コード例 #1
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: adammoody/adept-utils
int main(int argc, char **argv) {


  struct link_map *map = get_module_by_full_path("/lib64/libdl.so.2");
  if (map) {
    printf("%s\n", map->l_name);
  } else {
    printf("not found.\n");

コード例 #2
ファイル: mprof.c プロジェクト: groleo/mpatrol
    profiledata *d;
    profilenode *n, *p;
    treenode *t;
    profiledata m;
    size_t i;
    unsigned long a, b, c;
    double e, f;

    printchar(' ', 31);
    fputs("DIRECT ALLOCATIONS\n\n", stdout);
    printchar(' ', 20);
    fprintf(stdout, "(0 < s <= %lu < m <= %lu < l <= %lu < x)\n\n",
            sbound, mbound, lbound);
    if (showcounts)
        printchar(' ', 9);
        fputs("allocated", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 21);
        fputs("unfreed\n", stdout);
        printchar('-', 27);
        fputs("  ", stdout);
        printchar('-', 27);
        fputs("\n count       %   s  m  l  x   "
              "count       %   s  m  l  x     bytes  function\n\n", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 10);
        fputs("allocated", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 23);
        fputs("unfreed\n", stdout);
        printchar('-', 29);
        fputs("  ", stdout);
        printchar('-', 29);
        fputs("\n   bytes       %   s  m  l  x     "
              "bytes       %   s  m  l  x   count  function\n\n", stdout);
    for (n = (profilenode *) __mp_minimum(proftree.root); n != NULL; n = p)
        p = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&n->node);
        if (n->data != 0)
            d = &n->tdata;
            sumdata(d, &data[n->data - 1]);
            while ((p != NULL) && ((p->addr == n->addr) || (!useaddresses &&
                     (p->symbol != 0) && (p->symbol == n->symbol))))
                if (p->data != 0)
                    sumdata(d, &data[p->data - 1]);
                p = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&p->node);
            a = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (showcounts)
                    a += d->acount[i];
                    a += d->atotal[i];
            __mp_treeinsert(&temptree, &n->tnode, a);
            sumdata(&m, d);
    for (t = __mp_maximum(temptree.root); t != NULL; t = __mp_predecessor(t))
        n = (profilenode *) ((char *) t - offsetof(profilenode, tnode));
        d = &n->tdata;
        a = t->key;
        b = c = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (showcounts)
                b += d->dcount[i];
                c += d->atotal[i];
                b += d->dtotal[i];
                c += d->acount[i];
            d->dcount[i] = d->acount[i] - d->dcount[i];
            d->dtotal[i] = d->atotal[i] - d->dtotal[i];
        b = a - b;
        if (showcounts)
            e = ((double) a / (double) acount) * 100.0;
            if (acount != dcount)
                f = ((double) b / (double) (acount - dcount)) * 100.0;
                f = 0.0;
            fprintf(stdout, "%6lu  %6.2f ", a, e);
            printdata(d->acount, acount);
            fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu  %6.2f ", b, f);
            printdata(d->dcount, acount - dcount);
            fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu  ", c);
            e = ((double) a / (double) atotal) * 100.0;
            if (atotal != dtotal)
                f = ((double) b / (double) (atotal - dtotal)) * 100.0;
                f = 0.0;
            fprintf(stdout, "%8lu  %6.2f ", a, e);
            printdata(d->atotal, atotal);
            fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu  %6.2f ", b, f);
            printdata(d->dtotal, atotal - dtotal);
            fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu  ", c);
        printsymbol(stdout, n);
        fputc('\n', stdout);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        m.dcount[i] = m.acount[i] - m.dcount[i];
        m.dtotal[i] = m.atotal[i] - m.dtotal[i];
    if (temptree.size != 0)
        fputc('\n', stdout);
    if (showcounts)
        fprintf(stdout, "%6lu         ", acount);
        printdata(m.acount, acount);
        fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu         ", acount - dcount);
        printdata(m.dcount, acount - dcount);
        fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu  total\n", atotal);
        fprintf(stdout, "%8lu         ", atotal);
        printdata(m.atotal, atotal);
        fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu         ", atotal - dtotal);
        printdata(m.dtotal, atotal - dtotal);
        fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu  total\n", acount);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mprof.c プロジェクト: groleo/mpatrol
writegraph(profilenode *p, graphnode *n)
    listnode *l;
    vertex *v;
    edge *e;
    graphedge *g;
    size_t i, t;

