コード例 #1
ファイル: pg_miss.c プロジェクト: tool3210/TizenRT
void pg_miss(void)
	FAR struct tcb_s *ftcb = this_task();
	FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb;

	/* Sanity checking
	 * ASSERT if the currently executing task is the page fill worker thread.
	 * The page fill worker thread is how the page fault is resolved and
	 * all logic associated with the page fill worker must be "locked" and
	 * always present in memory.

	pgllvdbg("Blocking TCB: %p PID: %d\n", ftcb, ftcb->pid);
	DEBUGASSERT(g_pgworker != ftcb->pid);

	/* Block the currently executing task
	 * - Call up_block_task() to block the task at the head of the ready-
	 *   to-run list.  This should cause an interrupt level context switch
	 *   to the next highest priority task.
	 * - The blocked task will be marked with state TSTATE_WAIT_PAGEFILL
	 *   and will be retained in the g_waitingforfill prioritized task list.

	up_block_task(ftcb, TSTATE_WAIT_PAGEFILL);

	/* Boost the page fill worker thread priority.
	 * - Check the priority of the task at the head of the g_waitingforfill
	 *   list.  If the priority of that task is higher than the current
	 *   priority of the page fill worker thread, then boost the priority
	 *   of the page fill worker thread to that priority.

	wtcb = sched_gettcb(g_pgworker);

	if (wtcb->sched_priority < ftcb->sched_priority) {
		/* Reprioritize the page fill worker thread */

		pgllvdbg("New worker priority. %d->%d\n", wtcb->sched_priority, ftcb->sched_priority);
		sched_setpriority(wtcb, ftcb->sched_priority);

	/* Signal the page fill worker thread.
	 * - Is there a page fill pending?  If not then signal the worker
	 *   thread to start working on the queued page fill requests.

	if (!g_pftcb) {
		pgllvdbg("Signaling worker. PID: %d\n", g_pgworker);
		kill(g_pgworker, SIGWORK);
コード例 #2
ファイル: pg_worker.c プロジェクト: murix/nuttx_ieee80211
static void pg_callback(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, int result)
  /* Verify that g_pftcb is non-NULL */

  pgllvdbg("g_pftcb: %p\n", g_pftcb);
  if (g_pftcb)
      FAR struct tcb_s *htcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_waitingforfill.head;
      FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb = sched_gettcb(g_pgworker);

      /* Find the higher priority between the task waiting for the fill to
       * complete in g_pftcb and the task waiting at the head of the
       * g_waitingforfill list.  That will be the priority of he highest
       * priority task waiting for a fill.

      int priority = g_pftcb->sched_priority;
      if (htcb && priority < htcb->sched_priority)
          priority = htcb->sched_priority;

      /* If this higher priority is higher than current page fill worker
       * thread, then boost worker thread's priority to that level. Thus,
       * the page fill worker thread will always run at the priority of
       * the highest priority task that is waiting for a fill.

      if (priority > wtcb->sched_priority)
          pgllvdbg("New worker priority. %d->%d\n",
                   wtcb->sched_priority, priority);
          sched_setpriority(wtcb, priority);

      /* Save the page fill result (don't permit the value -EBUSY) */

      if (result == -EBUSY)
          result = -ENOSYS;

      g_fillresult = result;

  /* Signal the page fill worker thread (in any event) */

  pglldbg("Signaling worker. PID: %d\n", g_pgworker);
  kill(g_pgworker, SIGWORK);
コード例 #3
static inline void lpc31_initsrc(void)
  FAR struct spi_dev_s *spi;
  uint32_t capacity;
  int ret;

  /* Are we already initialized? */

 if (!g_pgsrc.initialized)
      /* No... the initialize now */


      /* First get an instance of the SPI device interface */

      spi = up_spiinitialize(CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_SPIPORT);
      DEBUGASSERT(spi != NULL);

      /* Then bind the SPI interface to the MTD driver */

      g_pgsrc.mtd = m25p_initialize(spi);
      g_pgsrc.mtd = at45db_initialize(spi);
      DEBUGASSERT(g_pgsrc.mtd != NULL);

      /* Verify that we can use the device */

      /* Get the device geometry. (casting to uintptr_t first eliminates
       * complaints on some architectures where the sizeof long is different
       * from the size of a pointer).

      ret = MTD_IOCTL(g_pgsrc.mtd, MTDIOC_GEOMETRY, (unsigned long)&g_pgsrc.geo);
      DEBUGASSERT(ret >= 0);
      capacity = g_pgsrc.geo.erasesize*g_pgsrc.geo.neraseblocks;
      pgllvdbg("capacity: %d\n", capacity);

