コード例 #1
ファイル: ReachingBlocks.cpp プロジェクト: bjornvar/omr
int32_t TR_ReachingBlocks::perform()
   // Allocate the block info before setting the stack mark - it will be used by
   // the caller

   TR::StackMemoryRegion stackMemoryRegion(*trMemory());

   TR_Structure *rootStructure = comp()->getFlowGraph()->getStructure();
   performAnalysis(rootStructure, false);
   } // scope of the stack memory region

   return 10; // actual cost
コード例 #2
TR_RegisterAnticipatability::TR_RegisterAnticipatability(TR::Compilation *comp,
                                                         TR::Optimizer *optimizer,
                                                         TR_Structure *rootStructure,
                                                         TR_BitVector **regUsageInfo,
                                                         bool trace)
   : TR_BackwardIntersectionBitVectorAnalysis(comp, comp->getFlowGraph(), optimizer, trace)
   if (comp->getOption(TR_TraceShrinkWrapping))
      traceMsg(comp, "Starting RegisterAnticipatability\n");

   _registerUsageInfo = regUsageInfo;   // Will be copied in initializeRegisterUsageInfo

   performAnalysis(rootStructure, false);

   // copy the solution from the first block of the CFG
   // into the dummy entry -- this is because the dummy entry
   // dominates every block
   int32_t entryNum = comp->getStartTree()->getEnclosingBlock()->getNumber(); // dummy entry block
   int32_t dummyNum = comp->getFlowGraph()->getStart()->getNumber();
   *_blockAnalysisInfo[dummyNum] |= *_blockAnalysisInfo[entryNum];
   *_outSetInfo[dummyNum] |= *_blockAnalysisInfo[entryNum];

   if (comp->getOption(TR_TraceShrinkWrapping))
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < _numberOfNodes; i++)
         traceMsg(comp, "Block number : %d has solution : ", i);
         traceMsg(comp, "\n");

      for (int32_t i = 0; i < _numberOfNodes; i++)
         traceMsg(comp, "Block number : %d has outSet : ", i);
         traceMsg(comp, "\n");

      traceMsg(comp, "Ending RegisterAnticipatability\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: ReachingDefinitions.cpp プロジェクト: bjornvar/omr
int32_t TR_ReachingDefinitions::perform()
   LexicalTimer tlex("reachingDefs_perform", comp()->phaseTimer());
   if (traceRD())
      traceMsg(comp(), "Starting ReachingDefinitions\n");

   // Allocate the block info, allowing the bit vectors to be allocated on the fly

   TR::StackMemoryRegion stackMemoryRegion(*trMemory());

   TR_Structure *rootStructure = _cfg->getStructure();
   performAnalysis(rootStructure, false);

   if (traceRD())
      traceMsg(comp(), "\nEnding ReachingDefinitions\n");

   } // scope of the stack memory region

   return 10; // actual cost
コード例 #4
ファイル: calcLtcs.c プロジェクト: mpgerstl/ltcsCalculator
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("Start: %s\n", getTime());

    // define arguments and usage
    char *optv[MAX_ARGS] = { "-i", "-o", "-s", "-r", "-v", "-l", "-z", "-t", "-f", "-c", "-a" };
    char *optd[MAX_ARGS] = {"efm file  (tab separated like:  0.4\t0\t-0.24)",
                            "output file [default: ltcs.out]",
                            "stoichiometric matrix file [optional, needed to find internal loops]",
                            "reaction file [optional, but necessary if option -a is set]",
                            "reversibility file [optional, but saves memory!]",
                            "loops output [only if stoichiometric matrix is given, default: loops.out]",
                            "zero threshold [default: 1e-10]",
                            "number of threads [default: 1]",
                            "full output [yes/no; default: yes] if set to no only summary is printed and ltcs are not saved",
                            "print ltcs in csv format [yes/no; default: yes] if set to no ltcs output will be e.g. 10011 instead of 1,0,0,1,1",
                            "analysis output file - needs option -r"};
    char *optr[MAX_ARGS];
    char *description = "Calculate largest thermodynamically consistent sets of "
        "EFMs\nbased only on the reversibility of the reactions";
    char *usg = "\n   calcLtcs -i efms.txt -o ltcs.out\n   calcLtcs -i efms.txt -o ltcs.out -s sfile -v rvfile -z 1e-6 -t 8 -a yes -r rfile";
    // end define arguments and usage

