コード例 #1
int init_pprintf( int my_rank )
    pid = my_rank;

//    pprintf("PID is %d\n", pid);

    return 0;
コード例 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Initialize MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  // Get the communicator and process information
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &np);

  // Print rank and hostname
  MPI_Get_processor_name(my_name, &my_name_len);
  printf("Rank %i is running on %s\n", rank, my_name );

  // Initialize the pretty printer
  init_pprintf( rank );
  pp_set_banner( "main" );
  if( rank==0 )
  pprintf( "Welcome to Conway's Game of Life!\n" );

  // Determine the partitioning
  nrows = np;
  ncols = 1;

  int steps;
  MPI_Status status;
  if( np != nrows * ncols )
    if( rank==0 )
      pprintf("Error: %ix%i partitioning requires %i np (%i provided)\n", 
        nrows, ncols, nrows * ncols, np );
    return 1;
  my_col = 0;
  my_row = rank;

    if( rank==0 )
    pprintf( "An error occured while reading the pgm file\n" );
    return 1;
  int j=0;
    for( int y=1; y<local_height+1; y++ )
      for( int x=1; x<local_width+1; x++ )
        if( field_a[ y * field_width + x ] )
   // pprintf( "%i local buggies\n", i );
    int total_initial;
    MPI_Allreduce( &j, &total_initial, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if( rank==0 )
      pprintf( "%i total initial buggies\n", total_initial );
  // we have field_a and field_b with ghost nodes
  /* set ghost nodes to be DEAD */
      //printf("Rank: %d : : field_width = %d field_height = %d local_width = %d local_height = %d\n",rank,field_width,field_height,local_width,local_height );
     //printf("field_a[%d] = %d\n",7,field_a[12] );
  for(steps = 0; steps<NSTEPS; steps++){
    for( int x=0; x<field_width; x++ )
        field_a[x] = DEAD;
        field_a[(field_height-1) * field_width + x] = DEAD;

      for(int y=0; y<field_height; y++)
        field_a[y * field_width] = DEAD;
      for(int y=0; y<field_height; y++)
        field_a[y * field_width + (field_width - 1) ] = DEAD;

       for( int x=0; x<field_width * field_height; x++ ){
        //printf("Rank: %d field_a[%d] = %d\n",rank,x,field_a[x] );

        if(rank < np-1){
          //printf("inside mpi send\n");
          MPI_Send(&field_a[(field_height-2)*field_width],field_width, MPI_INT, rank+1, 0 ,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if(rank > 0){
          MPI_Send(&field_a[1 * field_width],field_width, MPI_INT, rank-1, 1 ,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if(rank >0){
          //dummy_field_a = (int *)malloc( field_width * sizeof(int));
          MPI_Recv(&field_a[0], field_width, MPI_INT, rank-1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
          //int count = 0;
        if(rank < np-1){
          //dummy_field_a1 = (int *)malloc( field_width * sizeof(int));
          MPI_Recv(&field_a[((field_height-1) * field_width)], field_width, MPI_INT, rank+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
        int x,y;
        for(y=0; y<field_height; y++ )
        for(x=0; x<field_width; x++ )
          //printf("Rank:%d field_a[%d]=%d\t", rank, (y*field_width + x),field_a[y*field_width + x]);

    for( int y=1; y<field_height-1; y++ )
      for( int x=1; x<field_width-1; x++ )
          //int neighbors = 0;
          int ll = y * field_width + x;
          //neighbors[ll] = 0;
          int lx_N = (x);
          int ly_N = (y-1);
          int ll_N = (ly_N * field_width + lx_N );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_N = %d field_a[ll_N] = %d\n",rank,ll_N,field_a[ll_N] );
          int lx_S = (x);
          int ly_S = (y+1);
          int ll_S = (ly_S * field_width + lx_S );
         // printf("Rank : %d ll_S = %d field_a[ll_S] = %d\n",rank,ll_S,field_a[ll_S] );

