コード例 #1
ファイル: LinearAlgebra.cpp プロジェクト: jbayardo/metnum-tp2
 * Obtiene los primeros k autovectores y autovalores dominantes de la matriz.
 * @param A matriz a investigar
 * @param k cantidad de autovectores/autovalores a obtener
 * @ret lista ordenada por dominancia decreciente del autopar
std::list<EigenPair> decompose(Matrix deflated, int k, const Norm &norm, unsigned int iterations) {
    if (k >= deflated.columns()) {
        std::stringstream fmt;
        fmt << "Cantidad de autovalores esperado es demasiado grande, " << k << " en una matriz de " << deflated.columns();
        throw new std::out_of_range(fmt.str());

    Timer timer("Decompose Timer");
    std::list<EigenPair> output;
    // Vector inicial para esta iteracion
    std::vector<double> x0((unsigned long) deflated.columns(), 0.0);

    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
        for (int l = 0; l < deflated.columns(); ++l) {
            x0[l] = random() % 1337 + 1;

        // Obtenemos el i-esimo eigenpair dominante
        EigenPair dominant = powerIteration(deflated, x0, norm, iterations);

        if (dominant.first != dominant.first) {
            std::cerr << "Error sacando el autovalor " << i << ". Vector: " << std::endl;

            for (int i = 0; i < deflated.columns(); ++i) {
                std::cerr << x0[i] << " ";

            std::cerr << std::endl;
        } else {
            // Hacemos deflacion, para el proximo paso
            deflation(deflated, dominant);

            // Lo guardamos al final de la lista

    return output;
コード例 #2
void iterativeSolvers_unitTest() {
   // small matrix test
      Vector4f test = makeVector4f(1.0f, 3.14f, 2.0f, 2.71f);
      Matrix4f mat = makeRotX4f(0.32f) * makeRotY4f(-0.39f) * makeRotZ4f(0.76f);
      mat += mat.transpose();
      mat += IDENTITY4F*5;
      Vector4f rhs = mat * test;
      Matrix4f invMat = invertMatrix(mat);
      Vector4f directFloat = invMat * rhs;

      DVectorD testD(4); for (card32 i=0; i<4; i++) testD[i] = test[i];
      DVectorD rhsD(4); for (card32 i=0; i<4; i++) rhsD[i] = rhs[i];
      SparseMatrixD matS(4);
      for (card32 r=0; r<4; r++) {
         for (card32 c=0; c<4; c++) {
            double v = mat[c][r];
            if (v != 0) {
               matS[r].setEntry(c, v);

      output << "Matrix:\n" << mat.toString() << "\n";
      output << "true solution: " << test.toString() << "\n";
      output << "right hand side: " << rhs.toString() << "\n";
      output << "direct float prec. solution: " << directFloat.toString() << "\n\n";

      output << "Matrix:\n" << matS.toString() << "\n";
      output << "true solution: " << testD.toString() << "\n";
      output << "right hand side: " << rhsD.toString() << "\n\n";

      DVectorD x = nullDVector<double>(4);

	  card32 numIterations = 1000;
      gaussSeidelSolve(matS, x, rhsD, numIterations, 1E-20, 1E-5, false);
      output << "Gauss-Seidel solution: " << x.toString() << "\n\n";

	  numIterations = 1000;
      x = nullDVector<double>(4);
      steepestDescentSolve(matS, x, rhsD, numIterations, 1E-5, false);
      output << "Steepest-Descent solution: " << x.toString() << "\n\n";

	  numIterations = 1000;
      x = nullDVector<double>(4);
      conjugateGradientsSolve(matS, x, rhsD, numIterations, 1E-5, true);
      output << "CG solution: " << x.toString() << "\n\n";

   // large matrix test
      SparseMatrixD mat(MDIM*MDIM);
      for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
         for (int x=0; x<MDIM; x++) {
            addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y,  -4, MDIM);
            addEntry(mat, x,y, x+1,y, 1, MDIM);
            addEntry(mat, x,y, x-1,y, 1, MDIM);
            addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y+1, 1, MDIM);
            addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y-1, 1, MDIM);