    // read arguments
    readArgs(argc, argv, MAX_ARGS, optv, optr);
    if ( !optr[ARG_INPUT] )
        usage(description, usg, MAX_ARGS, optv, optd);
        quitError("Missing argument\n", ERROR_ARGS);
    char* ltcsout = optr[ARG_LTCS_OUT] ? optr[ARG_LTCS_OUT] : "ltcs.out";
    char* arg_rvfile = optr[ARG_RVFILE] ? optr[ARG_RVFILE] : "not available";
    char* arg_sfile = optr[ARG_SFILE] ? optr[ARG_SFILE] : "not available";
    char* arg_rfile = optr[ARG_RFILE] ? optr[ARG_RFILE] : "not available";
    char* loopout = optr[ARG_SFILE] ? (optr[ARG_LOOPS] ? optr[ARG_LOOPS] : "loops.out") : "not available";
    double threshold = optr[ARG_ZERO] ? atof(optr[ARG_ZERO]) : 1e-10;
    int threads = optr[ARG_THREADS] ? atoi(optr[ARG_THREADS]) : 1;
    int full_out = optr[ARG_FULL_OUT] ? (!strcmp(optr[ARG_FULL_OUT], "no") ? 0 : 1) : 1;
    int csv_out = optr[ARG_CSV_OUT] ? (!strcmp(optr[ARG_CSV_OUT], "no") ? 0 : 1) : 1;
    int arg_analysis = optr[ARG_ANALYSIS] ? (optr[ARG_RFILE] ? 1 : 0) : 0;
    char* arg_analysisfile = optr[ARG_ANALYSIS] ? optr[ARG_ANALYSIS] : "not available";
    // end read arguments

    // print arguments summary
    printf("Input:            %s\n", optr[ARG_INPUT]);
    printf("Output:           %s\n", ltcsout);
    printf("sfile:            %s\n", arg_sfile);
    printf("rvfile:           %s\n", arg_rvfile);
    printf("rfile:            %s\n", arg_rfile);
    printf("Zero threshold:   %.2e\n", threshold);
    printf("Threads:          %d\n", threads);
    printf("Loops output:     %s\n", full_out > 0 ? loopout : "no");
    printf("Full output:      %s\n", full_out > 0 ? "yes" : "no");
    if (full_out > 0)
        printf("csv output:       %s\n", csv_out > 0 ? "yes (1,0,1,1)" : "no (1011)");
    printf("Perform analysis: %s\n", arg_analysis > 0 ? "yes" : "no");
    if (arg_analysis > 0)
        printf("analysis file:    %s\n", arg_analysisfile);
    // end print arguments summary

    // check files
    FILE *file = fopen(optr[ARG_INPUT], "r");
    FILE *fileout = NULL;
    FILE *fileloops = NULL;
    FILE *fileanalysis = NULL;
    if (!file)
        quitError("Error in opening input file\n", ERROR_FILE);
    if (full_out > 0)
        fileout = fopen(ltcsout, "w");
        if (!fileout)
            quitError("Error in opening output file\n", ERROR_FILE);
        if (optr[ARG_SFILE])
            fileloops = fopen(loopout, "w");
            if (!fileloops)
                quitError("Error in opening loop outputfile\n", ERROR_FILE);
    if (arg_analysis > 0)
        fileanalysis = fopen(arg_analysisfile, "w");
        if (!fileanalysis)
            quitError("Error in opening analysis file\n", ERROR_FILE);
    // end check files
    // read number of reactions
    int rx_count = getRxCount(file);
    if (rx_count < 1)
        quitError("Error in EFM file format; number of reactions < 1\n",
    // end read number of reactions

    // define exchange reactions
    char* exchange_reaction = NULL;
    int s_cols = 0;
    if (optr[ARG_SFILE])
        defineExchangeReactions(&s_cols, &exchange_reaction, threshold,
        if (s_cols != rx_count)
            quitError("Error in EFM of stoichiometric file format. Number of reactions is not equal\n", ERROR_FILE);
    // end define exchange reactions

    // define reversible reactions
    unsigned int   rev_rx_count  = 0;
    unsigned long rev_rx_bitsize = getBitsize(rx_count);
    char* reversible_reactions = calloc(1, rev_rx_bitsize);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < rx_count; i++) 
        BITSET(reversible_reactions, i);
    if (optr[ARG_RVFILE])
        readReversibleFile(optr[ARG_RVFILE], reversible_reactions, rx_count);
        for (i = 0; i < rx_count; i++) 
            BITSET(reversible_reactions, i);
    // end define reversible reactions
    // read reaction names
    char** reaction_names = NULL;
    if (arg_analysis > 0)
        readReactions(optr[ARG_RFILE], &reaction_names, rx_count);

