pgpDig rpmPubkeyDig(rpmPubkey key) { pgpDig dig = NULL; static unsigned char zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int rc; if (key == NULL) return NULL; dig = pgpNewDig(); rc = pgpPrtPkts(key->pkt, key->pktlen, dig, 0); if (rc == 0) { pgpDigParams pubp = pgpDigGetParams(dig, PGPTAG_PUBLIC_KEY); if (!pubp || !memcmp(pubp->signid, zeros, sizeof(pubp->signid)) || !memcmp(pubp->time, zeros, sizeof(pubp->time)) || pubp->userid == NULL) { rc = -1; } } if (rc) dig = pgpFreeDig(dig); return dig; }
pgpDig rpmPubkeyDig(rpmPubkey key) { pgpDig dig = NULL; static unsigned char zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (key == NULL) return NULL; dig = pgpNewDig(); if (pgpPrtPkts(key->pkt, key->pktlen, dig, 0) == 0) { pgpDigParams pubp = &dig->pubkey; if (!memcmp(pubp->signid, zeros, sizeof(pubp->signid)) || !memcmp(pubp->time, zeros, sizeof(pubp->time)) || pubp->userid == NULL) { dig = pgpFreeDig(dig); } } return dig; }
uint32_t VerifyRpmSig( rpmKeyring pKeyring, const char* pszPkgFile ) { uint32_t dwError = 0; FD_t pFD_t = NULL; rpmts pTS = NULL; rpmtd pTD = NULL; Header pPkgHeader = NULL; pgpDig pDigest = NULL; if(!pKeyring || IsNullOrEmptyString(pszPkgFile)) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_TDNF_ERROR(dwError); } pFD_t = Fopen(pszPkgFile, "r.fdio"); if(!pFD_t) { dwError = errno; BAIL_ON_TDNF_SYSTEM_ERROR(dwError); } pTS = rpmtsCreate(); if(!pTS) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPMTS_CREATE_FAILED; BAIL_ON_TDNF_RPM_ERROR(dwError); } rpmtsSetVSFlags (pTS, _RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES); pTD = rpmtdNew(); if(!pTD) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPMTD_CREATE_FAILED; BAIL_ON_TDNF_RPM_ERROR(dwError); } dwError = rpmReadPackageFile(pTS, pFD_t, pszPkgFile, &pPkgHeader); BAIL_ON_TDNF_RPM_ERROR(dwError); if(!headerConvert(pPkgHeader, HEADERCONV_RETROFIT_V3)) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPM_HEADER_CONVERT_FAILED; BAIL_ON_TDNF_RPM_ERROR(dwError); } if(!headerGet(pPkgHeader, RPMTAG_RSAHEADER, pTD, HEADERGET_MINMEM)) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPM_GET_RSAHEADER_FAILED; BAIL_ON_TDNF_ERROR(dwError); } pDigest = pgpNewDig(); if(pgpPrtPkts(pTD->data, pTD->count, pDigest, 0)) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPM_GPG_PARSE_FAILED; BAIL_ON_TDNF_ERROR(dwError); } if(rpmKeyringLookup(pKeyring, pDigest) != RPMRC_OK) { dwError = ERROR_TDNF_RPM_GPG_NO_MATCH; BAIL_ON_TDNF_ERROR(dwError); } cleanup: if(pFD_t) { Fclose(pFD_t); } if(pDigest) { pgpFreeDig(pDigest); } if(pPkgHeader) { headerFree(pPkgHeader); } if(pTD) { rpmtdFree(pTD); } if(pTS) { rpmtsFree(pTS); } return dwError; error: goto cleanup; }
static rpmRC rpmpkgRead(rpmKeyring keyring, rpmVSFlags vsflags, FD_t fd, const char * fn, Header * hdrp) { pgpDig dig = NULL; char buf[8*BUFSIZ]; ssize_t count; rpmlead l = NULL; Header sigh = NULL; rpmSigTag sigtag; struct rpmtd_s sigtd; Header h = NULL; char * msg; rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; /* assume failure */ int leadtype = -1; headerGetFlags hgeflags = HEADERGET_DEFAULT; DIGEST_CTX ctx = NULL; if (hdrp) *hdrp = NULL; rpmtdReset(&sigtd); l = rpmLeadNew(); if ((rc = rpmLeadRead(fd, l)) == RPMRC_OK) { const char * err = NULL; if ((rc = rpmLeadCheck(l, &err)) == RPMRC_FAIL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "%s: %s\n", fn, err); } leadtype = rpmLeadType(l); } l = rpmLeadFree(l); if (rc != RPMRC_OK) goto exit; /* Read the signature header. */ msg = NULL; rc = rpmReadSignature(fd, &sigh, RPMSIGTYPE_HEADERSIG, &msg); switch (rc) { default: rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: rpmReadSignature failed: %s"), fn, (msg && *msg ? msg : "\n")); msg = _free(msg); goto exit; break; case RPMRC_OK: if (sigh == NULL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: No signature available\n"), fn); rc = RPMRC_FAIL; goto exit; } break; } msg = _free(msg); #define _chk(_mask, _tag) \ (sigtag == 0 && !