コード例 #1
void Fire::Process()
    auto enm = GetMap()->GetEnemyHolder()->GetNearest(this->pixel_x(), this->pixel_y(), 7, 
                                                     [this](Enemy* e) 
        /*I AM KING OF SPACES*/                      {
                                                         return !e->IsRocketFriend()
                                                                && e != this;


    if (enm != nullptr)
        ProcessSpeed(enm->pixel_x(), enm->pixel_y(), 1);
        if ((abs(enm->pixel_x() - pixel_x()) + abs(enm->pixel_y() - pixel_y())) < 48)

    state_w_ = (length_ / 5) % 6;

    if (length_ > 30)
コード例 #2
ファイル: display.c プロジェクト: realtsiry/rockbox4linux
static void
draw_hoshi (unsigned short pos)
    /* color and drawmode are already set before this function (all lines
       and hoshi and stuff are drawn together) */

    if (!on_board(pos))

    if ((unsigned) I (pos) < MIN_X ||
        (unsigned) I (pos) >= MAX_X ||
        (unsigned) J (pos) < MIN_Y ||
        (unsigned) J (pos) >= MAX_Y)
    if (intersection_size > 8)
        rb->lcd_fillrect (pixel_x (pos) + LINE_OFFSET - 1,
                          pixel_y (pos) + LINE_OFFSET - 1, 3, 3);
        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (pos) + LINE_OFFSET - 1,
                           pixel_y (pos) + LINE_OFFSET - 1);
        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (pos) + LINE_OFFSET + 1,
                           pixel_y (pos) + LINE_OFFSET + 1);
コード例 #3
void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix) const {
    double halfFov = std::atan(0.5 / getAltitude());
    double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getAltitude() /
        std::sin(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch() - halfFov);
    // Calculate z value of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
    double farZ = std::cos(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getAltitude();

    matrix::perspective(projMatrix, 2.0f * std::atan((size.height / 2.0f) / getAltitude()),
                        double(size.width) / size.height, 0.1, farZ);

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getAltitude());

    // After the rotateX, z values are in pixel units. Convert them to
    // altitude unites. 1 altitude unit = the screen height.
    const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY;
    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1,
                  1.0f / (rotatedNorth() ? size.width : size.height));

    using NO = NorthOrientation;
    switch (getNorthOrientation()) {
        case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;

    matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle() + getNorthOrientationAngle());

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f,
                      pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f, 0);
コード例 #4
void Enemy::ProcessSpeed(int pixel_x_to, int pixel_y_to, int force)
    pixel_x_to += 16;
    pixel_y_to += 16;
    //auto obj = GetMap()->GetNearest(pixel_x(), pixel_y());

    int diff_x = pixel_x_to - pixel_x();
    int diff_y = pixel_y_to - pixel_y();

    float radius = sqrt(static_cast<float>(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y));

    if (radius != 0)
            speed_.x += static_cast<int>((force) * (1.0f * diff_x / radius));
            speed_.y += static_cast<int>((force) * (1.0f * diff_y / radius));

    if (speed_.x > 0)
        speed_.x = std::min(speed_.x,  5);
        speed_.x = std::max(speed_.x, -5);
    if (speed_.y > 0)
        speed_.y = std::min(speed_.y,  5);
        speed_.y = std::max(speed_.y, -5);
コード例 #5
void Enemy::Process()
    auto obj = GetMap()->GetNearest(pixel_x(), pixel_y());
    if (obj != nullptr)
        ProcessSpeed(obj->posx() * 32, obj->posy() * 32);
コード例 #6
void Enemy::ProcessHealth()
    if (health_ < 0)
        getEffectOf<RedBlood>()->SetPos(pixel_x(), pixel_y(), angle())->Start();
コード例 #7
ファイル: display.c プロジェクト: realtsiry/rockbox4linux
static void
draw_stone (unsigned short pos, bool black)
    if (!on_board (pos))

    draw_stone_raw (pixel_x (pos), pixel_y (pos), black);
コード例 #8
void Ork::Process()

    int posx = pixel_x() / 32;
    int posy = pixel_y() / 32;

    auto n = (*GetMap())[posx][posy];

    if (n != nullptr && n->IsLine())
コード例 #9
void Jew::Process()
    bool is_near = false;

    GetMap()->ForEach([&](Object* object)
        if (object == nullptr)
        if (object->IsLine())
            is_near = true;
    }, pixel_x() / 32, pixel_y() / 32, 1);

    if (is_near)
コード例 #10
ファイル: display.c プロジェクト: realtsiry/rockbox4linux
static void
draw_cursor (unsigned short pos)
    if (!on_board (pos))

#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
    rb->lcd_set_foreground (CURSOR_COLOR);
    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_COMPLEMENT);

    rb->lcd_drawrect (pixel_x (pos),
                      pixel_y (pos), intersection_size, intersection_size);

    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_SOLID);
コード例 #11
void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix, uint16_t nearZ) const {
    if (size.isEmpty()) {

