コード例 #1
ファイル: clean.c プロジェクト: gregus/GPU-SExtractor
/********************************** clean ***********************************
PROTO   int clean(int objnb, objliststruct *objlistin)
PURPOSE Remove object from frame -buffer and put it in the "CLEANlist".
INPUT   Object number,
        Object list (source).
OUTPUT  0 if the object was CLEANed, 1 otherwise.
NOTES   -.
AUTHOR  E. Bertin (IAP, Leiden & ESO)
VERSION 08/02/2001
int	clean(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, int objnb,
		objliststruct *objlistin)
	objstruct		*objin, *obj;
	int			i,j,k;
	double		amp,ampin,alpha,alphain, unitarea,unitareain,beta,val;
	float		dx,dy,rlim;

	objin = objlistin->obj+objnb;
	beta = prefs.clean_param;
	unitareain = PI*objin->a*objin->b;
	ampin = objin->fdflux/(2*unitareain*objin->abcor);
	alphain = (pow(ampin/objin->dthresh, 1.0/beta)-1)*unitareain/objin->fdnpix;
	obj = cleanobjlist->obj;

	int flag = 0;

	for (i=0; i<cleanobjlist->nobj; i++, obj++)
		dx = objin->mx - obj->mx;
		dy = objin->my - obj->my;
		rlim = objin->a + obj->a;
		rlim *= rlim;
		if (dx*dx+dy*dy<rlim*CLEAN_ZONE*CLEAN_ZONE)
			if (obj->fdflux < objin->fdflux)
				val = 1+alphain*(objin->cxx*dx*dx+objin->cyy*dy*dy+objin->cxy*dx*dy);
				if (val>1.0 && ((float)(val<1e10?ampin*pow(val,-beta) : 0.0) > obj->mthresh))
					/*------- the newcomer puts that object in its menu! */
					cleanvictim[j++] = i;
				unitarea = PI*obj->a*obj->b;
				amp = obj->fdflux/(2*unitarea*obj->abcor);
				alpha = (pow(amp/obj->dthresh, 1.0/beta) - 1)*unitarea/obj->fdnpix;
				val = 1+alpha*(obj->cxx*dx*dx+obj->cyy*dy*dy+obj->cxy*dx*dy);
				if (val>1.0
						&& ((float)(val<1e10?amp*pow(val,-beta) : 0.0) > objin->mthresh))
					/*------- the newcomer is eaten!! */
					mergeobject(objin, obj);
					if (prefs.blank_flag)
						/*---------- Paste back ``CLEANed'' object pixels before forgetting them */
						if (objin->blank)
							pasteimage(field, objin->blank, objin->subw, objin->subh,
									objin->subx, objin->suby);
						if (objin->dblank)
							pasteimage(dfield, objin->dblank, objin->subw, objin->subh,
									objin->subx, objin->suby);

					return 0;

	/* the newcomer eats the content of the menu */
	for (i=j; i--;)
		k = cleanvictim[i];
		obj = cleanobjlist->obj + k;
		mergeobject(obj, objin);
		if (prefs.blank_flag)
			/*---- Paste back ``CLEANed'' object pixels before forgetting them */
			if (obj->blank)
				pasteimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
						obj->subx, obj->suby);
			if (obj->dblank)
				pasteimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
						obj->subx, obj->suby);

	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: analyse.c プロジェクト: sfabbro/libsextractor
Final processing of object data, just before saving it to the catalog.
void	endobject(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *wfield,
		picstruct *dwfield, int n, objliststruct *objlist)
   checkstruct	*check;
   int		i,j, ix,iy,selecflag, newnumber,nsub;
   objstruct	*obj;

  obj = &objlist->obj[n];

/* Current FITS extension */
  obj2->ext_number = thecat.currext;

/* Source position */
  obj2->sposx = (float)(obj2->posx = obj->mx+1.0); /* That's standard FITS */
  obj2->sposy = (float)(obj2->posy = obj->my+1.0);

/* Integer coordinates */

/* Association */
  if (prefs.assoc_flag)
    obj2->assoc_number = do_assoc(field, obj2->sposx, obj2->sposy);

  if (prefs.assoc_flag && prefs.assocselec_type!=ASSOCSELEC_ALL)
    selecflag = (prefs.assocselec_type==ASSOCSELEC_MATCHED)?
    selecflag = 1;

  if (selecflag)
/*-- Paste back to the image the object's pixels if BLANKing is on */
    if (prefs.blank_flag)
      pasteimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
		obj->subx, obj->suby);
      if (obj->dblank)
        pasteimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
		obj->subx, obj->suby);