      /* We are now initialized */

      g_pgsrc.initialized = true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pg_worker.c プロジェクト: murix/nuttx_ieee80211
static inline void pg_alldone(void)
  FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head;
  g_pftcb = NULL;
  pgllvdbg("New worker priority. %d->%d\n",
           wtcb->sched_priority, CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO);
  sched_setpriority(wtcb, CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO);
コード例 #5
static inline void lpc31_initsrc(void)
  FAR struct sdio_dev_s *sdio;
  int ret;

  /* Are we already initialized? */

  if (!g_pgsrc.initialized)
      char devname[16];

      pgllvdbg("Initializing %s\n", CONFIG_PAGING_BINPATH);

      /* No, do we need to mount an SD device? */


      /* Yes.. First, get an instance of the SDIO interface */

      sdio = sdio_initialize(CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_SDSLOT);
      DEBUGASSERT(sdio != NULL);

      /* Then bind the SDIO interface to the SD driver */

      ret = mmcsd_slotinitialize(CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_MINOR, sdio);
      DEBUGASSERT(ret == OK);

      /* Then let's guess and say that there is a card in the slot.
       * (We are basically jodido anyway if there is no card in the slot).

      sdio_mediachange(sdio, true);

      /* Now mount the file system */

      snprintf(devname, 16, "/dev/mmcsd%d", CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_MINOR);
      ret = mount(devname, CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_MOUNTPT, "vfat", MS_RDONLY, NULL);
      DEBUGASSERT(ret == OK);

#endif /* CONFIG_EA3131_PAGING_SDSLOT */

      /* Open the selected path for read-only access */

      g_pgsrc.fd = open(CONFIG_PAGING_BINPATH, O_RDONLY);
      DEBUGASSERT(g_pgsrc.fd >= 0);

      /* Then we are initialized */

      g_pgsrc.initialized = true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pg_worker.c プロジェクト: murix/nuttx_ieee80211
int pg_worker(int argc, char *argv[])
  irqstate_t flags;

  /* Loop forever -- Notice that interrupts will be disable at all times that
   * this thread runs.  That is so that we con't lose signals or have
   * asynchronous page faults.
   * All interrupt logic as well as all page fill worker thread logic must
   * be locked in memory.  Therefore, keeping interrupts disabled here
   * should prevent any concurrent page faults.  Any page faults or page
   * fill completions should occur while this thread sleeps.

  flags = irqsave();
  for (;;)
      /* Wait awhile.  We will wait here until either the configurable timeout
       * elapses or until we are awakened by a signal (which terminates the
       * usleep with an EINTR error).  Note that interrupts will be re-enabled
       * while this task sleeps.
       * The timeout is a failsafe that will handle any cases where a single
       * is lost (that would really be a bug and shouldn't happen!) and also
       * supports timeouts for case of non-blocking, asynchronous fills.


      /* The page fill worker thread will be awakened on one of three conditions:
       *   - When signaled by pg_miss(), the page fill worker thread will be awakenend,
       *   - if CONFIG_PAGING_BLOCKINGFILL is not defined, from pg_callback()
       *     after completing a page fill, or
       *   - On a configurable timeout expires with no activity.
       * Interrupts are still disabled.

      /* For the non-blocking up_fillpage(), the page fill worker thread will detect
       * that the page fill is complete when it is awakened with g_pftcb non-NULL
       * and fill completion status from pg_callback.

      if (g_pftcb != NULL)
          /* If it is a real page fill completion event, then the result of the page
           * fill will be in g_fillresult and will not be equal to -EBUSY.

          if (g_fillresult != -EBUSY)
              /* Any value other than OK, brings the system down */

              ASSERT(g_fillresult == OK);

              /* Handle the successful page fill complete event by restarting the
               * task that was blocked waiting for this page fill.

              pglldbg("Restarting TCB: %p\n", g_pftcb);

              /* Yes .. Start the next asynchronous fill.  Check the return
               * value to see a fill was actually started (false means that
               * no fill was started).

              pgllvdbg("Calling pg_startfill\n");
              if (!pg_startfill())
                  /* No fill was started.  This can mean only that all queued
                   * page fill actions have and been completed and there is
                   * nothing more to do.

                  pgllvdbg("Call pg_alldone()\n");

          /* If a configurable timeout period expires with no page fill completion
           * event, then declare a failure.