     // Find the distance from the center point [width/2, height/2] to the
    // center top point [width/2, 0] in Z units, using the law of sines.
    // 1 Z unit is equivalent to 1 horizontal px at the center of the map
    // (the distance between[width/2, height/2] and [width/2 + 1, height/2])
    const double halfFov = getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
    const double groundAngle = M_PI / 2.0 + getPitch();
    const double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getCameraToCenterDistance() / std::sin(M_PI - groundAngle - halfFov);

    // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
    const double furthestDistance = std::cos(M_PI / 2 - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getCameraToCenterDistance();
    // Add a bit extra to avoid precision problems when a fragment's distance is exactly `furthestDistance`
    const double farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01;

    matrix::perspective(projMatrix, getFieldOfView(), double(size.width) / size.height, nearZ, farZ);

    const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY;
    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1, 1);

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getCameraToCenterDistance());

    using NO = NorthOrientation;
    switch (getNorthOrientation()) {
        case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;

    matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle() + getNorthOrientationAngle());

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f,
                      pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f, 0);

    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, 1,
                  1.0 / Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).latitude(), getZoom()));
コード例 #12
void Rocket::Process()
    auto enm = GetMap()->GetEnemyHolder()->GetNearest(this->pixel_x(), this->pixel_y(), 7, 
                                                     [this](Enemy* e) 
        /*I AM KING OF SPACES*/                      {
                                                         return !e->IsRocketFriend()
                                                                && e != this;


    if (enm != nullptr)
       speed_.x += rand() % 2 - 1;
       speed_.y += rand() % 2 - 1;
        ProcessSpeed(enm->pixel_x(), enm->pixel_y(), 2);
        if ((abs(enm->pixel_x() - pixel_x()) + abs(enm->pixel_y() - pixel_y())) < 48)
            getEffectOf<Explosion>()->SetPos(pixel_x(), pixel_y(), angle())->Start();

            GetMap()->GetEnemyHolder()->ForEach([](Enemy* enm)
            }, pixel_x(), pixel_y(), 64 * 64);

    state_w_ = (length_ / 2) % 4;

    if (length_ > 80)
        getEffectOf<Explosion>()->SetPos(pixel_x(), pixel_y(), angle())->Start();
コード例 #13
void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix, uint16_t nearZ, bool aligned) const {
    if (size.isEmpty()) {

     // Find the distance from the center point [width/2, height/2] to the
    // center top point [width/2, 0] in Z units, using the law of sines.
    // 1 Z unit is equivalent to 1 horizontal px at the center of the map
    // (the distance between[width/2, height/2] and [width/2 + 1, height/2])
    const double halfFov = getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
    const double groundAngle = M_PI / 2.0 + getPitch();
    const double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getCameraToCenterDistance() / std::sin(M_PI - groundAngle - halfFov);

    // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
    const double furthestDistance = std::cos(M_PI / 2 - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getCameraToCenterDistance();
    // Add a bit extra to avoid precision problems when a fragment's distance is exactly `furthestDistance`
    const double farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01;

    matrix::perspective(projMatrix, getFieldOfView(), double(size.width) / size.height, nearZ, farZ);

    const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY;
    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1, 1);

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getCameraToCenterDistance());

    using NO = NorthOrientation;
    switch (getNorthOrientation()) {
        case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;

    matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle() + getNorthOrientationAngle());

    const double dx = pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f, dy = pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f;
    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dx, dy, 0);

    if (axonometric) {
        // mat[11] controls perspective
        projMatrix[11] = 0;

        // mat[8], mat[9] control x-skew, y-skew
        projMatrix[8] = xSkew;
        projMatrix[9] = ySkew;

    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, 1,
                  1.0 / Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).latitude(), getZoom()));

    // Make a second projection matrix that is aligned to a pixel grid for rendering raster tiles.
    // We're rounding the (floating point) x/y values to achieve to avoid rendering raster images to fractional
    // coordinates. Additionally, we adjust by half a pixel in either direction in case that viewport dimension
    // is an odd integer to preserve rendering to the pixel grid. We're rotating this shift based on the angle
    // of the transformation so that 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° rasters are crisp, and adjust the shift so that
    // it is always <= 0.5 pixels.
    if (aligned) {
        const float xShift = float(size.width % 2) / 2, yShift = float(size.height % 2) / 2;
        const double angleCos = std::cos(angle), angleSin = std::sin(angle);
        double devNull;
        const float dxa = -std::modf(dx, &devNull) + angleCos * xShift + angleSin * yShift;
        const float dya = -std::modf(dy, &devNull) + angleCos * yShift + angleSin * xShift;
        matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dxa > 0.5 ? dxa - 1 : dxa, dya > 0.5 ? dya - 1 : dya, 0);
コード例 #14
ファイル: display.c プロジェクト: realtsiry/rockbox4linux
draw_screen_display (void)
#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
    int saved_fg = rb->lcd_get_foreground ();
    int saved_bg = rb->lcd_get_background ();
    int saved_drmode = rb->lcd_get_drawmode ();

    if (cursor_pos != last_cursor_pos || intersection_size != last_int_size)
        cursor_updated ();