/*------------------------- Error ellipse parameters ------------------------*/
    if (FLAG(obj2.poserr_a))
       double	pmx2,pmy2,temp,theta;

      if (fabs(temp=obj->poserr_mx2-obj->poserr_my2) > 0.0)
        theta = atan2(2.0 * obj->poserr_mxy,temp) / 2.0;
        theta = PI/4.0;

      temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+obj->poserr_mxy*obj->poserr_mxy);
      pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(obj->poserr_mx2+obj->poserr_my2);

      obj2->poserr_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2);
      obj2->poserr_b = (float)sqrt(pmy2);
      obj2->poserr_theta = theta*180.0/PI;

    if (FLAG(obj2.poserr_cxx))
       double	xm2,ym2, xym, temp;

      xm2 = obj->poserr_mx2;
      ym2 = obj->poserr_my2;
      xym = obj->poserr_mxy;
      obj2->poserr_cxx = (float)(ym2/(temp=xm2*ym2-xym*xym));
      obj2->poserr_cyy = (float)(xm2/temp);
      obj2->poserr_cxy = (float)(-2*xym/temp);

/* ---- Aspect ratio */

    if (FLAG(obj2.elong))
      obj2->elong = obj->a/obj->b;

    if (FLAG(obj2.ellip))
      obj2->ellip = 1-obj->b/obj->a;

    if (FLAG(obj2.polar))
      obj2->polar = (obj->a*obj->a - obj->b*obj->b)
		/ (obj->a*obj->a + obj->b*obj->b);

/*------------------------------- Photometry -------------------------------*/

/*-- Convert the father of photom. error estimates from variance to RMS */
    obj2->flux_iso = obj->flux;
    obj2->fluxerr_iso = sqrt(obj->fluxerr);
    if (FLAG(obj.flux_prof))
      obj2->flux_prof = obj->flux_prof;
      obj2->fluxerr_prof = sqrt(obj->fluxerr_prof);

    if (FLAG(obj2.flux_isocor))
      computeisocorflux(field, obj);

    if (FLAG(obj2.flux_aper))
      for (i=0; i<prefs.naper; i++)
        computeaperflux(field, wfield, obj, i);

    if (FLAG(obj2.flux_auto))
      computeautoflux(field, dfield, wfield, dwfield, obj);

    if (FLAG(obj2.flux_petro))
      computepetroflux(field, dfield, wfield, dwfield, obj);

/*-- Growth curve */
    if (prefs.growth_flag)
      makeavergrowth(field, wfield, obj);

/*--------------------------- Windowed barycenter --------------------------*/
    if (FLAG(obj2.winpos_x))
      compute_winpos(field, wfield, obj);

/*-- What about the peak of the profile? */
    if (obj->peak+obj->bkg >= prefs.satur_level)
      obj->flag |= OBJ_SATUR;

/*-- Check-image CHECK_APERTURES option */

    if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_APERTURES]))
      if (FLAG(obj2.flux_aper))
        for (i=0; i<prefs.naper; i++)
          sexcircle(check->pix, check->width, check->height,
		obj->mx, obj->my, prefs.apert[i]/2.0, check->overlay);

      if (FLAG(obj2.flux_auto))
        sexellips(check->pix, check->width, check->height,
	obj->mx, obj->my, obj->a*obj2->kronfactor,
	obj->b*obj2->kronfactor, obj->theta,
	check->overlay, obj->flag&OBJ_CROWDED);

      if (FLAG(obj2.flux_petro))
        sexellips(check->pix, check->width, check->height,
	obj->mx, obj->my, obj->a*obj2->petrofactor,
	obj->b*obj2->petrofactor, obj->theta,
	check->overlay, obj->flag&OBJ_CROWDED);

/* ---- Star/Galaxy classification */

    if (FLAG(obj2.sprob))
       int	j;
       double	fac2, input[10], output, fwhm;

      fwhm = prefs.seeing_fwhm;

      fac2 = fwhm/field->pixscale;
      fac2 *= fac2;
      input[j=0] = log10(obj->iso[0]? obj->iso[0]/fac2: 0.01);
      input[++j] = field->thresh>0.0?
		  log10(obj->peak>0.0? obj->peak/field->thresh: 0.1)
      for (i=1; i<NISO; i++)
        input[++j] = log10(obj->iso[i]? obj->iso[i]/fac2: 0.01);
      input[++j] = log10(fwhm);
      neurresp(input, &output);
      obj2->sprob = (float)output;

