virtual void run(InputArrayOfArrays _points2d) { std::vector<Mat> points2d; _points2d.getMatVector(points2d); CV_Assert( >= 2 ); // Parse 2d points to Tracks Tracks tracks; parser_2D_tracks(points2d, tracks); // Set libmv logs level libmv_initLogging(""); if (libmv_reconstruction_options_.verbosity_level >= 0) { libmv_startDebugLogging(); libmv_setLoggingVerbosity( libmv_reconstruction_options_.verbosity_level); } // Perform reconstruction libmv_reconstruction_ = *libmv_solveReconstruction(tracks, &libmv_camera_intrinsics_options_, &libmv_reconstruction_options_); }
libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_solveReconstructionImpl( const std::vector<std::string> &images, const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions* libmv_camera_intrinsics_options, libmv_ReconstructionOptions* libmv_reconstruction_options) { Ptr<Feature2D> edetector = ORB::create(10000); Ptr<Feature2D> edescriber = xfeatures2d::DAISY::create(); //Ptr<Feature2D> edescriber = xfeatures2d::LATCH::create(64, true, 4); cout << "Initialize nViewMatcher ... "; libmv::correspondence::nRobustViewMatching nViewMatcher(edetector, edescriber); cout << "OK" << endl << "Performing Cross Matching ... "; nViewMatcher.computeCrossMatch(images); cout << "OK" << endl; // Building tracks libmv::Tracks tracks; libmv::Matches matches = nViewMatcher.getMatches(); parser_2D_tracks( matches, tracks ); // Perform reconstruction return libmv_solveReconstruction(tracks, libmv_camera_intrinsics_options, libmv_reconstruction_options); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ camera_pov = false; // Read input parameters // Read 2D points from text file tracks_filename = "data/desktop_tracks.txt"; f = 1914.0; cx = 640; cy = 360; std::vector<cv::Mat> points2d; parser_2D_tracks(tracks_filename, points2d); // Set the camera calibration matrix cv::Matx33d K = cv::Matx33d(f, 0, cx, 0, f, cy, 0, 0, 1); /// Reconstruct the scene using the 2d correspondences is_projective = true; cv::sfm::reconstruct(points2d, Rs_est, ts_est, K, points3d_estimated, is_projective); // Print output cout << "\n----------------------------\n" << endl; cout << "Reconstruction: " << endl; cout << "============================" << endl; cout << "Estimated 3D points: " << points3d_estimated.size() << endl; cout << "Estimated cameras: " << Rs_est.size() << endl; cout << "Refined intrinsics: " << endl << K << endl << endl; cout << "3D Visualization: " << endl; cout << "============================" << endl; /// Create 3D windows ofSetWindowTitle("Estimation Coordinate Frame"); ofSetBackgroundColor(ofColor::black); // Create the pointcloud cout << "Recovering points ... "; // recover estimated points3d for (int i = 0; i < points3d_estimated.size(); ++i) point_cloud_est.push_back(cv::Vec3f(points3d_estimated[i])); cout << "[DONE]" << endl; /// Recovering cameras cout << "Recovering cameras ... "; for (size_t i = 0; i < Rs_est.size(); ++i) path_est.push_back(cv::Affine3d(Rs_est[i], ts_est[i])); cout << "[DONE]" << endl; /// Add cameras cout << "Rendering Trajectory ... "; /// Wait for key 'q' to close the window cout << endl << "Press: " << endl; cout << " 's' to switch the camera pov" << endl; cout << " 'q' to close the windows " << endl; if (path_est.size() > 0) { // animated trajectory idx = 0; forw = -1; n = static_cast<int>(path_est.size()); } cam.setNearClip(0.001f); cam.setDistance(5.0f); }