bool Localizer::setIntrinsicsMatrix(const string &type, const Matrix &M) { if (type=="left") { if (PrjL!=NULL) { *PrjL=M; *invPrjL=pinv(M.transposed()).transposed(); } else { PrjL=new Matrix(M); invPrjL=new Matrix(pinv(M.transposed()).transposed()); } return true; } else if (type=="right") { if (PrjR!=NULL) { *PrjR=M; *invPrjR=pinv(M.transposed()).transposed(); } else { PrjR=new Matrix(M); invPrjR=new Matrix(pinv(M.transposed()).transposed()); } return true; } else return false; }
Vector Controller::computeNeckVelFromdxFP(const Vector &fp, const Vector &dfp) { // convert fp from root to the neck reference frame Vector fpR=fp; fpR.push_back(1.0); Vector fpE=SE3inv(chainNeck->getH())*fpR; // compute the Jacobian of the head joints alone // (by adding the new fixation point beforehand) Matrix HN=eye(4); HN(0,3)=fpE[0]; HN(1,3)=fpE[1]; HN(2,3)=fpE[2]; mutexChain.lock(); chainNeck->setHN(HN); Matrix JN=chainNeck->GeoJacobian(); chainNeck->setHN(eye(4,4)); mutexChain.unlock(); // take only the last three rows of the Jacobian // belonging to the head joints Matrix JNp=JN.submatrix(3,5,3,5); return pinv(JNp)*dfp.subVector(3,5); }
Vector EyePinvRefGen::getEyesCounterVelocity(const Matrix &eyesJ, const Vector &fp) { // ********** implement VOR Matrix H=imu->getH(cat(fbTorso,fbHead.subVector(0,2))); H(0,3)=fp[0]-H(0,3); H(1,3)=fp[1]-H(1,3); H(2,3)=fp[2]-H(2,3); // gyro rate [rad/s] Vector gyro=CTRL_DEG2RAD*commData->get_imu().subVector(6,8); // filter out the noise on the gyro readouts if (norm(gyro)<commData->gyro_noise_threshold) gyro=0.0; Vector vor_fprelv=(gyro[0]*cross(H,0,H,3)+ gyro[1]*cross(H,1,H,3)+ gyro[2]*cross(H,2,H,3)); // ********** implement OCR H=chainNeck->getH(); Matrix HN=eye(4,4); HN(0,3)=fp[0]-H(0,3); HN(1,3)=fp[1]-H(1,3); HN(2,3)=fp[2]-H(2,3); chainNeck->setHN(HN); Vector ocr_fprelv=chainNeck->GeoJacobian()*commData->get_v().subVector(0,2); ocr_fprelv=ocr_fprelv.subVector(0,2); chainNeck->setHN(eye(4,4)); // ********** blend the contributions return -1.0*(pinv(eyesJ)*(counterRotGain[0]*vor_fprelv+counterRotGain[1]*ocr_fprelv)); }
// Algorithms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eigen::VectorXd controlEnv::mobile_manip_inverse_kinematics_simple(void){ return pinv(jacobian(mobile_manip_), 0.001)*scaled_pose_error_.v(); // scaled_pose_error_.plot(); // std::cout << "scaled err: " << scaled_pose_error_.v().transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "jac: " << std::endl << jacobian(mobile_manip_) << std::endl; // std::cout << "pinv jac: " << std::endl << pinv(jacobian(mobile_manip_), 0.001) << std::endl; }
Vector Controller::computeEyesVelFromdxFP(const Vector &dfp) { Matrix eyesJ; Vector tmp; if ((fbEyes[2]>CTRL_DEG2RAD*GAZECTRL_CRITICVER_STABILIZATION) && CartesianHelper::computeFixationPointData(*chainEyeL,*chainEyeR,tmp,eyesJ)) return pinv(eyesJ)*dfp.subVector(0,2); else return zeros(vEyes.length()); }
GURLS_EXPORT void pinv(const gMat2D<float>& A, gMat2D<float>& Ainv, float RCOND) { int r, c; float* inv = pinv(A.getData(), A.rows(), A.cols(), r, c, &RCOND); Ainv.resize(r, c); gurls::copy(Ainv.getData(), inv, r*c); delete[] inv; }
/*********************************************************//** Allocate and initialize skeleton decomposition with a set of pivots and a given approximation \param[in] f - function to approximate \param[in] args - function arguments \param[in] bounds - bounds on function \param[in] cargs - cross2d args \param[in] pivx - x pivots \param[in] pivy - y pivots \return skeleton decomposition *************************************************************/ struct SkeletonDecomp * skeleton_decomp_init2d_from_pivots( double (*f)(double,double,void *), void * args, const struct BoundingBox * bounds, const struct Cross2dargs * cargs, const double * pivx, const double * pivy) { size_t r = cargs->r; struct SkeletonDecomp * skd = skeleton_decomp_alloc(r); struct FiberCut ** fx; struct FiberCut ** fy; double * lb = bounding_box_get_lb(bounds); double * ub = bounding_box_get_ub(bounds); fx = fiber_cut_2darray(f,args,0,r, pivy); quasimatrix_free(skd->xqm); skd->xqm = quasimatrix_approx_from_fiber_cuts( r, fiber_cut_eval2d, fx, cargs->fclass[0], cargs->sub_type[0], lb[0],ub[0], cargs->approx_args[0]); fiber_cut_array_free(r, fx); fy = fiber_cut_2darray(f,args,1,r, pivx); quasimatrix_free(skd->yqm); skd->yqm = quasimatrix_approx_from_fiber_cuts( r, fiber_cut_eval2d, fy, cargs->fclass[1], cargs->sub_type[1], lb[1],ub[1], cargs->approx_args[1]); fiber_cut_array_free(r, fy); size_t ii,jj; double * cmat = calloc_double(r*r); for (ii = 0; ii <r; ii++){ for (jj = 0; jj <r; jj++){ cmat[ii * r + jj] = f(pivx[jj],pivy[ii], args); } } /* printf("cmat = "); dprint2d_col(r,r,cmat); */ pinv(r,r,r,cmat,skd->skeleton,1e-15); free(cmat);cmat=NULL; return skd; }
Eigen::VectorXd controlEnv::manipulator_inverse_kinematics_simple(void){ unsigned int n_manip_joints = mobile_manip_.n_manip_joints(); unsigned int n_joints = mobile_manip_.dim(); VectorXd manip_joint_inc(n_manip_joints); manip_joint_inc = pinv(jacobian(mobile_manip_), 0.001)*scaled_pose_error_.v(); VectorXd joint_inc(n_joints); for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_joints-n_manip_joints; i++) joint_inc(i) = 0.0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_manip_joints; i++) joint_inc(i+n_joints-n_manip_joints) = manip_joint_inc(i); return joint_inc; }
/** * The update function that actually updates the H matrix. The function takes * in all the matrices and only changes the value of the H matrix. * * @param V Input matrix to be factorized. * @param W Basis matrix. * @param H Encoding matrix to be updated. */ inline static void Update(const arma::mat& V, const arma::mat& W, arma::mat& H) { H = pinv(W.t() * W) * W.t() * V; // Set all negative numbers to 0. for (size_t i = 0; i < H.n_elem; i++) { if (H(i) < 0.0) { H(i) = 0.0; } } }
/* Test matrix invertion routine */ void testPinv(void) { double **A,val; int nRows,nCols, i,j, n; nRows=3; nCols=4; n = MAX(nRows,nCols); printf("n=%d\n",n); /* Allocate matrix */ A = (double **) calloc(n,sizeof(double *)); for (i=0;i<n;i++){ A[i] = (double *) calloc(n,sizeof(double)); } /* Set up test matrix values */ val = 1.0; for (j=0;j<nCols;j++){ if (j<nRows) A[j][j] = 2.0; for (i=0;i<nRows;i++){ A[i][j]+=val; val += 1.0; } } /* Display matrix */ for (i=0;i<nRows;i++){ for (j=0;j<nCols;j++){ printf(" %16.8f",A[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); /* Invert matrix */ pinv(A,nRows,nCols); /* Display matrix */ for (i=0;i<nCols;i++){ for (j=0;j<nRows;j++){ printf(" %16.8f",A[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("testPinv halting program\n"); _EXIT_; }
/** * The update function that actually updates the W matrix. The function takes * in all the matrices and only changes the value of the W matrix. * * @param V Input matrix to be factorized. * @param W Basis matrix to be updated. * @param H Encoding matrix. */ inline static void Update(const arma::mat& V, arma::mat& W, const arma::mat& H) { // The call to inv() sometimes fails; so we are using the psuedoinverse. // W = (inv(H * H.t()) * H * V.t()).t(); W = V * H.t() * pinv(H * H.t()); // Set all negative numbers to machine epsilon for (size_t i = 0; i < W.n_elem; i++) { if (W(i) < 0.0) { W(i) = 0.0; } } }
void fingerDetector::run() { //fprintf(stderr, "Entering the main thread\n"); //fprintf(stderr, "Reading: %s\n", analogs.toString().c_str()); int n = q1.size(); Vector q(n); Vector qStar(n); Vector dq(n); Vector tStar(1); Matrix Q1(n,1); for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { Q1(i,0) = q1(i); q(i) = fingerAnalog(i); } tStar = pinv(Q1)*(q-q0); qStar = q0 + q1 * tStar(0); dq = q - qStar; double res = 0; double q1N = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { res += sqrt(dq(i)*dq(i)); q1N += sqrt(q1(i)*q1(i)); } if (tStar(0) > maxT && res < max) status = (tStar(0) - maxT) * q1N; if (tStar(0) > maxT && res > max) status = (tStar(0) - maxT) * q1N + (res - max); if (tStar(0) < minT && res < max) status = (minT - tStar(0)) * q1N; if (tStar(0) < minT && res > max) status = (minT - tStar(0)) * q1N + (res - max); if ( tStar(0) > minT && tStar(0) < maxT && res < max) status = 0.0; if ( tStar(0) > minT && tStar(0) < maxT && res > max) status = res - max; }
// get the covariance of a contrast given a contrast vector // if this matrix is X, this function computes c' pinv(X'X) c double RtDesignMatrix::computeContrastCovariance( vnl_vector<double> &contrastVector) { if (contrastVector.size() != columns()) { cerr << "ERROR: number of elements in contrast vector does not match the " << "number of columns in the design matrix" << endl; return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } // compute the contrast covariance based on the currently known regressors // NOTE: this will not be the same as computing it at the end of the // experiment when all regressors are known. it would be nice to compute // final values using the known design. vnl_matrix<double> convec(contrastVector.data_block(), contrastVector.size(), 1); vnl_svd<double> pinv(transpose() * (*this)); vnl_matrix<double> result = convec.transpose() * pinv.pinverse() * convec; return result.get(0, 0); }