(vsflags & (_mask)) && headerIsEntry(sigh, (_tag))) /* * Figger the most effective available signature. * Prefer signatures over digests, then header-only over header+payload. * DSA will be preferred over RSA if both exist because tested first. * Note that NEEDPAYLOAD prevents header+payload signatures and digests. */ sigtag = 0; if (_chk(RPMVSF_NODSAHEADER, RPMSIGTAG_DSA)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_DSA; } else if (_chk(RPMVSF_NORSAHEADER, RPMSIGTAG_RSA)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_RSA; } else if (_chk(RPMVSF_NODSA|RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD, RPMSIGTAG_GPG)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_GPG; fdInitDigest(fd, PGPHASHALGO_SHA1, 0); } else if (_chk(RPMVSF_NORSA|RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD, RPMSIGTAG_PGP)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_PGP; fdInitDigest(fd, PGPHASHALGO_MD5, 0); } else if (_chk(RPMVSF_NOSHA1HEADER, RPMSIGTAG_SHA1)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_SHA1; } else if (_chk(RPMVSF_NOMD5|RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD, RPMSIGTAG_MD5)) { sigtag = RPMSIGTAG_MD5; fdInitDigest(fd, PGPHASHALGO_MD5, 0); } /* Read the metadata, computing digest(s) on the fly. */ h = NULL; msg = NULL; rc = rpmpkgReadHeader(keyring, vsflags, fd, &h, &msg); if (rc != RPMRC_OK || h == NULL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: headerRead failed: %s"), fn, (msg && *msg ? msg : "\n")); msg = _free(msg); goto exit; } msg = _free(msg); /* Any digests or signatures to check? */ if (sigtag == 0) { rc = RPMRC_OK; goto exit; } dig = pgpNewDig(); if (dig == NULL) { rc = RPMRC_FAIL; goto exit; } /* Retrieve the tag parameters from the signature header. */ if (!headerGet(sigh, sigtag, &sigtd, hgeflags)) { rc = RPMRC_FAIL; goto exit; } switch (sigtag) { case RPMSIGTAG_RSA: case RPMSIGTAG_DSA: if ((rc = parsePGP(&sigtd, "package", dig)) != RPMRC_OK) { goto exit; } /* fallthrough */ case RPMSIGTAG_SHA1: { struct rpmtd_s utd; pgpHashAlgo hashalgo = (sigtag == RPMSIGTAG_SHA1) ? PGPHASHALGO_SHA1 : dig->signature.hash_algo; if (!headerGet(h, RPMTAG_HEADERIMMUTABLE, &utd, hgeflags)) break; ctx = rpmDigestInit(hashalgo, RPMDIGEST_NONE); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, rpm_header_magic, sizeof(rpm_header_magic)); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx,, utd.count); rpmtdFreeData(&utd); } break; case RPMSIGTAG_GPG: case RPMSIGTAG_PGP5: /* XXX legacy */ case RPMSIGTAG_PGP: if ((rc = parsePGP(&sigtd, "package", dig)) != RPMRC_OK) { goto exit; } /* fallthrough */ case RPMSIGTAG_MD5: /* Legacy signatures need the compressed payload in the digest too. */ while ((count = Fread(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), sizeof(buf), fd)) > 0) {} if (count < 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: Fread failed: %s\n"), fn, Fstrerror(fd)); rc = RPMRC_FAIL; goto exit; } ctx = rpmDigestBundleDupCtx(fdGetBundle(fd), (sigtag == RPMSIGTAG_MD5) ? PGPHASHALGO_MD5 : dig->signature.hash_algo); break; default: break; } /** @todo Implement disable/enable/warn/error/anal policy. */ rc = rpmVerifySignature(keyring, &sigtd, dig, ctx, &msg); switch (rc) { case RPMRC_OK: /* Signature is OK. */ rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s", fn, msg); break; case RPMRC_NOTTRUSTED: /* Signature is OK, but key is not trusted. */ case RPMRC_NOKEY: /* Public key is unavailable. */ /* XXX Print NOKEY/NOTTRUSTED