/* The exec core used right after the fork. This will never return. */ static void do_exec (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[], int fd_in, int fd_out, int fd_err, void (*preexec)(void) ) { char **arg_list; int i, j; int fds[3]; fds[0] = fd_in; fds[1] = fd_out; fds[2] = fd_err; /* Create the command line argument array. */ i = 0; if (argv) while (argv[i]) i++; arg_list = xcalloc (i+2, sizeof *arg_list); arg_list[0] = strrchr (pgmname, '/'); if (arg_list[0]) arg_list[0]++; else arg_list[0] = xstrdup (pgmname); if (argv) for (i=0,j=1; argv[i]; i++, j++) arg_list[j] = (char*)argv[i]; /* Assign /dev/null to unused FDs. */ for (i=0; i <= 2; i++) { if (fds[i] == -1 ) { fds[i] = open ("/dev/null", i? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY); if (fds[i] == -1) log_fatal ("failed to open '%s': %s\n", "/dev/null", strerror (errno)); } } /* Connect the standard files. */ for (i=0; i <= 2; i++) { if (fds[i] != i && dup2 (fds[i], i) == -1) log_fatal ("dup2 std%s failed: %s\n", i==0?"in":i==1?"out":"err", strerror (errno)); } /* Close all other files. */ close_all_fds (3, NULL); if (preexec) preexec (); execv (pgmname, arg_list); /* No way to print anything, as we have closed all streams. */ _exit (127); }
int do_exec(char *path, char **argv, char **env, int shebanged /* oh my */) { unsigned int i=0; addr_t end, eip; unsigned int argc=0, envc=0; char **backup_argv=0, **backup_env=0; /* Sanity */ if(!path || !*path) return -EINVAL; /* Load the file, and make sure that it is valid and accessible */ if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Checking executable file (%s)\n", current_process->pid, path); struct file *efil; int err_open; efil = fs_file_open(path, _FREAD, 0, &err_open); if(!efil) return err_open; /* are we allowed to execute it? */ if(!vfs_inode_check_permissions(efil->inode, MAY_EXEC, 0)) { file_put(efil); return -EACCES; } /* is it a valid elf? */ int header_size = 0; #if CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86_64 header_size = sizeof(elf64_header_t); #elif CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86 header_size = sizeof(elf32_header_t); #endif /* read in the ELF header, and check if it's a shebang */ if(header_size < 2) header_size = 2; unsigned char mem[header_size]; fs_file_pread(efil, 0, mem, header_size); if(__is_shebang(mem)) return loader_do_shebang(efil, argv, env); int other_bitsize=0; if(!is_valid_elf(mem, 2) && !other_bitsize) { file_put(efil); return -ENOEXEC; } if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Copy data\n", current_process->pid); /* okay, lets back up argv and env so that we can * clear out the address space and not lose data... * If this call if coming from a shebang, then we don't check the pointers, * since they won't be from userspace */ size_t total_args_len = 0; if((shebanged || mm_is_valid_user_pointer(SYS_EXECVE, argv, 0)) && argv) { while((shebanged || mm_is_valid_user_pointer(SYS_EXECVE, argv[argc], 0)) && argv[argc] && *argv[argc]) argc++; backup_argv = (char **)kmalloc(sizeof(addr_t) * argc); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { backup_argv[i] = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 1); _strcpy(backup_argv[i], argv[i]); total_args_len += strlen(argv[i])+1 + sizeof(char *); } } if((shebanged || mm_is_valid_user_pointer(SYS_EXECVE, env, 0)) && env) { while((shebanged || mm_is_valid_user_pointer(SYS_EXECVE, env[envc], 0)) && env[envc] && *env[envc]) envc++; backup_env = (char **)kmalloc(sizeof(addr_t) * envc); for(i=0;i<envc;i++) { backup_env[i] = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(env[i]) + 1); _strcpy(backup_env[i], env[i]); total_args_len += strlen(env[i])+1 + sizeof(char *); } } total_args_len += 2 * sizeof(char *); /* and the path too! */ char *path_backup = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(path) + 1); _strcpy((char *)path_backup, path); path = path_backup; /* Preexec - This is the point of no return. Here we close out unneeded * file descs, free up the page directory and clear up the resources * of the task */ if(EXEC_LOG) printk(0, "Executing (p%dt%d, cpu %d, tty %d): %s\n", current_process->pid, current_thread->tid, current_thread->cpu->knum, current_process->pty ? current_process->pty->num : 0, path); preexec(); /* load in the new image */ strncpy((char *)current_process->command, path, 128); if(!loader_parse_elf_executable(mem, efil, &eip, &end)) eip=0; /* do setuid and setgid */ if(efil->inode->mode & S_ISUID) { current_process->effective_uid = efil->inode->uid; } if(efil->inode->mode & S_ISGID) { current_process->effective_gid = efil->inode->gid; } /* we don't need the file anymore, close it out */ file_put(efil); file_close_cloexec(); if(!eip) { printk(5, "[exec]: Tried to execute an invalid ELF file!