static pdf_font_desc * load_cid_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *encoding, pdf_obj *to_unicode) { pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *descriptor; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; FT_Face face; int kind; char collection[256]; char *basefont; int i, k, fterr; pdf_obj *obj; int dw; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); fz_try(ctx) { /* Get font name and CID collection */ basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont")); { pdf_obj *cidinfo; char tmpstr[64]; int tmplen; cidinfo = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo"); if (!cidinfo) fz_throw(ctx, "cid font is missing info"); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Registry"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Ordering"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); } /* Load font file */ fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor"); if (!descriptor) fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: missing font descriptor"); pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, collection, basefont); face = fontdesc->font->ft_face; kind = ft_kind(face); /* Encoding */ if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) { if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-H")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 2); else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-V")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 1, 2); else fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, pdf_to_name(encoding)); } else if (pdf_is_indirect(encoding)) { fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(xref, encoding); } else { fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: font missing encoding"); } fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_set_font_wmode(ctx, fontdesc, pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding)); if (kind == TRUETYPE) { pdf_obj *cidtogidmap; cidtogidmap = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"); if (pdf_is_indirect(cidtogidmap)) { fz_buffer *buf; buf = pdf_load_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(cidtogidmap), pdf_to_gen(cidtogidmap)); fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = (buf->len) / 2; fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len, sizeof(unsigned short)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len * sizeof(unsigned short); for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len; i++) fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1]; fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } /* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */ /* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */ /* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */ else if (fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (fterr) { fz_throw(ctx, "fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); } if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); } } pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, NULL, collection, to_unicode); /* Horizontal */ dw = 1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW"); if (obj) dw = pdf_to_int(obj); pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, n, m; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, w); i += 3; } } } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Vertical */ if (pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding) == 1) { int dw2y = 880; int dw2w = -1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW2"); if (obj) { dw2y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 0)); dw2w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 1)); } pdf_set_default_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W2"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, x, y, n; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { int m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k * 3 < m; k ++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 0)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 1)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 2)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 3)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 4)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w); i += 5; } } } pdf_end_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc); } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } return fontdesc; }
static pdf_font_desc * load_cid_font(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *encoding, pdf_obj *to_unicode) { pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *descriptor; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; FT_Face face; int kind; char collection[256]; char *basefont; int i, k, fterr; pdf_obj *obj; int dw; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); fz_try(ctx) { /* Get font name and CID collection */ basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont")); { pdf_obj *cidinfo; char tmpstr[64]; int tmplen; cidinfo = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo"); if (!cidinfo) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cid font is missing info"); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Registry"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Ordering"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); } /* Load font file */ fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor"); if (!descriptor) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: missing font descriptor"); pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, doc, descriptor, collection, basefont, 1, 1); face = fontdesc->font->ft_face; kind = ft_kind(face); /* Encoding */ if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) { if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-H")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 2); else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-V")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 1, 2); else fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, pdf_to_name(encoding)); } else if (pdf_is_indirect(encoding)) { fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(doc, encoding); } else { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: font missing encoding"); } fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_set_font_wmode(ctx, fontdesc, pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding)); if (kind == TRUETYPE || /* cf. */ !strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Subtype")), "CIDFontType2") || /* cf. */ pdf_is_indirect(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"))) { pdf_obj *cidtogidmap; cidtogidmap = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"); if (pdf_is_indirect(cidtogidmap)) { fz_buffer *buf; buf = pdf_load_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(cidtogidmap), pdf_to_gen(cidtogidmap)); fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = (buf->len) / 2; fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len, sizeof(unsigned short)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len * sizeof(unsigned short); for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len; i++) fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1]; fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } /* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */ /* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */ /* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */ else if (fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (fterr) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); } if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); /* cf. */ else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Identity") && fontdesc->font->ft_file) fontdesc->font->ft_substitute = 0; } } /* cf. */ fz_try(ctx) { pdf_load_to_unicode(doc, fontdesc, NULL, collection, to_unicode); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load ToUnicode CMap"); } /* If we have an identity encoding, we're supposed to use the glyph ids directly. * If we only have a substitute font, that won't work. * Make a last ditch attempt by using * the ToUnicode table if it exists to map via the substitute font's cmap. */ if (strstr(fontdesc->encoding->cmap_name, "Identity-") && fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fz_warn(ctx, "non-embedded font using identity encoding: %s", basefont); if (fontdesc->to_unicode && !fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_keep_cmap(ctx, fontdesc->to_unicode); } /* Horizontal */ dw = 1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW"); if (obj) dw = pdf_to_int(obj); pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, n, m; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, w); i += 3; } } } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Vertical */ if (pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding) == 1) { int dw2y = 880; int dw2w = -1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW2"); if (obj) { dw2y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 0)); dw2w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 1)); } pdf_set_default_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W2"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, x, y, n; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { int m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k * 3 < m; k ++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 0)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 1)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 2)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 3)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 4)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w); i += 5; } } } pdf_end_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc); } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } return fontdesc; }