/*-- Put here your calls to "BLIND" custom functions. Ex:




    newnumber = ++thecat.ntotal;
/*-- update segmentation map */
    if ((check=prefs.check[CHECK_SEGMENTATION]))
       ULONG	*pix;
       ULONG	newsnumber = newnumber,
		oldsnumber = obj->number;
       int	dx,dx0,dy,dpix;

      pix = (ULONG *)check->pix + check->width*obj->ymin + obj->xmin;
      dx0 = obj->xmax-obj->xmin+1;
      dpix = check->width-dx0;
      for (dy=obj->ymax-obj->ymin+1; dy--; pix += dpix)
        for (dx=dx0; dx--; pix++)
          if (*pix==oldsnumber)
            *pix = newsnumber;
    obj->number = newnumber;

    if (FLAG(obj2.vignet))

    if (FLAG(obj2.vigshift))
      copyimage_center(field, outobj2.vigshift, prefs.vigshiftsize[0],
		prefs.vigshiftsize[1], obj->mx, obj->my);

/*--- Express everything in magnitude units */
    computemags(field, obj);

/*------------------------------- PSF fitting ------------------------------*/
    nsub = 1;
    if (prefs.psf_flag)
      psf_fit(thepsf, field, wfield, obj);
      obj2->npsf = thepsfit->npsf;
      if (prefs.psfdisplay_type == PSFDISPLAY_SPLIT)
        nsub = thepsfit->npsf;
        if (nsub<1)
          nsub = 1;
        for (j=0; j<thepsfit->npsf; j++)
          if (FLAG(obj2.x_psf) && j<prefs.psf_xsize)
            obj2->x_psf[j] = thepsfit->x[j];
          if (FLAG(obj2.y_psf) && j<prefs.psf_ysize)
            obj2->y_psf[j] = thepsfit->y[j];
          if (FLAG(obj2.flux_psf) && j<prefs.psf_fluxsize)
            obj2->flux_psf[j] = thepsfit->flux[j];
          if (FLAG(obj2.mag_psf) && j<prefs.psf_magsize)
            obj2->mag_psf[j] = thepsfit->flux[j]>0.0?
		prefs.mag_zeropoint -2.5*log10(thepsfit->flux[j]) : 99.0;

/*-------------------------------- Astrometry ------------------------------*/
    if (prefs.world_flag)
      computeastrom(field, obj);
/*-- Edit min and max coordinates to follow the FITS conventions */
    obj->xmin += 1;
    obj->ymin += 1;
    obj->xmax += 1;
    obj->ymax += 1;

/*-- Go through each newly identified component */
    for (j=0; j<nsub; j++)
      if (prefs.psf_flag && prefs.psfdisplay_type == PSFDISPLAY_SPLIT)
        if (FLAG(obj2.x_psf))
          obj2->x_psf[0] = thepsfit->x[j];
        if (FLAG(obj2.y_psf))
          obj2->y_psf[0] = thepsfit->y[j];
        if (FLAG(obj2.flux_psf))
          obj2->flux_psf[0] = thepsfit->flux[j];
        if (FLAG(obj2.mag_psf))
          obj2->mag_psf[0] = thepsfit->flux[j]>0.0?
		prefs.mag_zeropoint -2.5*log10(thepsfit->flux[j]) : 99.0;
        if (j)
          obj->number = ++thecat.ntotal;

      FPRINTF(OUTPUT, "%8d %6.1f %6.1f %5.1f %5.1f %12g "
	obj->number, obj->mx+1.0, obj->my+1.0,
	obj->a, obj->b,
      writecat(n, objlist);

 if (prefs.user_ana) prefs.user_ana(obj, obj2); /* pour TOADS */

/* Remove again from the image the object's pixels if BLANKing is on ... */
/*-- ... and free memory */

  if (prefs.blank_flag && obj->blank)
    if (selecflag)
      if (prefs.somfit_flag && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_MAPSOM]))
        blankcheck(check, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
		obj->subx, obj->suby, (PIXTYPE)*(obj2->vector_somfit));

    blankimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
		obj->subx, obj->suby, -BIG);
    if (obj->dblank)
      blankimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
		obj->subx, obj->suby, -BIG);