double * solve(size_t nfield, double * perm, double h, double lb, double ub) { double * op = buildOP(nfield,perm,h); double * rhs = buildRHS(nfield-1,lb+h,ub); double * inv = calloc_double((nfield-1) * (nfield-1)); pinv(nfield-1,nfield-1,nfield-1,op,inv,0.0); double * sol = calloc_double(nfield); cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans,nfield-1,nfield-1,1.0,inv,nfield-1, rhs,1,0.0,sol+1,1); free(op); op = NULL; free(rhs); rhs = NULL; free(inv); inv = NULL; return sol; }
vec LinkedTreeRobot::computeDeltaThetas(const vec& desiredPositions, vec& axes) const { assert(_numEffectors * 3 == desiredPositions.n_elem); vec s(3 * _numEffectors); getEffectorPositions(s); vec e = clamp(desiredPositions - s, 0.5); mat J; computeJacobian(desiredPositions, J, axes); if (_method == PINV) { //cout << "PINV" << endl; mat pInvJ = pinv(J); // magic. uses SVD vec soln = pInvJ * e; assert(soln.n_elem == _numJoints); return soln; } else if (_method == DLS) { //cout << "DLS" << endl; // delta theta = J^T(JJ^T + lambda^2I)^-1 * e mat JT = trans(J); mat JJT = J * JT; mat I(J.n_rows, J.n_rows); I.eye(); vec soln = (JT * inv(JJT + lambda_squared * I)) * e; assert(soln.n_elem == _numJoints); return soln; } else throw runtime_error("invalid method"); }
bool Localizer::triangulatePoint(const Vector &pxl, const Vector &pxr, Vector &x) { if ((pxl.length()<2) || (pxr.length()<2)) { yError("Not enough values given for the pixels!"); return false; } if (PrjL && PrjR) { Vector torso=commData->get_torso(); Vector head=commData->get_q(); Vector qL(8); qL[0]=torso[0]; qL[1]=torso[1]; qL[2]=torso[2]; qL[3]=head[0]; qL[4]=head[1]; qL[5]=head[2]; qL[6]=head[3]; qL[7]=head[4]+head[5]/2.0; Vector qR=qL; qR[7]-=head[5]; mutex.lock(); Matrix HL=SE3inv(eyeL->getH(qL)); Matrix HR=SE3inv(eyeR->getH(qR)); mutex.unlock(); Matrix tmp=zeros(3,4); tmp(2,2)=1.0; tmp(0,2)=pxl[0]; tmp(1,2)=pxl[1]; Matrix AL=(*PrjL-tmp)*HL; tmp(0,2)=pxr[0]; tmp(1,2)=pxr[1]; Matrix AR=(*PrjR-tmp)*HR; Matrix A(4,3); Vector b(4); for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { b[i]=-AL(i,3); b[i+2]=-AR(i,3); for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { A(i,j)=AL(i,j); A(i+2,j)=AR(i,j); } } // solve the least-squares problem x=pinv(A)*b; return true; } else { yError("Unspecified projection matrix for at least one camera!"); return false; } }
/****************************************************************** * 函数功能:几何校正 * * 待写:H_final的值也应该返回去 */ arma::uvec geometricVerification(const arma::mat &frames1, const arma::mat &frames2, const arma::mat &matches, const superluOpts &opts){ // 测试载入是否准确 /*std::cout<< "element测试: " << " x: " << frames1(0,1) << " y: " << frames1(1,1) << std::endl; std::cout << " 行数: " << frames1.n_rows << " 列数:" << frames1.n_cols << std::endl; std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/ int numMatches = matches.n_cols; // 测试匹配数目是否准确 /*std::cout << "没有RANSAC前匹配数目: " << numMatches << std::endl; std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/ arma::field<arma::uvec> inliers(1, numMatches); arma::field<arma::mat> H(1, numMatches); arma::uvec v = arma::linspace<arma::uvec>(0,1,2); arma::mat onesVector = arma::ones(1, matches.n_cols); arma::uvec matchedIndex_Query = arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(matches.row(0)-1); arma::uvec matchedIndex_Object = arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(matches.row(1)-1); arma::mat x1 = frames1(v, matchedIndex_Query) ; arma::mat x2 = frames2(v, matchedIndex_Object); /*std::cout << " x1查询图像匹配行数: " << x1.n_rows << " 查询图像匹配列数:" << x1.n_cols << std::endl; std::cout << " x2目标图像匹配行数: " << x2.n_rows << " 目标图像匹配列数:" << x2.n_cols << std::endl; std::cout<< "x1 element测试: " << " x: " << x1(0,1) << " y: " << x1(1,1) << std::endl; std::cout<< "x2 element测试: " << " x: " << x2(0,1) << " y: " << x2(1,1) << std::endl; std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/ arma::mat x1hom = arma::join_cols(x1, arma::ones<arma::mat>(1, numMatches)); //在下面添加一行,注意和join_rows的区别 arma::mat x2hom = arma::join_cols(x2, arma::ones<arma::mat>(1, numMatches)); /*std::cout << " x1hom查询图像匹配行数: " << x1hom.n_rows << " 查询图像匹配列数:" << x1hom.n_cols << std::endl; std::cout<< "x1hom element测试: " << " x: " << x1hom(0,1) << " y: " << x1hom(1,1) << " z: " << x1hom(2,1) << std::endl; std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/ arma::mat x1p, H21; //作用域 double tol; for(int m = 0; m < numMatches; ++m){ //cout << "m: " << m << endl; for(unsigned int t = 0; t < opts.numRefinementIterations; ++t){ //cout << "t: " << t << endl; if (t == 0){ arma::mat tmp1 = frames1.col(matches(0, m)-1); arma::mat A1 = toAffinity(tmp1); //A1.print("A1 ="); arma::mat tmp2 = frames2.col(matches(1, m)-1); arma::mat A2 = toAffinity(tmp2); //A2.print("A2 ="); H21 = A2 * inv(A1); //H21.print("H21 ="); x1p = H21.rows(0, 1) * x1hom ; //x1p.print("x1p ="); tol = opts.tolerance1; }else if(t !=0 && t <= 3){ arma::mat A1 = x1hom.cols(inliers(0, m)); arma::mat A2 = x2.cols(inliers(0, m)); //A1.print("A1 ="); //A2.print("A2 ="); H21 = A2*pinv(A1); //H21.print("H21 ="); x1p = H21.rows(0, 1) * x1hom ; //x1p.print("x1p ="); arma::mat v; v << 0 << 0 << 1 << arma::endr; H21 = join_vert(H21, v); //H21.print("H21 ="); //x1p.print("x1p ="); tol = opts.tolerance2; }else{ arma::mat x1in = x1hom.cols(inliers(0, m)); arma::mat x2in = x2hom.cols(inliers(0, m)); arma::mat S1 = centering(x1in); arma::mat S2 = centering(x2in); arma::mat x1c = S1 * x1in; //x1c.print("x1c ="); arma::mat x2c = S2 * x2in; //x2c.print("x2c ="); arma::mat A1 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols); A1.zeros(); arma::mat A2 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols); A2.zeros(); arma::mat A3 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols); A3.zeros(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < x1c.n_cols; ++i){ A2.col(i) = x1c.col(i)*(-x2c.row(0).col(i)); A3.col(i) = x1c.col(i)*(-x2c.row(1).col(i)); } arma::mat T1 = join_cols(join_horiz(x1c, A1), join_horiz(A1, x1c)); arma::mat T2 = join_cols(T1, join_horiz(A2, A3)); //T2.print("T2 ="); arma::mat U; arma::vec s; arma::mat V; svd_econ(U, s, V, T2); //U.print("U ="); //V.print("V ="); arma::vec tmm = U.col(U.n_cols-1); H21 = reshape(tmm, 3, 3).t(); H21 = inv(S2) * H21 * S1; H21 = H21 / H21(H21.n_rows-1, H21.n_cols-1) ; //H21.print("H21 ="); arma::mat x1phom = H21 * x1hom ; arma::mat cc1 = x1phom.row(0) / x1phom.row(2); arma::mat cc2 = x1phom.row(1) / x1phom.row(2); arma::mat x1p = join_cols(cc1, cc2); //x1p.print("x1p ="); tol = opts.tolerance3; } arma::mat tmp = arma::square(x2 - x1p); //精度跟matlab相比更高? //tmp.print("tmp ="); arma::mat dist2 = tmp.row(0) + tmp.row(1); //dist2.print("dist2 ="); inliers(0, m) = arma::find(dist2 < pow(tol, 2)); H(0, m) = H21; //H(0, m).print("H(0, m) ="); //inliers(0, m).print("inliers(0, m) ="); //cout << inliers(0, m).size() << endl; //cout << "==========================================================" << endl; if (inliers(0, m).size() < opts.minInliers) break; if (inliers(0, m).size() > 0.7 * numMatches) break; } } arma::uvec scores(numMatches); for(int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i){ = inliers(0, i).n_rows; } //scores.print("scores = "); arma::uword index; scores.max(index); //cout << index << endl; arma::mat H_final = inv(H(0, index)); //H_final.print("H_final = "); arma::uvec inliers_final = inliers(0, index); //inliers_final.print("inliers_final = "); return inliers_final; }
Datum pseudoinverse(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { /* * A note on types: PostgreSQL array dimensions are of type int. See, e.g., * the macro definition ARR_DIMS */ int rows, columns; float8 *A, *Aplus; ArrayType *A_PG, *Aplus_PG; int lbs[2], dims[2]; /* * Perform all the error checking needed to ensure that no one is * trying to call this in some sort of crazy way. */ if (PG_NARGS() != 1) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("pseudoinverse called with %d arguments", PG_NARGS()))); } if (PG_ARGISNULL(0)) PG_RETURN_NULL(); A_PG = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0); if (ARR_ELEMTYPE(A_PG) != FLOAT8OID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("pseudoinverse only defined over float8[]"))); if (ARR_NDIM(A_PG) != 2) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("pseudoinverse only defined over 2 dimensional arrays")) ); if (ARR_NULLBITMAP(A_PG)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED), errmsg("null array element not allowed in this context"))); /* Extract rows, columns, and data */ rows = ARR_DIMS(A_PG)[0]; columns = ARR_DIMS(A_PG)[1]; A = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(A_PG); /* Allocate a PG array for the result, "Aplus" is A+, the pseudo inverse of A */ lbs[0] = 1; lbs[1] = 1; dims[0] = columns; dims[1] = rows; Aplus_PG = construct_md_array(NULL, NULL, 2, dims, lbs, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), true, 'd'); Aplus = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(Aplus_PG); pinv(rows,columns,A,Aplus); PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(Aplus_PG); }