warning only once. */ { int lvl = (stashKeyid(dig) ? RPMLOG_DEBUG : RPMLOG_WARNING); rpmlog(lvl, "%s: %s", fn, msg); } break; case RPMRC_NOTFOUND: /* Signature is unknown type. */ rpmlog(RPMLOG_WARNING, "%s: %s", fn, msg); break; default: case RPMRC_FAIL: /* Signature does not verify. */ rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "%s: %s", fn, msg); break; } free(msg); exit: if (rc != RPMRC_FAIL && h != NULL && hdrp != NULL) { /* Retrofit RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE to srpms for compatibility */ if (leadtype == RPMLEAD_SOURCE && headerIsSource(h)) { if (!headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE)) { uint32_t one = 1; headerPutUint32(h, RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE, &one, 1); } } /* * Try to make sure binary rpms have RPMTAG_SOURCERPM set as that's * what we use for differentiating binary vs source elsewhere. */ if (!headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE) && headerIsSource(h)) { headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM, "(none)"); } /* * Convert legacy headers on the fly. Not having "new" style compressed * filenames is close enough estimate for legacy indication... */ if (!headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES)) { headerConvert(h, HEADERCONV_RETROFIT_V3); } /* Append (and remap) signature tags to the metadata. */ headerMergeLegacySigs(h, sigh); /* Bump reference count for return. */ *hdrp = headerLink(h); } rpmtdFreeData(&sigtd); rpmDigestFinal(ctx, NULL, NULL, 0); h = headerFree(h); pgpFreeDig(dig); sigh = rpmFreeSignature(sigh); return rc; }
static rpmRC headerVerify(rpmKeyring keyring, rpmVSFlags vsflags, const void * uh, size_t uc, char ** msg) { pgpDig dig = NULL; char *buf = NULL; int32_t * ei = (int32_t *) uh; int32_t il = ntohl(ei[0]); int32_t dl = ntohl(ei[1]); entryInfo pe = (entryInfo) &ei[2]; int32_t ildl[2]; int32_t pvlen = sizeof(ildl) + (il * sizeof(*pe)) + dl; unsigned char * dataStart = (unsigned char *) (pe + il); struct indexEntry_s entry; struct entryInfo_s info; unsigned const char * b; size_t siglen = 0; size_t blen; size_t nb; int32_t ril = 0; unsigned char * regionEnd = NULL; rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; /* assume failure */ int xx; int i; struct rpmtd_s sigtd; DIGEST_CTX ctx = NULL; /* Is the blob the right size? */ if (uc > 0 && pvlen != uc) { rasprintf(&buf, _("blob size(%d): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(%d) + dl(%d)\n"), (int)uc, (int)il, (int)dl); goto exit; } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); /* Check (and convert) the 1st tag element. */ xx = headerVerifyInfo(1, dl, pe, &, 0); if (xx != -1) { rasprintf(&buf, _("tag[%d]: BAD, tag %d type %d offset %d count %d\n"), 0,,,,; goto exit; } /* Is there an immutable header region tag? */ if (!( == RPMTAG_HEADERIMMUTABLE && == RPM_BIN_TYPE && == REGION_TAG_COUNT)) { rc = RPMRC_NOTFOUND; goto exit; } /* Is the offset within the data area? */ if ( >= dl) { rasprintf(&buf, _("region offset: BAD, tag %d type %d offset %d count %d\n"),,,,; goto exit; } /* Is there an immutable header region tag trailer? */ regionEnd = dataStart +; (void) memcpy(&info, regionEnd, REGION_TAG_COUNT); regionEnd += REGION_TAG_COUNT; xx = headerVerifyInfo(1, dl, &info, &, 1); if (xx != -1 || !