コード例 #1
ファイル: twitter.cpp プロジェクト: ifish12/WiiTweet
int parseTweets(std::string &xmlstr, struct t_tweet ** dest, int usertop)
	mxml_node_t *xml;
	mxml_node_t *unit;

	struct t_tweet * tweets = (struct t_tweet *)mem2_calloc(MAXUNITS, sizeof(struct t_tweet), MEM2_OTHER);
		return 0;
	size_t pos = 0;
		pos = xmlstr.find("&", pos);
		if(pos == std::string::npos) break;
		xmlstr.replace(pos, 9, "&");

	xml = mxmlLoadString(NULL, xmlstr.c_str(), MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK);

		mem2_free(tweets, MEM2_OTHER);
		return 0;

	int t=0;
		for(unit = mxmlFindElement(xml, xml, "user", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); unit && t < MAXUNITS; unit = mxmlFindElement(unit, xml, "user", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND)){
			parseUser(unit, &(tweets[t].user), &(tweets[t]));
		for(unit = mxmlFindElement(xml, xml, "status", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); unit && t < MAXUNITS; unit = mxmlFindElement(unit, xml, "status", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND)){
			parseTweet(unit, &tweets[t++]);

	if(t < MAXUNITS){ //Free unused memory
		tweets = (struct t_tweet *)mem2_realloc(tweets, t*sizeof(struct t_tweet), MEM2_OTHER);

	*dest = tweets;
return t;
コード例 #2
ファイル: twitter.cpp プロジェクト: ifish12/WiiTweet
void parseUser(mxml_node_t *user, struct t_user *dest, struct t_tweet * dest_tweet){
	mxml_node_t * value = NULL;
		value = mxmlFindElement(user, user, "status", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
		if(value){ parseTweet(value, dest_tweet, 0); }

	value = mxmlFindElement(user, user, "id", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) sscanf(value->child->value.opaque, "%llu", &(dest->id));
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "name", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) wt_strncpy(dest->name, value->child->value.opaque, 81);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "screen_name", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) snprintf(dest->screenname, 20, "@%s", value->child->value.opaque);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "location", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) wt_strncpy(dest->location, value->child->value.opaque, 160);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "description", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) wt_strncpy(dest->description, value->child->value.opaque, 641);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "profile_image_url", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) strncpy(dest->imageurl, value->child->value.opaque, 255);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "url", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) strncpy(dest->url, value->child->value.opaque, 160);
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "followers_count", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) sscanf(value->child->value.opaque, "%llu", &(dest->followers));
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "friends_count", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) sscanf(value->child->value.opaque, "%llu", &(dest->following));
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "favourites_count", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) sscanf(value->child->value.opaque, "%llu", &(dest->favourites));
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "statuses_count", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child) sscanf(value->child->value.opaque, "%llu", &(dest->tweets));
	value = mxmlFindElement(value, user, "following", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
	if(value && value->child){
		if(value->child->value.opaque[0] == 't'){
			dest->flags |= FOLLOWING;
			dest->flags |= NFOLLOWING;		

コード例 #3
ファイル: MPI_TEST.c プロジェクト: To0x/ParallelSystems
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//	int my_rank; /* rank of process */
	//	int p; /* number of processes */
	//int source; /* rank of sender */
	//int dest; /* rank of receiver */
	//int tag = 0; /* tag for messages */
	//char message[100]; /* storage for message */
	//MPI_Status status; /* return status for receive */

	// MPI Initializations
	//MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	//MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
	//MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);

	// Show keyword
	printf("Tweets will be sorted by keyword '%s'.\n",KEYWORD);

	struct timeval time1, time2;
	unsigned long long timeToReadAndInit = 0l, timeToSort = 0l, timeToWrite = 0l, timeForAll = 0l,
			microsec1, microsec2;

	// File Initializations
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(FILE_PATH, "rb+, ccs=UTF-8");
	if (fp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"file not accessible!\n");

	//	if (my_rank == 0) {
	/* create message */
	//sprintf(message, "Hello MPI World from process %d!", my_rank);
	//	dest = 0;
	//byte *test = readTweets("./");

	tweetData_t *td;
	printf("try to allocate %lu kbytes\n",
			(sizeof(tweetData_t*) * NUMBEROFTWEETS) / 1000);

	tweetData_t *test = (tweetData_t*) malloc(sizeof(tweetData_t) * (NUMBEROFTWEETS+1));
	fflush (stdout);

	long numberOfTweets = 0;

	gettimeofday(&time1, NULL);
	microsec1 = ((unsigned long long) time1.tv_sec * 1000000) + time1.tv_usec;

	while (!feof(fp)) {
		unsigned char *line = readLine(fp);

		td = parseTweet(line, KEYWORD);

		test[numberOfTweets] = *td;

	// Calc time
	gettimeofday(&time2, NULL);
	microsec2 = ((unsigned long long) time2.tv_sec * 1000000) + time2.tv_usec;
	timeToReadAndInit = (microsec2 - microsec1) / 1000000;

	gettimeofday(&time1, NULL);
	microsec1 = ((unsigned long long) time1.tv_sec * 1000000) + time1.tv_usec;

	quickSort(test, numberOfTweets);

	gettimeofday(&time2, NULL);
	microsec2 = ((unsigned long long) time2.tv_sec * 1000000) + time2.tv_usec;
	timeToSort = (microsec2 - microsec1) / 1000000;

	gettimeofday(&time1, NULL);
	microsec1 = ((unsigned long long) time1.tv_sec * 1000000) + time1.tv_usec;
	FILE *f = fopen(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, "w");
	if (f == NULL)
	    printf("Error opening file!\n");

	/* print some text */
	for (int j = 0; j <= numberOfTweets; j++) {
		if (test[j].line != NULL) {
			fprintf(f, "%s\n", test[j].line);

	gettimeofday(&time2, NULL);
	microsec2 = ((unsigned long long) time2.tv_sec * 1000000) + time2.tv_usec;
	timeToWrite = (microsec2 - microsec1) / 1000000;

	timeForAll = timeToReadAndInit + timeToSort + timeToWrite;
	printf("Read & Init:\t%llu Sec.\n", timeToReadAndInit);
	printf("Sort:\t\t%llu Sec.\n", timeToSort);
	printf("Write:\t\t%llu Sec.\n", timeToWrite);
	printf("All:\t\t%llu Sec.\n", timeForAll);

	//	MPI_Finalize();
	return 0;

	// use strlen+1 so that '\0' get transmitted
	// MPI_Send(message, strlen(message)+1, MPI_CHAR,
	//   dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	/*	} else {
	 printf("Hello MPI World From process 0: Num processes: %d\n", p);
	 for (source = 1; source < p; source++) {
	 MPI_Recv(message, 100, MPI_CHAR, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
	 printf("%s\n", message);
	 /* shut down MPI */
	//	MPI_Finalize();
	return 0;