/*---------- * Do the computations requested from final functions. * * Compute regression coefficients, coefficient of determination (R^2), * t-statistics, and p-values whenever the respective argument is non-NULL. * Since these functions share a lot of computation, they have been distilled * into this function. * * First, we compute the regression coefficients as: * * c = (X^T X)^+ * X^T * y = X^+ * y * * where: * * X^T = the transpose of X * X^+ = the pseudo-inverse of X * * The identity X^+ = (X^T X)^+ X^T holds for all matrices X, a proof * can be found here: * * * Note that when the system X c = y is satisfiable (because (X|c) has rank at * most inState->len), then setting c = X^+ y means that |c|_2 <= |d|_2 for all * solutions d satisfying X d = y. * (See * * Caveat: Explicitly computing (X^T X)^+ can become a significant source of * numerical rounding erros (see, e.g., * * or p.16). *---------- */ static void float8_mregr_compute(MRegrState *inState, ArrayType **outCoef, float8 *outR2, ArrayType **outTStats, ArrayType **outPValues) { ArrayType *coef_array, *stdErr_array, *tStats_array = NULL, *pValues_array = NULL; float8 ess = 0., /* explained sum of squares (regression sum of squares) */ tss = 0., /* total sum of squares */ rss, /* residual sum of squares */ r2, variance; float8 *XtX_inv, *coef, *stdErr, *tStats = NULL, *pValues = NULL; uint32 i; /* * Precondition: inState->len * inState->len * sizeof(float8) < STATE_LEN(inState->len) * and IS_FEASIBLE_STATE_LEN(STATE_LEN(inState->len)) */ XtX_inv = palloc((uint64) inState->len * inState->len * sizeof(float8)); pinv(inState->len, inState->len, inState->XtX, XtX_inv); /* * FIXME: Decide on whether we want to display an info message or rather * provide a second function that tells how well the data is conditioned. * * Check if we should expect multicollineratiy. [MPP-13582] * * See: * Lichtblau, Daniel and Weisstein, Eric W. "Condition Number." * From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. * * if (condNoOfXtX > 1000) ereport(INFO, (errmsg("matrix X^T X is ill-conditioned"), errdetail("condition number = %f", condNoOfXtX), errhint("This can indicate strong multicollinearity."))); */ /* * We want to return a one-dimensional array (as opposed to a * two-dimensional array). * * Note: Calling construct_array with NULL as first arguments is a Greenplum * extension */ coef_array = construct_array(NULL, inState->len, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), true, 'd'); coef = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(coef_array); symmetricMatrixTimesVector(inState->len, XtX_inv, inState->Xty, coef); if (outCoef) *outCoef = coef_array; if (outR2 || outTStats || outPValues) { /*---------- * Computing the total sum of squares (tss) and the explained sum of squares (ess) * * ess = y'X * c - sum(y)^2/n * tss = sum(y^2) - sum(y)^2/n * R^2 = ess/tss *---------- */ ess = dotProduct(inState->len, inState->Xty, coef) - inState->sumy*inState->sumy/inState->count; tss = inState->sumy2 - inState->sumy * inState->sumy / inState->count; /* * With infinite precision, the following checks are pointless. But due to * floating-point arithmetic, this need not hold at this point. * Without a formal proof convincing us of the contrary, we should * anticipate that numerical peculiarities might occur. */ if (tss < 0) tss = 0; if (ess < 0) ess = 0; /* * Since we know tss with greater accuracy than ess, we do the following * sanity adjustment to ess: */ if (ess > tss) ess = tss; } if (outR2) { /* * coefficient of determination * If tss == 0, then the regression perfectly fits the data, so the * coefficient of determination is 1. */ r2 = (tss == 0 ? 1 : ess / tss); *outR2 = r2; } if (outTStats || outPValues) { stdErr_array = construct_array(NULL, inState->len, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), true, 'd'); stdErr = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(stdErr_array); tStats_array = construct_array(NULL, inState->len, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), true, 'd'); tStats = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(tStats_array); pValues_array = construct_array(NULL, inState->len, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), true, 'd'); pValues = (float8 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(pValues_array); /* * Computing t-statistics and p-values * * Total sum of squares (tss) = Residual Sum of sqaures (rss) + * Explained Sum of Squares (ess) for linear regression. * Proof: */ rss = tss - ess; /* Variance is also called the Mean Square Error */ variance = rss / (inState->count - inState->len); /* * The t-statistic for each coef[i] is coef[i] / stdErr[i] * where stdErr[i] is the standard error of coef[ii], i.e., * the square root of the i'th diagonoal element of * variance * (X^T X)^{-1}. */ for (i = 0; i < inState->len; i++) { /* * In an abundance of caution, we see a tiny possibility that numerical * instabilities in the pinv operation can lead to negative values on * the main diagonal of even a SPD matrix */ if (XtX_inv[i * (inState->len + 1)] < 0) { stdErr[i] = 0; } else { stdErr[i] = sqrt( variance * XtX_inv[i * (inState->len + 1)] ); } if (coef[i] == 0 && stdErr[i] == 0) { /* * In this special case, 0/0 should be interpreted as 0: * We know that 0 is the exact value for the coefficient, so * the t-value should be 0 (corresponding to a p-value of 1) */ tStats[i] = 0; } else { /* * If stdErr[i] == 0 then abs(tStats[i]) will be infinity, which is * what we need. */ tStats[i] = coef[i] / stdErr[i]; } } } if (outTStats) *outTStats = tStats_array; if (outPValues) { for (i = 0; i < inState->len; i++) if (inState->count <= inState->len) { /* * This test is purely for detecting long int overflows because * studentT_cdf expects an unsigned long int as first argument. */ pValues[i] = NAN; } else { pValues[i] = 2. * (1. - studentT_cdf( (uint64) (inState->count - inState->len), fabs( tStats[i] ) )); } *outPValues = pValues_array; } }
Eigen::MatrixXd cinv(const Eigen::MatrixXd M, const Eigen::VectorXi TS, const Eigen::VectorXd H, const double tol){ // ****************************************************************************************************** // Function that implements the continuous inverse as in: // Mansard, N., et al.; A Unified Approach to Integrate Unilateral Constraints in the Stack of Tasks // IEEE, Transactions on Robotics, 2009 // // INPUT // - M: matrix from which we want to compute the continuous inverse // - TS: task size vector with 'ts(i)' being the size of task 'i'. The sum of the elements of 'TS' == number of rows of 'M'. // - H: task activation vector whose elements \in [0,1] // // OUTPUT // Given B(m) the set of all permutations without repetitions of the first 'm' elements, // that is, B(m==3) = {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} then: // - cinv = sum_{P \in B(m)}( prod_{i \in P}(h_i) * prod_{i !\in P}(1.0 - h_i) * pinv(M_P) ) // with: // - m = TS.size() // - M_P = H0_P * M and H0_P as the diagonal matrix with HO_P(j,j) = 1 if j \in P, otherwise HO_P(j,j) = 0. // std::cout << "M" << std::endl << M << std::endl; // std::cout << "TS: " << TS.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "H: " << H.transpose() << std::endl; unsigned int m_rows = M.rows(); unsigned int m_cols = M.cols(); // Gather task data unsigned int n_tasks = TS.size(); std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > task_rows; std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> task_M; for (unsigned int i=0, curr_row=0; i<n_tasks; ++i){ task_rows.push_back( std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(curr_row, curr_row+static_cast<unsigned int>(TS(i))) ); task_M.push_back(M.block(curr_row,0,TS(i),m_cols)); curr_row += static_cast<unsigned int>(TS(i)); } // // Plot data by task // std::cout << "curr rows" << std::endl; // for (auto i=0; i<n_tasks; ++i){ // std::cout << task_rows[i].first << " " << task_rows[i].second << " - " << H[i] << std::endl; // std::cout << "task_M_pinv[i]:" << std::endl << task_M[i] << std::endl; // } // Get number of active tasks std::vector<unsigned int> active_tasks; for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_tasks; ++i) if (H[i]) active_tasks.push_back(i); unsigned int n_active_tasks = active_tasks.size(); // std::cout << "active_tasks: "; for (auto i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); ++i) std::cout << active_tasks[i] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; Eigen::MatrixXd cinv(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(m_cols,m_rows)); for (unsigned int n_permutation_elem = 1; n_permutation_elem <= n_active_tasks; ++n_permutation_elem){ std::vector<bool> active_tasks_in_permutation(n_active_tasks); std::fill(active_tasks_in_permutation.begin(), active_tasks_in_permutation.begin() + n_permutation_elem, true); do { Eigen::MatrixXd subset_task_m(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(m_rows,m_cols)); double h_subset_task_activation_prod = 1.0; for (unsigned int j_task = 0; j_task < n_active_tasks; ++j_task) { if (active_tasks_in_permutation[j_task]) { subset_task_m.block(task_rows[active_tasks[j_task]].first,0,TS(active_tasks[j_task]),m_cols) = task_M[active_tasks[j_task]]; h_subset_task_activation_prod *= H(active_tasks[j_task]); } else h_subset_task_activation_prod *= 1.0 - H(active_tasks[j_task]); } // std::cout << "permutation: "; for (auto k=0; k<active_tasks_in_permutation.size(); ++k) std::cout<< active_tasks_in_permutation[k] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; // std::cout << "h_subset_task_activation_prod: " << h_subset_task_activation_prod << std::endl; // std::cout << "subset_task_m" << std::endl << subset_task_m << std::endl; cinv = cinv + h_subset_task_activation_prod * pinv(subset_task_m,tol); } while (std::prev_permutation(active_tasks_in_permutation.begin(), active_tasks_in_permutation.end())); } return cinv; }