#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
    rb->lcd_set_backdrop (NULL);

    rb->lcd_set_foreground (BOARD_COLOR);
    rb->lcd_set_background (BACKGROUND_COLOR);
    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_SOLID);

    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_SOLID + DRMODE_INVERSEVID);

    rb->lcd_clear_display ();

    rb->lcd_fillrect (pixel_x (POS (MIN_X, MIN_Y)),
                      pixel_y (POS (MIN_X, MIN_Y)),
                      (MAX_X - MIN_X) * intersection_size,
                      (MAX_Y - MIN_Y) * intersection_size);

#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
    rb->lcd_set_foreground (LINE_COLOR);
    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_SOLID);

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = MIN_Y; i < MAX_Y; ++i)
        rb->lcd_hline (pixel_x (POS (MIN_X, i)) + LINE_OFFSET + extend_l,
                       pixel_x (POS (MAX_X - 1, i)) + LINE_OFFSET + extend_r,
                       pixel_y (POS (MIN_X, i)) + LINE_OFFSET);

    for (i = MIN_X; i < MAX_X; ++i)
        rb->lcd_vline (pixel_x (POS (i, MIN_Y)) + LINE_OFFSET,
                       pixel_y (POS (i, MIN_Y)) + LINE_OFFSET + extend_t,
                       pixel_y (POS (i, MAX_Y - 1)) + LINE_OFFSET + extend_b);

    draw_all_hoshi ();
    draw_all_stones ();
    draw_cursor (cursor_pos);

    if (draw_variations)
        mark_child_variations_sgf ();

    draw_all_marks ();

    draw_footer ();
    rb->lcd_update ();

#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
    rb->lcd_set_foreground (saved_fg);
    rb->lcd_set_background (saved_bg);
    rb->lcd_set_drawmode (saved_drmode);
コード例 #15
ファイル: display.c プロジェクト: realtsiry/rockbox4linux
static void
draw_all_marks (void)
    unsigned int x, y;
    for (x = MIN_X; x < MAX_X; ++x)
        for (y = MIN_Y; y < MAX_Y; ++y)
            if (display_marks[x + y * board_width] != ' ')
#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
                if (display_marks[x + y * board_width] != 'b' &&
                    display_marks[x + y * board_width] != 'w')
                    rb->lcd_set_foreground (MARK_COLOR);
                    rb->lcd_set_foreground (CURSOR_COLOR);
                rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_FG);
                rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_FG + DRMODE_COMPLEMENT);

                if (display_marks[x + y * board_width] & (1 << 7))
                    char to_display[2];
                    int width, height;

                    to_display[0] =
                        display_marks[x + y * board_width] & (~(1 << 7));
                    to_display[1] = '\0';

                    rb->lcd_getstringsize (to_display, &width, &height);

                    int display_x =
                        pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET - (width / 2);
                    int display_y =
                        pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET - (height / 2);

                    if (display_x < 0)
                        display_x = 0;

                    if (display_y < 0)
                        display_y = 0;

                    if (display_x + width >= LCD_WIDTH)
                        display_x = LCD_WIDTH - 1 - width;

                    if (display_y + height >= LCD_HEIGHT)
                        display_y = LCD_HEIGHT - 1 - height;

                    rb->lcd_putsxy (display_x, display_y, to_display);

                switch (display_marks[x + y * board_width])
                    /* moves, 'mark', 'square' */
                case 'b':
                case 'w':
                    if (intersection_size <= 5)
                        DEBUGF ("screen is too small to mark current move\n");
                case 'm':
                    if (intersection_size <= 5)
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                        rb->lcd_drawrect (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                          intersection_size / 6,
                                          pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                          intersection_size / 6,
                                          (intersection_size / 6) * 2 + 1,
                                          (intersection_size / 6) * 2 + 1);
                case 's':
                    if (intersection_size <= 5)
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                        rb->lcd_fillrect (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                          intersection_size / 6,
                                          pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                          intersection_size / 6,
                                          (intersection_size / 6) * 2 + 1,
                                          (intersection_size / 6) * 2 + 1);

                case 'c':
                    if (intersection_size > 7)
                        draw_circle (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET,
                                     pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET,
                                     (intersection_size - 1) / 4, true);

                    /* purposely don't break here, draw small the same as
                       a triangle */

                case 't':
                    if (intersection_size <= 7)
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                        rb->lcd_drawpixel (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                        xlcd_filltriangle (pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET,
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                           intersection_size / 4,
                                           pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           intersection_size / 4,
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           intersection_size / 4,
                                           pixel_x (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET -
                                           intersection_size / 4,
                                           pixel_y (POS (x, y)) + LINE_OFFSET +
                                           intersection_size / 4);
                    DEBUGF ("tried to display unknown mark '%c' %d\n",
                            display_marks[x + y * board_width],
                            display_marks[x + y * board_width]);

                rb->lcd_set_drawmode (DRMODE_SOLID);
                /* don't have to undo the colors for LCD_DEPTH > 1, most
                   functions assume bg and fg get clobbered */