (void)param_save_default(); feedback_calibration_failed(mavlink_fd); goto error_return; } else { mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[cal] Positive pressure: OK (%d Pa)", (int)diff_pres.differential_pressure_raw_pa); break; } } else if (poll_ret == 0) { /* any poll failure for 1s is a reason to abort */ feedback_calibration_failed(mavlink_fd); goto error_return; } } if (calibration_counter == maxcount) { feedback_calibration_failed(mavlink_fd); goto error_return; } mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, 100); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, CAL_QGC_DONE_MSG, sensor_name); tune_neutral(true); normal_return: calibrate_cancel_unsubscribe(cancel_sub); px4_close(diff_pres_sub); // This give a chance for the log messages to go out of the queue before someone else stomps on then sleep(1); return result; error_return: result = ERROR; goto normal_return; }
void popup_param_t::item_picked( int index) { param_set()->begin_edit(); set_value( index); param_set()->end_edit(); }
static void do_set(const char *name, const char *val, bool fail_on_not_found) { int32_t i; float f; param_t param = param_find(name); /* set nothing if parameter cannot be found */ if (param == PARAM_INVALID) { /* param not found - fail silenty in scripts as it prevents booting */ errx(((fail_on_not_found) ? 1 : 0), "Error: Parameter %s not found.", name); } printf("%c %s: ", param_value_unsaved(param) ? '*' : (param_value_is_default(param) ? ' ' : '+'), param_name(param)); /* * Set parameter if type is known and conversion from string to value turns out fine */ switch (param_type(param)) { case PARAM_TYPE_INT32: if (!param_get(param, &i)) { /* convert string */ char *end; int32_t newval = strtol(val, &end, 10); if (i == newval) { printf("unchanged\n"); } else { printf("curr: %d", i); param_set(param, &newval); printf(" -> new: %d\n", newval); } } break; case PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT: if (!param_get(param, &f)) { /* convert string */ char *end; float newval = strtod(val, &end); #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" if (f == newval) { #pragma GCC diagnostic pop printf("unchanged\n"); } else { printf("curr: %4.4f", (double)f); param_set(param, &newval); printf(" -> new: %4.4f\n", (double)newval); } } break; default: errx(1, "<unknown / unsupported type %d>\n", 0 + param_type(param)); } exit(0); }
static void radio_init(void) { __pdata uint32_t freq_min, freq_max; __pdata uint32_t channel_spacing; __pdata uint8_t txpower; // Do generic PHY initialisation if (!radio_initialise()) { panic("radio_initialise failed"); } switch (g_board_frequency) { case FREQ_433: freq_min = 433050000UL; freq_max = 434790000UL; txpower = 10; num_fh_channels = 10; break; case FREQ_470: freq_min = 470000000UL; freq_max = 471000000UL; txpower = 10; num_fh_channels = 10; break; case FREQ_868: freq_min = 868000000UL; freq_max = 869000000UL; txpower = 10; num_fh_channels = 10; break; case FREQ_915: freq_min = 915000000UL; freq_max = 928000000UL; txpower = 20; num_fh_channels = MAX_FREQ_CHANNELS; break; default: freq_min = 0; freq_max = 0; txpower = 0; panic("bad board frequency %d", g_board_frequency); break; } if (param_get(PARAM_NUM_CHANNELS) != 0) { num_fh_channels = param_get(PARAM_NUM_CHANNELS); } if (param_get(PARAM_MIN_FREQ) != 0) { freq_min = param_get(PARAM_MIN_FREQ) * 1000UL; } if (param_get(PARAM_MAX_FREQ) != 0) { freq_max = param_get(PARAM_MAX_FREQ) * 1000UL; } if (param_get(PARAM_TXPOWER) != 0) { txpower = param_get(PARAM_TXPOWER); } // constrain power and channels txpower = constrain(txpower, BOARD_MINTXPOWER, BOARD_MAXTXPOWER); num_fh_channels = constrain(num_fh_channels, 1, MAX_FREQ_CHANNELS); // double check ranges the board can do switch (g_board_frequency) { case FREQ_433: freq_min = constrain(freq_min, 414000000UL, 460000000UL); freq_max = constrain(freq_max, 414000000UL, 460000000UL); break; case FREQ_470: freq_min = constrain(freq_min, 450000000UL, 490000000UL); freq_max = constrain(freq_max, 450000000UL, 490000000UL); break; case FREQ_868: freq_min = constrain(freq_min, 849000000UL, 889000000UL); freq_max = constrain(freq_max, 849000000UL, 889000000UL); break; case FREQ_915: freq_min = constrain(freq_min, 868000000UL, 935000000UL); freq_max = constrain(freq_max, 868000000UL, 935000000UL); break; default: panic("bad board frequency %d", g_board_frequency); break; } if (freq_max == freq_min) { freq_max = freq_min + 1000000UL; } // get the duty cycle we will use duty_cycle = param_get(PARAM_DUTY_CYCLE); duty_cycle = constrain(duty_cycle, 0, 100); param_set(PARAM_DUTY_CYCLE, duty_cycle); // get the LBT threshold we will use lbt_rssi = param_get(PARAM_LBT_RSSI); if (lbt_rssi != 0) { // limit to the RSSI valid range lbt_rssi = constrain(lbt_rssi, 25, 220); } param_set(PARAM_LBT_RSSI, lbt_rssi); // sanity checks param_set(PARAM_MIN_FREQ, freq_min/1000); param_set(PARAM_MAX_FREQ, freq_max/1000); param_set(PARAM_NUM_CHANNELS, num_fh_channels); channel_spacing = (freq_max - freq_min) / (num_fh_channels+2); // add half of the channel spacing, to ensure that we are well // away from the edges of the allowed range freq_min += channel_spacing/2; // add another offset based on network ID. This means that // with different network IDs we will have much lower // interference srand(param_get(PARAM_NETID)); if (num_fh_channels > 5) { freq_min += ((unsigned long)(rand()*625)) % channel_spacing; } debug("freq low=%lu high=%lu spacing=%lu\n", freq_min, freq_min+(num_fh_channels*channel_spacing), channel_spacing); // set the frequency and channel spacing // change base freq based on netid radio_set_frequency(freq_min); // set channel spacing radio_set_channel_spacing(channel_spacing); // start on a channel chosen by network ID radio_set_channel(param_get(PARAM_NETID) % num_fh_channels); // And intilise the radio with them. if (!radio_configure(param_get(PARAM_AIR_SPEED)) && !radio_configure(param_get(PARAM_AIR_SPEED)) && !radio_configure(param_get(PARAM_AIR_SPEED))) { panic("radio_configure failed"); } // report the real air data rate in parameters param_set(PARAM_AIR_SPEED, radio_air_rate()); // setup network ID radio_set_network_id(param_get(PARAM_NETID)); // setup transmit power radio_set_transmit_power(txpower); // report the real transmit power in settings param_set(PARAM_TXPOWER, radio_get_transmit_power()); #ifdef USE_RTC // initialise real time clock rtc_init(); #endif // initialise frequency hopping system fhop_init(param_get(PARAM_NETID)); // initialise TDM system tdm_init(); }
void HttpHandler::handle_update(const char* method, const char* path, const http_options* options, int fd) { const char *action = NULL; const char *fast_level = NULL; const char *fast_enabled = NULL; const char *suppression = NULL; const char *http_thread = NULL; const char *resolution = NULL; syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received HTTP Request: %s", path); if (!(action = net_http_option(options, "action"))) { goto bad_request; } syslog(LOG_INFO, "action=%s", action); if (string(action) == "set") { if ((fast_level = net_http_option(options, "level"))) { if (param_set(PARAM_LEVEL, fast_level, 1) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to set parameter: %s to: %s", PARAM_LEVEL, fast_level); goto server_error; } } else if ((suppression = net_http_option(options, "suppression"))) { if (param_set(PARAM_SUPPRESSION, suppression, 1) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to set parameter: %s to: %s", PARAM_SUPPRESSION, suppression); goto server_error; } } else if ((http_thread = net_http_option(options, "http_thread"))) { if(threadHandler->is_running()) threadHandler->stop_thread_request(); } else if ((resolution = net_http_option(options, "res"))) { if (param_set(PARAM_RES, resolution, 1) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to set parameter: %s to: %s", PARAM_RES, resolution); goto server_error; } resolution_changed = true; } if (net_http_send_headers(fd, HTTP_TIMEOUT, txt_HTTP_HEADER_200, txt_Content_Type_text_html_utf8, txt_CRLF, NULL) < 0) { goto response_failure; } syslog(LOG_INFO, "Response sent!"); close(fd); return; } bad_request: syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Bad Request!"); if (net_http_send_string_utf8(fd, HTTP_TIMEOUT, txt_HTTP_RESPONSE_400) < 0) { goto response_failure; } close(fd); return; response_failure: syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to send HTTP response!"); close(fd); return; server_error: if (net_http_send_string_utf8(fd, HTTP_TIMEOUT, txt_HTTP_RESPONSE_500) < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to send HTTP response!"); } close(fd); net_http_cleanup(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }