コード例 #1
ファイル: createvolume.cpp プロジェクト: ghostbunny/zuluCrypt
createvolume::createvolume( QWidget * parent ) :
    QDialog( parent ),
    m_ui( new Ui::createvolume )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;
	this->setFont( parent->font() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditVolumePath->setEnabled( false ) ;
	m_ui->lineEditPassphrase1->setFocus() ;

	m_isWindowClosable = true ;

	m_keyStrength = new keystrength() ;

	connect( m_ui->pbOpenKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpenKeyFile() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCreate,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCreateClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancelClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbPassphrase,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( rbPassphraseClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbPassphraseFromFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( rbPasssphraseFromFileClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbHiddenKey,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( rbHiddenPassphraseClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbHiddenKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( rbHiddenPasssphraseFromFileClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType,SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),this,SLOT( volumeType( int ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->lineEditPassphrase1,SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ),this,SLOT( keyChanged( QString ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->lineEditHiddenKey,SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ),this,SLOT( keyChanged( QString ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbHiddenKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpenHiddenKeyFile() ) ) ;

	m_ui->groupBox->setEnabled( false ) ;

	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->addItem( tr( "normal truecrypt" ) ) ;
	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->addItem( tr( "normal+hidden truecrypt" ) ) ;
	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->setCurrentIndex( int( createvolume::luks ) ) ;
コード例 #2
createvolume::createvolume( QWidget * parent ) :
    QDialog( parent ),
    m_ui( new Ui::createvolume )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;
	this->setFont( parent->font() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditVolumePath->setEnabled( false ) ;
	m_ui->lineEditPassphrase1->setFocus() ;

	m_isWindowClosable = true ;
	m_warned = false ;

	m_keyStrength = new keystrength() ;

	connect( m_ui->pbOpenKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpenKeyFile() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCreate,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCreateClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancelClicked() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->cbNormalVolume,SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this,SLOT( cbNormalVolume( int ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->cbHiddenVolume,SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this,SLOT( cbHiddenVolume( int ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType,SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),this,SLOT( volumeType( int ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->lineEditPassphrase1,SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ),this,SLOT( keyChanged( QString ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->lineEditHiddenKey,SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ),this,SLOT( keyChanged( QString ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbHiddenKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpenHiddenKeyFile() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType,SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this,SLOT( setOptions( int ) ) ) ;

	m_ui->groupBox->setEnabled( false ) ;

	this->setOptions( 1 ) ;

	this->installEventFilter( this ) ;

	m_ui->labelvolumeOptions->setVisible( false ) ;

	QString a = tr( "options are separated by a \".\" character.\n\n" ) ;
	QString b = tr( "multiple algorithms are separated by \":\" character.\n\n" ) ;
	QString c = tr( "options are in a format of \"algorithm.cipher mode.key size in bits.hash\"\n\n") ;
	QString d = tr( "default option is the first entry on the list" ) ;

	m_ui->comboBoxOptions->setToolTip( a + b + c + d ) ;

	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->addItem( tr( "normal truecrypt" ) ) ;
	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->addItem( tr( "normal+hidden truecrypt" ) ) ;
	m_ui->comboBoxVolumeType->setCurrentIndex( int( createvolume::luks ) ) ;