コード例 #1
ファイル: imx8qm_mek.c プロジェクト: RobertCNelson/u-boot
int checkboard(void)
	puts("Board: iMX8QM MEK\n");


	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: gapry/AOS
static void _sos_init(seL4_CPtr* ipc_ep, seL4_CPtr* async_ep){
    seL4_Word dma_addr;
    seL4_Word low, high;
    int err;

    /* Retrieve boot info from seL4 */
    _boot_info = seL4_GetBootInfo();
    conditional_panic(!_boot_info, "Failed to retrieve boot info\n");
    if(verbose > 0){

    /* Initialise the untyped sub system and reserve memory for DMA */
    err = ut_table_init(_boot_info);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise Untyped Table\n");
    /* DMA uses a large amount of memory that will never be freed */
    dma_addr = ut_steal_mem(DMA_SIZE_BITS);
    conditional_panic(dma_addr == 0, "Failed to reserve DMA memory\n");

    /* find available memory */
    ut_find_memory(&low, &high);

    /* Initialise the untyped memory allocator */
    ut_allocator_init(low, high);

    /* Initialise the cspace manager */
    err = cspace_root_task_bootstrap(ut_alloc, ut_free, ut_translate,
                                     malloc, free);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise the c space\n");

    /* Initialise DMA memory */
    err = dma_init(dma_addr, DMA_SIZE_BITS);
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to intiialise DMA memory\n");

    /* Initialise IPC */
    _sos_ipc_init(ipc_ep, async_ep);

    /* Initialise frame table */
    err = frame_init();
    conditional_panic(err, "Failed to initialise frame table\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: gapry/sel4-tutorials
int main(void)
    int error;

    /* give us a name: useful for debugging if the thread faults */
    name_thread(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB, "hello-2");

    /* get boot info */
    info = seL4_GetBootInfo();

    /* print out bootinfo */

    /* get our cspace root cnode */
    seL4_CPtr cspace_cap;
    //cspace_cap = simple_get_cnode(&simple);
    cspace_cap = seL4_CapInitThreadCNode;

    /* get our vspace root page diretory */
    seL4_CPtr pd_cap;
    pd_cap = seL4_CapInitThreadPD;

    seL4_CPtr tcb_cap;
    /* TODO 1: Set tcb_cap to a free cap slot index.
     * hint: The bootinfo struct contains a range of free cap slot indices.

    seL4_CPtr untyped;
    /* TODO 2: Obtain a cap to an untyped which is large enough to contain a tcb.
     * hint 1: determine the size of a tcb object.
     *         (look in libs/libsel4/arch_include/x86/sel4/arch/types.h)
     * hint 2: an array of untyped caps, and a corresponding array of untyped sizes
     *         can be found in the bootinfo struct

    /* TODO 3: Retype the untyped into a tcb, storing a cap in tcb_cap
     * hint 1: int seL4_Untyped_Retype(seL4_Untyped service, int type, int size_bits, seL4_CNode root, int node_index, int node_depth, int node_offset, int num_objects)
     * hint 2: use a depth of 32
     * hint 3: use cspace_cap for the root cnode AND the cnode_index
     *         (bonus question: What property of the calling thread's cspace must hold for this to be ok?)

    /* initialise the new TCB */
    error = seL4_TCB_Configure(tcb_cap, seL4_CapNull, seL4_MaxPrio,
        cspace_cap, seL4_NilData, pd_cap, seL4_NilData, 0, 0);
    assert(error == 0);

    /* give the new thread a name */
    name_thread(tcb_cap, "hello-2: thread_2");

    uintptr_t thread_2_stack_top = (uintptr_t)thread_2_stack + sizeof(thread_2_stack);
    assert(thread_2_stack_top % (sizeof(seL4_Word) * 2) == 0);
    seL4_UserContext regs;
    /* TODO 4: Set up regs to contain the desired stack pointer and instruction pointer
     * hint 1: libsel4/arch_include/x86/sel4/arch/types.h:
     *  ...
        typedef struct seL4_UserContext_ {
            seL4_Word eip, esp, eflags, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp;
            seL4_Word tls_base, fs, gs;
        } seL4_UserContext;


    /* TODO 5: Write the registers in regs to the new thread
     * hint 1: int seL4_TCB_WriteRegisters(seL4_TCB service, seL4_Bool resume_target, seL4_Uint8 arch_flags, seL4_Word count, seL4_UserContext *regs);
     * hint 2: the value of arch_flags is ignored on x86 and arm

    /* start the new thread running */
    error = seL4_TCB_Resume(tcb_cap);
    assert(error == 0);

    /* we are done, say hello */
    printf("main: hello world\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: gapry/sel4-tutorials
int main(void)
    int error;

    /* give us a name: useful for debugging if the thread faults */
    name_thread(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB, "hello-3");

    /* get boot info */
    info = seL4_GetBootInfo();

    /* print out bootinfo */

    /* get our cspace root cnode */
    seL4_CPtr cspace_cap;
    cspace_cap = seL4_CapInitThreadCNode;

    /* get our vspace root page directory */
    seL4_CPtr pd_cap;
    pd_cap = seL4_CapInitThreadPD;

    /* TODO 1: Find free cap slots for the caps to the:
     *  - tcb
     *  - ipc frame
     *  - endpoint
     *  - badged endpoint
     *  - page table
     * hint: The bootinfo struct contains a range of free cap slot indices.