( == RPMTAG_HEADERIMMUTABLE && == RPM_BIN_TYPE && == REGION_TAG_COUNT)) { rasprintf(&buf, _("region trailer: BAD, tag %d type %d offset %d count %d\n"),,,,; goto exit; } memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); /* Is the no. of tags in the region less than the total no. of tags? */ ril =*pe); if (( % sizeof(*pe)) || ril > il) { rasprintf(&buf, _("region size: BAD, ril(%d) > il(%d)\n"), ril, il); goto exit; } /* Find a header-only digest/signature tag. */ for (i = ril; i < il; i++) { xx = headerVerifyInfo(1, dl, pe+i, &, 0); if (xx != -1) { rasprintf(&buf, _("tag[%d]: BAD, tag %d type %d offset %d count %d\n"), i,,,,; goto exit; } switch ( { case RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER: if (vsflags & RPMVSF_NOSHA1HEADER) break; blen = 0; for (b = dataStart +; *b != '\0'; b++) { if (strchr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", *b) == NULL) break; blen++; } if ( != RPM_STRING_TYPE || *b != '\0' || blen != 40) { rasprintf(&buf, _("hdr SHA1: BAD, not hex\n")); goto exit; } if (info.tag == 0) { info =; /* structure assignment */ siglen = blen + 1; } break; case RPMTAG_RSAHEADER: if (vsflags & RPMVSF_NORSAHEADER) break; if ( != RPM_BIN_TYPE) { rasprintf(&buf, _("hdr RSA: BAD, not binary\n")); goto exit; } info =; /* structure assignment */ siglen = info.count; break; case RPMTAG_DSAHEADER: if (vsflags & RPMVSF_NODSAHEADER) break; if ( != RPM_BIN_TYPE) { rasprintf(&buf, _("hdr DSA: BAD, not binary\n")); goto exit; } info =; /* structure assignment */ siglen = info.count; break; default: break; } } rc = RPMRC_NOTFOUND; exit: /* Return determined RPMRC_OK/RPMRC_FAIL conditions. */ if (rc != RPMRC_NOTFOUND) { if (msg) *msg = buf; else free(buf); return rc; } /* If no header-only digest/signature, then do simple sanity check. */ if (info.tag == 0) { verifyinfo_exit: xx = headerVerifyInfo(ril-1, dl, pe+1, &, 0); if (xx != -1) { rasprintf(&buf, _("tag[%d]: BAD, tag %d type %d offset %d count %d\n"), xx+1,,,,; rc = RPMRC_FAIL; } else { rasprintf(&buf, "Header sanity check: OK\n"); rc = RPMRC_OK; } if (msg) *msg = buf; else free(buf); return rc; } /* Verify header-only digest/signature. */ dig = pgpNewDig(); if (dig == NULL) goto verifyinfo_exit; sigtd.tag = info.tag; sigtd.type = info.type; sigtd.count = info.count; = memcpy(xmalloc(siglen), dataStart + info.offset, siglen); sigtd.flags = RPMTD_ALLOCED; switch (info.tag) { case RPMTAG_RSAHEADER: case RPMTAG_DSAHEADER: if ((rc = parsePGP(&sigtd, "header", dig)) != RPMRC_OK) { pgpFreeDig(dig); goto exit; } /* fallthrough */ case RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER: { pgpHashAlgo hashalgo = (info.tag == RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER) ? PGPHASHALGO_SHA1 : dig->signature.hash_algo; ildl[0] = htonl(ril); ildl[1] = (regionEnd - dataStart); ildl[1] = htonl(ildl[1]); ctx = rpmDigestInit(hashalgo, RPMDIGEST_NONE); b = (unsigned char *) rpm_header_magic; nb = sizeof(rpm_header_magic); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, b, nb); b = (unsigned char *) ildl; nb = sizeof(ildl); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, b, nb); b = (unsigned char *) pe; nb = (htonl(ildl[0]) * sizeof(*pe)); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, b, nb); b = (unsigned char *) dataStart; nb = htonl(ildl[1]); (void) rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, b, nb); } break; default: = _free(; /* Hmm...? */ break; } rc = rpmVerifySignature(keyring, &sigtd, dig, ctx, &buf); if (msg) *msg = buf; else free(buf); rpmtdFreeData(&sigtd); pgpFreeDig(dig); rpmDigestFinal(ctx, NULL, NULL, 0); return rc; }