\n"); free_dp(backup_argv, argc); free_dp(backup_env, envc); kfree(path); tm_thread_exit(0); } if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Updating task values\n", current_process->pid); /* Setup the task with the proper values (libc malloc stack) */ addr_t end_l = end; end = ((end-1)&PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE; total_args_len += PAGE_SIZE; /* now we need to copy back the args and env into userspace * writeable memory...yippie. */ addr_t args_start = end + PAGE_SIZE; addr_t env_start = args_start; addr_t alen = 0; mm_mmap(end, total_args_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0, 0); if(backup_argv) { memcpy((void *)args_start, backup_argv, sizeof(addr_t) * argc); alen += sizeof(addr_t) * argc; *(addr_t *)(args_start + alen) = 0; /* set last argument value to zero */ alen += sizeof(addr_t); argv = (char **)args_start; for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { char *old = argv[i]; char *new = (char *)(args_start+alen); unsigned len = strlen(old) + 4; argv[i] = new; _strcpy(new, old); kfree(old); alen += len; } kfree(backup_argv); } env_start = args_start + alen; alen = 0; if(backup_env) { memcpy((void *)env_start, backup_env, sizeof(addr_t) * envc); alen += sizeof(addr_t) * envc; *(addr_t *)(env_start + alen) = 0; /* set last argument value to zero */ alen += sizeof(addr_t); env = (char **)env_start; for(i=0;i<envc;i++) { char *old = env[i]; char *new = (char *)(env_start+alen); unsigned len = strlen(old) + 1; env[i] = new; _strcpy(new, old); kfree(old); alen += len; } kfree(backup_env); } end = (env_start + alen) & PAGE_MASK; current_process->env = env; current_process->argv = argv; kfree(path); /* set the heap locations, and map in the start */ current_process->heap_start = current_process->heap_end = end + PAGE_SIZE*2; addr_t ret = mm_mmap(end + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0, 0); /* now, we just need to deal with the syscall return stuff. When the syscall * returns, it'll just jump into the entry point of the new process */ tm_thread_lower_flag(current_thread, THREAD_SCHEDULE); /* the kernel cares if it has executed something or not */ if(!(kernel_state_flags & KSF_HAVEEXECED)) set_ksf(KSF_HAVEEXECED); arch_loader_exec_initializer(argc, eip); if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Performing call\n", current_process->pid); return 0; }
int do_exec(task_t *t, char *path, char **argv, char **env) { unsigned int i=0; addr_t end, eip; unsigned int argc=0, envc=0; int desc; char **backup_argv=0, **backup_env=0; /* Sanity */ if(!t) panic(PANIC_NOSYNC, "Tried to execute with empty task"); if(t == kernel_task) panic(0, "Kernel is being executed at the gallows!"); if(t != current_task) panic(0, "I don't know, was really drunk at the time"); if(t->magic != TASK_MAGIC) panic(0, "Invalid task in exec (%d)", t->pid); if(!path || !*path) return -EINVAL; /* Load the file, and make sure that it is valid and accessable */ if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Checking executable file (%s)\n", t->pid, path); struct file *efil; int err_open, num; efil=d_sys_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0, &err_open, &num); if(efil) desc = num; else desc = err_open; if(desc < 0 || !efil) return -ENOENT; if(!permissions(efil->inode, MAY_EXEC)) { sys_close(desc); return -EACCES; } /* Detirmine if the file is a valid ELF */ int header_size = 0; #if CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86_64 header_size = sizeof(elf64_header_t); #elif CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86 header_size = sizeof(elf32_header_t); #endif char mem[header_size]; read_data(desc, mem, 0, header_size); int other_bitsize=0; #if CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86_64 if(is_valid_elf32_otherarch(mem, 2)) other_bitsize = 1; #endif if(!is_valid_elf(mem, 2) && !other_bitsize) { sys_close(desc); return -ENOEXEC; } if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Copy data\n", t->pid); /* okay, lets back up argv and env so that we can * clear out the address space and not lose data..