int main(void){ std::cout << " ---- Programa de Tests de la pseudoinverse de Mansard ----" << std::endl; unsigned int nq = 10; unsigned int nx1 = 7; Eigen::MatrixXd H1(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nx1,nx1)); H1(0,0) = 0; H1(1,1) = 0.2; H1(2,2) = 0; H1(3,3) = 0.5; H1(4,4) = 0; H1(5,5) = 0; H1(6,6) = 0.7; std::vector<unsigned int> active_joints; for (unsigned int i=0; i<nx1; ++i) if (H1(i,i)) active_joints.push_back(i); unsigned int n_active_joints = active_joints.size(); std::cout << "n_active_joints: " << n_active_joints << std::endl; // Initialize pseudoinverse to zero Eigen::MatrixXd pJ1(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nq,nx1)); // // Per cada grup de 'i' elements // for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n_active_joints; ++i){ // std::vector<bool> v(n_active_joints); // std::fill(v.begin(), v.begin() + i, true); // do { // Eigen::MatrixXd J_sum(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nx1,nq)); // double h_prod = 1.0; // for (int j = 0; j < n_active_joints; ++j) { // unsigned int qi = active_joints[j]; // if (v[j]) { //// std::cout << j << " "; // std::cout << qi << " "; // J_sum(qi,qi+3) = 1.0; // h_prod *= H1(qi,qi); // } // else h_prod *= 1.0 - H1(qi,qi); // } // std::cout << "\n"; //// std::cout << " - P h: " << h_prod << "\n"; // std::cout << " J_sum: " << "\n" << J_sum << "\n"; // Eigen::MatrixXd pJ_sum(pinv(J_sum,0.00001)); // std::cout << " h_prod * pJ_sum: " << "\n" << h_prod * pJ_sum << "\n"; // pJ1 = pJ1 + h_prod * pJ_sum; // std::cout << " pJ1: " << "\n" << pJ1 << "\n"; // } while (std::prev_permutation(v.begin(), v.end())); // std::cout << "-----\n"; // } // std::cout << " pJ1: " << "\n" << pJ1 << "\n"; // Per cada grup de 'i' elements pJ1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nq,nx1); for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n_active_joints; ++i){ std::vector<bool> v(n_active_joints); std::fill(v.begin(), v.begin() + i, true); do { Eigen::MatrixXd J_sum(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nx1,nq)); double h_prod = 1.0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_active_joints; ++j) { unsigned int qi = active_joints[j]; if (v[j]) { J_sum(qi,qi+3) = 1.0; h_prod *= H1(qi,qi); } else h_prod *= 1.0 - H1(qi,qi); } pJ1 = pJ1 + h_prod * pinv(J_sum,0.00001); } while (std::prev_permutation(v.begin(), v.end())); } std::cout << " pJ1: " << "\n" << pJ1 << "\n"; // Eigen::MatrixXd m_id(Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(6,6)); // m_id(1,1) = 0.2; // m_id(4,4) = -3; // Eigen::VectorXi TS(3); // TS(0) = 2; // TS(1) = 3; // TS(2) = 1; // Eigen::VectorXd H(3); // H(0) = 0.1; // H(1) = 0.6; // H(2) = 0.4; // std::cout << " cinv: " << "\n" << cinv(m_id,TS,H) << "\n"; double tol = 0.0000001; Eigen::MatrixXd m_id(Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(nx1,nx1)); Eigen::VectorXi TS(nx1); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nx1; ++i) TS(i) = 1.0; Eigen::VectorXd H(nx1); H(0) = 0; H(1) = 0.2; H(2) = 0; H(3) = 0.5; H(4) = 0; H(5) = 0; H(6) = 0.7; std::cout << "cinv: " << "\n" << cinv(m_id,TS,H) << "\n"; Eigen::MatrixXd lH(nx1,nx1); lH(0,0) = 0; lH(1,1) = 0.2; lH(2,2) = 0; lH(3,3) = 0.5; lH(4,4) = 0; lH(5,5) = 0; lH(6,6) = 0.7; std::cout << "cinv: " << "\n" << cinv(m_id,TS,lH) << "\n"; std::cout << "left cinv: " << "\n" << left_cinv(m_id,TS,lH) << "\n"; std::cout << "right cinv: " << "\n" << right_cinv(m_id,TS,lH) << "\n"; return 0; }
Localizer::Localizer(exchangeData *_commData, const unsigned int _period) : RateThread(_period), commData(_commData), period(_period) { iCubHeadCenter eyeC(commData->head_version>1.0?"right_v2":"right"); eyeL=new iCubEye(commData->head_version>1.0?"left_v2":"left"); eyeR=new iCubEye(commData->head_version>1.0?"right_v2":"right"); // remove constraints on the links // we use the chains for logging purpose eyeL->setAllConstraints(false); eyeR->setAllConstraints(false); // release links eyeL->releaseLink(0); eyeC.releaseLink(0); eyeR->releaseLink(0); eyeL->releaseLink(1); eyeC.releaseLink(1); eyeR->releaseLink(1); eyeL->releaseLink(2); eyeC.releaseLink(2); eyeR->releaseLink(2); // add aligning matrices read from configuration file getAlignHN(commData->rf_cameras,"ALIGN_KIN_LEFT",eyeL->asChain(),true); getAlignHN(commData->rf_cameras,"ALIGN_KIN_RIGHT",eyeR->asChain(),true); // overwrite aligning matrices iff specified through tweak values if (commData->tweakOverwrite) { getAlignHN(commData->rf_tweak,"ALIGN_KIN_LEFT",eyeL->asChain(),true); getAlignHN(commData->rf_tweak,"ALIGN_KIN_RIGHT",eyeR->asChain(),true); } // get the absolute reference frame of the head Vector q(eyeC.getDOF(),0.0); eyeCAbsFrame=eyeC.getH(q); // ... and its inverse invEyeCAbsFrame=SE3inv(eyeCAbsFrame); // get the length of the half of the eyes baseline eyesHalfBaseline=0.5*norm(eyeL->EndEffPose().subVector(0,2)-eyeR->EndEffPose().subVector(0,2)); bool ret; // get camera projection matrix ret=getCamPrj(commData->rf_cameras,"CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT",&PrjL,true); if (commData->tweakOverwrite) { Matrix *Prj; if (getCamPrj(commData->rf_tweak,"CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT",&Prj,true)) { delete PrjL; PrjL=Prj; } } if (ret) { cxl=(*PrjL)(0,2); cyl=(*PrjL)(1,2); invPrjL=new Matrix(pinv(PrjL->transposed()).transposed()); } else PrjL=invPrjL=NULL; // get camera projection matrix ret=getCamPrj(commData->rf_cameras,"CAMERA_CALIBRATION_RIGHT",&PrjR,true); if (commData->tweakOverwrite) { Matrix *Prj; if (getCamPrj(commData->rf_tweak,"CAMERA_CALIBRATION_RIGHT",&Prj,true)) { delete PrjR; PrjR=Prj; } } if (ret) { cxr=(*PrjR)(0,2); cyr=(*PrjR)(1,2); invPrjR=new Matrix(pinv(PrjR->transposed()).transposed()); } else PrjR=invPrjR=NULL; Vector Kp(1,0.001), Ki(1,0.001), Kd(1,0.0); Vector Wp(1,1.0), Wi(1,1.0), Wd(1,1.0); Vector N(1,10.0), Tt(1,1.0); Matrix satLim(1,2); satLim(0,0)=0.05; satLim(0,1)=10.0; pid=new parallelPID(0.05,Kp,Ki,Kd,Wp,Wi,Wd,N,Tt,satLim); Vector z0(1,0.5); pid->reset(z0); dominantEye="left"; port_xd=NULL; }
Eigen::VectorXd controlEnv::mobile_manip_inverse_kinematics_siciliano(void){ // Siciliano; modelling, planning and control; pag 139 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // std::cout << "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: " << n_iteration_ << std::endl; // Position VectorXd p_err(3); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) p_err(i) = pose_error_.p()(i); MatrixXd Kp(3,3); Kp = MatrixXd::Zero(3,3); Kp(0,0) = 1.0; Kp(1,1) = 1.0; Kp(2,2) = 1.0; VectorXd vd(3); desired_pose_velocity_ = compute_pose_velocity(desired_pose_, past_desired_pose_, time_increment_); vd = desired_pose_velocity_.p(); VectorXd v_p(3); v_p = vd + Kp * p_err; // Orientation Quaternion<double> rot_current, rot_desired; rot_current = mobile_manip_.tcp_pose().o(); rot_desired = desired_pose_.o(); MatrixXd L(3,3); L = Lmat(rot_current, rot_desired); MatrixXd Sne(3,3), Sse(3,3), Sae(3,3); Sne = cross_product_matrix_S(rot_current.toRotationMatrix().col(0)); Sse = cross_product_matrix_S(rot_current.toRotationMatrix().col(1)); Sae = cross_product_matrix_S(rot_current.toRotationMatrix().col(2)); VectorXd nd(3), sd(3), ad(3); nd = rot_desired.toRotationMatrix().col(0); sd = rot_desired.toRotationMatrix().col(1); ad = rot_desired.toRotationMatrix().col(2); VectorXd o_err(3); o_err = 0.5 * ( Sne*nd + Sse*sd + Sae*ad ); MatrixXd Ko(3,3); Ko = MatrixXd::Zero(3,3); Ko(0,0) = 1.0; Ko(1,1) = 1.0; Ko(2,2) = 1.0; VectorXd wd(3); wd = desired_pose_velocity_.o_angaxis_r3(); VectorXd v_o(3); v_o = L.inverse() * (L.transpose() * wd + Ko * o_err ); // Put all together VectorXd v(6); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++){ v(i) = v_p(i); v(i+3) = v_o(i); } return pinv(jacobian(mobile_manip_), 0.001)*v; }