/** * dnf_keyring_add_public_key: * @keyring: a #rpmKeyring instance. * @filename: The public key filename. * @error: a #GError or %NULL. * * Adds a specific public key to the keyring. * * Returns: %TRUE for success, %FALSE otherwise * * Since: 0.1.0 **/ gboolean dnf_keyring_add_public_key(rpmKeyring keyring, const gchar *filename, GError **error) { gboolean ret = TRUE; gint rc; gsize len; pgpArmor armor; pgpDig dig = NULL; rpmPubkey pubkey = NULL; uint8_t *pkt = NULL; g_autofree gchar *data = NULL; /* ignore symlinks and directories */ if (!g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) goto out; if (g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK)) goto out; /* get data */ ret = g_file_get_contents(filename, &data, &len, error); if (!ret) goto out; /* rip off the ASCII armor and parse it */ armor = pgpParsePkts(data, &pkt, &len); if (armor < 0) { ret = FALSE; g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "failed to parse PKI file %s", filename); goto out; } /* make sure it's something we can add to rpm */ if (armor != PGPARMOR_PUBKEY) { ret = FALSE; g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "PKI file %s is not a public key", filename); goto out; } /* test each one */ pubkey = rpmPubkeyNew(pkt, len); if (pubkey == NULL) { ret = FALSE; g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "failed to parse public key for %s", filename); goto out; } /* does the key exist in the keyring */ dig = rpmPubkeyDig(pubkey); rc = rpmKeyringLookup(keyring, dig); if (rc == RPMRC_OK) { ret = TRUE; g_debug("%s is already present", filename); goto out; } /* add to rpmdb automatically, without a prompt */ rc = rpmKeyringAddKey(keyring, pubkey); if (rc == 1) { ret = TRUE; g_debug("%s is already added", filename); goto out; } else if (rc < 0) { ret = FALSE; g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "failed to add public key %s to rpmdb", filename); goto out; } /* success */ g_debug("added missing public key %s to rpmdb", filename); ret = TRUE; out: if (pkt != NULL) free(pkt); /* yes, free() */ if (pubkey != NULL) rpmPubkeyFree(pubkey); if (dig != NULL) pgpFreeDig(dig); return ret; }
/** * dnf_keyring_check_untrusted_file: */ gboolean dnf_keyring_check_untrusted_file(rpmKeyring keyring, const gchar *filename, GError **error) { FD_t fd = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; Header hdr = NULL; pgpDig dig = NULL; rpmRC rc; rpmtd td = NULL; rpmts ts = NULL; /* open the file for reading */ fd = Fopen(filename, "r.fdio"); if (fd == NULL) { g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_FILE_INVALID, "failed to open %s", filename); goto out; } if (Ferror(fd)) { g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_FILE_INVALID, "failed to open %s: %s", filename, Fstrerror(fd)); goto out; } /* we don't want to abort on missing keys */ ts = rpmtsCreate(); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, _RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES); /* read in the file */ rc = rpmReadPackageFile(ts, fd, filename, &hdr); if (rc != RPMRC_OK) { /* we only return SHA1 and MD5 failures, as we're not * checking signatures at this stage */ g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_FILE_INVALID, "%s could not be verified", filename); goto out; } /* convert and upscale */ headerConvert(hdr, HEADERCONV_RETROFIT_V3); /* get RSA key */ td = rpmtdNew(); rc = headerGet(hdr, RPMTAG_RSAHEADER, td, HEADERGET_MINMEM); if (rc != 1) { /* try to read DSA key as a fallback */ rc = headerGet(hdr, RPMTAG_DSAHEADER, td, HEADERGET_MINMEM); } /* the package has no signing key */ if (rc != 1) { g_autofree char *package_filename = g_path_get_basename(filename); ret = FALSE; g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "package not signed: %s", package_filename); goto out; } /* make it into a digest */ dig = pgpNewDig(); rc = pgpPrtPkts(td->data, td->count, dig, 0); if (rc != 0) { g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_FILE_INVALID, "failed to parse digest header for %s", filename); goto out; } /* does the key exist in the keyring */ rc = rpmKeyringLookup(keyring, dig); if (rc != RPMRC_OK) { g_set_error(error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_GPG_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "failed to lookup digest in keyring for %s", filename); goto out; } /* the package is signed by a key we trust */ g_debug("%s has been verified as trusted", filename); ret = TRUE; out: if (dig != NULL) pgpFreeDig(dig); if (td != NULL) { rpmtdFreeData(td); rpmtdFree(td); } if (ts != NULL) rpmtsFree(ts); if (hdr != NULL) headerFree(hdr); if (fd != NULL) Fclose(fd); return ret; }
