コード例 #1
void Graph::dumpCodeOrigin(const char* prefix, NodeIndex prevNodeIndex, NodeIndex nodeIndex)
    if (prevNodeIndex == NoNode)
    Node& currentNode = at(nodeIndex);
    Node& previousNode = at(prevNodeIndex);
    if (previousNode.codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame == currentNode.codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame)
    Vector<CodeOrigin> previousInlineStack = previousNode.codeOrigin.inlineStack();
    Vector<CodeOrigin> currentInlineStack = currentNode.codeOrigin.inlineStack();
    unsigned commonSize = std::min(previousInlineStack.size(), currentInlineStack.size());
    unsigned indexOfDivergence = commonSize;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < commonSize; ++i) {
        if (previousInlineStack[i].inlineCallFrame != currentInlineStack[i].inlineCallFrame) {
            indexOfDivergence = i;
    // Print the pops.
    for (unsigned i = previousInlineStack.size(); i-- > indexOfDivergence;) {
        dataLog("%s", prefix);
        printWhiteSpace(i * 2);
        dataLog("<-- %p\n", previousInlineStack[i].inlineCallFrame->executable.get());
    // Print the pushes.
    for (unsigned i = indexOfDivergence; i < currentInlineStack.size(); ++i) {
        dataLog("%s", prefix);
        printWhiteSpace(i * 2);
        dataLog("--> %p\n", currentInlineStack[i].inlineCallFrame->executable.get());
コード例 #2
ファイル: tp5.c プロジェクト: yuxinvalo/algoD5
void print_int_array(FILE* out, const int* tab, unsigned count)
        unsigned int max_width = ints_width(tab, count);
        // unsigned int leadingIndex = 0;
        unsigned int numOfIntsInTheRow;
        unsigned int indexWidth = int_width(count - 1);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count;)
                numOfIntsInTheRow = (MtabX_COLUMN - int_width(count - 1) - 2) / (max_width + 1);
                printWhiteSpace(out, indexWidth - int_width(i));
                fprintf(out, "[");
                fprintf(out, "%d", i);
                fprintf(out, "]");
                for (unsigned int j = i; j < i + numOfIntsInTheRow && j < count; ++j)
                        fprintf(out, " ");
                        printOneInt(out, tab[j], int_width(tab[j]), max_width);
                fprintf(out, "\n");
                i += numOfIntsInTheRow;
コード例 #3
void Graph::printNodeWhiteSpace(Node& node)
コード例 #4
ファイル: tp5.c プロジェクト: yuxinvalo/algoD5
void printOneInt(FILE*out, const int num, const unsigned int int_width, const unsigned int max_width)
        printWhiteSpace(out, max_width - int_width);
        fprintf(out, "%d", num);
コード例 #5
ファイル: DFGGraph.cpp プロジェクト: sohocoke/webkit
void Graph::dump(NodeIndex nodeIndex, CodeBlock* codeBlock)
    Node& node = at(nodeIndex);
    NodeType op = node.op;

    unsigned refCount = node.refCount();
    bool skipped = !refCount;
    bool mustGenerate = node.mustGenerate();
    if (mustGenerate) {
    printWhiteSpace((node.codeOrigin.inlineDepth() - 1) * 2);

