std::unique_ptr<ContentMemento> Memento::DefaultContent( PeerId peerId, Section section) { Expects(peerId != 0); auto peer = Auth().data().peer(peerId); if (auto to = peer->migrateTo()) { peer = to; } auto migrated = peer->migrateFrom(); peerId = peer->id; auto migratedPeerId = migrated ? migrated->id : PeerId(0); switch (section.type()) { case Section::Type::Profile: return std::make_unique<Profile::Memento>( peerId, migratedPeerId); case Section::Type::Media: return std::make_unique<Media::Memento>( peerId, migratedPeerId, section.mediaType()); case Section::Type::CommonGroups: Assert(peerIsUser(peerId)); return std::make_unique<CommonGroups::Memento>( peerToUser(peerId)); case Section::Type::Members: return std::make_unique<Members::Memento>( peerId, migratedPeerId); } Unexpected("Wrong section type in Info::Memento::DefaultContent()"); }
void ChannelData::applyEditAdmin(not_null<UserData*> user, const MTPChannelAdminRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelAdminRights &newRights) { auto flags = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::None; if (mgInfo) { // If rights are empty - still add participant? TODO check if (!base::contains(mgInfo->lastParticipants, user)) { mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_front(user); setMembersCount(membersCount() + 1); if (user->botInfo && !mgInfo->bots.contains(user)) { mgInfo->bots.insert(user); if (mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } } // If rights are empty - still remove restrictions? TODO check if (mgInfo->lastRestricted.contains(user)) { mgInfo->lastRestricted.remove(user); if (restrictedCount() > 0) { setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() - 1); } } auto userId = peerToUser(user->id); auto it = mgInfo->lastAdmins.find(user); if (newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v != 0) { auto lastAdmin = MegagroupInfo::Admin { newRights }; lastAdmin.canEdit = true; if (it == mgInfo->lastAdmins.cend()) { mgInfo->lastAdmins.emplace(user, lastAdmin); setAdminsCount(adminsCount() + 1); } else { it->second = lastAdmin; } Data::ChannelAdminChanges(this).feed(userId, true); } else { if (it != mgInfo->lastAdmins.cend()) { mgInfo->lastAdmins.erase(it); if (adminsCount() > 0) { setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1); } } Data::ChannelAdminChanges(this).feed(userId, false); } } if (oldRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v && !newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v) { // We removed an admin. if (adminsCount() > 1) { setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1); } if (!isMegagroup() && user->botInfo && membersCount() > 1) { // Removing bot admin removes it from channel. setMembersCount(membersCount() - 1); } } else if (!oldRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v && newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v) { // We added an admin. setAdminsCount(adminsCount() + 1); updateFullForced(); } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, flags); }
void InfoWidget::refreshMobileNumber() { TextWithEntities phoneText; if (auto user = peer()->asUser()) { if (!user->phone().isEmpty()) { phoneText.text = App::formatPhone(user->phone()); } else { phoneText.text = App::phoneFromSharedContact(peerToUser(user->id)); } } setLabeledText(&_mobileNumberLabel, lang(lng_profile_mobile_number), &_mobileNumber, phoneText, lang(lng_profile_copy_phone)); }
void HistoryMessage::applyGroupAdminChanges( const base::flat_map<UserId, bool> &changes) { auto i = changes.find(peerToUser(author()->id)); if (i != changes.end()) { if (i->second) { _flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge; } else { _flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge; } Auth().data().requestItemResize(this); } }
void ApiWrap::gotUserFull(PeerData *peer, const MTPUserFull &result, mtpRequestId req) { const MTPDuserFull &d(result.c_userFull()); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector<MTPUser>(1, d.vuser), false); App::feedPhoto(d.vprofile_photo); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(peerToUser(peer->id)), d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vmy_link, d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vforeign_link, false); App::main()->gotNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), d.vnotify_settings); peer->asUser()->setBotInfo(d.vbot_info); peer->asUser()->blocked = mtpIsTrue(d.vblocked) ? UserIsBlocked : UserIsNotBlocked; if (req) { QMap<PeerData*, mtpRequestId>::iterator i = _fullPeerRequests.find(peer); if (i != _fullPeerRequests.cend() && i.value() == req) { _fullPeerRequests.erase(i); } } App::clearPeerUpdated(peer); emit fullPeerUpdated(peer); App::emitPeerUpdated(); }