          int lx_E = (x+1);
          int ly_E = (y);
          int ll_E = (ly_E * field_width + lx_E );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_E = %d field_a[ll_E] = %d\n",rank,ll_E ,field_a[ll_E]);
          int lx_W = (x-1);
          int ly_W = (y);
          int ll_W = (ly_W * field_width + lx_W );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_W = %d field_a[ll_W] = %d\n",rank,ll_W ,field_a[ll_W]);
          int lx_NW = (x-1);
          int ly_NW = (y-1);
          int ll_NW = (ly_NW * field_width + lx_NW );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_NW = %d field_a[ll_NW] = %d\n",rank,ll_NW,field_a[ll_NW] );
          int lx_NE = (x+1);
          int ly_NE = (y-1);
          int ll_NE = (ly_NE * field_width + lx_NE );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_NE = %d field_a[ll_NE] = %d\n",rank,ll_NE ,field_a[ll_NE]);

          int lx_SW = (x-1);
          int ly_SW = (y+1);
          int ll_SW = (ly_SW * field_width + lx_SW );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_SW = %d field_a[ll_SW] = %d\n",rank,ll_SW,field_a[ll_SW] );
          //neighbors[ll] = neighbors[ll] + field_a[ll_SW];

          int lx_SE = (x+1);
          int ly_SE = (y+1);
          int ll_SE = (ly_SE * field_width + lx_SE );
          //printf("Rank : %d ll_SE = %d field_a[ll_SE] = %d\n",rank,ll_SE,field_a[ll_SW] );
          int neighbors = field_a[ll_N] + field_a[ll_S] + field_a[ll_E] + field_a[ll_W] + field_a[ll_NW] + field_a[ll_NE] + field_a[ll_SW] + field_a[ll_SE] ;

          //printf("Rank : %d neighbors = %d of ll %d\n",rank, neighbors ,ll);

          if (field_a[ll] == ALIVE && (neighbors < TWO || neighbors > THREE)){
            field_b[ll]= DEAD;
            //printf("rank %d field_b[%d] = %d\n",rank,ll,field_b[ll] );
          else if(field_a[ll] == ALIVE && (neighbors == TWO || neighbors == THREE)){
            field_b[ll] = ALIVE;
            //printf("rank %d field_b[%d] = %d\n",rank,ll,field_b[ll] );
          else if (field_a[ll] == DEAD && neighbors == THREE){
            field_b[ll] = field_a[ll]+1;
            //printf("rank %d field_b[%d] = %d\n",rank,ll,field_b[ll] );
            field_b[ll] = field_a[ll];
            //printf("rank %d field_b[%d] = %d\n",rank,ll,field_b[ll] );
    for(int p=1; p<field_height-1; p++){
      for(int q=1; q<field_width-1; q++){
        int ll = p*field_width + q;
        field_a[ll] = field_b[ll];

    // Count the life forms. Note that we count from [1,1] - [height+1,width+1];
    // we need to ignore the ghost row!
    int i=0;
    for( int y=1; y<local_height+1; y++ )
      for( int x=1; x<local_width+1; x++ )
        if( field_a[ y * field_width + x ] )
    int *temp_field_a = (int *)malloc( local_width * local_height * sizeof(int));
    int temp = 0;
    for(int j=1; j<local_height+1; j++){
      for(int k=1;k<local_width+1; k++){
        temp_field_a[temp] = field_a[j * field_width + k];
        //printf("Rank : %d temp_field_a[%d] = %d\n",rank,temp,temp_field_a[temp] );
        temp ++;

   // pprintf( "%i local buggies\n", i );
    int total;
    MPI_Allreduce( &i, &total, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if( rank==0 )
      pprintf( "%i total buggies\n", total );

    int height_main = local_height * np;
    int width_main = local_width * 1;
    int *anim = (int *)malloc( width_main * height_main * sizeof(int));
    //printf("height_main = %d and width_main = %d\n",height_main,width_main );

