コード例 #1
ファイル: leq.cpp プロジェクト: spherepeer/essentia
void Leq::compute() {

  const std::vector<Real>& signal = _signal.get();
  Real& leq = _leq.get();

  if (signal.empty()) {
    throw EssentiaException("Leq: input signal is empty");

  leq = pow2db(instantPower(signal));
コード例 #2
ファイル: replaygain.cpp プロジェクト: coalabear/essentia
void ReplayGain::compute() {
  const vector<Real>& signal = _signal.get();
  Real& gain = _gain.get();

  // we do not have enough input data to construct a single frame...
  // return the same value as if it was silence
  if ((int)signal.size() < _rmsWindowSize) {
      throw EssentiaException("ReplayGain: The input size must not be less than 0.05ms");

  // 1. Equal loudness filter
  vector<Real> eqloudSignal;

  // 2. RMS Energy calculation
  int nFrames = (int)eqloudSignal.size() / _rmsWindowSize;
  vector<Real> rms(nFrames, 0.0);

  for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; i++) {
    Real vrms = 0.0;
    for (int j = i*_rmsWindowSize; j < (i+1)*_rmsWindowSize; j++) {
      vrms += eqloudSignal[j] * eqloudSignal[j];
    vrms /= _rmsWindowSize;

    // Convert value to db
    // Note that vrms is energy and not an amplitude as sqrt is not applied
    rms[i] = pow2db(vrms);

  // 3. Statistical processing, as described in the algorithm, the 5% point is taken to
  // represent the overall loudness of the input audio signal
  sort(rms.begin(), rms.end());
  Real loudness = rms[(int)(0.95*rms.size())];

  // 4. Calibration with reference level
  // file is ref_pink.wav, downloaded on reference site (www.replaygain.org)
  Real ref_loudness = -31.492595672607422;

  // 5. Replay gain
  gain = ref_loudness - loudness;
コード例 #3
ファイル: leq.cpp プロジェクト: spherepeer/essentia
void Leq::finalProduce() {
  if (_size == 0) throw EssentiaException("Leq: signal is empty");
