void InstrumentWindowPickTab::updatePlot(int detid) { if (m_instrWindow->blocked()) { m_plot->clearCurve(); return; } if (m_plotPanel->isCollapsed()) return; InstrumentActor* instrActor = m_instrWindow->getInstrumentActor(); Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws = instrActor->getWorkspace(); if (detid >= 0) { if (m_one->isChecked() || m_peak->isChecked()) {// plot spectrum of a single detector plotSingle(detid); } else if (m_tube->isChecked()) {// plot integrals plotTube(detid); } } else { m_plot->clearCurve(); } m_plot->recalcAxisDivs(); m_plot->replot(); }
/** * Update the miniplot for a selected detector. * @param detid :: ID of detector to use to update the plot. */ void InstrumentWindowPickTab::updatePlot(int detid) { if (m_instrWindow->blocked()) { m_plot->clearCurve(); return; } if (m_plotPanel->isCollapsed()) return; if (detid >= 0) { if (m_one->isChecked() || m_peak->isChecked()) { // plot spectrum of a single detector plotSingle(detid); } else if (m_tube->isChecked()) { // plot integrals plotTube(detid); } } else { m_plot->clearCurve(); } m_plot->recalcAxisDivs(); m_plot->replot(); }