      Timer T; card32 vt;

      DVectorD x = nullDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM);
      DVectorD b = scalarDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM, 1);
      DVectorD gs, sd, cg;

      x = nullDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM);
	  card32 numIterations = 100000;
      conjugateGradientsSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-7, false);
      vt = T.getDeltaValue();
      output << "CG time: " << vt << "\n\n";
      output << "Large sytem CG solution (LAPL(f) == 1):\n";
      for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
			for (int xp=0; xp<MDIM; xp++) {
            output << x[xp +y*MDIM] << "\t";
      cg = x;

      x = nullDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM);
	  numIterations = 100000;
      gaussSeidelSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-20, 1E-7, false);
      vt = T.getDeltaValue();
      output << "GS time: " << vt << "\n\n";
      output << "Large sytem Gauss-Seidel solution (LAPL(f) == 1):\n";
      for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
         for (int xp=0; xp<MDIM; xp++) {
           output << x[xp +y*MDIM] << "\t";

      gs = x;

      x = nullDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM);
	  numIterations = 100000;
      steepestDescentSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-7, false);
      vt = T.getDeltaValue();
      output << "SD time: " << vt << "\n\n";
      output << "Large sytem steepest descent solution (LAPL(f) == 1):\n";
      for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
         for (int xp=0; xp<MDIM; xp++) {
            output << (long double)x[xp +y*MDIM] << "\t";

      sd = x;

      x = nullDVector<double>(MDIM*MDIM);

      output << "|gs-sd|_2 " << (long double)norm(gs-sd) << "\n";
      output << "|gs-cg|_2 " << (long double)norm(gs-cg) << "\n";

      vector< DVectorD > eigenVects;
      vector< double > eigenvalues;
      DVectorD eigenvector;
      double eigenvalue;
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         powerIteration(mat, eigenVects, eigenvector, eigenvalue, 1.0001, 1000, false);
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         output << i << " largest of large sytem eigenvector (LAPL(f) == 1):\n";
         for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
            for (int xp=0; xp<MDIM; xp++) {
               output << eigenVects[i][xp +y*MDIM] << "\t";
      output << "eigenvalue:\n";
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         output << eigenvalues[i] << "\n";


      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         GaussSeidelSolver<double> linSolve;
         inversePowerIteration(mat, eigenVects, eigenvector, eigenvalue, &linSolve, 1.0001, 1000, false);

      output << "GS-PowerIt time: " << T.getDeltaValue() << "\n\n";

      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         CGSolver<double> linSolve;
         inversePowerIteration(mat, eigenVects, eigenvector, eigenvalue, &linSolve, 1.0001, 1000, false);

      output << "CG-PowerIt time: " << T.getDeltaValue() << "\n\n";

      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         SteepestDescentSolver<double> linSolve;
         inversePowerIteration(mat, eigenVects, eigenvector, eigenvalue, &linSolve, 1.0001, 1000, false);

      output << "Steepest descent-PowerIt time: " << T.getDeltaValue() << "\n\n";

      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         output << i << " smallest of large sytem eigenvector (LAPL(f) == 1):\n";
         for (int y=0; y<MDIM; y++) {
            for (int xp=0; xp<MDIM; xp++) {
               output << eigenVects[i][xp +y*MDIM] << "\t";
      output << "eigenvalues:\n";
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
         output << eigenvalues[i] << "\n";
      Timer T;
      output << "cg scaling test\n";
      for (unsigned i=1; i<21; i++) {
         const int size = i * 10;
         SparseMatrixD mat(size*size);
         for (int y=0; y<size; y++) {
            for (int x=0; x<size; x++) {
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y,  -4, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x+1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x-1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y+1, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y-1, 1, size);

