int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QMap<QString,ParamPair> paramList; QString username = ""; QString filename; QString printerName; bool haveUsername = false; bool haveDatabaseURL = false; bool loggedIn = false; bool print = false; bool printPreview = false; bool close = false; bool autoPrint = false; //AUTOPRINT int numCopies = 1; // BVI::Sednacom // new options bool pdfOutput = false; QString pdfFileName; // BVI::Sednacom QString databaseURL = ""; QString loadFromDB = ""; QApplication app(argc, argv); app.addLibraryPath("."); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/common.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/wrtembed.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/renderer.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/renderapp.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.installSelected(); if (app.argc() > 1) { haveUsername = false; bool havePasswd = false; QString passwd = ""; QStringList arguments; QString firstArgument = QString( app.argv()[ 1 ] ); if( firstArgument.startsWith("-fromStdin=", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){ QFile file;, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in(&file); in.setCodec( firstArgument.right( firstArgument.length() - 11 ).toLatin1() ); QString arg; while("-launch") !=0 ){ arg = in.readLine(); arguments << arg; } file.close(); } else{ for (int intCounter = 1; intCounter < app.argc(); intCounter++){ arguments << QString (app.argv()[intCounter]); } } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it ) { QString argument( *it ); if (argument.startsWith("-databaseURL=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveDatabaseURL = true; databaseURL = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); } else if (argument.startsWith("-username="******"-passwd=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { havePasswd = true; passwd = argument.right(argument.length() - 8); } else if (argument.toLower() == "-noauth") { haveUsername = true; havePasswd = true; } else if (argument.startsWith("-numCopies=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ numCopies = argument.right( argument.length() - 11).toInt(); } else if (argument.toLower() == "-print") print = true; else if (argument.toLower() == "-printpreview") printPreview = true; else if (argument.toLower() == "-close") close = true; else if (argument.startsWith("-printerName=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) printerName = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); else if (argument.startsWith("-param=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString str = argument.right(argument.length() - 7); bool active = true; QString name; QString type; QString value; QVariant var; int sep = str.indexOf('='); if(sep == -1) name = str; else { name = str.left(sep); value = str.right(str.length() - (sep + 1)); } str = name; sep = str.indexOf(':'); if(sep != -1) { name = str.left(sep); type = str.right(str.length() - (sep + 1)); } if(name.startsWith("-")) { name = name.right(name.length() - 1); active = false; } else if(name.startsWith("+")) name = name.right(name.length() - 1); if(!value.isEmpty()) var = XVariant::decode(type, value); paramList[name] = ParamPair(active, var); } // BVI::Sednacom // manage new arguments for CLI else if (argument.startsWith("-pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { pdfOutput = true ; } else if (argument.startsWith("-outpdf=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { pdfFileName = argument.right(argument.length() - 8 ) ; } // BVI::Sednacom else if (argument.startsWith("-loadfromdb=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) loadFromDB = argument.right(argument.length() - 12); else if (argument.toLower() == "-e") XSqlQuery::setNameErrorValue("Missing"); else if (argument.toLower() == "-autoprint"){ //AUTOPRINT print=true; //Auto print means they want to print. autoPrint=true; } else if(!argument.startsWith("-")) filename = argument; } if ( (haveDatabaseURL) && (haveUsername) && (havePasswd) ) { QSqlDatabase db; QString protocol; QString hostName; QString dbName; QString port; db = databaseFromURL( databaseURL ); if (!db.isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Can not load database driver"), QObject::tr("Unable to load the database driver. Please contact your systems administrator.")); QApplication::exit(-1); } db.setUserName(username); db.setPassword(passwd); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Unable to connect to database"), QObject::tr("Unable to connect to the database with the given information.")); QApplication::exit(-1); } else loggedIn = true; } } if(!loggedIn) { ParameterList params; params.append("name", RenderWindow::name()); params.append("copyright", OpenRPT::copyright); params.append("version", OpenRPT::version); params.append("build", OpenRPT::build); if (haveUsername) params.append("username", username); if (haveDatabaseURL) params.append("databaseURL", databaseURL); login newdlg(0, "", true); newdlg.set(params, 0); if (newdlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return -1; } // The following is code that works specifically with the xTuple ERP database // This should be expanded to be usefull when not connecting to an xTuple ERP // database as well. Command line option maybe? XSqlQuery langq("SELECT * " "FROM usr, locale LEFT OUTER JOIN" " lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN" " country ON (locale_country_id=country_id) " "WHERE ( (usr_username=CURRENT_USER)" " AND (usr_locale_id=locale_id) );" ); if (langq.first()) { QStringList paths; paths << "dict"; paths << ""; paths << "../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath(); paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../dict"; #if defined Q_WS_MACX paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../.."; #endif QStringList files; if (!langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString().isEmpty()) files << langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString(); QString langext; if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty() && !langq.value("country_abbr").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString() + "_" + langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toLower(); } else if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); } if(!langext.isEmpty()) { files << "reports." + langext; XSqlQuery pkglist("SELECT pkghead_name FROM pkghead WHERE packageIsEnabled(pkghead_name);"); while( { files << pkglist.value("pkghead_name").toString() + "." + langext; } } if (files.size() > 0) { QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(&app); for (QStringList::Iterator fit = files.begin(); fit != files.end(); ++fit) { for(QStringList::Iterator pit = paths.begin(); pit != paths.end(); ++pit) { qDebug("looking for %s in %s", (*fit).toLatin1().data(), (*pit).toLatin1().data()); if (translator->load(*fit, *pit)) { app.installTranslator(translator); qDebug("installed %s/%s", (*pit).toLatin1().data(), (*fit).toLatin1().data()); translator = new QTranslator(&app); break; } } } } } // END language loading code RenderWindow mainwin; mainwin._printerName = printerName; mainwin._autoPrint = autoPrint; if(!filename.isEmpty()) mainwin.fileOpen(filename); if(!loadFromDB.isEmpty()) mainwin.fileLoad(loadFromDB); QMap<QString,ParamPair>::Iterator it; for ( it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); ++it ) { mainwin.updateParam(it.key(), it.value().second, it.value().first); } // BVI::Sednacom // do not display window for PDF output if (!pdfOutput && !autoPrint); // BVI::Sednacom if(print) mainwin.filePrint( numCopies ); if(printPreview) mainwin.filePreview( numCopies ); // BVI::Sednacom // generate the PDF if (pdfOutput) mainwin.filePrintToPDF(pdfFileName); // BVI::Sednacom if(close) { mainwin.fileExit(); return 0; } return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { XSqlQuery main; Q_INIT_RESOURCE(guiclient); QString username; QString databaseURL; QString passwd; bool haveUsername = FALSE; bool haveDatabaseURL = FALSE; bool loggedIn = FALSE; bool haveEnhancedAuth= false; bool _enhancedAuth = false; bool havePasswd = false; bool forceWelcomeStub= false; qInstallMsgHandler(xTupleMessageOutput); QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setOrganizationDomain(""); app.setOrganizationName("xTuple"); app.setApplicationName("xTuple"); app.setApplicationVersion(_Version); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 // This is the correct place for this call but on versions less // than 4.4 it causes a crash for an unknown reason so it is // called later on earlier versions. QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(QString(".")); #endif #ifndef Q_WS_MACX QApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icon32x32.png")); #endif app.processEvents(); if (argc > 1) { for (int intCounter = 1; intCounter < argc; intCounter++) { QString argument(argv[intCounter]); if (argument.contains("-databaseURL=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveDatabaseURL = TRUE; databaseURL = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); } else if (argument.contains("-username="******"-passwd=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { havePasswd = TRUE; passwd = argument.right(argument.length() - 8); } else if (argument.contains("-noAuth", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveUsername = TRUE; havePasswd = TRUE; } else if (argument.contains("-enhancedAuth", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveEnhancedAuth = true; _enhancedAuth = true; if(argument.contains("=no", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || argument.contains("=false", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) _enhancedAuth = false; } else if (argument.contains("-forceWelcomeStub", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) forceWelcomeStub = true; } } // Try and load a default translation file and install it // otherwise if we are non-english inform the user that translation are available bool checkLanguage = false; QLocale sysl = QLocale::system(); QTranslator defaultTranslator(&app); if (defaultTranslator.load(translationFile(, "default"))) app.installTranslator(&defaultTranslator); else if(!xtsettingsValue("LanguageCheckIgnore", false).toBool() && sysl.language() != QLocale::C && sysl.language() != QLocale::English) checkLanguage = translationFile(, "xTuple").isNull(); if (forceWelcomeStub || checkLanguage) { QTranslator * translator = new QTranslator(&app); if (translator->load(translationFile(, "welcome/wmsg"))) app.installTranslator(translator); welcomeStub wsdlg; wsdlg.checkBox->setChecked(xtsettingsValue("LanguageCheckIgnore", false).toBool()); wsdlg.exec(); xtsettingsSetValue("LanguageCheckIgnore", wsdlg.checkBox->isChecked()); } _splash = new QSplashScreen(); _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/splashEmpty.png")); _evaluation = FALSE; if (!loggedIn) { ParameterList params; params.append("copyright", _Copyright); params.append("version", _Version); params.append("build", _Build.arg(__DATE__).arg(__TIME__)); params.append("setSearchPath", true); if (haveUsername) params.append("username", username); if (havePasswd) params.append("password", passwd); if (haveDatabaseURL) params.append("databaseURL", databaseURL); if (haveEnhancedAuth) params.append("enhancedAuth", _enhancedAuth); if (_evaluation) params.append("evaluation"); if ( (haveDatabaseURL) && (haveUsername) && (havePasswd) ) params.append("login"); login2 newdlg(0, "", TRUE); newdlg.set(params, _splash); if(newdlg.result() != QDialog::Accepted) { if (newdlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return -1; else { databaseURL = newdlg._databaseURL; username = newdlg.username(); __password = newdlg.password(); } } } // TODO: can/should we compose the splash screen on the fly from parts? QList<editionDesc> edition; edition << editionDesc( "Enterprise", ":/images/splashEnterprise.png", true, "SELECT fetchMetricText('Application') = 'Standard' AND COUNT(*) = 4" " FROM pkghead" " WHERE pkghead_name IN ('xtmfg', 'xtprjaccnt', 'asset', 'assetdepn');" ) << editionDesc( "Manufacturing", ":/images/splashMfgEdition.png", true, "SELECT fetchMetricText('Application') = 'Standard' AND COUNT(*) = 1" " FROM pkghead" " WHERE pkghead_name IN ('xtmfg');" ) << editionDesc( "Distribution", ":/images/splashDistEdition.png", true, "SELECT fetchMetricText('Application') = 'Standard';" ) << editionDesc( "PostBooks", ":/images/splashPostBooks.png", true, "SELECT fetchMetricText('Application') = 'PostBooks';" ) ; XSqlQuery metric; int editionIdx; // we'll use this after the loop for (editionIdx = 0; editionIdx < edition.size(); editionIdx++) { metric.exec(edition[editionIdx].queryString); if (metric.first() && metric.value(0).toBool()) break; } if (editionIdx >= edition.size()) editionIdx = edition.size(); // default to PostBooks _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(edition[editionIdx].splashResource)); _Name = _Name.arg(edition[editionIdx].editionName); if (edition[editionIdx].shouldCheckLicense) { _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Checking License Key"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); // PostgreSQL changed the column "procpid" to just "pid" in 9.2.0+ Incident #21852 XSqlQuery checkVersion(QString("select compareversion('9.2.0');")); if(checkVersion.first()) { if(checkVersion.value("compareversion").toInt() > 0) { metric.exec("SELECT count(*) AS registered, (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname=current_database()) AS total" " FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_locks" " WHERE((database=datid)" " AND (classid=datid)" " AND (objsubid=2)" " AND (procpid = pg_backend_pid()));"); } else { metric.exec("SELECT count(*) AS registered, (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname=current_database()) AS total" " FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_locks" " WHERE((database=datid)" " AND (classid=datid)" " AND (objsubid=2)" " AND ( = pg_backend_pid()));"); } } int cnt = 50000; int tot = 50000; if(metric.first()) { cnt = metric.value("registered").toInt(); tot = metric.value("total").toInt(); } metric.exec("SELECT packageIsEnabled('drupaluserinfo') AS result;"); bool xtweb = false; if(metric.first()) xtweb = metric.value("result").toBool(); metric.exec("SELECT fetchMetricBool('ForceLicenseLimit') as metric_value;"); bool forceLimit = false; bool forced = false; if(metric.first()) forceLimit = metric.value("metric_value").toBool(); metric.exec("SELECT metric_value" " FROM metric" " WHERE(metric_name = 'RegistrationKey');"); bool checkPass = true; bool checkLock = false; bool expired = false; QString