//Class constructor TimeSegmentation(Tobj &G, Col <T1> map_in, Col <T1> timeVec_in, uword a, uword b, uword c, uword interptype = 1, uword shots = 1) { cout << "Entering Class constructor" << endl; n1 = a; //Data size n2 = b;//Image size L = c; //number of time segments type = interptype; // type of time segmentation performed Nshots = shots; // number of shots obj = &G; fieldMap = map_in; cout << "N1 = " << n1 << endl; cout << "N2 = " << n2 << endl; cout << "L = " << L << endl; AA.set_size(n1, L); //time segments weights timeVec = timeVec_in; T_min =timeVec.min(); T1 rangt = timeVec.max()-T_min; tau = (rangt + datum::eps) / (L - 1); // it was L-1 before timeVec = timeVec-T_min; uword NOneShot = n1/Nshots; if (L==1) { tau = 0; AA.ones(); } else { Mat <CxT1> tempAA(NOneShot, L); if (type==1) {// Hanning interpolator cout << "Hanning interpolation" << endl; for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) { for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<NOneShot; jj++) { if ((std::abs(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau)))<=tau) { tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.5+0.5*std::cos((datum::pi)*(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau))/tau); } else { tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.0; } } } AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1); } else if (type==2) { // Min-max interpolator: Exact LS interpolator cout << "Min Max time segmentation" << endl; Mat <CxT1> Ltp; Ltp.ones(1, L); Col <CxT1> ggtp; ggtp.ones(n2, 1); Mat <CxT1> gg; gg = exp(i*fieldMap*tau)*Ltp; Mat <CxT1> iGTGGT; iGTGGT.set_size(L+1, n2); Mat <CxT1> gl; gl.zeros(n2, L); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) { for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<n2; jj++) { gl(jj, ii) = pow(gg(jj, ii), (T1) (ii+1)); } } Mat <CxT1> G; G.set_size(n2, L); for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<L; jj++) { if (jj==0) { G.col(jj) = ggtp; } else { G.col(jj) = gl.col(jj-1); } } Col <CxT1> glsum; Mat <CxT1> GTG; GTG.zeros(L, L); GTG.diag(0) += n2; glsum = sum(gl.t(), 1); Mat <CxT1> GTGtp(L, L); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < (L - 1); ii++) { GTGtp.zeros(); GTGtp.diag(-(T1) (ii+1)) += glsum(ii); GTGtp.diag((T1) (ii+1)) += std::conj(glsum(ii)); GTG = GTG+GTGtp; } T1 rcn = 1/cond(GTG); if (rcn>10*2e-16) { //condition number of GTG iGTGGT = inv(GTG)*G.t(); } else { iGTGGT = pinv(GTG)*G.t(); // pseudo inverse } Mat <CxT1> iGTGGTtp; Mat <CxT1> ftp; Col <CxT1> res, temp; for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<NOneShot; ii++) { ftp = exp(i*fieldMap*timeVec(ii)); res = iGTGGT*ftp; tempAA.row(ii) = res.t(); } AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1); } } savemat("aamat.mat", "AA", vectorise(AA)); cout << "Exiting class constructor." << endl; }
static void Diagonalizer_and_CrossCorrelationTable_qdiag (Diagonalizer me, CrossCorrelationTables thee, double *cweights, long maxNumberOfIterations, double delta) { try { CrossCorrelationTable c0 = (CrossCorrelationTable) thy item[1]; double **w = my data; long dimension = c0 -> numberOfColumns; autoEigen eigen = Thing_new (Eigen); autoCrossCorrelationTables ccts = Data_copy (thee); autoNUMmatrix<double> pinv (1, dimension, 1, dimension); autoNUMmatrix<double> d (1, dimension, 1, dimension); autoNUMmatrix<double> p (1, dimension, 1, dimension); autoNUMmatrix<double> m1 (1, dimension, 1, dimension); autoNUMmatrix<double> wc (1, dimension, 1, dimension); autoNUMvector<double> wvec (1, dimension); autoNUMvector<double> wnew (1, dimension); autoNUMvector<double> mvec (1, dimension); for (long i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) // Transpose W for (long j = 1; j <= dimension; j++) { wc[i][j] = w[j][i]; } // d = diag(diag(W'*C0*W)); // W = W*d^(-1/2); NUMdmatrix_normalizeColumnVectors (wc.peek(), dimension, dimension, c0 -> data); // scale eigenvectors for sphering // [vb,db] = eig(C0); // P = db^(-1/2)*vb'; Eigen_initFromSymmetricMatrix (eigen.peek(), c0 -> data, dimension); for (long i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) { if (eigen -> eigenvalues[i] < 0) { Melder_throw (U"Covariance matrix not positive definite, eigenvalue[", i, U"] is negative."); } double scalef = 1 / sqrt (eigen -> eigenvalues[i]); for (long j = 1; j <= dimension; j++) { p[dimension - i + 1][j] = scalef * eigen -> eigenvectors[i][j]; } } // P*C[i]*P' for (long ic = 1; ic <= thy size; ic++) { CrossCorrelationTable cov1 = (CrossCorrelationTable) thy item[ic]; CrossCorrelationTable cov2 = (CrossCorrelationTable) ccts -> item[ic]; NUMdmatrices_multiply_VCVp (cov2 -> data, p.peek(), dimension, dimension, cov1 -> data, 1); } // W = P'\W == inv(P') * W NUMpseudoInverse (p.peek(), dimension, dimension, pinv.peek(), 0); NUMdmatrices_multiply_VpC (w, pinv.peek(), dimension, dimension, wc.peek(), dimension); // initialisation for order KN^3 for (long ic = 2; ic <= thy size; ic++) { CrossCorrelationTable cov = (CrossCorrelationTable) ccts -> item[ic]; // C * W NUMdmatrices_multiply_VC (m1.peek(), cov -> data, dimension, dimension, w, dimension); // D += scalef * M1*M1' NUMdmatrices_multiplyScaleAdd (d.peek(), m1.peek(), dimension, dimension, 2 * cweights[ic]); } long iter = 0; double delta_w; autoMelderProgress progress (U"Simultaneous diagonalization of many CrossCorrelationTables..."); try { do { // the standard diagonality measure is rather expensive to calculate so we compare the norms of // differences of eigenvectors. delta_w = 0; for (long kol = 1; kol <= dimension; kol++) { for (long i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) { wvec[i] = w[i][kol]; } update_one_column (ccts.peek(), d.peek(), cweights, wvec.peek(), -1, mvec.peek()); Eigen_initFromSymmetricMatrix (eigen.peek(), d.peek(), dimension); // Eigenvalues already sorted; get eigenvector of smallest ! for (long i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) { wnew[i] = eigen -> eigenvectors[dimension][i]; } update_one_column (ccts.peek(), d.peek(), cweights, wnew.peek(), 1, mvec.peek()); for (long i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) { w[i][kol] = wnew[i]; } // compare norms of eigenvectors. We have to compare ||wvec +/- w_new|| because eigenvectors // may change sign. double normp = 0, normm = 0; for (long j = 1; j <= dimension; j++) { double dm = wvec[j] - wnew[j], dp = wvec[j] + wnew[j]; normp += dm * dm; normm += dp * dp; } normp = normp < normm ? normp : normm; normp = sqrt (normp); delta_w = normp > delta_w ? normp : delta_w; } iter++; Melder_progress ((double) iter / (double) (maxNumberOfIterations + 1), U"Iteration: ", iter, U", norm: ", delta_w); } while (delta_w > delta && iter < maxNumberOfIterations); } catch (MelderError) { Melder_clearError (); } // Revert the sphering W = P'*W; // Take transpose to make W*C[i]W' diagonal instead of W'*C[i]*W => (P'*W)'=W'*P NUMmatrix_copyElements (w, wc.peek(), 1, dimension, 1, dimension); NUMdmatrices_multiply_VpC (w, wc.peek(), dimension, dimension, p.peek(), dimension); // W = W'*P: final result // Calculate the "real" diagonality measure // double dm = CrossCorrelationTables_and_Diagonalizer_getDiagonalityMeasure (thee, me, cweights, 1, thy size); } catch (MelderError) { Melder_throw (me, U" & ", thee, U": no joint diagonalization (qdiag)."); } }
/* * Sets up all data structures needed. * Replace by codegen */ pwork* ECOS_setup(idxint n, idxint m, idxint p, idxint l, idxint ncones, idxint* q, pfloat* Gpr, idxint* Gjc, idxint* Gir, pfloat* Apr, idxint* Ajc, idxint* Air, pfloat* c, pfloat* h, pfloat* b) { idxint i, j, k, cidx, conesize, lnz, amd_result, nK, *Ljc, *Lir, *P, *Pinv, *Sign; pwork* mywork; double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO]; pfloat rx, ry, rz, *Lpr; spmat *At, *Gt, *KU; #if PROFILING > 0 timer tsetup; #endif #if PROFILING > 1 timer tcreatekkt; timer tmattranspose; timer tordering; #endif #if PROFILING > 0 tic(&tsetup); #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("\n"); PRINTTEXT(" *******************************************************************************\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * ECOS: Embedded Conic Solver - Sparse Interior Point method for SOCPs *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * NOTE: The solver is based on L. Vandenberghe's 'The CVXOPT linear and quad- *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * ratic cone program solvers', March 20, 2010. Available online: *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * [] *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * This code uses T.A. Davis' sparse LDL package and AMD code. *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * [] *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * Written during a summer visit at Stanford University with S. Boyd. *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * (C) Alexander Domahidi, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, 2012-13. *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" * Email: [email protected] *\n"); PRINTTEXT(" *******************************************************************************\n"); PRINTTEXT("\n\n"); PRINTTEXT("PROBLEM SUMMARY:\n"); PRINTTEXT(" Primal variables (n): %d\n", (int)n); PRINTTEXT("Equality constraints (p): %d\n", (int)p); PRINTTEXT(" Conic variables (m): %d\n", (int)m); PRINTTEXT("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"); PRINTTEXT(" Size of LP cone: %d\n", (int)l); PRINTTEXT(" Number of SOCs: %d\n", (int)ncones); for( i=0; i<ncones; i++ ){ PRINTTEXT(" Size of SOC #%02d: %d\n", (int)(i+1), (int)q[i]); } #endif /* get work data structure */ mywork = (pwork *)MALLOC(sizeof(pwork)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for WORK struct\n"); #endif /* dimensions */ mywork->n = n; mywork->m = m; mywork->p = p; mywork->D = l + ncones; #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Set dimensions\n"); #endif /* variables */ mywork->x = (pfloat *)MALLOC(n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->y = (pfloat *)MALLOC(p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->z = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->s = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->lambda = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->dsaff_by_W = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->dsaff = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->dzaff = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->saff = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->zaff = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->W_times_dzaff = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for variables\n"); #endif /* best iterates so far */ mywork->best_x = (pfloat *)MALLOC(n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->best_y = (pfloat *)MALLOC(p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->best_z = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->best_s = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->best_info = (stats *)MALLOC(sizeof(stats)); /* cones */ mywork->C = (cone *)MALLOC(sizeof(cone)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for cone struct\n"); #endif /* LP cone */ mywork->C->lpc = (lpcone *)MALLOC(sizeof(lpcone)); mywork->C->lpc->p = l; if( l > 0 ){ mywork->C->lpc->w = (pfloat *)MALLOC(l*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->C->lpc->v = (pfloat *)MALLOC(l*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->C->lpc->kkt_idx = (idxint *)MALLOC(l*sizeof(idxint)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for LP cone\n"); #endif } else { mywork->C->lpc->w = NULL; mywork->C->lpc->v = NULL; mywork->C->lpc->kkt_idx = NULL; #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("No LP cone present, pointers filled with NULL\n"); #endif } /* Second-order cones */ mywork->C->soc = (socone *)MALLOC(ncones*sizeof(socone)); mywork->C->nsoc = ncones; cidx = 0; for( i=0; i<ncones; i++ ){ conesize = (idxint)q[i]; mywork->C->soc[i].p = conesize; mywork->C->soc[i].a = 0; mywork->C->soc[i].eta = 0; mywork->C->soc[i].q = (pfloat *)MALLOC((conesize-1)*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->C->soc[i].skbar = (pfloat *)MALLOC((conesize)*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->C->soc[i].zkbar = (pfloat *)MALLOC((conesize)*sizeof(pfloat)); #if CONEMODE == 0 mywork->C->soc[i].Didx = (idxint *)MALLOC((conesize)*sizeof(idxint)); #endif #if CONEMODE > 0 mywork->C->soc[i].colstart = (idxint *)MALLOC((conesize)*sizeof(idxint)); #endif cidx += conesize; } #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for second-order cones\n"); #endif /* info struct */ mywork->info = (stats *)MALLOC(sizeof(stats)); #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->tfactor = 0; mywork->info->tkktsolve = 0; mywork->info->tfactor_t1 = 0; mywork->info->tfactor_t2 = 0; #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for info struct\n"); #endif #if defined EQUILIBRATE && EQUILIBRATE > 0 /* equilibration vector */ mywork->xequil = (pfloat *)MALLOC(n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->Aequil = (pfloat *)MALLOC(p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->Gequil = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Memory allocated for equilibration vectors\n"); #endif #endif /* settings */ mywork->stgs = (settings *)MALLOC(sizeof(settings)); mywork->stgs->maxit = MAXIT; mywork->stgs->gamma = GAMMA; mywork->stgs->delta = DELTA; mywork->stgs->eps = EPS; mywork->stgs->nitref = NITREF; mywork->stgs->abstol = ABSTOL; mywork->stgs->feastol = FEASTOL; mywork->stgs->reltol = RELTOL; mywork->stgs->abstol_inacc = ATOL_INACC; mywork->stgs->feastol_inacc = FTOL_INACC; mywork->stgs->reltol_inacc = RTOL_INACC; mywork->stgs->verbose = VERBOSE; #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Written settings\n"); #endif mywork->c = c; mywork->h = h; mywork->b = b; #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Hung pointers for c, h and b into WORK struct\n"); #endif /* Store problem data */ if(Apr && Ajc && Air) { mywork->A = createSparseMatrix(p, n, Ajc[n], Ajc, Air, Apr); } else { mywork->A = NULL; } if (Gpr && Gjc && Gir) { mywork->G = createSparseMatrix(m, n, Gjc[n], Gjc, Gir, Gpr); } else { /* create an empty sparse matrix */ mywork->G = createSparseMatrix(m, n, 0, Gjc, Gir, Gpr); } #if defined EQUILIBRATE && EQUILIBRATE > 0 set_equilibration(mywork); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Done equilibrating\n"); #endif #endif #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->ttranspose = 0; tic(&tmattranspose); #endif if(mywork->A) At = transposeSparseMatrix(mywork->A); else At = NULL; #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->ttranspose += toc(&tmattranspose); #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Transposed A\n"); #endif #if PROFILING > 1 tic(&tmattranspose); #endif Gt = transposeSparseMatrix(mywork->G); #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->ttranspose += toc(&tmattranspose); #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Transposed G\n"); #endif /* set up KKT system */ #if PROFILING > 1 tic(&tcreatekkt); #endif createKKT_U(Gt, At, mywork->C, &Sign, &KU); #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->tkktcreate = toc(&tcreatekkt); #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Created upper part of KKT matrix K\n"); #endif /* * Set up KKT system related data * (L comes later after symbolic factorization) */ nK = KU->n; #if DEBUG > 0 dumpSparseMatrix(KU, "KU0.txt"); #endif #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Dimension of KKT matrix: %d\n", (int)nK); PRINTTEXT("Non-zeros in KKT matrix: %d\n", (int)KU->nnz); #endif /* allocate memory in KKT system */ mywork->KKT = (kkt *)MALLOC(sizeof(kkt)); mywork->KKT->D = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->Parent = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->Pinv = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->work1 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->work2 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->work3 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->work4 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->work5 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->work6 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->Flag = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->Pattern = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->Lnz = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->RHS1 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->RHS2 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dx1 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dx2 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dy1 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dy2 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dz1 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->dz2 = (pfloat *)MALLOC(mywork->m*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->Sign = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); mywork->KKT->PKPt = newSparseMatrix(nK, nK, KU->nnz); mywork->KKT->PK = (idxint *)MALLOC(KU->nnz*sizeof(idxint)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Created memory for KKT-related data\n"); #endif /* calculate ordering of KKT matrix using AMD */ P = (idxint *)MALLOC(nK*sizeof(idxint)); #if PROFILING > 1 tic(&tordering); #endif AMD_defaults(Control); amd_result = AMD_order(nK, KU->jc, KU->ir, P, Control, Info); #if PROFILING > 1 mywork->info->torder = toc(&tordering); #endif if( amd_result == AMD_OK ){ #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("AMD ordering successfully computed.\n"); AMD_info(Info); #endif } else { #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Problem in AMD ordering, exiting.\n"); AMD_info(Info); #endif return NULL; } /* calculate inverse permutation and permutation mapping of KKT matrix */ pinv(nK, P, mywork->KKT->Pinv); Pinv = mywork->KKT->Pinv; #if DEBUG > 0 dumpDenseMatrix_i(P, nK, 1, "P.txt"); dumpDenseMatrix_i(mywork->KKT->Pinv, nK, 1, "PINV.txt"); #endif permuteSparseSymmetricMatrix(KU, mywork->KKT->Pinv, mywork->KKT->PKPt, mywork->KKT->PK); /* permute sign vector */ for( i=0; i<nK; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->Sign[Pinv[i]] = Sign[i]; } #if PRINTLEVEL > 3 PRINTTEXT("P = ["); for( i=0; i<nK; i++ ){ PRINTTEXT("%d ", (int)P[i]); } PRINTTEXT("];\n"); PRINTTEXT("Pinv = ["); for( i=0; i<nK; i++ ){ PRINTTEXT("%d ", (int)Pinv[i]); } PRINTTEXT("];\n"); PRINTTEXT("Sign = ["); for( i=0; i<nK; i++ ){ PRINTTEXT("%+d ", (int)Sign[i]); } PRINTTEXT("];\n"); PRINTTEXT("SignP = ["); for( i=0; i<nK; i++ ){ PRINTTEXT("%+d ", (int)mywork->KKT->Sign[i]); } PRINTTEXT("];\n"); #endif /* symbolic factorization */ Ljc = (idxint *)MALLOC((nK+1)*sizeof(idxint)); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Allocated memory for cholesky factor L\n"); #endif LDL_symbolic2( mywork->KKT->PKPt->n, /* A and L are n-by-n, where n >= 0 */ mywork->KKT->PKPt->jc, /* input of size n+1, not modified */ mywork->KKT->PKPt->ir, /* input of size nz=Ap[n], not modified */ Ljc, /* output of size n+1, not defined on input */ mywork->KKT->Parent, /* output of size n, not defined on input */ mywork->KKT->Lnz, /* output of size n, not defined on input */ mywork->KKT->Flag /* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */ ); /* assign memory for L */ lnz = Ljc[nK]; #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Nonzeros in L, excluding diagonal: %d\n", (int)lnz) ; #endif Lir = (idxint *)MALLOC(lnz*sizeof(idxint)); Lpr = (pfloat *)MALLOC(lnz*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->KKT->L = createSparseMatrix(nK, nK, lnz, Ljc, Lir, Lpr); #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Created Cholesky factor of K in KKT struct\n"); #endif /* permute KKT matrix - we work on this one from now on */ permuteSparseSymmetricMatrix(KU, mywork->KKT->Pinv, mywork->KKT->PKPt, NULL); #if DEBUG > 0 dumpSparseMatrix(mywork->KKT->PKPt, "PKPt.txt"); #endif #if CONEMODE > 0 /* zero any off-diagonal elements in (permuted) scalings in KKT matrix */ for (i=0; i<mywork->C->nsoc; i++) { for (j=1; j<mywork->C->soc[i].p; j++) { for (k=0; k<j; k++) { mywork->KKT->PKPt->pr[mywork->KKT->PK[mywork->C->soc[i].colstart[j]+k]] = 0; } } } #endif #if DEBUG > 0 dumpSparseMatrix(mywork->KKT->PKPt, "PKPt0.txt"); #endif /* set up RHSp for initialization */ k = 0; j = 0; for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = 0; } for( i=0; i<p; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = b[i]; } for( i=0; i<l; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = h[i]; j++; } for( l=0; l<ncones; l++ ){ for( i=0; i < mywork->C->soc[l].p; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = h[j++]; } #if CONEMODE == 0 mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = 0; mywork->KKT->RHS1[Pinv[k++]] = 0; #endif } #if PRINTLEVEL > 2 PRINTTEXT("Written %d entries of RHS1\n", (int)k); #endif /* set up RHSd for initialization */ for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS2[Pinv[i]] = -c[i]; } for( i=n; i<nK; i++ ){ mywork->KKT->RHS2[Pinv[i]] = 0; } /* get scalings of problem data */ rx = norm2(c, n); mywork->resx0 = MAX(1, rx); ry = norm2(b, p); mywork->resy0 = MAX(1, ry); rz = norm2(h, m); mywork->resz0 = MAX(1, rz); /* get memory for residuals */ mywork->rx = (pfloat *)MALLOC(n*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->ry = (pfloat *)MALLOC(p*sizeof(pfloat)); mywork->rz = (pfloat *)MALLOC(m*sizeof(pfloat)); /* clean up */ mywork->KKT->P = P; FREE(Sign); if(At) freeSparseMatrix(At); freeSparseMatrix(Gt); freeSparseMatrix(KU); #if PROFILING > 0 mywork->info->tsetup = toc(&tsetup); #endif return mywork; }
/* * The equalities are eliminated. * *0=(Me_1 Me_2)(Re Ri)' + Qe *Vi=(Mi_1 Mi_2)(Re Ri)' + Qi * *Re=-Me_1^{-1}(Me_2Ri+Qe) * *Vi=(Mi_2-Mi_1 Me_1^{-1} Me_2)Ri+Qi-Mi1 Me_1^{-1} Qe * */ void GMPReducedSolve(GenericMechanicalProblem* pInProblem, double *reaction , double *velocity, int * info, SolverOptions* options, NumericsOptions* numerics_options) { SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* m = pInProblem->M->matrix1; int nbRow = m->blocksize0[m->blocknumber0 - 1]; int nbCol = m->blocksize1[m->blocknumber1 - 1]; double *Me = (double *) malloc(nbRow * nbCol * sizeof(double)); double *Qe = (double *) malloc(nbRow * sizeof(double)); double *Mi = (double *) malloc(nbRow * nbCol * sizeof(double)); double *Qi = (double *) malloc(nbRow * sizeof(double)); int Me_size; int Mi_size; buildReducedGMP(pInProblem, Me, Mi, Qe, Qi, &Me_size, &Mi_size); if ((Me_size == 0 || Mi_size == 0)) { genericMechanicalProblem_GS(pInProblem, reaction, velocity, info, options, numerics_options); free(Me); free(Qe); free(Mi); free(Qi); return; } double * pseduInvMe1 = (double *)malloc(Me_size * Me_size * sizeof(double)); memcpy(pseduInvMe1, Me, Me_size * Me_size * sizeof(double)); pinv(pseduInvMe1, Me_size, Me_size, 1e-16); double *Mi2 = Mi + Mi_size * Me_size; double *Mi1 = Mi; double *Me2 = Me + Me_size * Me_size; #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE double *Me1 = Me; FILE * titi = fopen("buildReducedGMP_output.txt", "w"); printf("GMPReducedsolve\n"); printDenseMatrice("Me1", titi, Me1, Me_size, Me_size); printDenseMatrice("Me2", titi, Me2, Me_size, Mi_size); printDenseMatrice("Mi1", titi, Mi1, Mi_size, Me_size); printDenseMatrice("Mi2", titi, Mi2, Mi_size, Mi_size); printDenseMatrice("Qe", titi, Qe, Me_size, 1); printDenseMatrice("Qi", titi, Qi, Mi_size, 1); printDenseMatrice("Me1inv", titi, pseduInvMe1, Me_size, Me_size); #endif double * reducedProb = (double *)malloc(Mi_size * Mi_size * sizeof(double)); memcpy(reducedProb, Mi2, Mi_size * Mi_size * sizeof(double)); double * Mi1pseduInvMe1 = (double *)malloc(Mi_size * Me_size * sizeof(double)); cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, Mi_size, Me_size, Me_size, -1.0, Mi1, Mi_size, pseduInvMe1, Me_size, 0.0, Mi1pseduInvMe1, Mi_size); #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE printDenseMatrice("minusMi1pseduInvMe1", titi, Mi1pseduInvMe1, Mi_size, Me_size); fprintf(titi, "_minusMi1pseduInvMe1=-Mi1*Me1inv;\n"); #endif cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, Mi_size, Me_size, 1.0, Mi1pseduInvMe1, Mi_size, Qe, 1, 1.0, Qi, 1); #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE printDenseMatrice("newQi", titi, Qi, Mi_size, 1); fprintf(titi, "_newQi=Qi+_minusMi1pseduInvMe1*Qe;\n"); #endif cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, Mi_size, Mi_size, Me_size, 1.0, Mi1pseduInvMe1, Mi_size, Me2, Me_size, 1.0, reducedProb, Mi_size); #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE printDenseMatrice("W", titi, reducedProb, Mi_size, Mi_size); fprintf(titi, "_W=Mi2+_minusMi1pseduInvMe1*Me2;\n"); #endif listNumericsProblem * curProblem = 0; GenericMechanicalProblem * _pnumerics_GMP = buildEmptyGenericMechanicalProblem(); curProblem = pInProblem->firstListElem; while (curProblem) { switch (curProblem->type) { case SICONOS_NUMERICS_PROBLEM_EQUALITY: { break; } case SICONOS_NUMERICS_PROBLEM_LCP: { addProblem(_pnumerics_GMP, curProblem->type, curProblem->size); break; } case SICONOS_NUMERICS_PROBLEM_FC3D: { FrictionContactProblem* pFC3D = (FrictionContactProblem*)addProblem(_pnumerics_GMP, curProblem->type, curProblem->size); *(pFC3D->mu) = *(((FrictionContactProblem*)curProblem->problem)->mu); break; } default: printf("GMPReduced buildReducedGMP: problemType unknown: %d . \n", curProblem->type); } curProblem = curProblem->nextProblem; } NumericsMatrix numM; numM.storageType = 0; numM.matrix0 = reducedProb; numM.matrix1 = 0; numM.size0 = Mi_size; numM.size1 = Mi_size; _pnumerics_GMP->M = &numM; _pnumerics_GMP->q = Qi; double *Rreduced = (double *) malloc(Mi_size * sizeof(double)); double *Vreduced = (double *) malloc(Mi_size * sizeof(double)); genericMechanicalProblem_GS(_pnumerics_GMP, Rreduced, Vreduced, info, options, numerics_options); #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE if (*info) { printf("\nGMPREduced failed!\n"); } else { printf("\nGMPREduced succed!\n"); printDenseMatrice("Ri", titi, Rreduced, Mi_size, 1); printDenseMatrice("Vi", titi, Vreduced, Mi_size, 1); } #endif if (!*info) { /*Re computation*/ double * Re = (double*)malloc(Me_size * sizeof(double)); double * Rbuf = (double*)malloc(Me_size * sizeof(double)); memcpy(Rbuf, Qe, Me_size * sizeof(double)); cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, Me_size, Mi_size, 1.0, Me2, Me_size, Rreduced, 1, 1.0, Rbuf, 1); cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, Me_size, Me_size, -1.0, pseduInvMe1, Me_size, Rbuf, 1, 0.0, Re, 1); #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE fprintf(titi, "_Re=-Me1inv*(Me2*Ri+Qe);\n"); printDenseMatrice("Re", titi, Re, Me_size, 1); #endif GMPReducedSolToSol(pInProblem, reaction, velocity, Re, Rreduced, Vreduced); double err; int tolViolate = GenericMechanical_compute_error(pInProblem, reaction, velocity, options->dparam[0], options, &err); if (tolViolate) { printf("GMPReduced, warnning, reduced problem solved, but error of intial probleme violated tol = %e, err= %e\n", options->dparam[0], err); } free(Re); free(Rbuf); } #ifdef GMP_DEBUG_GMPREDUCED_SOLVE fclose(titi); #endif free(Rreduced); free(Vreduced); freeGenericMechanicalProblem(_pnumerics_GMP, NUMERICS_GMP_FREE_GMP); free(Me); free(Mi); free(Qe); free(Qi); free(pseduInvMe1); free(reducedProb); free(Mi1pseduInvMe1); // GenericMechanicalProblem GMPOutProblem; // SparseBlockStructuredMatrix mOut; }
void EyePinvRefGen::run() { if (genOn) { LockGuard guard(mutex); double timeStamp; // read encoders getFeedback(fbTorso,fbHead,drvTorso,drvHead,commData,&timeStamp); updateTorsoBlockedJoints(chainNeck,fbTorso); updateTorsoBlockedJoints(chainEyeL,fbTorso); updateTorsoBlockedJoints(chainEyeR,fbTorso); // get current target Vector xd=commData->port_xd->get_xd(); // update neck chain chainNeck->setAng(nJointsTorso+0,fbHead[0]); chainNeck->setAng(nJointsTorso+1,fbHead[1]); chainNeck->setAng(nJointsTorso+2,fbHead[2]); // ask for saccades (if possible) if (commData->saccadesOn && (saccadesRxTargets!