コード例 #1
ファイル: RI_RRASM_Parser.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/RibTools
void Parser::doParse( DUT::MemFile &file )
	char		lineBuff[1024];
	Section		curSection = SEC_UNDEF;
	int			lineCnt = 0;

	while ( file.ReadTextLine( lineBuff, sizeof(lineBuff) ) )
		char	lineWork[1024];

		strcpy_s( lineWork, lineBuff );

		stripComments( lineWork );

		DUT::StrStripBeginEndWhite( lineWork );

		if NOT( lineWork[0] )

			if ( handleShaderTypeDef( lineWork, curSection ) )

			if ( 0 == strcasecmp( lineWork, ".data" ) )
				curSection = SEC_DATA;
			if ( 0 == strcasecmp( lineWork, ".code" ) )
				curSection = SEC_CODE;
			if ( curSection == SEC_DATA )
				parseDataLine( lineWork, lineCnt );
			if ( curSection == SEC_CODE )
				parseCodeLine( lineWork, lineCnt );
		catch ( ... )
			printf( "For shader '%s' at line %i\n%i) %s\n", mpName, lineCnt+1, lineCnt+1, lineBuff );


	if ( mpShader->mType == SVM::Shader::TYPE_UNKNOWN )
		onError( "Shader type undefined !" );
コード例 #2
ファイル: replayrobot.cpp プロジェクト: Sosi/lpzrobots
 int ReplayRobot::getSensors(sensor* s, int sensornumber){
   assert(sensornumber == (sensorEnd-sensorStart + 1));
     cout << "ReplayRobot: no datafile in file" << endl;
     sensors=sensors.rows(sensorStart, sensorEnd);
   sensors.convertToBuffer(s,sensorEnd-sensorStart + 1);
   return sensorEnd-sensorStart + 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: genome.cpp プロジェクト: hermann-p/segemehl-visual
void Genome::read ( std::ifstream& input ) {
  log("Genome: reading file...");
  unsigned int L(1);                         // line counter
  LockFreeQueue<std::vector<std::string>> q;
  auto readerTask = [&q,&input]() {
    debug("Starting reader thread...");
      for (std::string line; getline(input, line);) {
	q.push(strsplit(line, "\t"));
      debug("All data read and tokenized, closing reader rhread");
  auto parserTask = [&q,&L,this]() {
    debug("Starting parser thread...");
    std::vector<std::string> splits;
    while(q.pop(splits)) {
      assume(parseDataLine(splits), "Could not parse data in line " + std::to_string(L), false);
    debug("All tokens processed, closing parser thread");
  // read and parse header lines sequentially
  for (std::string line; getline(input, line);) {
    //    std::cout << "Line #" << L << std::endl;
    if (line[0] == '@') {
      assume(parseHeaderLine(line), "Could not parse header in line " + std::to_string(L), false);
    else {
      break;  // header lines parsed, break and begin threaded processing
  // init and start threads
  std::thread readerThread(readerTask);
  std::thread parserThread(parserTask);
  // wait for threads to finish
  if (multistrand != nullptr) {
    log("Found " + std::to_string(multistrand->size()) + " strand switching events");
  if (circular != nullptr) {
    log("Found " + std::to_string(circular->size()) + " circular transcripts");

コード例 #4
void AzSvDataS::readData_Large(const char *data_fn,
                         int expected_f_num,
                         /*---  output  ---*/
                         AzSmat *m_feat,
                         int max_data_num)
  const char *eyec = "AzSvDataS::readData_Large";

  /*---  find the number of lines and the maximum line length  ---*/
  AzIntArr ia_line_len;
  AzFile::scan(data_fn, 1024*1024, &ia_line_len, max_data_num+1);  /* +1 for sparse indicator */

  int data_num = ia_line_len.size();
  int max_line_len = ia_line_len.max();
  if (data_num <= 0) {
    throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "Empty data");

