コード例 #1
ファイル: pdfbench.c プロジェクト: monolithpl/sumatrapdf
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int loadonly = 0, pageNo = -1;
	parsecmdargs(argc, argv, &loadonly, &pageNo);
	/* for simplicity assume the file to parse is always the last */
	benchfile(argv[argc-1], loadonly, pageNo);
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: erltty.c プロジェクト: rad4/erlang-forth
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  speed_t baud = B57600;  // default baudrate
  stdinfd = fileno(stdin);
  stdoutfd = fileno(stdout);
  serialfd = -1;
  erlpipefd = -1;
  struct termios oldserial, oldstdin;
 // check(tcgetattr(stdinfd,&oldstdin) == 0, "Failed to backup stdin");

 // if erlang mode is set then redirect stderr to erlerr.txt


  //read command line arguments
  check(parsecmdargs(argc, argv) != -1,"Command Line Argument Failure");

  if(erlang == TRUE)
       freopen("erlerr.txt", "w", stderr);
 debug("pid is %d", getpid());
  //setup pipe if require doesn't work yet 
   if(pipedebug == 1) //
     check(makepipe(ERLPIPE) == 0, "Pipe creation or opening failed for: ");
     debug("Pipe created:");
     debug("Process %d opening erlpipe", getpid());
     erlpipefd = open(ERLPIPE, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK); 
     check(erlpipefd > 0, "Erlpipe failed to open pipe: %s\nSetup reader in second terminal\n tail -f erlpipe",ERLPIPE);
     debug("Erlpipe opened");
     check(makepipe(ERLPIPEIN) == 0, "Erlpipein  creation or opening failed for: "); 
     debug("Pipe created:");
     debug("Process %d opening erlpipein", getpid());
     erlpipeinfd = open(ERLPIPEIN);
     check(erlpipeinfd > 0, "Erlpipein: Failed to open pipe: %s\nSetup reader in second terminal\n tail -f erlpipe",ERLPIPEIN);
     debug("Erlpipe opened"); */
   // save terminal settings
  //get baud rate from command line arguments
  baud = getbaud(baudrate);
  check(baud != B0, "Illegal baud rate"); 
  if(serial == TRUE){

  //open serial port
  serialfd = open(serialport, O_RDWR);
  check(serialfd > 0,"Can't open serial port\n Try dmesg | grep tty from shell \n");    
  debug("Opened serial port: %s",serialport);
  //set serial port to raw mode
  check(makeraw(serialfd)==0,"Failed to set serial port raw mode");
 //set baudrate serial
  check(setspeed(serialfd,baud)==0,"Failed to set baud rate");
  debug("Baud rate set to: %d", baudrate);

  //set stdin to raw mode
  // check(makeraw(stdinfd)==0, "Failed to set stdin to raw mode");
  // debug("Not Entered raw mode:");

  //send acknowledge to erlang???

 /* Watch stdinfd and serialfd
       if input is available process then output
       Serial -> Erlang
       Erlang -> Serial
  int numbytes;
  numbytes = read_erlang(erlmesg.mesg);
  check(numbytes > 0, "Read error from erlang");
	debug("Read %d bytes from Erlang", numbytes);
	write_serial(numbytes, erlmesg.mesg);
	debug("Wrote %d bytes to serial:", numbytes);
  //main loop
    fd_set readfds;
    int maxfd;
    int is, numbytes;
    maxfd = (stdinfd > serialfd) ? stdinfd : serialfd;
    maxfd = (maxfd > erlpipeinfd) ? maxfd : erlpipeinfd;

      FD_SET(serialfd, &readfds);
	  FD_SET(erlpipeinfd, &readfds);

      FD_SET(stdinfd, &readfds);
      is = select(maxfd+1, &readfds, NULLFDS, NULLFDS, NULLTV);
      check(is>0,"Select error -"); 
      if (serial && FD_ISSET(serialfd,&readfds)){ // Serial porth ready to read

	numbytes = read(serialfd, erlmesg.mesg, MAXMESG);
	check(numbytes > 0, "Read error from serial port");
	write_erlang(numbytes, erlmesg.mesg);


      if (FD_ISSET(stdinfd,&readfds)){  //Stdin-Erlang ready to read
 	FD_CLR(stdinfd, &readfds);
        numbytes = read_erlang(erlmesg.mesg);
	check(numbytes > 0, "Read error from erlang");
	debug("Read %d bytes from Erlang", numbytes);
	write_serial(numbytes, erlmesg.mesg);
	debug("Wrote %d bytes to serial:", numbytes);

      // input pipe
      if (pipedebug && (FD_ISSET(erlpipeinfd,&readfds)){  
	FD_CLR(erlpipeinfd, &readfds);

  //hanldle input from erlang
  //handle input from serial port
  // restoreterminal(stdinfd,&oldstdin);

	//  tcsetattr(stdinfd,TCSANOW,&oldstdin);
    return 0;

    //    tcsetattr(stdinfd,TCSANOW,&oldstdin);;
    debug("Restored terminal");