checkPassReason; QString rkey = ""; if(metric.first()) rkey = metric.value("metric_value").toString(); XTupleProductKey pkey(rkey); QString application; metric.exec("SELECT fetchMetricText('Application') as app;"); if(metric.first()) { application = metric.value("app").toString(); } if(pkey.valid() && (pkey.version() == 1 || pkey.version() == 2 || pkey.version() == 3)) { if(pkey.expiration() < QDate::currentDate()) { checkPass = false; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>Your license has expired."); if(!pkey.perpetual()) { int daysTo = pkey.expiration().daysTo(QDate::currentDate()); if(daysTo > 30) { checkLock = true; expired = true; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>Your xTuple license expired over 30 days ago, and this software will no longer function. Please contact xTuple immediately to reinstate your software."); } else checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>Attention: Your xTuple license has expired, and in %1 days this software will cease to function. Please make arrangements for immediate payment").arg(30 - daysTo); } else expired = true; } else if(application == "PostBooks" && pkey.users() == 1) { if(pkey.users() < cnt) { checkPass = false; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>Multiple concurrent users of xTuple PostBooks require a license key. Please contact [email protected] to request a free license key for your local installation, or [email protected] to purchase additional users in the xTuple Cloud Service. <p>Thank you."); checkLock = forced = forceLimit; } } else if(pkey.users() != 0 && (pkey.users() < cnt || (!xtweb && (pkey.users() * 2 < tot)))) { checkPass = false; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>You have exceeded the number of allowed concurrent users for your license."); checkLock = forced = forceLimit; } else { int daysTo = QDate::currentDate().daysTo(pkey.expiration()); if(!pkey.perpetual() && daysTo <= 15) { checkPass = false; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>Please note: your xTuple license will expire in %1 days. You should already have received your renewal invoice; please contact xTuple at your earliest convenience.").arg(daysTo); } } } else { checkPass = false; checkPassReason = QObject::tr("<p>The Registration key installed for this system does not appear to be valid."); } if(!checkPass) { _splash->hide(); if (expired) { registrationKeyDialog newdlg(0, "", TRUE); if(newdlg.exec() == -1) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Registration Key"), checkPassReason); return 0; } } else if(checkLock) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Registration Key"), checkPassReason); if(!forced) return 0; } else { if(QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Registration Key"), QObject::tr("%1\n<p>Would you like to continue anyway?").arg(checkPassReason), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return 0; } if(forced) checkPassReason.append(" FORCED!"); metric.exec("SELECT current_database() AS db," " fetchMetricText('DatabaseName') AS dbname," " fetchMetricText('remitto_name') AS name;"); QString db = ""; QString dbname = ""; QString name = ""; if(metric.first()) { db = metric.value("db").toString(); dbname = metric.value("dbname").toString(); name = metric.value("name").toString(); } QHttp *http = new QHttp(); QUrl url; url.setPath("/api/regviolation.php"); url.addQueryItem("key", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(rkey)); url.addQueryItem("error", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(checkPassReason)); url.addQueryItem("name", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(name)); url.addQueryItem("dbname", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(dbname)); url.addQueryItem("db", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(db)); url.addQueryItem("cnt", QString::number(cnt)); url.addQueryItem("tot", QString::number(tot)); url.addQueryItem("ver", _Version); http->setHost(""); http->get(url.toString()); if(forced) return 0; _splash->show(); } } bool disallowMismatch = false; bool shouldCheckForUpdates = false; metric.exec("SELECT metric_value" " FROM metric" " WHERE (metric_name = 'ServerVersion')"); if (!metric.first() || (metric.value("metric_value").toString() != _dbVersion)) { int result = 0; metric.exec("SELECT metric_value FROM metric WHERE (metric_name = 'DisallowMismatchClientVersion')"); if (metric.first() && (metric.value("metric_value").toString() == "t")) { disallowMismatch = true; } metric.exec("SELECT metric_value FROM metric WHERE (metric_name = 'CheckForUpdates')"); if (metric.first()) { shouldCheckForUpdates = (metric.value("metric_value").toString() == "t" ? true : false); } if (shouldCheckForUpdates) { _splash->hide(); checkForUpdates newdlg(0,"", TRUE); result = newdlg.exec(); if (result == QDialog::Rejected) { return 0; } } else if (!shouldCheckForUpdates && disallowMismatch) { _splash->hide(); result = QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Version Mismatch"), QObject::tr("<p>The version of the database you are connecting to is " "not the version this client was designed to work against. " "This client was designed to work against the database " "version %1. The system has been configured to disallow " "access in this case.