コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: igrocki/opencl_examples
int main() {
    std::ifstream input_file("../input.txt");
    unsigned N;
    input_file >> N;
    std::vector<float> input(N);
    std::vector<float> output(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        input_file >> input[i];
    try {
        cl_environment cl_env = cl_environment("../inclusive_scan.cpp");

        output = prefix_sum(input, cl_env, 256);

        std::ofstream output_file("../output.txt");

        for (int j = 0; j < output.size(); ++j) {
            output_file << output[j] << " ";
    catch (const cl::Error& e)
        std::cout << e.what() << " " << e.err() <<  std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: prefix_sum.c プロジェクト: AnotherHermit/TDDD56
main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Declarations
  struct array * array;

  // Load input data from file
  array = array_read(argv[1]);

  // Compute and output result
  printf("Computing summation... %i\n", prefix_sum(array));

  // Free memory out

  // Everything went well
  return 0;
コード例 #3
    bool run ()
      bool passed = true;

      /* create vector with random numbers */
      const size_t N = 100;
      std::vector<size_t> array(N);
      std::vector<atomic<size_t>> prefix_sum(N);
      for (size_t j=0; j<N; j++)
	array[j] = rand() % 10;
      /* dry run only counts */
      ParallelPrefixSumState<size_t> state;
      size_t S0 = parallel_prefix_sum( state, size_t(0), size_t(N), size_t(1024), size_t(0), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const size_t sum)  -> size_t
        size_t s = 0;
	for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
          s += array[i];
        return s;
      }, [](size_t v0, size_t v1) { return v0+v1; });
      /* final run calculates prefix sum */
      size_t S1 = parallel_prefix_sum( state, size_t(0), size_t(N), size_t(1024), size_t(0), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const size_t sum) -> size_t
        size_t s = 0;
	for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
          s += array[i];
        return s;
      }, [](size_t v0, size_t v1) { return v0+v1; });

      /* check calculated prefix sum */
      size_t sum=0;
      for (size_t i=0; i<N; sum+=array[i++]) {
        passed &= (prefix_sum[i] == sum);

      passed &= (S0 == sum);
      passed &= (S1 == sum);

      return passed;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bin.c プロジェクト: Shtkddud123/New
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc != 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bin numbers_per_proc\n");

  // Get the amount of random numbers to create per process
  int numbers_per_proc = atoi(argv[1]);


  int world_rank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
  int world_size;
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

  // Seed the random number generator to get different results each time
  srand(time(NULL) * world_rank);

  // Create the random numbers on this process. Note that all numbers
  // will be between 0 and 1
  float *rand_nums = create_random_numbers(numbers_per_proc);

  // Given the array of random numbers, determine how many will be sent
  // to each process (based on the which process owns the number).
  // The return value from this function is an array of counts
  // for each rank in the communicator.
  // The count represents how many numbers each process will receive
  // when they are binned from this process.
  int *send_amounts_per_proc = get_send_amounts_per_proc(rand_nums,

  // Determine how many numbers you will receive from each process. This
  // information is needed to set up the binning call.
  int *recv_amounts_per_proc = get_recv_amounts_per_proc(send_amounts_per_proc,

  // Do a prefix sum for the send/recv amounts to get the send/recv offsets for
  // the MPI_Alltoallv call (the binning call).
  int *send_offsets_per_proc = prefix_sum(send_amounts_per_proc, world_size);
  int *recv_offsets_per_proc = prefix_sum(recv_amounts_per_proc, world_size);

  // Allocate an array to hold the binned numbers for this process based on the total
  // amount of numbers this process will receive from others.
  int total_recv_amount = sum(recv_amounts_per_proc, world_size);
  float *binned_nums = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * total_recv_amount);

  // The final step before binning - arrange all of the random numbers so that they
  // are ordered by bin. For simplicity, we are simply going to sort the random
  // numbers, however, this could be optimized since the numbers don't need to be
  // fully sorted.
  qsort(rand_nums, numbers_per_proc, sizeof(float), &compare_float);

  // Perform the binning step with MPI_Alltoallv. This will send all of the numbers in
  // the rand_nums array to their proper bin. Each process will only contain numbers
  // belonging to its bin after this step. For example, if there are 4 processes, process
  // 0 will contain numbers in the [0, .25) range.
  MPI_Alltoallv(rand_nums, send_amounts_per_proc, send_offsets_per_proc, MPI_FLOAT,
                binned_nums, recv_amounts_per_proc, recv_offsets_per_proc, MPI_FLOAT,

  // Print results
  printf("Process %d received %d numbers in bin [%f - %f)\n", world_rank, total_recv_amount,
         get_bin_start(world_rank, world_size), get_bin_end(world_rank, world_size));

  // Check that the bin numbers are correct
  verify_bin_nums(binned_nums, total_recv_amount, world_rank, world_size);


  // Clean up
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestRadixTree.cpp プロジェクト: Mrdini/XCSoar
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  TCHAR buffer[64], *suggest;

  RadixTree<int> irt;
  irt.add(_T("foo"), 42);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 42);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("")) == 42);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 42);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 42);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 42);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foobar")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("foa"), 0);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 42);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("xyz"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest == NULL);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T(""), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("f")) == 0);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("f"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("o")) == 0);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("foo"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("bar"), 1);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 43);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("")) == 43);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 42);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T(""), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("bf")) == 0);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("ba"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("r")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("foo"), 2);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 45);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("")) == 45);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 44);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 44);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 44);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foobar")) == 0);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("foo"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("baz"), 3);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 48);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("b")) == 4);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("ba")) == 4);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("bar")) == 1);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("baz")) == 3);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T(""), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("bf")) == 0);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("ba"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("rz")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("foobar"), 4);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 52);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 48);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 48);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 48);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foobar")) == 4);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("foo"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("b")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("fo"), 5);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 57);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 53);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 53);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 48);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foobar")) == 4);

  irt.add(_T("fooz"), 6);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 63);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 59);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 59);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 54);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("foo"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("bz")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("fooy"), 7);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 70);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("f")) == 66);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("fo")) == 66);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 61);

  suggest = irt.suggest(_T("foo"), buffer, 64);
  ok1(suggest != NULL);
  ok1(_tcscmp(suggest, _T("byz")) == 0);

  irt.add(_T("foo"), 8);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 78);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 69);

  irt.remove(_T("foo"), 42);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 36);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 27);

  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 26);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("")) == 26);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 17);

  irt.add(_T(""), 9);
  ok1(all_sum(irt) == 35);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("")) == 35);
  ok1(prefix_sum(irt, _T("foo")) == 17);


  return exit_status();