  AzBytArr ba_buff;
  AzByte *buff = ba_buff.reset(max_line_len+256, 0); /* +256 just in case */

  /*---  1st line indicates sparse/dense  ---*/
  AzFile file(data_fn);

  int line0_len = file.gets(buff, max_line_len);
  AzBytArr s_line0(buff, line0_len);

  int line_no = 0;
  bool isSparse = false;
  int f_num = if_sparse(s_line0, expected_f_num);
  if (f_num > 0) {
    isSparse = true;
    --data_num; /* b/c 1st line is information */
    if (data_num <= 0) {
      throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "Empty sparse data file");
    line_no = 1; /* first data line */
  else {
    f_num = expected_f_num;
    if (f_num <= 0) {
      const AzByte *line0 = s_line0.point();
      f_num = countFeatures(line0, line0+line0_len);
    if (f_num <= 0) {
      throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "No feature in the first line");
    file.seek(0);  /* rewind to the beginning */

  /*---  read features  ---*/
  if (max_data_num > 0) {
    data_num = MIN(data_num, max_data_num);
  m_feat->reform(f_num, data_num);

  int dx;
  for (dx = 0; dx < data_num; ++dx, ++line_no) {
    int len = ia_line_len.get(line_no);
    file.readBytes(buff, len);
    buff[len] = '\0';  /* to make it a C string */
    if (isSparse) {
      parseDataLine_Sparse(buff, len, f_num, data_fn, line_no+1,
                    m_feat, dx);
    else {
      parseDataLine(buff, len, f_num, data_fn, line_no+1,
                    m_feat, dx);
コード例 #5
void AzSvDataS::readData_Small(const char *data_fn,
                         int expected_f_num,
                         /*---  output  ---*/
                         AzSmat *m_feat)
  const char *eyec = "AzSvDataS::readData_Small";

  AzFile file(data_fn);
  int file_size = file.size();
  AzBytArr bq_data;
  AzByte *data = bq_data.reset(file_size+1, 0);
  file.seekReadBytes(0, file_size, data);

  const char *data_end = (char *)data + file_size;
  const char *wp = (char *)data;
  AzIIarr iia_begin_end;
  for ( ; ; ) {
    if (wp >= data_end) break;
    const char *next_wp = strchr(wp, '\n');
    if (next_wp == NULL) next_wp = data_end;
    iia_begin_end.put(Az64::ptr_diff(wp-(char *)data),
                      Az64::ptr_diff(next_wp-(char *)data));
    wp = next_wp+1;

  int data_num = iia_begin_end.size();
  if (data_num <= 0) {
    throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "Empty data");

  bool isSparse = false;
  int offs0, offs1;
  iia_begin_end.get(0, &offs0, &offs1);
  AzBytArr s_first_line(data+offs0, offs1-offs0);
  int f_num = if_sparse(s_first_line, expected_f_num);
  if (f_num > 0) {
    isSparse = true;
    --data_num; /* b/c 1st line is information */
    if (data_num <= 0) {
      throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "Empty sparse data file");
  else {
    f_num = expected_f_num;
    if (f_num <= 0) {
      f_num = countFeatures(data+offs0, data+offs1);
    if (f_num <= 0) {
      throw new AzException(AzInputNotValid, eyec, "No feature in the first line");

  m_feat->reform(f_num, data_num);

  /*---  read features  ---*/
  int dx;
  for (dx = 0; dx < data_num; ++dx) {
    int line_no = dx + 1;
    if (isSparse) {
      int offs0, offs1;
      iia_begin_end.get(dx+1, &offs0, &offs1); /* +1 for 1st line */
      parseDataLine_Sparse(data+offs0, offs1-offs0, f_num, data_fn,
                    line_no+1, /* "+1" for the header */
                    m_feat, dx);
    else {
      int offs0, offs1;
      iia_begin_end.get(dx, &offs0, &offs1);
      parseDataLine(data+offs0, offs1-offs0, f_num, data_fn, line_no,
                    m_feat, dx);