*/ if(__is_valid_user_ptr(SYS_EXECVE, argv, 0)) { while(__is_valid_user_ptr(SYS_EXECVE, argv[argc], 0) && *argv[argc]) argc++; backup_argv = (char **)kmalloc(sizeof(addr_t) * argc); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { backup_argv[i] = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 1); _strcpy(backup_argv[i], argv[i]); } } if(__is_valid_user_ptr(SYS_EXECVE, env, 0)) { while(__is_valid_user_ptr(SYS_EXECVE, env[envc], 0) && *env[envc]) envc++; backup_env = (char **)kmalloc(sizeof(addr_t) * envc); for(i=0;i<envc;i++) { backup_env[i] = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(env[i]) + 1); _strcpy(backup_env[i], env[i]); } } /* and the path too! */ char *path_backup = (char *)kmalloc(strlen(path) + 1); _strcpy((char *)path_backup, path); path = path_backup; if(pd_cur_data->count > 1) printk(0, "[exec]: Not sure what to do here...\n"); /* Preexec - This is the point of no return. Here we close out unneeded * file descs, free up the page directory and clear up the resources * of the task */ if(EXEC_LOG) printk(0, "Executing (task %d, cpu %d, tty %d, cwd=%s): %s\n", t->pid, ((cpu_t *)t->cpu)->apicid, t->tty, current_task->thread->pwd->name, path); preexec(t, desc); strncpy((char *)t->command, path, 128); if(other_bitsize) { #if CONFIG_ARCH == TYPE_ARCH_X86_64 if(!process_elf_other(mem, desc, &eip, &end)) eip=0; #endif } else if(!process_elf(mem, desc, &eip, &end)) eip=0; sys_close(desc); if(!eip) { printk(5, "[exec]: Tried to execute an invalid ELF file!\n"); free_dp(backup_argv, argc); free_dp(backup_env, envc); #if DEBUG panic(0, ""); #endif exit(0); } if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Updating task values\n", t->pid); /* Setup the task with the proper values (libc malloc stack) */ addr_t end_l = end; end = (end&PAGE_MASK); user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear(end); /* now we need to copy back the args and env into userspace * writeable memory...yippie. */ addr_t args_start = end + PAGE_SIZE; addr_t env_start = args_start; addr_t alen = 0; if(backup_argv) { for(i=0;i<(sizeof(addr_t) * (argc+1))/PAGE_SIZE + 2;i++) user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear(args_start + i * PAGE_SIZE); memcpy((void *)args_start, backup_argv, sizeof(addr_t) * argc); alen += sizeof(addr_t) * argc; *(addr_t *)(args_start + alen) = 0; /* set last argument value to zero */ alen += sizeof(addr_t); argv = (char **)args_start; for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { char *old = argv[i]; char *new = (char *)(args_start+alen); user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear((addr_t)new); unsigned len = strlen(old) + 4; user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear((addr_t)new + len + 1); argv[i] = new; _strcpy(new, old); kfree(old); alen += len; } kfree(backup_argv); } env_start = args_start + alen; alen = 0; if(backup_env) { for(i=0;i<(((sizeof(addr_t) * (envc+1))/PAGE_SIZE) + 2);i++) user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear(env_start + i * PAGE_SIZE); memcpy((void *)env_start, backup_env, sizeof(addr_t) * envc); alen += sizeof(addr_t) * envc; *(addr_t *)(env_start + alen) = 0; /* set last argument value to zero */ alen += sizeof(addr_t); env = (char **)env_start; for(i=0;i<envc;i++) { char *old = env[i]; char *new = (char *)(env_start+alen); user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear((addr_t)new); unsigned len = strlen(old) + 1; user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear((addr_t)new + len + 1); env[i] = new; _strcpy(new, old); kfree(old); alen += len; } kfree(backup_env); } end = (env_start + alen) & PAGE_MASK; t->env = env; t->argv = argv; kfree(path); t->heap_start = t->heap_end = end + PAGE_SIZE; if(other_bitsize) raise_task_flag(t, TF_OTHERBS); user_map_if_not_mapped_noclear(t->heap_start); /* Zero the heap and stack */ memset((void *)end_l, 0, PAGE_SIZE-(end_l%PAGE_SIZE)); memset((void *)(end+PAGE_SIZE), 0, PAGE_SIZE); memset((void *)(STACK_LOCATION - STACK_SIZE), 0, STACK_SIZE); /* Release everything */ if(EXEC_LOG == 2) printk(0, "[%d]: Performing call\n", t->pid); set_int(0); lower_task_flag(t, TF_SCHED); if(!(kernel_state_flags & KSF_HAVEEXECED)) set_ksf(KSF_HAVEEXECED); arch_specific_exec_initializer(t, argc, eip); return 0; }