              ASSERT(clock_systimer() - g_starttime < CONFIG_PAGING_TIMEOUT_TICKS);

      /* Otherwise, this might be a page fill initiation event.  When
       * awakened from pg_miss(), no fill will be in progress and
       * g_pftcb will be NULL.

          /* Are there tasks blocked and waiting for a fill?  If so,
           * pg_startfill() will start the asynchronous fill (and set
           * g_pftcb).

           pgllvdbg("Calling pg_startfill\n");
      /* Are there tasks blocked and waiting for a fill?  Loop until all
       * pending fills have been processed.

      for (;;)
          /* Yes .. Start the fill and block until the fill completes.
           * Check the return value to see a fill was actually performed.
           * (false means that no fill was perforemd).

          pgllvdbg("Calling pg_startfill\n");
          if (!pg_startfill())
               /* Break out of the loop -- there is nothing more to do */


          /* Handle the page fill complete event by restarting the
           * task that was blocked waiting for this page fill. In the
           * non-blocking fill case, the page fill worker thread will
           * know that the page fill is  complete when pg_startfill()
           * returns true.

          pgllvdbg("Restarting TCB: %p\n", g_pftcb);

      /* All queued fills have been processed */

      pgllvdbg("Call pg_alldone()\n");

  return OK; /* To keep some compilers happy */
コード例 #7
ファイル: pg_worker.c プロジェクト: murix/nuttx_ieee80211
static inline bool pg_startfill(void)
  FAR void *vpage;
  int result;

  /* Remove the TCB at the head of the g_waitfor fill list and check if there
   * is any task waiting for a page fill. pg_dequeue will handle this (plus
   * some cornercases) and will true if the next page TCB was successfully
   * dequeued.

  if (pg_dequeue())
      /* Call up_allocpage(tcb, &vpage). This architecture-specific function will
       * set aside page in memory and map to virtual address (vpage). If all
       * available pages are in-use (the typical case), this function will select
       * a page in-use, un-map it, and make it available.

      pgllvdbg("Call up_allocpage(%p)\n", g_pftcb);
      result = up_allocpage(g_pftcb, &vpage);
      DEBUGASSERT(result == OK);

      /* Start the fill.  The exact way that the fill is started depends upon
       * the nature of the architecture-specific up_fillpage() function -- Is it
       * a blocking or a non-blocking call?
      /* If CONFIG_PAGING_BLOCKINGFILL is defined, then up_fillpage is blocking
       * call. In this case, up_fillpage() will accept only (1) a reference to
       * the TCB that requires the fill. Architecture-specific context information
       * within the TCB will be sufficient to perform the fill. And (2) the
       * (virtual) address of the allocated page to be filled. The resulting
       * status of the fill will be provided by return value from up_fillpage().

      pgllvdbg("Call up_fillpage(%p)\n", g_pftcb);
      result = up_fillpage(g_pftcb, vpage);
      DEBUGASSERT(result == OK);
      /* If CONFIG_PAGING_BLOCKINGFILL is defined, then up_fillpage is non-blocking
       * call. In this case up_fillpage() will accept an additional argument: The page
       * fill worker thread will provide a callback function, pg_callback.
       * Calling up_fillpage will start an asynchronous page fill. pg_callback
       * ill be called when the page fill is finished (or an error occurs). This
       * This callback will probably from interrupt level.

      pgllvdbg("Call up_fillpage(%p)\n", g_pftcb);
      result = up_fillpage(g_pftcb, vpage, pg_callback);
      DEBUGASSERT(result == OK);

      /* Save the time that the fill was started.  These will be used to check for
       * timeouts.

      g_starttime = clock_systimer();

      /* Return and wait to be signaled for the next event -- the fill completion
       * event. While the fill is in progress, other tasks may execute. If
       * another page fault occurs during this time, the faulting task will be
       * blocked, its TCB will be added (in priority order) to g_waitingforfill
       * and the priority of the page worker task may be boosted. But no action
       * will be taken until the current page fill completes. NOTE: The IDLE task
       * must also be fully locked in memory. The IDLE task cannot be blocked. It
       * the case where all tasks are blocked waiting for a page fill, the IDLE
       * task must still be available to run.

      return true;

  pglldbg("Queue empty\n");
  return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: pg_worker.c プロジェクト: murix/nuttx_ieee80211
static inline bool pg_dequeue(void)
  /* Loop until either (1) the TCB of a task that requires a fill is found, OR
   * (2) the g_watingforfill list becomes empty.