=commData->port_xd->get_rx()) && !commData->saccadeUnderway && (Time::now()-saccadesClock>commData->saccadesInhibitionPeriod)) { Vector fph=xd; fph.push_back(1.0); fph=SE3inv(chainNeck->getH())*fph; fph[3]=0.0; double rot=CTRL_RAD2DEG*acos(fph[2]/norm(fph)); fph[3]=1.0; // estimate geometrically the target tilt and pan of the eyes Vector ang(3,0.0); ang[0]=-atan2(fph[1],fabs(fph[2])); ang[1]=atan2(fph[0],fph[2]); // enforce joints bounds ang[0]=sat(ang[0],lim(0,0),lim(0,1)); ang[1]=sat(ang[1],lim(1,0),lim(1,1)); // favor the smooth-pursuit in case saccades are small if (rot>commData->saccadesActivationAngle) { // init vergence ang[2]=fbHead[5]; // get rid of eyes tilt Vector axis(4); axis[0]=1.0; axis[1]=0.0; axis[2]=0.0; axis[3]=-ang[0]; fph=axis2dcm(axis)*fph; // go on iff the point is in front of us if (fph[2]>0.0) { double L,R; // estimate geometrically the target vergence Vg=L-R if (fph[0]>=eyesHalfBaseline) { L=M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],fph[0]+eyesHalfBaseline); R=M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],fph[0]-eyesHalfBaseline); } else if (fph[0]>-eyesHalfBaseline) { L=M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],fph[0]+eyesHalfBaseline); R=-(M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],eyesHalfBaseline-fph[0])); } else { L=-(M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],-fph[0]-eyesHalfBaseline)); R=-(M_PI/2.0-atan2(fph[2],eyesHalfBaseline-fph[0])); } ang[2]=L-R; } // enforce joints bounds ang[2]=sat(ang[2],lim(2,0),lim(2,1)); commData->set_qd(3,ang[0]); commData->set_qd(4,ang[1]); commData->set_qd(5,ang[2]); Vector vel(3,SACCADES_VEL); ctrl->doSaccade(ang,vel); saccadesClock=Time::now(); } } // update eyes chains for convergence purpose updateNeckBlockedJoints(chainEyeL,fbHead); updateNeckBlockedJoints(chainEyeR,fbHead); chainEyeL->setAng(nJointsTorso+3,qd[0]); chainEyeR->setAng(nJointsTorso+3,qd[0]); chainEyeL->setAng(nJointsTorso+4,qd[1]+qd[2]/2.0); chainEyeR->setAng(nJointsTorso+4,qd[1]-qd[2]/2.0); // converge on target if (CartesianHelper::computeFixationPointData(*chainEyeL,*chainEyeR,fp,eyesJ)) { Vector v=EYEPINVREFGEN_GAIN*(pinv(eyesJ)*(xd-fp)); // update eyes chains in actual configuration for velocity compensation chainEyeL->setAng(nJointsTorso+3,fbHead[3]); chainEyeR->setAng(nJointsTorso+3,fbHead[3]); chainEyeL->setAng(nJointsTorso+4,fbHead[4]+fbHead[5]/2.0); chainEyeR->setAng(nJointsTorso+4,fbHead[4]-fbHead[5]/2.0); // compensate neck rotation at eyes level if ((commData->eyesBoundVer>=0.0) || !CartesianHelper::computeFixationPointData(*chainEyeL,*chainEyeR,fp,eyesJ)) commData->set_counterv(zeros(qd.length())); else commData->set_counterv(getEyesCounterVelocity(eyesJ,fp)); // reset eyes controller and integral upon saccades transition on=>off if (saccadeUnderWayOld && !commData->saccadeUnderway) { ctrl->resetCtrlEyes(); qd[0]=fbHead[3]; qd[1]=fbHead[4]; qd[2]=fbHead[5]; I->reset(qd); } // update reference qd=I->integrate(v+commData->get_counterv()); } else commData->set_counterv(zeros(qd.length())); // set a new target position commData->set_xd(xd); commData->set_x(fp,timeStamp); commData->set_fpFrame(chainNeck->getH()); if (!commData->saccadeUnderway) { commData->set_qd(3,qd[0]); commData->set_qd(4,qd[1]); commData->set_qd(5,qd[2]); } // latch the saccades status saccadeUnderWayOld=commData->saccadeUnderway; saccadesRxTargets=commData->port_xd->get_rx(); } }
/// /// \brief Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA /// Vertex Component Analysis /// \param R The dataset /// \param endmembers Number of endmembers to compute /// \param indices Row indices of pure components. /// \param endmember_spectra Spectra of pure components (note that these are in /// columns, not rows as in spectra_) /// \param projected_data Projected data /// \param fractional_abundances Purity of a given spectrum relative to endmember /// \return Convergeance (no actual test implemented...) /// bool Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA(const arma::mat &R, arma::uword p, arma::uvec &indices, arma::mat &endmember_spectra, arma::mat &projected_data, arma::mat &fractional_abundances) { //Initializations arma::uword L = R.n_rows; arma::uword N = R.n_cols; if (L == 0 || N == 0){ std::cerr << "No data!" << std::endl; return false; } if (p > L){ std::cerr << "wrong number of endmembers (" << p << ")!"<< std::endl; std::cerr << "set to 5 or one less than number of spectra" << std::endl; p = (L < 5? 5: L-1); } //mat of SNR arma::mat r_m = mean(R, 1); arma::mat R_m = arma::repmat(r_m, 1, N); //the mean of each spectral band arma::mat R_o = R - R_m; //mean-center the data arma::mat Ud; arma::vec Sd; arma::mat Vd; //arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R_o * R_o.t()/N), p); Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R_o*R_o.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd); arma::mat x_p; try{ x_p = Ud.t() * R_o; }catch(std::exception e){ std::cout << "Ud.t() * R_o" << std::endl; } double SNR = Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::estimate_snr(R, r_m, x_p); double SNR_th = 15 + 10*log10(p); //Choose projective projection or projection to p-1 subspace arma::mat y; if (SNR < SNR_th){ arma::uword d = p - 1; Ud = Ud.cols(0, d-1); projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1) + R_m; //in dimension L arma::mat x = x_p.rows(0, d-1);//x_p = trans(Ud)*R_o, p-dimensional subspace //following three lines are one in arma::matlab... arma::mat sum_squares = sum(pow(x, 2)); double c = sum_squares.max(); c = std::sqrt(c); y = arma::join_vert(x, c*arma::ones(1, N)); } else{ arma::uword d = p; Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R*R.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd); arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R*R.t()/N), d);//R_o is a mean centered version... x_p = Ud.t() * R; projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1); arma::mat x = Ud.t() * R; arma::mat u = arma::mean(x, 1); y = x / arma::repmat(sum(x % arma::repmat(u, 1, N)), d, 1); } // The VCA algorithm arma::vec w; w.set_size(p); arma::vec f; arma::rowvec v; indices.set_size(p); //there are no fill functions for arma::uvecs for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i) indices(i) = 0; arma::mat A = arma::zeros(p, p); double v_max; double sum_squares; arma::uvec q1; A(p-1, 0) = 1; for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i){ w.randu(); f = w - A*arma::pinv(A)*w; sum_squares = sqrt(sum(square(f))); f /= sum_squares; v = f.t() * y; v_max = arma::max(abs(v)); q1 = arma::find(abs(v) == v_max, 1); indices(i) = q1(0); A.col(i) = y.col(indices(i)); //same as x.col(indices(i)); } endmember_spectra = projected_data.cols(indices); fractional_abundances = arma::trans(pinv(endmember_spectra) * projected_data); return true; }
std::vector<Pose2_cont> generate_unicycle_motion(const Pose2_cont& start, const Pose2_cont& goal) { DEBUG_PRINT("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("generating unicycle motion between %s and %s\n", to_string(start).c_str(), to_string(goal).c_str()); DEBUG_PRINT("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); auto almost_equals = [](double lhs, double rhs, double eps) { return fabs(lhs - rhs) < eps; }; const double eps = 1e-6; // check for straight-line motion or turn-in-place double dx = goal.x - start.x; double dy = goal.y - start.y; double dtheta = shortest_angle_diff(goal.yaw, start.yaw); if ((dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) || (dtheta == 0.0)) { if (almost_equals(atan2(dy, dx), start.yaw, eps) && almost_equals(atan2(dy, dx), goal.yaw, eps)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Interpolated Motion\n"); return create_interpolated_motion(start, goal); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("No unicycle motion for turns-in-place or skidding\n"); return { }; } } DEBUG_PRINT("Arc Motion\n"); Eigen::Matrix2d R; R(0, 0) = cos(start.yaw); R(0, 1) = sin(goal.yaw) - sin(start.yaw); R(1, 0) = sin(start.yaw); R(1, 1) = -(cos(goal.yaw) - cos(start.yaw)); Eigen::Matrix2d Rpinv; if (!pinv(R, Rpinv)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to compute Moore-penrose pseudo-inverse"); return { }; } Eigen::Vector2d S = Rpinv * Eigen::Vector2d(goal.x - start.x, goal.y - start.y); double straight_length = S(0); double radius = S(1); if (fabs(radius) < 1e-6) { DEBUG_PRINT("Unable to turn with radius %0.3f\n", radius); return { }; } double w = shortest_angle_diff(goal.yaw, start.yaw) + (straight_length / radius); double v = radius * w; double tl = straight_length / v; if (straight_length < 0) { DEBUG_PRINT("Not allowed to go backwards (length = %0.3f)\n", straight_length); return { }; } if (v < 0) { DEBUG_PRINT("Not allowed to go backwards (velocity = %0.3f)\n", v); return { }; } if (tl < 0.0 || tl > 1.0) { DEBUG_PRINT("Another dimension! Another dimension! (tl = %0.3f)\n", tl); return { }; } DEBUG_PRINT("R = [ %0.3f, %0.3f; %0.3f, %0.3f]\n", R(0, 0), R(0, 1), R(1, 0), R(1, 1)); DEBUG_PRINT("S = [%0.3f, %0.3f]\n", S(0), S(1)); DEBUG_PRINT("straight_length = %0.3f\n", straight_length); DEBUG_PRINT("radius = %0.3f\n", radius); DEBUG_PRINT("w = %0.3f\n", w); DEBUG_PRINT("v = %0.3f\n", v); DEBUG_PRINT("tl = %0.3f\n", tl); const double res = 0.1; double arc_length = w * (1.0 - tl); double total_length = fabs(straight_length) + fabs(arc_length); const int num_samples = (int)std::ceil(total_length / res); std::vector<Pose2_cont> interm_poses; interm_poses.resize(num_samples); for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) { double dt = (double)i / (double)(num_samples - 1); if (dt < tl) { double x = start.x + v * dt * cos(start.yaw); double y = start.y + v * dt * sin(start.yaw); double theta = start.yaw; interm_poses[i] = { x, y, theta }; } else { double x = start.x + straight_length * cos(start.yaw) + radius * sin(w * (dt - tl) + start.yaw) - radius * sin(start.yaw); double y = start.y + straight_length * sin(start.yaw) - radius * cos(w * (dt - tl) + start.yaw) + radius * cos(start.yaw); double theta = start.yaw + w * (dt - tl); interm_poses[i] = { x, y, theta }; } } return interm_poses; }