ActionWithVessel::ActionWithVessel(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), serial(false), lowmem(false), contributorsAreUnlocked(false), weightHasDerivatives(false) { maxderivatives=309; parse("MAXDERIVATIVES",maxderivatives); if( keywords.exists("SERIAL") ) parseFlag("SERIAL",serial); else serial=true; if(serial)log.printf(" doing calculation in serial\n"); if( keywords.exists("LOWMEM") ){ parseFlag("LOWMEM",lowmem); if(lowmem)log.printf(" lowering memory requirements\n"); } tolerance=nl_tolerance=epsilon; if( keywords.exists("TOL") ) parse("TOL",tolerance); if( tolerance>epsilon){ if( keywords.exists("NL_TOL") ) parse("NL_TOL",nl_tolerance); if( nl_tolerance>tolerance ) error("NL_TOL must be smaller than TOL"); log.printf(" Ignoring contributions less than %lf",tolerance); if( nl_tolerance>epsilon ) log.printf(" and ignoring quantities less than %lf inbetween neighbor list update steps\n",nl_tolerance); else log.printf("\n"); } }
IMD::IMD(const ActionOptions& ao): Action(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionPilot(ao), host("localhost"), port(0), wait(false), wrap(false), sock(NULL), clientsock(NULL), connected(false), transferRate(100), fscale(1.0) { natoms=plumed.getAtoms().getNatoms(); std::vector<AtomNumber> index(natoms); for(int i=0;i<natoms;i++) index[i].setIndex(i); requestAtoms(index); coord.resize(natoms*3,float(0.0)); forces.resize(natoms*3,0.0); parseFlag("WAIT",wait); bool nowait=false; parseFlag("NOWAIT",nowait); if(nowait)wait=false; parseFlag("WRAP",wrap); parse("PORT",port); parse("HOST",host); parse("FSCALE",fscale); checkRead(); log.printf(" with host %s\n",host.c_str()); log.printf(" with port %d\n",port); if(wait) log.printf(" waiting for a connection\n"); else log.printf(" not waiting for a connection\n"); if(wrap) log.printf(" wrapping atoms\n"); else log.printf(" not wrapping atoms\n"); log.printf(" WMD forces will be scaled by %f\n",fscale); if(comm.Get_rank()==0){ vmdsock_init(); sock = vmdsock_create(); vmdsock_bind(sock, port); vmdsock_listen(sock); } connect(); }
LandmarkSelectionBase::LandmarkSelectionBase( const LandmarkSelectionOptions& lo ): style(lo.words[0]), input(lo.words), action(lo.action) { input.erase( input.begin() ); if( style=="ALL" ) { novoronoi=true; } else { parse("N",nlandmarks); parseFlag("NOVORONOI",novoronoi); } parseFlag("IGNORE_WEIGHTS",noweights); }
SecondaryStructureRMSD::SecondaryStructureRMSD(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionWithValue(ao), ActionWithVessel(ao), updateFreq(0), align_strands(false), s_cutoff(0), align_atom_1(0), align_atom_2(0) { parse("TYPE",alignType); log.printf(" distances from secondary structure elements are calculated using %s algorithm\n",alignType.c_str() ); log<<" Bibliography "<<plumed.cite("Pietrucci and Laio, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 5, 2197 (2009)"); log<<"\n"; parseFlag("VERBOSE",verbose_output); if( keywords.exists("NL_STRIDE") ) parse("NL_STRIDE",updateFreq); if(updateFreq>0){ firsttime=true; log.printf(" Updating contributors every %d steps.\n",updateFreq); } else { firsttime=false; contributorsAreUnlocked=true; // This will lock during first prepare step methinks log.printf(" Updating contributors every step.\n"); } if( keywords.exists("STRANDS_CUTOFF") ){ parse("STRANDS_CUTOFF",s_cutoff); align_strands=true; if( s_cutoff>0) log.printf(" ignoring contributions from strands that are more than %f apart\n",s_cutoff); } }
void ActionWithVessel::readVesselKeywords(){ // Set maxderivatives if it is too big if( maxderivatives>getNumberOfDerivatives() ) maxderivatives=getNumberOfDerivatives(); // Loop over all keywords find the vessels and create appropriate functions for(unsigned i=0;i<keywords.size();++i){ std::string thiskey,input; thiskey=keywords.getKeyword(i); // Check if this is a key for a vessel if( vesselRegister().check(thiskey) ){ plumed_assert(,"vessel") ); bool dothis=false; parseFlag(thiskey,dothis); if(dothis) addVessel( thiskey, input ); parse(thiskey,input); if(input.size()!=0){ addVessel( thiskey, input ); } else { for(unsigned i=1;;++i){ if( !parseNumbered(thiskey,i,input) ) break; std::string ss; Tools::convert(i,ss); addVessel( thiskey, input, i ); input.clear(); } } } } // Make sure all vessels have had been resized at start if( functions.size()>0 ) resizeFunctions(); }