/* Build pubkey header. */ static int makePubkeyHeader(rpmts ts, rpmPubkey key, Header * hdrp) { Header h = headerNew(); const char * afmt = "%{pubkeys:armor}"; const char * group = "Public Keys"; const char * license = "pubkey"; const char * buildhost = "localhost"; const char * userid; rpmsenseFlags pflags = (RPMSENSE_KEYRING|RPMSENSE_EQUAL); uint32_t zero = 0; uint32_t keytime = 0; pgpDig dig = NULL; pgpDigParams pubp = NULL; char * d = NULL; char * enc = NULL; char * n = NULL; char * u = NULL; char * v = NULL; char * r = NULL; char * evr = NULL; int rc = -1; if ((enc = rpmPubkeyBase64(key)) == NULL) goto exit; if ((dig = rpmPubkeyDig(key)) == NULL) goto exit; if ((pubp = pgpDigGetParams(dig, PGPTAG_PUBLIC_KEY)) == NULL) goto exit; /* Build header elements. */ v = pgpHexStr(pubp->signid, sizeof(pubp->signid)); r = pgpHexStr(pubp->time, sizeof(pubp->time)); userid = pubp->userid ? pubp->userid : "none"; keytime = pgpGrab(pubp->time, sizeof(pubp->time)); rasprintf(&n, "gpg(%s)", v+8); rasprintf(&u, "gpg(%s)", userid); rasprintf(&evr, "%d:%s-%s", pubp->version, v, r); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PUBKEYS, enc); if ((d = headerFormat(h, afmt, NULL)) == NULL) goto exit; headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_NAME, "gpg-pubkey"); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_VERSION, v+8); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_RELEASE, r); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION, d); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_GROUP, group); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_LICENSE, license); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_SUMMARY, u); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PACKAGER, userid); headerPutUint32(h, RPMTAG_SIZE, &zero, 1); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, u); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION, evr); headerPutUint32(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS, &pflags, 1); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, n); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION, evr); headerPutUint32(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS, &pflags, 1); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_RPMVERSION, RPMVERSION); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_BUILDHOST, buildhost); headerPutUint32(h, RPMTAG_BUILDTIME, &keytime, 1); headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM, "(none)"); /* Reload the lot to immutable region and stomp sha1 digest on it */ h = headerReload(h, RPMTAG_HEADERIMMUTABLE); if (h != NULL) { char *sha1 = NULL; unsigned int blen = 0; const void *blob = headerExport(h, &blen); /* XXX FIXME: bah, this code is repeated in way too many places */ DIGEST_CTX ctx = rpmDigestInit(PGPHASHALGO_SHA1, RPMDIGEST_NONE); rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, rpm_header_magic, sizeof(rpm_header_magic)); rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, blob, blen); rpmDigestFinal(ctx, (void **)&sha1, NULL, 1); if (sha1) { headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER, sha1); *hdrp = headerLink(h); rc = 0; } free(sha1); } exit: headerFree(h); pgpFreeDig(dig); free(n); free(u); free(v); free(r); free(evr); free(enc); free(d); return rc; }