<p>Please contact your systems " "administrator.").arg(_Version), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ); return 0; } else { _splash->hide(); result = QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Version Mismatch"), QObject::tr("<p>The version of the database you are connecting to is " "not the version this client was designed to work against. " "This client was designed to work against the database " "version %1. If you continue some or all functionality may " "not work properly or at all. You may also cause other " "problems on the database.<p>Do you want to continue " "anyway?").arg(_Version), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ); if (result != QMessageBox::Yes) { return 0; } else { _splash->show(); } } } _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Database Metrics"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _metrics = new Metrics(); _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading User Preferences"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _preferences = new Preferences(username); _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading User Privileges"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _privileges = new Privileges(); // Load the translator and set the locale from the User's preferences _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Translation Dictionary"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); XSqlQuery langq("SELECT * " "FROM usr, locale LEFT OUTER JOIN" " lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN" " country ON (locale_country_id=country_id) " "WHERE ( (usr_username=getEffectiveXtUser())" " AND (usr_locale_id=locale_id) );" ); if (langq.first()) { QStringList files; if (!langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString().isEmpty()) files << langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString(); QString langext; if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty() && !langq.value("country_abbr").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString() + "_" + langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toLower(); } else if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); } if(!langext.isEmpty()) { files << "qt"; files << "xTuple"; files << "openrpt"; files << "reports"; XSqlQuery pkglist("SELECT pkghead_name" " FROM pkghead" " WHERE packageIsEnabled(pkghead_name);"); while( files << pkglist.value("pkghead_name").toString(); } if (files.size() > 0) { QStringList notfound; QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(&app); for (QStringList::Iterator fit = files.begin(); fit != files.end(); ++fit) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("looking for %s", (*fit).toAscii().data()); if (translator->load(translationFile(langext, *fit))) { app.installTranslator(translator); qDebug("installed %s", (*fit).toAscii().data()); translator = new QTranslator(&app); } else { notfound << *fit; } } if (! notfound.isEmpty() && !_preferences->boolean("IngoreMissingTranslationFiles")) QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Cannot Load Dictionary"), QObject::tr("<p>The Translation Dictionaries %1 " "cannot be loaded. Reverting " "to the default dictionary." ) .arg(notfound.join(QObject::tr(", ")))); } /* set the locale to langabbr_countryabbr, langabbr, {lang# country#}, or lang#, depending on what information is available */ QString langAbbr = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); QString cntryAbbr = langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toUpper(); if(cntryAbbr == "UK") cntryAbbr = "GB"; if (! langAbbr.isEmpty() && ! cntryAbbr.isEmpty()) QLocale::setDefault(QLocale(langAbbr + "_" + cntryAbbr)); else if (! langAbbr.isEmpty()) QLocale::setDefault(QLocale(langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString())); else if (langq.value("lang_qt_number").toInt() && langq.value("country_qt_number").toInt()) QLocale::setDefault( QLocale(QLocale::Language(langq.value("lang_qt_number").toInt()), QLocale::Country(langq.value("country_qt_number").toInt()))); else QLocale::setDefault(QLocale::system()); qDebug("Locale set to language %s and country %s", QLocale().languageToString(QLocale().language()).toAscii().data(), QLocale().countryToString(QLocale().country()).toAscii().data()); } else if (langq.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { systemError(0, langq.