ActionWithValue::ActionWithValue(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), noderiv(true), numericalDerivatives(false) { if( keywords.exists("NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES") ) parseFlag("NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES",numericalDerivatives); if(numericalDerivatives) log.printf(" using numerical derivatives\n"); }
Histogram::Histogram( const VesselOptions& da ): ShortcutVessel(da) { bool norm; parseFlag("NORM",norm); std::string normstr=""; if(norm) normstr=" NORM"; std::vector<std::string> bins; HistogramBead::generateBins( getAllInput(), "", bins ); for(unsigned i=0;i<bins.size();++i) addVessel("BETWEEN",bins[i] + normstr); }
void DRMSD::read( const PDB& pdb ){ readAtomsFromPDB( pdb ); parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc); parse("LOWER_CUTOFF",lower,true); parse("UPPER_CUTOFF",upper,true); setBoundsOnDistances( !nopbc, lower, upper ); setup_targets(); }
ActionWithVessel::ActionWithVessel(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), serial(false), lowmem(false), noderiv(true), actionIsBridged(false), mydata(NULL), contributorsAreUnlocked(false), weightHasDerivatives(false), stopwatch(*new Stopwatch), dertime_can_be_off(false), dertime(true) { maxderivatives=309; parse("MAXDERIVATIVES",maxderivatives); if( keywords.exists("SERIAL") ) parseFlag("SERIAL",serial); else serial=true; if(serial)log.printf(" doing calculation in serial\n"); if( keywords.exists("LOWMEM") ){ plumed_assert( !keywords.exists("HIGHMEM") ); parseFlag("LOWMEM",lowmem); if(lowmem){ log.printf(" lowering memory requirements\n"); dertime_can_be_off=true; } } if( keywords.exists("HIGHMEM") ){ plumed_assert( !keywords.exists("LOWMEM") ); bool highmem; parseFlag("HIGHMEM",highmem); lowmem=!highmem; if(!lowmem) log.printf(" increasing the memory requirements\n"); } tolerance=nl_tolerance=epsilon; if( keywords.exists("TOL") ) parse("TOL",tolerance); if( tolerance>epsilon){ if( keywords.exists("NL_TOL") ) parse("NL_TOL",nl_tolerance); if( nl_tolerance>tolerance ) error("NL_TOL must be smaller than TOL"); log.printf(" Ignoring contributions less than %f",tolerance); if( nl_tolerance>epsilon ) log.printf(" and ignoring quantities less than %f inbetween neighbor list update steps\n",nl_tolerance); else log.printf("\n"); } parseFlag("TIMINGS",timers); stopwatch.start(); stopwatch.pause(); }
PathBase::PathBase(const ActionOptions& ao): Action(ao), Mapping(ao) { bool noz; parseFlag("NOZPATH",noz); parse("LAMBDA",lambda); // Create the list of tasks for(unsigned i=0;i<getNumberOfReferencePoints();++i) addTaskToList( i ); std::string empty="LABEL=zpath"; if(!noz) addVessel("ZPATH",empty,0); }
MultiColvarBase::MultiColvarBase(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionWithValue(ao), ActionWithVessel(ao), usepbc(false), linkcells(comm), usespecies(false) { if( keywords.exists("NOPBC") ){ bool nopbc=!usepbc; parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc); usepbc=!nopbc; } if( keywords.exists("SPECIES") ) usespecies=true; }
SecondaryStructureRMSD::SecondaryStructureRMSD(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionWithValue(ao), ActionWithVessel(ao), nopbc(false), align_strands(false), s_cutoff2(0), align_atom_1(0), align_atom_2(0) { parse("TYPE",alignType); parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc); log.printf(" distances from secondary structure elements are calculated using %s algorithm\n",alignType.c_str() ); log<<" Bibliography "<<plumed.cite("Pietrucci and Laio, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 5, 2197 (2009)"); log<<"\n"; parseFlag("VERBOSE",verbose_output); if( keywords.exists("STRANDS_CUTOFF") ) { double s_cutoff = 0; parse("STRANDS_CUTOFF",s_cutoff); align_strands=true; if( s_cutoff>0) log.printf(" ignoring contributions from strands that are more than %f apart\n",s_cutoff); s_cutoff2=s_cutoff*s_cutoff; } }