    // Example/explanation of dataflow dump output
    //   14:   <!2:7>  GetByVal(@3, @13)
    //   ^1     ^2 ^3     ^4       ^5
    // (1) The nodeIndex of this operation.
    // (2) The reference count. The number printed is the 'real' count,
    //     not including the 'mustGenerate' ref. If the node is
    //     'mustGenerate' then the count it prefixed with '!'.
    // (3) The virtual register slot assigned to this node.
    // (4) The name of the operation.
    // (5) The arguments to the operation. The may be of the form:
    //         @#   - a NodeIndex referencing a prior node in the graph.
    //         arg# - an argument number.
    //         $#   - the index in the CodeBlock of a constant { for numeric constants the value is displayed | for integers, in both decimal and hex }.
    //         id#  - the index in the CodeBlock of an identifier { if codeBlock is passed to dump(), the string representation is displayed }.
    //         var# - the index of a var on the global object, used by GetGlobalVar/PutGlobalVar operations.
    printf("% 4d:%s<%c%u:", (int)nodeIndex, skipped ? "  skipped  " : "           ", mustGenerate ? '!' : ' ', refCount);
    if (node.hasResult() && !skipped && node.hasVirtualRegister())
        printf("%u", node.virtualRegister());
    printf(">\t%s(", opName(op));
    bool hasPrinted = false;
    if (op & NodeHasVarArgs) {
        for (unsigned childIdx = node.firstChild(); childIdx < node.firstChild() + node.numChildren(); childIdx++) {
            if (hasPrinted)
                printf(", ");
                hasPrinted = true;
            printf("@%u", m_varArgChildren[childIdx].index());
    } else {
        if (!!node.child1())
            printf("@%u", node.child1().index());
        if (!!node.child2())
            printf(", @%u", node.child2().index());
        if (!!node.child3())
            printf(", @%u", node.child3().index());
        hasPrinted = !!node.child1();

    if (node.hasArithNodeFlags()) {
        printf("%s%s", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", arithNodeFlagsAsString(node.rawArithNodeFlags()));
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasVarNumber()) {
        printf("%svar%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.varNumber());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasIdentifier()) {
        if (codeBlock)
            printf("%sid%u{%s}", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.identifierNumber(), codeBlock->identifier(node.identifierNumber()).ustring().utf8().data());
            printf("%sid%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.identifierNumber());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasStructureSet()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < node.structureSet().size(); ++i) {
            printf("%sstruct(%p)", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.structureSet()[i]);
            hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasStructureTransitionData()) {
        printf("%sstruct(%p -> %p)", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.structureTransitionData().previousStructure, node.structureTransitionData().newStructure);
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasStorageAccessData()) {
        StorageAccessData& storageAccessData = m_storageAccessData[node.storageAccessDataIndex()];
        if (codeBlock)
            printf("%sid%u{%s}", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", storageAccessData.identifierNumber, codeBlock->identifier(storageAccessData.identifierNumber).ustring().utf8().data());
            printf("%sid%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", storageAccessData.identifierNumber);
        printf(", %lu", static_cast<unsigned long>(storageAccessData.offset));
        hasPrinted = true;
    ASSERT(node.hasVariableAccessData() == node.hasLocal());
    if (node.hasVariableAccessData()) {
        VariableAccessData* variableAccessData = node.variableAccessData();
        int operand = variableAccessData->operand();
        if (operandIsArgument(operand))
            printf("%sarg%u(%s)", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", operandToArgument(operand), nameOfVariableAccessData(variableAccessData));
            printf("%sr%u(%s)", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", operand, nameOfVariableAccessData(variableAccessData));
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (node.hasConstantBuffer() && codeBlock) {
        if (hasPrinted)
            printf(", ");
        printf("%u:[", node.startConstant());
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.numConstants(); ++i) {
            if (i)
                printf(", ");
            printf("%s", codeBlock->constantBuffer(node.startConstant())[i].description());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (op == JSConstant) {
        printf("%s$%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.constantNumber());
        if (codeBlock) {
            JSValue value = valueOfJSConstant(codeBlock, nodeIndex);
            printf(" = %s", value.description());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if (op == WeakJSConstant) {
        printf("%s%p", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.weakConstant());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if  (node.isBranch() || node.isJump()) {
        printf("%sT:#%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.takenBlockIndex());
        hasPrinted = true;
    if  (node.isBranch()) {
        printf("%sF:#%u", hasPrinted ? ", " : "", node.notTakenBlockIndex());
        hasPrinted = true;

    if (!skipped) {
        if (node.hasVariableAccessData())
            printf("  predicting %s, double ratio %lf%s", predictionToString(node.variableAccessData()->prediction()), node.variableAccessData()->doubleVoteRatio(), node.variableAccessData()->shouldUseDoubleFormat() ? ", forcing double" : "");
        else if (node.hasHeapPrediction())
            printf("  predicting %s", predictionToString(node.getHeapPrediction()));
        else if (node.hasVarNumber())
            printf("  predicting %s", predictionToString(getGlobalVarPrediction(node.varNumber())));