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } qApp->processEvents(); QString key; // TODO: Add code to check a few locations - Hopefully done QString keypath; QString keyname; QString keytogether; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN keypath = _metrics->value("CCWinEncKey"); #elif defined Q_WS_MACX keypath = _metrics->value("CCMacEncKey"); #elif defined Q_WS_X11 keypath = _metrics->value("CCLinEncKey"); #endif if (keypath.isEmpty()) keypath = app.applicationDirPath(); if (! keypath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) keypath += QDir::separator(); keyname = _metrics->value("CCEncKeyName"); if (keyname.isEmpty()) { keyname = "xTuple.key"; keytogether = keypath + keyname; QFile kn(keytogether); if(!kn.exists()) keyname = "OpenMFG.key"; } keytogether = keypath + keyname; // qDebug("keytogether: %s", keytogether.toAscii().data()); QFile keyFile(keytogether); if(keyFile.exists()) { if( { key = keyFile.readLine(1024); // strip off any newline characters key = key.trimmed(); } } omfgThis = 0; omfgThis = new GUIClient(databaseURL, username); omfgThis->_key = key; if (key.length() > 0) { _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Database Encryption Metrics"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _metricsenc = new Metricsenc(key); } initializePlugin(_preferences, _metrics, _privileges, omfgThis->username(), omfgThis->workspace()); // START code for updating the locale settings if they haven't been already XSqlQuery lc; lc.exec("SELECT count(*) FROM metric WHERE metric_name='AutoUpdateLocaleHasRun';"); lc.first(); if(lc.value(0).toInt() == 0) { lc.exec("INSERT INTO metric (metric_name, metric_value) values('AutoUpdateLocaleHasRun', 't');"); lc.exec("SELECT locale_id from locale;"); while( { ParameterList params; params.append("mode","edit"); params.append("locale_id", lc.value(0)); sysLocale lcdlg; lcdlg.set(params); lcdlg.sSave(); } } // END code for updating locale settings QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &app, SLOT(closeAllWindows())); if (omfgThis->_singleWindow.isEmpty()) { omfgThis->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); omfgThis->show(); } // keep this synchronized with GUIClient and user.ui.h else if (omfgThis->_singleWindow == "woTimeClock") { ScriptToolbox sb(0); QWidget* newdlg = sb.openWindow("woTimeClock"); if(newdlg) { XMainWindow *mw = qobject_cast<XMainWindow*>(newdlg); if(mw) { ParameterList params; params.append("captive"); mw->set(params); } newdlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); QObject::connect(omfgThis, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), &app, SLOT(quit())); newdlg->show(); } else {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(guiclient); QString username; QString databaseURL; QString passwd; bool haveUsername = FALSE; bool haveDatabaseURL = FALSE; bool loggedIn = FALSE; bool haveEnhancedAuth= false; bool _enhancedAuth = false; bool haveRequireSSL = false; bool _requireSSL = false; bool havePasswd = false; QApplication app(argc, argv); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 // This is the correct place for this call but on versions less // than 4.4 it causes a crash for an unknown reason so it is // called later on earlier versions. QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(QString(".")); #endif #ifndef Q_WS_MACX QApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icon32x32.png")); #endif // Try and load a default translation file and install it QTranslator defaultTranslator(&app); if (defaultTranslator.load("default.qm", app.applicationDirPath())) app.installTranslator(&defaultTranslator); app.processEvents(); if (argc > 1) { for (int intCounter = 1; intCounter < argc; intCounter++) { QString argument(argv[intCounter]); if (argument.contains("-databaseURL=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveDatabaseURL = TRUE; databaseURL = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); } else if (argument.contains("-username="******"-passwd=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { havePasswd = TRUE; passwd = argument.right(argument.length() - 8); } else if (argument.contains("-noAuth", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveUsername = TRUE; havePasswd = TRUE; } else if (argument.contains("-enhancedAuth", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveEnhancedAuth = true; _enhancedAuth = true; if(argument.contains("=no", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || argument.contains("=false", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) _enhancedAuth = false; } else if (argument.contains("-requireSSL", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveRequireSSL = true; _requireSSL = true; if(argument.contains("=no", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || argument.contains("=false", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) _requireSSL = false; } } } _splash = new QSplashScreen(); _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/splashEmpty.png")); _evaluation = FALSE; if (!loggedIn) { ParameterList params; params.append("copyright", _Copyright); params.append("version", _Version); params.append("build", QString("%1 %2").arg(__DATE__).arg(__TIME__)); if (haveUsername) params.append("username", username); if (havePasswd) params.append("password", passwd); if (haveDatabaseURL) params.append("databaseURL", databaseURL); if (haveEnhancedAuth) params.append("enhancedAuth", _enhancedAuth); if (haveRequireSSL) params.append("requireSSL", _requireSSL); if (_evaluation) params.append("evaluation"); if ( (haveDatabaseURL) && (haveUsername) && (havePasswd) ) params.append("login"); login2 newdlg(0, "", TRUE); newdlg.set(params, _splash); if(newdlg.result() != QDialog::Accepted) { if (newdlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return -1; else { databaseURL = newdlg._databaseURL; username = newdlg.username(); __password = newdlg.password(); } } } XSqlQuery metric; metric.exec("SELECT metric_value" " FROM metric" " WHERE (metric_name = 'Application')" ); if(!metric.first() || (metric.value("metric_value").toString() == "Standard")) { // check if the xtmfg package is installed metric.exec("SELECT pkghead_name FROM pkghead WHERE pkghead_name='xtmfg'"); if(metric.first()) { _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/splashMfgEdition.png")); _Name = _Name.arg("Manufacturing"); } else { _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/splashStdEdition.png")); _Name = _Name.arg("Standard"); } } else { _splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/splashPostBooks.png")); _Name = _Name.arg("PostBooks"); } metric.exec("SELECT metric_value" " FROM metric" " WHERE (metric_name = 'ServerVersion')" ); if(!metric.first() || (metric.value("metric_value").toString() != _dbVersion)) { bool disallowMismatch = false; metric.exec("SELECT metric_value FROM metric WHERE(metric_name='DisallowMismatchClientVersion')"); if(metric.first() && (metric.value("metric_value").toString() == "t")) disallowMismatch = true; _splash->hide(); int result; if(disallowMismatch) result = QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Version Mismatch"), QObject::tr("<p>The version of the database you are connecting to is " "not the version this client was designed to work against. " "This client was designed to work against the database " "version %1. The system has been configured to disallow " "access in this case.<p>Please contact your systems " "administrator.").arg(_dbVersion), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ); else result = QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Version Mismatch"), QObject::tr("<p>The version of the database you are connecting to is " "not the version this client was designed to work against. " "This client was designed to work against the database " "version %1. If you continue some or all functionality may " "not work properly or at all. You may also cause other " "problems on the database.<p>Do you want to continue " "anyway?").arg(_dbVersion), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ); if(result != QMessageBox::Yes) return 0; _splash->show(); } _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Database Metrics"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _metrics = new Metrics(); _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading User Preferences"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _preferences = new Preferences(username); _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading User Privileges"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _privileges = new Privileges(); // Load the translator and set the locale from the User's preferences _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Translation Dictionary"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); XSqlQuery langq("SELECT * " "FROM usr, locale LEFT OUTER JOIN" " lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN" " country ON (locale_country_id=country_id) " "WHERE ( (usr_username=CURRENT_USER)" " AND (usr_locale_id=locale_id) );" ); if (langq.first()) { QStringList paths; paths << "dict"; paths << ""; paths << "../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath(); paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../dict"; #if defined Q_WS_MACX paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../.."; #endif QStringList files; if (!langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString().isEmpty()) files << langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString(); QString langext; if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty() && !langq.value("country_abbr").