    /**************** writing into .pgm file and create animation *******************/
    MPI_Gather(temp_field_a,local_height*local_width,MPI_INT,anim,local_height*local_width,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //Gather local matrices
    if(rank == 0){
      for(int k=0;k< width_main*height_main; k++){
        //printf("anim[%d] = %d\n",k,anim[k] );
    /********** write into .pgm file *********************/
    if(rank ==0){
    char filename[1000];
    FILE *pgmfile;
    sprintf(filename, "test%d.pbm", steps);
    pgmfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
    if (pgmfile == NULL) {
        perror("cannot open file to write");
    fprintf(pgmfile, "P1 ");
    fprintf(pgmfile, "%d %d ", width_main, height_main);
    fprintf(pgmfile, "%d ", 1);
    for(int y=0;y<height_main;y++)
            for(int x=0;x<width_main;x++)
              fputc(anim[y*width_main +x]+48, pgmfile );   

  // Free the fields
  if( field_a != NULL ) free( field_a );
  if( field_b != NULL ) free( field_b );

  // Finalize MPI and terminate
  if( rank==0 )
    pprintf( "Terminating normally\n" );
  return 0;
コード例 #3
bool readpgm( char *filename )
  // Read a PGM file into the local task
  // Input: char *filename, name of file to read
  // Returns: True if file read successfully, False otherwise
  // Preconditions:
  //  * global variables nrows, ncols, my_row, my_col must be set
  // Side effects:
  //  * sets global variables local_width, local_height to local game size
  //  * sets global variables field_width, field_height to local field size
  //  * allocates global variables field_a and field_b

  pp_set_banner( "pgm:readpgm" );

  // Open the file
  if( rank==0 )
    pprintf( "Opening file %s\n", filename );
  FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
  if( !fp )
    pprintf( "Error: The file '%s' could not be opened.\n", filename );
    return false;

  // Read the PGM header, which looks like this:
  //  |P5        magic version number
  //  |900 900       width height
  //  |255         depth
  //char header[10];
  //int width, height, depth;
  int rv = fscanf( fp, "%6s\n%i %i\n%i\n", header, &width, &height, &depth );
  if( rv != 4 )
      pprintf( "Error: The file '%s' did not have a valid PGM header\n",
        filename );
    return false;
  if( rank==0 )
    pprintf( "%s: %s %i %i %i\n", filename, header, width, height, depth );

  // Make sure the header is valid
  if( strcmp( header, "P5") )
      pprintf( "Error: PGM file is not a valid P5 pixmap.\n" );
    return false;
  if( depth != 255 )
      pprintf( "Error: PGM file has depth=%i, require depth=255 \n",
        depth );
    return false;

  // Make sure that the width and height are divisible by the number of
  // processors in x and y directions

  if( width % ncols )
    if( rank==0 )
      pprintf( "Error: %i pixel width cannot be divided into %i cols\n",
          width, ncols );
    return false;
  if( height % nrows )
    if( rank==0 )
      pprintf( "Error: %i pixel height cannot be divided into %i rows\n",
          height, nrows );
    return false;

  // Divide the total image among the local processors
  local_width = width / ncols;
  local_height = height / nrows;

  // Find out where my starting range it
  int start_x = local_width * my_col;
  int start_y = local_height * my_row;

  pprintf( "Hosting data for x:%03i-%03i y:%03i-%03i\n",
      start_x, start_x + local_width,
      start_y, start_y + local_height );

  // Create the array!
  field_width = local_width + 2;
  field_height = local_height + 2;
  field_a = (int *)malloc( field_width * field_height * sizeof(int));
  field_b = (int *)malloc( field_width * field_height * sizeof(int));

  // Read the data from the file. Save the local data to the local array.
  int b, ll, lx, ly;
  for( int y=0; y<height; y++ )
    for( int x=0; x<width; x++ )
      // Read the next character
      b = fgetc( fp );
      if( b == EOF )
        pprintf( "Error: Encountered EoF at [%i,%i]\n", y,x );
        return false;

      // From the PGM, black cells (b=0) are bugs, all other
      // cells are background
      if( b==0 )
      // If the character is local, then save it!
      if( x >= start_x && x < start_x + local_width &&
        y >= start_y && y < start_y + local_height )
        // Calculate the local pixels (+1 for ghost row,col)
        lx = x - start_x + 1;
        ly = y - start_y + 1;
        ll = (ly * field_width + lx );
        field_a[ ll ] = b;
        field_b[ ll ] = b;
      } // save local point

    } // for x
  } // for y

  fclose( fp );
  return true;