         Timer T; card32 vt;

         DVectorD x = nullDVector<double>(size*size);
         DVectorD b = scalarDVector<double>(size*size, 1);

		 card32 numIterations = 100000;
         conjugateGradientsSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-7, false);
         vt = T.getDeltaValue();

         output << i << "\t" << vt << "\n";
      Timer T;
      output << "gs scaling test\n";
      for (unsigned i=1; i<21; i++) {
         const int size = i * 10;
         SparseMatrixD mat(size*size);
         for (int y=0; y<size; y++) {
            for (int x=0; x<size; x++) {
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y,  -4, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x+1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x-1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y+1, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y-1, 1, size);

         Timer T; card32 vt;

         DVectorD x = nullDVector<double>(size*size);
         DVectorD b = scalarDVector<double>(size*size, 1);

		 card32 numIterations = 100000;
         gaussSeidelSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-20, 1E-7, false);
         vt = T.getDeltaValue();

         output << i << "\t" << vt << "\n";
      Timer T;
      output << "sd scaling test\n";
      for (unsigned i=1; i<21; i++) {
         const int size = i * 10;
         SparseMatrixD mat(size*size);
         for (int y=0; y<size; y++) {
            for (int x=0; x<size; x++) {
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y,  -4, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x+1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x-1,y, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y+1, 1, size);
               addEntry(mat, x,y, x,y-1, 1, size);

         Timer T; card32 vt;

         DVectorD x = nullDVector<double>(size*size);
         DVectorD b = scalarDVector<double>(size*size, 1);

		 card32 numIterations = 100000;
         steepestDescentSolve(mat, x, b, numIterations, 1E-7, false);
         vt = T.getDeltaValue();

         output << i << "\t" << vt << "\n";

コード例 #3
ファイル: pageRank.cpp プロジェクト: DDEMB/ADS
int main()
	FILE* fin = NULL;
	char c, fileName[20];
	int i;

		printf ("\n    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   MENU   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n");
		printf ("\n    1. Generate a new test file AND display it;");
		printf ("\n    2. Generate a new test file WITHOUT displaying it;\n");
		printf ("\n    3. Load an existing test file AND display it;");
		printf ("\n    4. Load an existing test file WITHOUT displaying it;\n");
		printf ("\n    5. Exit the program.\n");

		printf ("\n Choose an option ('c' to clear screen): ");
		scanf (" %c", &c);

		if (c == 'c')
			for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
				printf ("\n");

		else if (c == '1')
			printf ("\nGenerate a new test file and display it. Input its name:\n");
			scanf ("%s", fileName);
			graphGenerator (fileName);
			displayGraph (fin, fileName);

		else if (c == '2')
			printf ("\nGenerate a new test file. Input its name:\n");
			scanf ("%s", fileName);
			graphGenerator (fileName);

		else if (c == '3')
			printf ("\nLoad an existing test file and display it. Input its name:\n");
			scanf ("%s", fileName);
			displayGraph (fin, fileName);

		else if (c == '4')
			printf ("\nLoad an existing test file. Input its name:\n");
			scanf ("%s", fileName);

		else if (c == '5')

			printf ("\nThe key you pressed is not a valid option. Please press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.\n\n");

		if (c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4')
			fin = fopen (fileName, "r");

			if (fin == NULL) 
				perror ("\n\tError opening file\n");
				int nodes;
				double beta;

				printf ("\nDefine the damping factor (best between 0.8 and 0.9): ");
				scanf ("%lf", &beta);

				double **M = loadGraph (fin, nodes);
				M = createMatrix_M (M, nodes, beta);

				double **B = createMatrix_B (nodes, beta);
				M = matrixSum (M, B, nodes);
				deallocMatrix <double> (B, nodes);

				printf("\n Matrix A = M + B \n");
				displayMatrix (M, nodes, nodes);

				powerIteration (M, nodes, beta);

				fclose (fin);

	} while (true);

	return 0;