コード例 #1
ファイル: QuantixCamera.cpp プロジェクト: jasonhogan/sti
double QuantixCamera::getFrameRefreshTime(EventMetadatum &eventMetadatum)
	uns16 pixelWriteTimeNS;

	double parallelShiftTimeNS = 80000; // 80 microseconds
	double serialDiscardRateNS = 100;   // 0.1 microseconds
	double serialRecordRateNS;

	int16 pixTime;
	if (!pl_get_param (cameraHandle, PARAM_PIX_TIME, ATTR_CURRENT, &pixTime))
		throw CameraException("Can't access pixel time for frame refresh");

	serialRecordRateNS = (double) pixTime;

	if(!pl_get_param(cameraHandle, PARAM_PIX_TIME, ATTR_CURRENT, (void *) &pixelWriteTimeNS))
		char msg[ERROR_MSG_LEN];		// for error handling
		pl_error_message(pl_error_code(), msg);
		std::cerr << "Pixel readout time error: " << msg << std::endl;
		throw CameraException("Error getting pixel readout time.");

	int parallelRows = (cameraState->imageWidth.getSize());
	int totalPixels = (cameraState->imageHeight.getSize())*(cameraState->imageWidth.getSize());
	int recordedRows = eventMetadatum.cropVector.at(2) + 1;
	int recordedPixels = recordedRows*(eventMetadatum.cropVector.at(3) + 1);
	int binSize;
	if (!STI::Utils::stringToValue(cameraState->binSize.get(), binSize))
		throw CameraException("Error transforming string to value");

	//Based off the 6303 data sheet
	double refreshTime = 0;
	refreshTime += recordedRows*parallelShiftTimeNS;			//Time to shift relevant rows.
	refreshTime += recordedPixels*serialRecordRateNS / binSize / binSize; //Time to record (and discard?) relevent pixels
	refreshTime += (totalPixels - recordedPixels)*serialDiscardRateNS; //Time to discard non-relevant pixels

	std::cerr << "Frame Rate (s): " << refreshTime/1000000000 << std::endl; 
	return refreshTime;
コード例 #2
ファイル: QuantixCamera.cpp プロジェクト: jasonhogan/sti
void QuantixCamera::printError()
	char msg[ERROR_MSG_LEN];		// for error handling
	pl_error_message(pl_error_code(), msg);
	std::cout << "Quantix Camera error: " << msg << std::endl;
コード例 #3
int main(void)

 /*camera name */
 char cam_name[CAM_NAME_LEN]; 
 /*camera handle */
 int16 hCam; 
 /*initialize PVCAM library, before this runs only error checking function "pl_error_code" will work */
 rs_bool init_error = pl_pvcam_init();
 /*error checking*/
 if(init_error == TRUE)
	 printf("Library initialization error: << %i >>.\n ", pl_error_code() );
	 printf("PVCAM successfully initialized.\n")
 /*get name of camera, takes parameters referring to cameras starting from 0, which is the first camera by definition*/
 rs_bool name_error = pl_cam_get_name(0, cam_name);

 /*error checking*/
 if(name_error == TRUE){
	 printf("Camera name error: << %i >>.\n ", pl_error_code() );
	 printf("Camera found: << %s >>.\n", cam_name);
 /*reserves and initializes camera hardware. provides sole camera access to current user, until "pl_pvcam_uninit" is called*/
 rs_bool camera_error = pl_cam_open(cam_name, &hCam, OPEN_EXCLUSIVE);

 /*error checking*/
 if(camera_error == TRUE){
	 printf("Camera initialization error: << %i >>.\n ", pl_error_code() );
	 printf("Camera initialized, ready to accepts commands. You can try collecting data now.\n");
 /*close current camera*/
 /*un-initialize the PVCAM library and free all resources used by it*/