Between::Between( const VesselOptions& da ) : FunctionVessel(da) { usetol=true; bool isPeriodic=getAction()->isPeriodic(); double min, max; std::string str_min, str_max; if( isPeriodic ) { getAction()->retrieveDomain( str_min, str_max ); Tools::convert(str_min,min); Tools::convert(str_max,max); } parseFlag("NORM",norm); std::string errormsg; hist.set( getAllInput(),errormsg ); if( !isPeriodic ) hist.isNotPeriodic(); else hist.isPeriodic( min, max ); if( errormsg.size()!=0 ) error( errormsg ); }
ActionWithAveraging::ActionWithAveraging( const ActionOptions& ao ): Action(ao), ActionPilot(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionWithArguments(ao), ActionWithValue(ao), ActionWithVessel(ao), myaverage(NULL), useRunAllTasks(false), clearstride(0), lweight(0),cweight(0) { if( keywords.exists("CLEAR") ) { parse("CLEAR",clearstride); if( clearstride>0 ) { if( clearstride%getStride()!=0 ) error("CLEAR parameter must be a multiple of STRIDE"); log.printf(" clearing grid every %u steps \n",clearstride); } } if( keywords.exists("LOGWEIGHTS") ) { std::vector<std::string> wwstr; parseVector("LOGWEIGHTS",wwstr); if( wwstr.size()>0 ) log.printf(" reweighting using weights from "); std::vector<Value*> arg( getArguments() ); for(unsigned i=0; i<wwstr.size(); ++i) { ActionWithValue* val = plumed.getActionSet().selectWithLabel<ActionWithValue*>(wwstr[i]); if( !val ) error("could not find value named"); weights.push_back( val->copyOutput(val->getLabel()) ); arg.push_back( val->copyOutput(val->getLabel()) ); log.printf("%s ",wwstr[i].c_str() ); } if( wwstr.size()>0 ) log.printf("\n"); else log.printf(" weights are all equal to one\n"); requestArguments( arg ); } if( keywords.exists("UNORMALIZED") ) parseFlag("UNORMALIZED",unormalised); }
ActionVolume::ActionVolume(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), VolumeGradientBase(ao) { // Find number of quantities if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) nquantities=2; // Value + weight else if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities()==2 ) nquantities=2; // Value + weight else nquantities = 1 + getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities()-2 + 1; // Norm + vector + weight // Output some nice information std::string functype=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getName(); std::transform( functype.begin(), functype.end(), functype.begin(), tolower ); log.printf(" calculating %s inside region of insterest\n",functype.c_str() ); parseFlag("OUTSIDE",not_in); sigma=0.0; if( keywords.exists("SIGMA") ) parse("SIGMA",sigma); if( keywords.exists("KERNEL") ) parse("KERNEL",kerneltype); if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) { std::string input; addVessel( "SUM", input, -1 ); // -1 here means that this value will be named getLabel() } readVesselKeywords(); }
void Moc::parse() { QList<NamespaceDef> namespaceList; bool templateClass = false; while (hasNext()) { Token t = next(); switch (t) { case NAMESPACE: { int rewind = index; if (test(IDENTIFIER)) { if (test(EQ)) { // namespace Foo = Bar::Baz; until(SEMIC); } else if (!test(SEMIC)) { NamespaceDef def; = lexem(); next(LBRACE); def.begin = index - 1; until(RBRACE); def.end = index; index = def.begin + 1; namespaceList += def; index = rewind; } } break; } case SEMIC: case RBRACE: templateClass = false; break; case TEMPLATE: templateClass = true; break; case MOC_INCLUDE_BEGIN: currentFilenames.push(symbol().unquotedLexem()); break; case MOC_INCLUDE_END: currentFilenames.pop(); break; case Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE_TOKEN: parseDeclareInterface(); break; case Q_DECLARE_METATYPE_TOKEN: parseDeclareMetatype(); break; case USING: if (test(NAMESPACE)) { while (test(SCOPE) || test(IDENTIFIER)) ; next(SEMIC); } break; case CLASS: case STRUCT: { if (currentFilenames.size() <= 1) break; ClassDef def; if (!parseClassHead(&def)) continue; while (inClass(&def) && hasNext()) { if (next() == Q_OBJECT_TOKEN) { def.hasQObject = true; break; } } if (!def.hasQObject) continue; for (int i = namespaceList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (inNamespace(& def.qualified.prepend( + "::"); knownQObjectClasses.insert(def.classname); knownQObjectClasses.insert(def.qualified); continue; } default: break; } if ((t != CLASS && t != STRUCT)|| currentFilenames.size() > 1) continue; ClassDef def; if (parseClassHead(&def)) { FunctionDef::Access access = FunctionDef::Private; for (int i = namespaceList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (inNamespace(& def.qualified.prepend( + "::"); while (inClass(&def) && hasNext()) { switch ((t = next())) { case PRIVATE: access = FunctionDef::Private; if (test(Q_SIGNALS_TOKEN)) error("Signals cannot have access specifier"); break; case PROTECTED: access = FunctionDef::Protected; if (test(Q_SIGNALS_TOKEN)) error("Signals cannot have access specifier"); break; case PUBLIC: access = FunctionDef::Public; if (test(Q_SIGNALS_TOKEN)) error("Signals cannot have access specifier"); break; case CLASS: { ClassDef nestedDef; if (parseClassHead(&nestedDef)) { while (inClass(&nestedDef) && inClass(&def)) { t = next(); if (t >= Q_META_TOKEN_BEGIN && t < Q_META_TOKEN_END) error("Meta object features not supported for nested classes"); } } } break; case Q_SIGNALS_TOKEN: parseSignals(&def); break; case Q_SLOTS_TOKEN: switch (lookup(-1)) { case PUBLIC: case PROTECTED: case PRIVATE: parseSlots(&def, access); break; default: error("Missing access specifier for slots"); } break; case Q_OBJECT_TOKEN: def.hasQObject = true; if (templateClass) error("Template classes not supported by Q_OBJECT"); if (def.classname != "Qt" && def.classname != "QObject" && def.superclassList.isEmpty()) error("Class contains Q_OBJECT macro but does not inherit from QObject"); break; case Q_GADGET_TOKEN: def.hasQGadget = true; if (templateClass) error("Template classes not supported by Q_GADGET"); break; case Q_PROPERTY_TOKEN: parseProperty(&def); break; case Q_ENUMS_TOKEN: parseEnumOrFlag(&def, false); break; case Q_FLAGS_TOKEN: parseEnumOrFlag(&def, true); break; case Q_DECLARE_FLAGS_TOKEN: parseFlag(&def); break; case Q_CLASSINFO_TOKEN: parseClassInfo(&def); break; case Q_INTERFACES_TOKEN: parseInterfaces(&def); break; case Q_PRIVATE_SLOT_TOKEN: parseSlotInPrivate(&def, access); break; case Q_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_TOKEN: parsePrivateProperty(&def); break; case ENUM: { EnumDef enumDef; if (parseEnum(&enumDef)) def.enumList += enumDef; } break; default: FunctionDef funcDef; funcDef.access = access; int rewind = index; if (parseMaybeFunction(&def, &funcDef)) { if (funcDef.isConstructor) { if ((access == FunctionDef::Public) && funcDef.isInvokable) { def.constructorList += funcDef; while (funcDef.arguments.size() > 0 && funcDef.arguments.last().isDefault) { funcDef.wasCloned = true; funcDef.arguments.removeLast(); def.constructorList += funcDef; } } } else if (funcDef.isDestructor) { // don't care about destructors } else { if (access == FunctionDef::Public) def.publicList += funcDef; if (funcDef.isSlot) { def.slotList += funcDef; while (funcDef.arguments.size() > 0 && funcDef.arguments.last().isDefault) { funcDef.wasCloned = true; funcDef.arguments.removeLast(); def.slotList += funcDef; } } else if (funcDef.isSignal) { def.signalList += funcDef; while (funcDef.arguments.size() > 0 && funcDef.arguments.last().isDefault) { funcDef.wasCloned = true; funcDef.arguments.removeLast(); def.signalList += funcDef; } } else if (funcDef.isInvokable) { def.methodList += funcDef; while (funcDef.arguments.size() > 0 && funcDef.arguments.last().isDefault) { funcDef.wasCloned = true; funcDef.arguments.removeLast(); def.methodList += funcDef; } } } } else { index = rewind; } } } next(RBRACE); if (!def.hasQObject && !def.hasQGadget && def.signalList.isEmpty() && def.slotList.isEmpty() && def.propertyList.isEmpty() && def.enumDeclarations.isEmpty()) continue; // no meta object code required if (!def.hasQObject && !def.hasQGadget) error("Class declarations lacks Q_OBJECT macro."); checkSuperClasses(&def); checkProperties(&def); classList += def; knownQObjectClasses.insert(def.classname); knownQObjectClasses.insert(def.qualified); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Zipper *zipper = new GuiZipper(); FileManager *fileManager = new FileManager(zipper); CliPackageReporter *packageReporter = new CliPackageReporter(); fileManager->setListener(packageReporter); char *shipsBaseDir = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(SHIPS_SUBDIR); char *stagesBaseDir = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(STAGES_SUBDIR); if (flagExists(argc, argv, "packstage")) { char **stageInfo = parseFlag(argc, argv, "packstage", 2); if (stageInfo == 0) { printUsage(); } else { // TODO: add a new flag for obfuscating source code bool obfuscate = false; try { char *stageAbsName = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(stageInfo[0]); char *stageName = fileManager->parseRelativeFilePath(stagesBaseDir, stageAbsName); if (stageName == 0) { std::cout << "Stage must be located under " << STAGES_SUBDIR << "/ subdirectory: " << stageInfo[0] << std::endl; } else { fileManager->packageStage(stagesBaseDir, stageName, stageInfo[1], CACHE_SUBDIR, TMP_SUBDIR, obfuscate, true); delete stageName; } delete stageAbsName; } catch (std::exception *e) { std::cout << "BerryBots encountered an error:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; } delete stageInfo; } return 0; } if (flagExists(argc, argv, "packbot")) { char **shipInfo = parseFlag(argc, argv, "packbot", 2); if (shipInfo == 0) { printUsage(); } else { // TODO: add a new flag for obfuscating source code bool obfuscate = false; try { char *shipAbsName = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(shipInfo[0]); char *shipName = fileManager->parseRelativeFilePath(shipsBaseDir, shipAbsName); if (shipName == 0) { std::cout << "Ship must be located under " << SHIPS_SUBDIR << "/ subdirectory: " << shipInfo[0] << std::endl; } else { fileManager->packageShip(shipsBaseDir, shipName, shipInfo[1], CACHE_SUBDIR, TMP_SUBDIR, obfuscate, true); delete shipName; } delete shipAbsName; } catch (std::exception *e) { std::cout << "BerryBots encountered an error:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; } delete shipInfo; } return 0; } bool nodisplay = flagExists(argc, argv, "nodisplay"); bool saveReplay = flagExists(argc, argv, "savereplay"); int optArgsOffset = (nodisplay ? 1 : 0) + (saveReplay ? 1 : 0); if (argc < 3 + optArgsOffset) { printUsage(); } srand(time(NULL)); CliPrintHandler *printHandler = new CliPrintHandler(); BerryBotsEngine *engine = new BerryBotsEngine(printHandler, fileManager, resourcePath().c_str()); Stage *stage = engine->getStage(); char *stageAbsName = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(argv[1 + optArgsOffset]); char *stageName = fileManager->parseRelativeFilePath(stagesBaseDir, stageAbsName); if (stageName == 0) { std::cout << "Stage must be located under " << STAGES_SUBDIR << "/ subdirectory: " << argv[1 + optArgsOffset] << std::endl; return 0; } try { engine->initStage(stagesBaseDir, stageName, CACHE_SUBDIR); } catch (EngineException *e) { delete stageAbsName; delete stageName; std::cout << "BerryBots initialization failed:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; return 0; } delete stageAbsName; delete stageName; int firstTeam = (2 + optArgsOffset); int numTeams = argc - firstTeam; char **teams = new char*[numTeams]; for (int x = 0; x < numTeams; x++) { char *teamAbsName = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(argv[x + firstTeam]); char *teamName = fileManager->parseRelativeFilePath(shipsBaseDir, teamAbsName); if (teamName == 0) { std::cout << "Ship must be located under " << SHIPS_SUBDIR << "/ subdirectory: " << argv[x + firstTeam] << std::endl; return 0; } teams[x] = teamName; delete teamAbsName; } printHandler->setNumTeams(numTeams); try { engine->initShips(shipsBaseDir, teams, numTeams, CACHE_SUBDIR); } catch (EngineException *e) { std::cout << "BerryBots initialization failed:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; return 0; } printHandler->updateTeams(engine->getTeams()); GfxManager *gfxManager; sf::RenderWindow *window = 0; GfxEventHandler *gfxHandler = 0; unsigned int viewWidth = stage->getWidth() + (STAGE_MARGIN * 2); unsigned int viewHeight = stage->getHeight() + (STAGE_MARGIN * 2); if (!nodisplay) { gfxHandler = new GfxEventHandler(); stage->addEventHandler((EventHandler*) gfxHandler); unsigned int screenWidth = sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode().width; unsigned int screenHeight = sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode().height; double windowScale = std::min(1.0, std::min(((double) screenWidth) / viewWidth, ((double) screenHeight) / viewHeight)); unsigned int targetWidth = round(windowScale * viewWidth); unsigned int targetHeight = round(windowScale * viewHeight); gfxManager = new GfxManager(false); window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(targetWidth, targetHeight), "BerryBots", sf::Style::Default, sf::ContextSettings(0, 0, 16, 2, 0)); gfxManager->initViews(window, viewWidth, viewHeight); gfxManager->initBbGfx(window, viewHeight, stage, engine->getTeams(), engine->getNumTeams(), engine->getShips(), engine->getNumShips(), resourcePath()); window->clear(); gfxManager->drawGame(window, stage, engine->getShips(), engine->getNumShips(), engine->getGameTime(), gfxHandler, false, false, 0); window->display(); } time_t realTime1; time_t realTime2; time(&realTime1); int realSeconds = 0; try { while ((nodisplay || window->isOpen()) && !engine->isGameOver()) { engine->processTick(); if (!nodisplay) { sf::Event event; bool resized = false; while (window->pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { window->close(); } if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { window->close(); } if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized && !resized) { resized = true; gfxManager->onResize(window, viewWidth, viewHeight); } } window->clear(); gfxManager->drawGame(window, stage, engine->getShips(), engine->getNumShips(), engine->getGameTime(), gfxHandler, false, false, 0); window->display(); } time(&realTime2); if (realTime2 - realTime1 > 0) { realSeconds++; if (realSeconds % 10 == 0) { std::cout << "TPS: " << (((double) engine->getGameTime()) / realSeconds) << std::endl; } } realTime1 = realTime2; } } catch (EngineException *e) { std::cout << "BerryBots encountered an error:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; return 0; } if (!nodisplay) { gfxManager->destroyBbGfx(); delete window; } const char* winnerName = engine->getWinnerName(); if (winnerName != 0) { std::cout << std::endl<< winnerName << " wins! Congratulations!" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl << "Results:" << std::endl; Team **rankedTeams = engine->getRankedTeams(); bool hasScores = false; for (int x = 0; x < numTeams; x++) { if (rankedTeams[x]->result.score != 0) { hasScores = true; break; } } TeamResult *firstResult = &(rankedTeams[0]->result); int numStats = firstResult->numStats; char **statKeys = 0; if (numStats > 0) { statKeys = new char*[firstResult->numStats]; for (int x = 0; x < numStats; x++) { statKeys[x] = new char[strlen(firstResult->stats[x]->key) + 1]; strcpy(statKeys[x], firstResult->stats[x]->key); } } for (int x = 0; x < engine->getNumTeams(); x++) { TeamResult *result = &(rankedTeams[x]->result); if (result->showResult) { std::cout << " " << rankedTeams[x]->name << ":" << std::endl; std::cout << " Rank: "; if (result->rank == 0) { std::cout << "-"; } else { std::cout << result->rank; } std::cout << std::endl; if (hasScores) { std::cout << " Score: " << round(result->score, 2) << std::endl; } for (int y = 0; y < numStats; y++) { char *key = statKeys[y]; bool found = false; for (int z = 0; z < result->numStats; z++) { char *resultKey = result->stats[z]->key; if (strcmp(key, resultKey) == 0) { std::cout << " " << key << ": " << round(result->stats[z]->value, 2) << std::endl; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { std::cout << " " << key << ": -" << std::endl; } } } } std::cout << std::endl << "CPU time used per tick (microseconds):" << std::endl; for (int x = 0; x < engine->getNumTeams(); x++) { Team *team = engine->getTeam(x); if (!team->stageShip && !team->disabled) { std::cout << " " << team->name << ": " << (team->totalCpuTime / team->totalCpuTicks) << std::endl; } } if (realSeconds > 0) { std::cout << std::endl << "TPS: " << (((double) engine->getGameTime()) / realSeconds) << std::endl; } if (saveReplay) { ReplayBuilder *replayBuilder = engine->getReplayBuilder(); // TODO: move this into a function in the engine Team **rankedTeams = engine->getRankedTeams(); replayBuilder->setResults(rankedTeams, engine->getNumTeams()); char *filename = 0; char *absFilename = 0; do { if (filename != 0) { delete filename; } if (absFilename != 0) { delete absFilename; } filename = replayFilename(stage->getName()); char *filePath = fileManager->getFilePath(REPLAYS_SUBDIR, filename); absFilename = fileManager->getAbsFilePath(filePath); delete filePath; } while (fileManager->fileExists(absFilename)); replayBuilder->saveReplay(filename); std::cout << std::endl << "Saved replay to: " << REPLAYS_SUBDIR << "/" << filename << std::endl; delete filename; delete absFilename; } std::cout << std::endl; delete engine; for (int x = 0; x < numTeams; x++) { delete teams[x]; } delete teams; delete rankedTeams; for (int x = 0; x < numStats; x++) { delete statKeys[x]; } delete statKeys; delete printHandler; if (!nodisplay) { delete gfxManager; } delete packageReporter; delete fileManager; delete zipper; delete shipsBaseDir; delete stagesBaseDir; return 0; }
CoordinationBase::CoordinationBase(const ActionOptions&ao): PLUMED_COLVAR_INIT(ao), pbc(true), serial(false), invalidateList(true), firsttime(true) { parseFlag("SERIAL",serial); vector<AtomNumber> ga_lista,gb_lista; parseAtomList("GROUPA",ga_lista); parseAtomList("GROUPB",gb_lista); bool nopbc=!pbc; parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc); pbc=!nopbc; // pair stuff bool dopair=false; parseFlag("PAIR",dopair); // neighbor list stuff bool doneigh=false; double nl_cut=0.0; int nl_st=0; parseFlag("NLIST",doneigh); if(doneigh) { parse("NL_CUTOFF",nl_cut); if(nl_cut<=0.0) error("NL_CUTOFF should be explicitly specified and positive"); parse("NL_STRIDE",nl_st); if(nl_st<=0) error("NL_STRIDE should be explicitly specified and positive"); } addValueWithDerivatives(); setNotPeriodic(); if(gb_lista.size()>0) { if(doneigh) nl= new NeighborList(ga_lista,gb_lista,dopair,pbc,getPbc(),nl_cut,nl_st); else nl= new NeighborList(ga_lista,gb_lista,dopair,pbc,getPbc()); } else { if(doneigh) nl= new NeighborList(ga_lista,pbc,getPbc(),nl_cut,nl_st); else nl= new NeighborList(ga_lista,pbc,getPbc()); } requestAtoms(nl->getFullAtomList()); log.printf(" between two groups of %u and %u atoms\n",static_cast<unsigned>(ga_lista.size()),static_cast<unsigned>(gb_lista.size())); log.printf(" first group:\n"); for(unsigned int i=0; i<ga_lista.size(); ++i) { if ( (i+1) % 25 == 0 ) log.printf(" \n"); log.printf(" %d", ga_lista[i].serial()); } log.printf(" \n second group:\n"); for(unsigned int i=0; i<gb_lista.size(); ++i) { if ( (i+1) % 25 == 0 ) log.printf(" \n"); log.printf(" %d", gb_lista[i].serial()); } log.printf(" \n"); if(pbc) log.printf(" using periodic boundary conditions\n"); else log.printf(" without periodic boundary conditions\n"); if(dopair) log.printf(" with PAIR option\n"); if(doneigh) { log.printf(" using neighbor lists with\n"); log.printf(" update every %d steps and cutoff %f\n",nl_st,nl_cut); } }
void DRMSD::readBounds(){ parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc); parse("LOWER_CUTOFF",lower,true); parse("UPPER_CUTOFF",upper,true); setBoundsOnDistances( !nopbc, lower, upper ); }
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ArgumentProcessor::parse(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { std::vector<std::string> args = toStringVector(argc, argv); std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> argumentMap; for(size_t idx = 0; idx < argc; ++idx) { std::string currentArgument = args[idx]; if(notIn(currentArgument, mArguments) && notIn(currentArgument, mOptionalArguments) && notIn(currentArgument, mSwitches)) { continue; } else { size_t nextIdx = idx + 1; if(nextIdx >= argc) { if(notIn(currentArgument, mSwitches)) { continue; } else { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = "true"; } } else { std::string nextArgument = args[nextIdx]; if(!notIn(currentArgument, mArguments) && notIn(nextArgument, {mOptionalArguments, mSwitches})) { if(!mAllowedValues[currentArgument].empty()) { if(!notIn(nextArgument, mAllowedValues[currentArgument])) { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = nextArgument; } else { std::stringstream s; s << "Encountered invalid option: " << currentArgument << " " << nextArgument << std::endl; throw CommandLineError(s.str(), currentMethod, currentLine); } } else { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = nextArgument; } } else if(!notIn(currentArgument, mOptionalArguments) && notIn(nextArgument, {mArguments, mSwitches})) { if(!mAllowedValues[currentArgument].empty()) { if(!notIn(nextArgument, mAllowedValues[currentArgument])) { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = nextArgument; } else { std::stringstream s; s << "Encountered invalid option: " << currentArgument << " " << nextArgument << std::endl; throw CommandLineError(s.str(), currentMethod, currentLine); } } else { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = nextArgument; } } else if(!notIn(currentArgument, mSwitches) && !notIn(nextArgument, {mArguments, mOptionalArguments})) { argumentMap[parseFlag(currentArgument)] = "true"; } } } } if(argumentMap[parseFlag("--help")].empty()) { for(std::string arg : mArguments) { if(argumentMap[parseFlag(arg)].empty()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Missing required argument: " << arg << std::endl; throw CommandLineError(s.str(), currentMethod, currentLine); } } } else { std::stringstream s; s << "Let me help you!" << std::endl; throw CommandLineError(s.str()); } return argumentMap; }
Mapping::Mapping(const ActionOptions&ao): Action(ao), ActionAtomistic(ao), ActionWithArguments(ao), ActionWithValue(ao), ActionWithVessel(ao) { // Read the input std::string mtype; parse("TYPE",mtype); bool skipchecks; parseFlag("DISABLE_CHECKS",skipchecks); // Setup the object that does the mapping mymap = new PointWiseMapping( mtype, skipchecks ); // Read the properties we require if( keywords.exists("PROPERTY") ){ std::vector<std::string> property; parseVector("PROPERTY",property); if(property.size()==0) error("no properties were specified"); mymap->setPropertyNames( property, false ); } else { std::vector<std::string> property(1); property[0]="sss"; mymap->setPropertyNames( property, true ); } // Open reference file std::string reference; parse("REFERENCE",reference); FILE* fp=fopen(reference.c_str(),"r"); if(!fp) error("could not open reference file " + reference ); // Read all reference configurations bool do_read=true; std::vector<double> weights; unsigned nfram=0, wnorm=0., ww; while (do_read){ PDB mypdb; // Read the pdb file do_read=mypdb.readFromFilepointer(fp,plumed.getAtoms().usingNaturalUnits(),0.1/atoms.getUnits().getLength()); // Fix argument names expandArgKeywordInPDB( mypdb ); if(do_read){ mymap->readFrame( mypdb ); ww=mymap->getWeight( nfram ); weights.push_back( ww ); wnorm+=ww; nfram++; } else { break; } } fclose(fp); if(nfram==0 ) error("no reference configurations were specified"); log.printf(" found %d configurations in file %s\n",nfram,reference.c_str() ); for(unsigned i=0;i<weights.size();++i) weights[i] /= wnorm; mymap->setWeights( weights ); // Finish the setup of the mapping object // Get the arguments and atoms that are required std::vector<AtomNumber> atoms; std::vector<std::string> args; mymap->getAtomAndArgumentRequirements( atoms, args ); requestAtoms( atoms ); std::vector<Value*> req_args; interpretArgumentList( args, req_args ); requestArguments( req_args ); // Duplicate all frames (duplicates are used by sketch-map) mymap->duplicateFrameList(); fframes.resize( 2*nfram, 0.0 ); dfframes.resize( 2*nfram, 0.0 ); plumed_assert( !mymap->mappingNeedsSetup() ); // Resize all derivative arrays mymap->setNumberOfAtomsAndArguments( atoms.size(), args.size() ); // Resize forces array if( getNumberOfAtoms()>0 ){ forcesToApply.resize( 3*getNumberOfAtoms() + 9 + getNumberOfArguments() ); } else { forcesToApply.resize( getNumberOfArguments() ); } }