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage( not_null<History*> history, MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, TimeId date, UserId from, const QString &postAuthor, not_null<HistoryMessage*> original) : HistoryItem( history, id, NewForwardedFlags(history->peer, from, original) | flags, date, from) { CreateConfig config; if (original->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || !original->history()->peer->isSelf()) { // Server doesn't add "fwd_from" to non-forwarded messages from chat with yourself. config.originalDate = original->dateOriginal(); auto senderOriginal = original->senderOriginal(); config.senderOriginal = senderOriginal->id; config.authorOriginal = original->authorOriginal(); if (senderOriginal->isChannel()) { config.originalId = original->idOriginal(); } } if (history->peer->isSelf()) { // // iOS app sends you to the original post if we forward a forward from channel. // But server returns not the original post but the forward in saved_from_... // //if (config.originalId) { // config.savedFromPeer = config.senderOriginal; // config.savedFromMsgId = config.originalId; //} else { config.savedFromPeer = original->history()->peer->id; config.savedFromMsgId = original->id; //} } if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post_author) { = postAuthor; } auto fwdViaBot = original->viaBot(); if (fwdViaBot) config.viaBotId = peerToUser(fwdViaBot->id); int fwdViewsCount = original->viewsCount(); if (fwdViewsCount > 0) { config.viewsCount = fwdViewsCount; } else if (isPost()) { config.viewsCount = 1; } // Copy inline keyboard when forwarding messages with a game. auto mediaOriginal = original->media(); if (mediaOriginal && mediaOriginal->game()) { config.inlineMarkup = original->inlineReplyMarkup(); } createComponents(config); auto ignoreMedia = [&] { if (mediaOriginal && mediaOriginal->webpage()) { if (const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) { if (channel->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_embed_links)) { return true; } } } return false; }; if (mediaOriginal && !ignoreMedia()) { _media = mediaOriginal->clone(this); } setText(original->originalText()); }
bool ChannelData::isGroupAdmin(not_null<UserData*> user) const { if (auto info = mgInfo.get()) { return info->admins.contains(peerToUser(user->id)); } return false; }
void ChannelData::applyEditBanned(not_null<UserData*> user, const MTPChannelBannedRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelBannedRights &newRights) { auto flags = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::BannedUsersChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::None; auto isKicked = (newRights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v & MTPDchannelBannedRights::Flag::f_view_messages); auto isRestricted = !isKicked && (newRights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v != 0); if (mgInfo) { // If rights are empty - still remove admin? TODO check if (mgInfo->lastAdmins.contains(user)) { mgInfo->lastAdmins.remove(user); if (adminsCount() > 1) { setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1); } else { flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged; } } auto it = mgInfo->lastRestricted.find(user); if (isRestricted) { if (it == mgInfo->lastRestricted.cend()) { mgInfo->lastRestricted.emplace(user, MegagroupInfo::Restricted { newRights }); setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() + 1); } else { it->second.rights = newRights; } } else { if (it != mgInfo->lastRestricted.cend()) { mgInfo->lastRestricted.erase(it); if (restrictedCount() > 0) { setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() - 1); } } if (isKicked) { auto i = ranges::find(mgInfo->lastParticipants, user); if (i != mgInfo->lastParticipants.end()) { mgInfo->lastParticipants.erase(i); } if (membersCount() > 1) { setMembersCount(membersCount() - 1); } else { mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated; mgInfo->lastParticipantsCount = 0; } setKickedCount(kickedCount() + 1); if (mgInfo->bots.contains(user)) { mgInfo->bots.remove(user); if (mgInfo->bots.empty() && mgInfo->botStatus > 0) { mgInfo->botStatus = -1; } } flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged; Auth().data().removeMegagroupParticipant(this, user); } } Data::ChannelAdminChanges(this).feed(peerToUser(user->id), false); } else { if (isKicked) { if (membersCount() > 1) { setMembersCount(membersCount() - 1); flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged; } setKickedCount(kickedCount() + 1); } } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, flags); }
bool UserData::canShareThisContact() const { return canShareThisContactFast() || !App::phoneFromSharedContact(peerToUser(id)).isEmpty(); }
bool UserData::canShareThisContact() const { return canShareThisContactFast() || !owner().findContactPhone(peerToUser(id)).isEmpty(); }