    // read efm matrix
    char* loops = NULL;
    char** initial_mat = NULL;
    char** full_mat = NULL;
    unsigned long efm_count = 0;
    int checkLoops = optr[ARG_SFILE] ? 1 : 0;
    readInitialMatrix(rx_count, &efm_count, reversible_reactions,
            &rev_rx_count, &initial_mat, &full_mat, arg_analysis,
            exchange_reaction, &loops, checkLoops, 1e-8, optr[ARG_INPUT]);
    // end read efm matrix

    // find ltcs
    unsigned long ltcs_count = 0;
    char** ltcs = NULL;
    findLtcs(rev_rx_count, efm_count, initial_mat, loops, &ltcs, &ltcs_count, threads);
    // end find ltcs
    // filter ltcs to remove subsets
    printf("%s filter LTCS to remove subsets\n", getTime());
    char* notAnLtcs = NULL;
    filterLtcs(ltcs, &notAnLtcs, ltcs_count, efm_count);
    // end filter ltcs to remove subsets

    // print ltcs to file
    if (full_out > 0)
        printf("%s save ltcs\n", getTime());
    unsigned long li;
    unsigned long ul;
    unsigned long result_ltcs_count = 0;
    int makeSep = 0;
    for (li = 0; li < ltcs_count; li++) {
        if (!BITTEST(notAnLtcs, li))
            makeSep = 0;
            if (full_out > 0)
                for (ul = 0; ul < efm_count; ul++) {
                    if (makeSep > 0 && csv_out > 0)
                        fprintf(fileout, ",");
                    makeSep = 1;
                    if (BITTEST(ltcs[li],ul))
                        fprintf(fileout, "1");
                        fprintf(fileout, "0");
                fprintf(fileout, "\n");
    if (full_out > 0)
    // end print ltcs to file

    // perform analysis
    if (arg_analysis > 0)
        printf("%s perform and save analysis of LTCS\n", getTime());
        double** analysis_values = NULL;
        performAnalysis(&analysis_values, ltcs, full_mat, reaction_names,
                ltcs_count, efm_count, rx_count);
        unsigned long lj;
        for (li = 0; li < rx_count; li++) {
            fprintf(fileanalysis, "%s", reaction_names[li]);
            for (lj = 0; lj < ltcs_count; lj++) {
                fprintf(fileanalysis, ",%.2f", analysis_values[li][lj]);
            fprintf(fileanalysis, "\n");

        for (li = 0; li < rx_count; li++) {
    // end perform analysis
    // set initial_mat memory free
    for (li=0; li<efm_count; li++)
        if (!BITTEST(loops, li))
    initial_mat = NULL;
    if (arg_analysis > 0)
        for (li=0; li<efm_count; li++)
            if (!BITTEST(loops, li))
        full_mat = NULL;
    // end set initial_mat memory free

    // count and print loops to file
    unsigned long loop_count = 0;
    if (optr[ARG_SFILE])
        if (full_out > 0)
            printf("%s save internal loops\n", getTime());
            for (ul = 0; ul < efm_count; ul++) {
                if (ul > 0 && csv_out > 0)
                    fprintf(fileloops, ",");
                if (BITTEST(loops, ul))
                    fprintf(fileloops, "1");
                    fprintf(fileloops, "0");
            for (ul = 0; ul < efm_count; ul++) {
                if (BITTEST(loops, ul))
    // end count and print loops to file

    // print summary
    printf("Nr of EFMS:           %lu\n", efm_count);
    printf("Nr of LTCS:           %lu\n", result_ltcs_count);
    if (optr[ARG_SFILE])
        printf("Nr of internal loops: %lu\n", loop_count);
    printf("\nSizes of LTCS:\n");
    for (li = 0; li < ltcs_count; li++) {
        if (!BITTEST(notAnLtcs, li))
            if (li > 0)
            printf("%lu", getLtcsCardinality(ltcs[li], efm_count));
    printf("End: %s\n", getTime());
    // end print summary

    // set memory free
    loops = NULL;
    for (li = 0; li < ltcs_count; li++) {
        if (!BITTEST(notAnLtcs, li))
    ltcs = NULL;
    reversible_reactions = NULL;
    // end set memory free

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;