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString() + "_" + langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toLower(); } else if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); } if(!langext.isEmpty()) { files << "xTuple." + langext; files << "openrpt." + langext; XSqlQuery pkglist("SELECT pkghead_name FROM pkghead WHERE packageIsEnabled(pkghead_name);"); while( { files << pkglist.value("pkghead_name").toString() + "." + langext; } } if (files.size() > 0) { bool langFound = false; QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(&app); for (QStringList::Iterator fit = files.begin(); fit != files.end(); ++fit) { for(QStringList::Iterator pit = paths.begin(); pit != paths.end(); ++pit) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("looking for %s in %s", (*fit).toAscii().data(), (*pit).toAscii().data()); if (translator->load(*fit, *pit)) { app.installTranslator(translator); langFound = true; qDebug("installed %s/%s", (*pit).toAscii().data(), (*fit).toAscii().data()); translator = new QTranslator(&app); break; } } } if (!langFound && !_preferences->boolean("IngoreMissingTranslationFiles")) QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("Cannot Load Dictionary"), QObject::tr("<p>The Translation Dictionaries %1 " "cannot be loaded. Reverting " "to the default dictionary." ) .arg(files.join(QObject::tr(", ")))); } /* set the locale to langabbr_countryabbr, langabbr, {lang# country#}, or lang#, depending on what information is available */ QString langAbbr = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); QString cntryAbbr = langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toUpper(); if(cntryAbbr == "UK") cntryAbbr = "GB"; if (! langAbbr.isEmpty() && ! cntryAbbr.isEmpty()) QLocale::setDefault(QLocale(langAbbr + "_" + cntryAbbr)); else if (! langAbbr.isEmpty()) QLocale::setDefault(QLocale(langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString())); else if (langq.value("lang_qt_number").toInt() && langq.value("country_qt_number").toInt()) QLocale::setDefault( QLocale(QLocale::Language(langq.value("lang_qt_number").toInt()), QLocale::Country(langq.value("country_qt_number").toInt()))); else QLocale::setDefault(QLocale::system()); qDebug("Locale set to language %s and country %s", QLocale().languageToString(QLocale().language()).toAscii().data(), QLocale().countryToString(QLocale().country()).toAscii().data()); } else if (langq.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { systemError(0, langq.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } qApp->processEvents(); QString key; // TODO: Add code to check a few locations - Hopefully done QString keypath; QString keyname; QString keytogether; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN keypath = _metrics->value("CCWinEncKey"); #elif defined Q_WS_MACX keypath = _metrics->value("CCMacEncKey"); #elif defined Q_WS_X11 keypath = _metrics->value("CCLinEncKey"); #endif if (keypath.isEmpty()) keypath = app.applicationDirPath(); if (! keypath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) keypath += QDir::separator(); keyname = _metrics->value("CCEncKeyName"); if (keyname.isEmpty()) { keyname = "xTuple.key"; keytogether = keypath + keyname; QFile kn(keytogether); if(!kn.exists()) keyname = "OpenMFG.key"; } keytogether = keypath + keyname; // qDebug("keytogether: %s", keytogether.toAscii().data()); QFile keyFile(keytogether); if(keyFile.exists()) { if( { key = keyFile.readLine(1024); // strip off any newline characters key = key.trimmed(); } } omfgThis = 0; omfgThis = new GUIClient(databaseURL, username); omfgThis->_key = key; // qDebug("Encryption Key: %s", key.toAscii().data() ); if (key.length() > 0) { _splash->showMessage(QObject::tr("Loading Database Encryption Metrics"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor); qApp->processEvents(); _metricsenc = new Metricsenc(key); } initializePlugin(_preferences, _metrics, _privileges, omfgThis->workspace()); // START code for updating the locale settings if they haven't been already XSqlQuery lc; lc.exec("SELECT count(*) FROM metric WHERE metric_name='AutoUpdateLocaleHasRun';"); lc.first(); if(lc.value(0).toInt() == 0) { lc.exec("INSERT INTO metric (metric_name, metric_value) values('AutoUpdateLocaleHasRun', 't');"); lc.exec("SELECT locale_id from locale;"); while( { ParameterList params; params.append("mode","edit"); params.append("locale_id", lc.value(0)); sysLocale lcdlg; lcdlg.set(params); lcdlg.sSave(); } } // END code for updating locale settings QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &app, SLOT(closeAllWindows())); if (omfgThis->_singleWindow.isEmpty()) { omfgThis->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); omfgThis->show(); } // keep this synchronized with GUIClient and user.ui.h else if (omfgThis->_singleWindow == "woTimeClock") { ScriptToolbox sb(0); QWidget* newdlg = sb.openWindow("woTimeClock"); if(newdlg) { XMainWindow *mw = qobject_cast<XMainWindow*>(newdlg); if(mw) { ParameterList params; params.append("captive"); mw->set(params); } newdlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); QObject::connect(omfgThis, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), &app, SLOT(quit())); newdlg->show(); } else {