コード例 #1
void QtViewportInteractionEngine::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev)
    if (scrollAnimationActive() || scaleAnimationActive() || pinchGestureActive())
        return; // Ignore.

    // A normal scroll-tick should have a delta of 120 (1/8) degrees. Convert this to
    // local standard scroll step of 3 lines of 20 pixels.
    static const int cDefaultQtScrollStep = 20;
    static const int wheelScrollLines = 3;
    const int wheelTick = wheelScrollLines * cDefaultQtScrollStep;

    int pixelDelta = ev->delta() * (wheelTick / 120.f);

    QPointF newPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();

    if (ev->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
        newPosition.rx() -= pixelDelta;
        newPosition.ry() -= pixelDelta;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(m_content->contentsScale());

    QPointF currentPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();
    newPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), newPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    emit contentViewportChanged(currentPosition - newPosition);
コード例 #2
void QtViewportInteractionEngine::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev)
    if (scrollAnimationActive() || scaleAnimationActive() || pinchGestureActive())
        return; // Ignore.

    int delta = ev->delta();

    // A delta that is not mod 120 indicates a device that is sending
    // fine-resolution scroll events, so use the delta as number of wheel ticks
    // and number of pixels to scroll. See also webkit.org/b/29601
    bool fullTick = !(delta % 120);

    static const int cDefaultQtScrollStep = 20;
    static const int wheelScrollLines = 3;
    int scrollLines = (fullTick) ? wheelScrollLines * cDefaultQtScrollStep : 1;

    delta = (fullTick) ? delta / 120.0f : delta;
    delta *= scrollLines;

    QPointF newPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();

    if (ev->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
        newPosition.rx() += delta;
        newPosition.ry() += delta;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(m_content->contentsScale());

    QPointF currentPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();
    newPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), newPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    emit contentViewportChanged(currentPosition - newPosition);