      /* Remove the TCB from the head of the list (if any) */

      g_pftcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)dq_remfirst((dq_queue_t*)&g_waitingforfill);
      pgllvdbg("g_pftcb: %p\n", g_pftcb);
      if (g_pftcb != NULL)
          /* Call the architecture-specific function up_checkmapping() to see if
           * the page fill still needs to be performed. In certain conditions,
           * the page fault may occur on several threads for the same page and
           * be queues multiple times. In this corner case, the blocked task will
           * simply be restarted.

          if (!up_checkmapping(g_pftcb))
              /* This page needs to be filled.  pg_miss bumps up
               * the priority of the page fill worker thread as each
               * TCB is added to the g_waitingforfill list.  So we
               * may need to also drop the priority of the worker
               * thread as the next TCB comes off of the list.
               * If wtcb->sched_priority > CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO,
               * then the page fill worker thread is executing at
               * an elevated priority that may be reduced.
               * If wtcb->sched_priority > g_pftcb->sched_priority
               * then the page fill worker thread is executing at
               * a higher priority than is appropriate for this
               * fill (this priority can get re-boosted by pg_miss()
               * if a new higher priority fill is required).

              FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head;
              if (wtcb->sched_priority > CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO &&
                  wtcb->sched_priority > g_pftcb->sched_priority)
                  /* Don't reduce the priority of the page fill
                   * worker thread lower than the configured
                   * minimum.

                  int priority = g_pftcb->sched_priority;
                  if (priority < CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO)
                      priority = CONFIG_PAGING_DEFPRIO;

                  /* Reduce the priority of the page fill worker thread */

                  pgllvdbg("New worker priority. %d->%d\n",
                           wtcb->sched_priority, priority);
                  sched_setpriority(wtcb, priority);

              /* Return with g_pftcb holding the pointer to
               * the TCB associated with task that requires the page fill.

              return true;

          /* The page need by this task has already been mapped into the
           * virtual address space -- just restart it.

          pglldbg("Restarting TCB: %p\n", g_pftcb);
  while (g_pftcb != NULL);

  return false;
コード例 #9
uint32_t *arm_dataabort(uint32_t *regs, uint32_t dfar, uint32_t dfsr)
  DFAR struct tcb_s *tcb = (DFAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head;
  uint32_t *savestate;

  /* Save the saved processor context in current_regs where it can be accessed
   * for register dumps and possibly context switching.

  savestate    = (uint32_t*)current_regs;
  current_regs = regs;

  /* In the NuttX on-demand paging implementation, only the read-only, .text
   * section is paged.  However, the ARM compiler generated PC-relative data
   * fetches from within the .text sections.  Also, it is customary to locate
   * read-only data (.rodata) within the same section as .text so that it
   * does not require copying to RAM. Misses in either of these case should
   * cause a data abort.
   * We are only interested in data aborts due to page translations faults.
   * Sections should already be in place and permissions should already be
   * be set correctly (to read-only) so any other data abort reason is a
   * fatal error.

  pglldbg("DFSR: %08x DFAR: %08x\n", dfsr, dfar);
  if ((dfsr & FSR_MASK) != FSR_PAGE)
      goto segfault;

  /* Check the (virtual) address of data that caused the data abort. When
   * the exception occurred, this address was provided in the DFAR register.
   * (It has not yet been saved in the register context save area).

  pgllvdbg("VBASE: %08x VEND: %08x\n", PG_PAGED_VBASE, PG_PAGED_VEND);
  if (dfar < PG_PAGED_VBASE || dfar >= PG_PAGED_VEND)
      goto segfault;

  /* Save the offending data address as the fault address in the TCB of
   * the currently task.  This fault address is also used by the prefetch
   * abort handling; this will allow common paging logic for both
   * prefetch and data aborts.

  tcb->xcp.dfar = regs[REG_R15];

  /* Call pg_miss() to schedule the page fill.  A consequences of this
   * call are:
   * (1) The currently executing task will be blocked and saved on
   *     on the g_waitingforfill task list.
   * (2) An interrupt-level context switch will occur so that when
   *     this function returns, it will return to a different task,
   *     most likely the page fill worker thread.
   * (3) The page fill worker task has been signalled and should
   *     execute immediately when we return from this exception.


  /* Restore the previous value of current_regs.  NULL would indicate that
   * we are no longer in an interrupt handler.  It will be non-NULL if we
   * are returning from a nested interrupt.

  current_regs = savestate;
  return regs;

  lldbg("Data abort. PC: %08x DFAR: %08x DFSR: %08x\n",
        regs[REG_PC], dfar, dfsr);
  return regs; /* To keep the compiler happy */