static int php_info_print_html_esc(const char *str, size_t len) /* {{{ */ { size_t written; zend_string *new_str; new_str = php_escape_html_entities((unsigned char *) str, len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8"); written = php_output_write(ZSTR_VAL(new_str), ZSTR_LEN(new_str)); zend_string_free(new_str); return written; }
static int php_info_print_html_esc(const char *str, int len) /* {{{ */ { int written; zend_string *new_str; TSRMLS_FETCH(); new_str = php_escape_html_entities((unsigned char *) str, len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8" TSRMLS_CC); written = php_output_write(new_str->val, new_str->len TSRMLS_CC); STR_FREE(new_str); return written; }
static int php_info_print_html_esc(const char *str, int len) /* {{{ */ { int new_len, written; char *new_str; TSRMLS_FETCH(); new_str = php_escape_html_entities((char *) str, len, &new_len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8" TSRMLS_CC); written = php_output_write_utf8(new_str, new_len TSRMLS_CC); efree(new_str); return written; }
static int php_info_write_wrapper(const char *str, uint str_length) { int new_len, written; char *elem_esc; TSRMLS_FETCH(); elem_esc = php_escape_html_entities((unsigned char *)str, str_length, &new_len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, NULL TSRMLS_CC); written = php_body_write(elem_esc, new_len TSRMLS_CC); efree(elem_esc); return written; }
/** * Escapes HTML replacing special chars by entities */ void phalcon_escape_html(zval *return_value, zval *str, const zval *quote_style, const zval *charset) { zend_string *escaped; if (Z_TYPE_P(str) != IS_STRING) { /* Nothing to escape */ RETURN_ZVAL(str, 1, 0); } if (Z_TYPE_P(quote_style) != IS_LONG) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Invalid quote_style supplied for phalcon_escape_html()"); RETURN_ZVAL(str, 1, 0); } if (Z_TYPE_P(charset) != IS_STRING) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Invalid charset supplied for phalcon_escape_html()"); RETURN_ZVAL(str, 1, 0); } escaped = php_escape_html_entities((unsigned char*) Z_STRVAL_P(str), Z_STRLEN_P(str), 0, Z_LVAL_P(quote_style), Z_STRVAL_P(charset)); RETURN_STR(escaped); }
void dump_dot(void) { int x, print_header, key_type; int *block_num; int c = 0, len = 0, flag_ho; long index, key_len; char *block_name = NULL; char *time_buff = pvt_get_time(); smart_str str_dot_func = {0}; TSRMLS_FETCH(); char *tmp_buff = NULL; tmp_buff = pvt_sprintf(tpl_dot[0], time_buff); fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), "%s", tmp_buff); efree(time_buff); efree(tmp_buff); if (PVT_G(pvt_graph_fold)) { hide_functions(); } /* Iterate through all blocks/nodes */ for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(PVT_G(block_summary)); zend_hash_has_more_elements(PVT_G(block_summary)) == SUCCESS; zend_hash_move_forward(PVT_G(block_summary))) { key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key(PVT_G(block_summary), &block_name, &index, 0); if (key_type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) { key_len = strlen(block_name); } zend_hash_get_current_data(PVT_G(block_summary), (void*) &block_num); print_header = 1; int flag_started = 0; int flag_break = 0; int flag_nop = 0; flag_ho = 1; size_t ret_len; /* Iterate through all functions */ for (x = 0; x < PVT_G(funcs)->len; x++) { if (PVT_G(funcs)->file_id[x] == *block_num) { flag_started = 1; if (print_header) { if (PVT_G(funcs)->type[x] == 2 && flag_ho) { char *ret; php_basename( PVT_G(funcs)->file_name[x], strlen(PVT_G(funcs)->file_name[x]), NULL, 0, &ret, &ret_len TSRMLS_CC ); char *escaped_str = php_escape_html_entities( block_name, strlen(block_name), &len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, NULL TSRMLS_CC ); /* Print the block header */ fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), tpl_point_func[0], *block_num, PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], *block_num, PVT_G(funcs)->file_name[x], PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], ret, escaped_str, PVT_G(funcs)->func_id[x] ); flag_ho = 0; efree(ret); efree(escaped_str); } } } if (PVT_G(funcs)->stack[x] <= PVT_G(dot_funcs_i)->file_id[c] && flag_started) { if (0 == print_header) { flag_break = 1; } else { flag_break = 0; } } if (0 == flag_started) { continue; } if ((PVT_G(funcs)->stack[x]-1) != PVT_G(dot_funcs_i)->file_id[c]) { if (!flag_break) { continue; } else { flag_nop = 1; } } if (flag_nop != 1) { flag_nop = 0; if (print_header) { print_header = 0; } if (PVT_G(dot_funcs_i)->empty[c]) { flag_started = 0; break; } /* Check if function repeats */ if (0 == PVT_G(funcs)->hide[x] || !PVT_G(pvt_graph_fold)) { if (2 == PVT_G(funcs)->type[x]) { /* This is USER function */ char *escaped_str = php_escape_html_entities( PVT_G(funcs)->func_name[x], strlen(PVT_G(funcs)->func_name[x]), &len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, NULL TSRMLS_CC ); fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), tpl_point_func[1], PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], escaped_str, PVT_G(funcs)->func_id[x] ); efree(escaped_str); char *tmp_buff = pvt_sprintf( tpl_relation_func[0], *block_num, PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], PVT_G(funcs)->file_id[x], PVT_G(funcs)->file_id[x], PVT_G(funcs)->func_id[x] ); smart_str_appends(&str_dot_func, tmp_buff); efree(tmp_buff); } else { /* This is ZEND function */ char *escaped_str = php_escape_html_entities( PVT_G(funcs)->func_name[x], strlen(PVT_G(funcs)->func_name[x]), &len, 0, ENT_QUOTES, NULL TSRMLS_CC ); fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), tpl_point_func[2], PVT_G(funcs)->line[x], (1 == PVT_G(funcs)->is_evil[x] ? "d63333" : "e0ebcc"), escaped_str, PVT_G(funcs)->func_id[x] ); efree(escaped_str); } } /* end if (0 ==... */ } /* end if (flag_nop... */ if (flag_break) { if (!flag_nop) { flag_break = 0; flag_started = 0; break; } } } /* end for (x... */ c++; fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), "</TABLE>>\n]\n"); } smart_str_0(&str_dot_func); if (str_dot_func.c != NULL) { fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), "%s", str_dot_func.c); } smart_str_free(&str_dot_func); fprintf(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot), "\n}\n"); fclose(PVT_G(trace_file_f_dot)); }