    /* decide on slots to use based on what is free */
    seL4_CPtr tcb_cap = ???;
    seL4_CPtr ipc_frame_cap = ???;
    ep_cap = ???;
    badged_ep_cap = ???;
    seL4_CPtr page_table_cap = ???;

    /* get an untyped to retype into all the objects we will need */
    seL4_CPtr untyped;

    /* TODO 2: Obtain a cap to an untyped which is large enough to contain:
     *  - tcb
     *  - ipc frame
     *  - endpoint
     *  - badged endpoint
     *  - page table
     * hint 1: determine the size of each object
     *         (look in libs/libsel4/arch_include/x86/sel4/arch/types.h)
     * hint 2: an array of untyped caps, and a corresponding array of untyped sizes
     *         can be found in the bootinfo struct
     * hint 3: a single untyped cap can be retyped multiple times. Each time, an appropriately sized chunk
     *         of the object is "chipped off". For simplicity, find a cap to an untyped which is large enough
     *         to contain all required objects.

    /* TODO 3: Using the untyped, create the required objects, storing their caps in the roottask's root cnode.
     * hint 1: int seL4_Untyped_Retype(seL4_Untyped service, int type, int size_bits, seL4_CNode root, int node_index, int node_depth, int node_offset, int num_objects)
     * hint 2: use a depth of 32
     * hint 3: use cspace_cap for the root cnode AND the cnode_index

     * map the frame into the vspace at ipc_buffer_vaddr.
     * To do this we first try to map it in to the root page directory.
     * If there is already a page table mapped in the appropriate slot in the
     * page diretory where we can insert this frame, then this will succeed.
     * Otherwise we first need to create a page table, and map it in to
     * the page`directory, before we can map the frame in.
    seL4_Word ipc_buffer_vaddr;
    ipc_buffer_vaddr = IPCBUF_VADDR;
    error = seL4_IA32_Page_Map(ipc_frame_cap, pd_cap, ipc_buffer_vaddr,
                               seL4_AllRights, seL4_IA32_Default_VMAttributes);
    if (error != 0) {

        /* TODO 4: Retype the untyped into page table (if this was done in TODO 3, ignore this). */

        error = seL4_IA32_PageTable_Map(page_table_cap, pd_cap,
                                        ipc_buffer_vaddr, seL4_IA32_Default_VMAttributes);
        assert(error == 0);

        /* then map the frame in */
        error = seL4_IA32_Page_Map(ipc_frame_cap, pd_cap,
                                   ipc_buffer_vaddr, seL4_AllRights, seL4_IA32_Default_VMAttributes);
        assert(error == 0);

    /* set the IPC buffer's virtual address in a field of the IPC buffer */
    seL4_IPCBuffer *ipcbuf = (seL4_IPCBuffer*)ipc_buffer_vaddr;
    ipcbuf->userData = ipc_buffer_vaddr;

    /* TODO 5: Mint a copy of the endpoint cap into our cspace, using the badge EP_BADGE
     * hint: int seL4_CNode_Mint(seL4_CNode service, seL4_Word dest_index, seL4_Uint8 dest_depth, seL4_CNode src_root, seL4_Word src_index, seL4_Uint8 src_depth, seL4_CapRights rights, seL4_CapData_t badge);

    /* initialise the new TCB */
    error = seL4_TCB_Configure(tcb_cap, seL4_CapNull, seL4_MaxPrio,
                               cspace_cap, seL4_NilData, pd_cap, seL4_NilData,
                               ipc_buffer_vaddr, ipc_frame_cap);
    assert(error == 0);

    /* give the new thread a name */
    name_thread(tcb_cap, "hello-3: thread_2");

    /* set start up registers for the new thread */
    size_t regs_size = sizeof(seL4_UserContext) / sizeof(seL4_Word);

    /* check that stack is aligned correctly */
    uintptr_t thread_2_stack_top = (uintptr_t)thread_2_stack + sizeof(thread_2_stack);
    assert(thread_2_stack_top % (sizeof(seL4_Word) * 2) == 0);

    /* set instruction pointer, stack pointer and gs register (used for thread local storage) */
    seL4_UserContext regs = {
        .eip = (seL4_Word)thread_2,
        .esp = (seL4_Word)thread_2_stack_top,

    /* actually write the TCB registers. */
    error = seL4_TCB_WriteRegisters(tcb_cap, 0, 0, regs_size, &regs);
    assert(error == 0);

    /* start the new thread running */
    error = seL4_TCB_Resume(tcb_cap);
    assert(error == 0);

    /* we are done, say hello */
    printf("main: hello world\n");

     * now send a message to the new thread, and wait for a reply

    seL4_Word msg;
    seL4_MessageInfo_t tag;

    /* set the data to send. We send it in the first message register */
    tag = seL4_MessageInfo_new(0, 0, 0, 1);
    seL4_SetMR(0, MSG_DATA);

    /* send and wait for a reply */
    tag = seL4_Call(badged_ep_cap, tag);

    /* check that we got the expected repy */
    assert(seL4_MessageInfo_get_length(tag) == 1);
    msg = seL4_GetMR(0);
    assert(msg == ~MSG_DATA);

    printf("main: got a reply: %#x\n", msg);

    return 0;