コード例 #1
ファイル: cu_pc_schema.c プロジェクト: avances123/pointcloud
static void
	int rv;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4;
	int idx = 0;

	pt = pc_point_make(schema);
	CU_ASSERT( pt != NULL );

	/* One at a time */
	idx = 0;
	a1 = 1.5;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, idx, a1);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, idx, &b1);
	// printf("d1=%g, d2=%g\n", a1, b1);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a1, b1, 0.0000001);

	idx = 2;
	a2 = 1501500.12;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, idx, a2);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, idx, &b2);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a2, b2, 0.0000001);

	a3 = 91;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "NumberOfReturns", a3);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "NumberOfReturns", &b3);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a3, b3, 0.0000001);


	/* All at once */
	pt = pc_point_make(schema);
	a1 = 1.5;
	a2 = 1501500.12;
	a3 = 91;
	a4 = 200;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 0, a1);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 2, a2);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "NumberOfReturns", a3);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "UserData", a4);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, 0, &b1);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, 2, &b2);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "NumberOfReturns", &b3);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "UserData", &b4);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a1, b1, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a2, b2, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a3, b3, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a4, b4, 0.0000001);


コード例 #2
ファイル: pc_point.c プロジェクト: Shankarsetty/pointcloud
pc_point_from_double_array(const PCSCHEMA *s, double *array, uint32_t nelems)
	int i;

	if ( ! s )
		pcerror("null schema passed into pc_point_from_double_array");
		return NULL;

	if ( s->ndims != nelems )
		pcerror("number of elements in schema and array differ in pc_point_from_double_array");
		return NULL;

	/* Reference the external data */
	pt = pcalloc(sizeof(PCPOINT));
	pt->data = pcalloc(s->size);
	pt->schema = s;
	pt->readonly = PC_FALSE;

	for ( i = 0; i < nelems; i++ )
		if ( PC_FAILURE == pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, i, array[i]) )
			pcerror("failed to write value into dimension %d in pc_point_from_double_array", i);
			return NULL;

	return pt;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pc_filter.c プロジェクト: ghelobytes/pointcloud
pc_patch_dimensional_filter(const PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL *pdl, const PCBITMAP *map)
	int i = 0;
	PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL *fpdl = pc_patch_dimensional_clone(pdl);

    fpdl->stats = pc_stats_clone(pdl->stats);
	fpdl->npoints = map->nset;

	for ( i = 0; i < pdl->schema->ndims; i++ )
        PCDOUBLESTAT stats;
        stats.min = FLT_MAX;
        stats.max = FLT_MIN;
        stats.sum = 0;
		fpdl->bytes[i] = pc_bytes_filter(&(pdl->bytes[i]), map, &stats);

		/* Save the X/Y stats for use in bounds later */
		if ( i == pdl->schema->x_position )
            fpdl->bounds.xmin = stats.min;
            fpdl->bounds.xmax = stats.max;
		else if ( i == pdl->schema->y_position )
            fpdl->bounds.ymin = stats.min;
            fpdl->bounds.ymax = stats.max;

        pc_point_set_double_by_index(&(fpdl->stats->min), i, stats.min);
        pc_point_set_double_by_index(&(fpdl->stats->max), i, stats.max);
        pc_point_set_double_by_index(&(fpdl->stats->avg), i, stats.sum/fpdl->npoints);

	return fpdl;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cu_pc_point.c プロジェクト: achidlow/pointcloud
static void
	int rv;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4;
	int idx = 0;
	double *allvals;

	pt = pc_point_make(schema);
	CU_ASSERT( pt != NULL );

	/* One at a time */
	idx = 0;
	a1 = 1.5;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, idx, a1);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, idx, &b1);
	// printf("d1=%g, d2=%g\n", a1, b1);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a1, b1, 0.0000001);

	idx = 2;
	a2 = 1501500.12;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, idx, a2);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, idx, &b2);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a2, b2, 0.0000001);

	a3 = 91;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "Intensity", a3);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "Intensity", &b3);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a3, b3, 0.0000001);


	/* All at once */
	pt = pc_point_make(schema);
	a1 = 1.5;
	a2 = 1501500.12;
	a3 = 91;
	a4 = 200;
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 0, a1);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 1, a2);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "Intensity", a3);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_name(pt, "Z", a4);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, 0, &b1);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_index(pt, 1, &b2);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "Intensity", &b3);
	rv = pc_point_get_double_by_name(pt, "Z", &b4);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a1, b1, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a2, b2, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a3, b3, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a4, b4, 0.0000001);

	/* as a double array */
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 0, a1);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 1, a2);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 2, a3);
	rv = pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, 3, a4);
	allvals = pc_point_to_double_array(pt);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(allvals[0], a1, 0.0000001);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(allvals[1], a2, 0.0000001);
	//printf("allvals[2]:%g\n", allvals[2]);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(allvals[2], a3, 0.0000001);
	//printf("allvals[3]:%g\n", allvals[3]);
	CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(allvals[3], a4, 0.0000001);


コード例 #5
ファイル: pc_point.c プロジェクト: Shankarsetty/pointcloud
pc_point_set_y(PCPOINT *pt, double val)
	return pc_point_set_double_by_index(pt, pt->schema->y_position, val);