    for (l = n->children.head; l->next != NULL; l = l->next)
        /* The following three lines are a bit excessive and result from
         * using class-based programming in C.  These conversions would be
         * automatically calculated by the compiler if we were using C++
         * classes.
        g = (graphedge *) ((char *) l - offsetof(graphedge, cnode));
        e = (edge *) ((char *) g - offsetof(edge, gnode));
        v = (vertex *) ((char *) e->gnode.child - offsetof(vertex, gnode));
        if (!(e->flags & 1))
            e->flags |= 1;
            for (i = t = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (showcounts)
                    t += e->data.acount[i];
                    if (showleaks)
                        t -= e->data.dcount[i];
                    t += e->data.atotal[i];
                    if (showleaks)
                        t -= e->data.dtotal[i];
            if ((t > 0) || !showleaks)
                fputs("    \"", graphfile);
                if (p == NULL)
                    fputs("START", graphfile);
                    printsymbol(graphfile, p);
                fputs("\" -> \"", graphfile);
                if (&v->gnode == &graph.end)
                    fputs("ALLOC", graphfile);
                    printsymbol(graphfile, v->pnode);
                fprintf(graphfile, "\" [label = \"%lu\"", t);
                if (e->flags & 2)
                    fputs(", style = dotted", graphfile);
                fputs("];\n", graphfile);
            writegraph(v->pnode, &v->gnode);
    if (p == NULL)
        for (e = (edge *) edgelist.head; e->node.next != NULL;
             e = (edge *) e->node.next)
            e->flags &= ~1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mprof.c プロジェクト: groleo/mpatrol
    size_t d[4];
    listnode *l;
    vertex *u, *v;
    edge *e;
    graphedge *g;
    size_t i, s, t;

    i = 1;
    printchar(' ', 29);
    fputs("ALLOCATION CALL GRAPH\n\n", stdout);
    printchar(' ', 28);
    fprintf(stdout, "(number of vertices: %lu)\n\n", temptree.size);
    if (showcounts)
        printchar(' ', 10);
        fputs("allocated", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 13);
        fputs("unfreed\n", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 5);
        printchar('-', 19);
        fputs("  ", stdout);
        printchar('-', 19);
        fputs("\nindex count   s  m  l  x   count   s  m  l  x  function\n",
        printchar(' ', 11);
        fputs("allocated", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 15);
        fputs("unfreed\n", stdout);
        printchar(' ', 5);
        printchar('-', 21);
        fputs("  ", stdout);
        printchar('-', 21);
        fputs("\nindex   bytes   s  m  l  x     bytes   s  m  l  x  function\n",
    /* Compute the index for each vertex in the graph.  This is currently
     * done after the graph has been completely constructed so that the
     * ordering can be done by code address.  It has to be done before we
     * start displaying the graph since each vertex will contain forward
     * references to its parents and children.
    for (v = (vertex *) __mp_minimum(temptree.root); v != NULL;
         v = (vertex *) __mp_successor(&v->node))
        v->index = i++;
    for (v = (vertex *) __mp_minimum(temptree.root); v != NULL;
         v = (vertex *) __mp_successor(&v->node))
        if (showcounts)
            printchar('-', 45);
            printchar('-', 49);
        fputc('\n', stdout);
        /* Calculate the details of the parents.
        for (l = v->gnode.parents.head; l->next != NULL; l = l->next)
            /* The following three lines are a bit excessive and result from
             * using class-based programming in C.  These conversions would be
             * automatically calculated by the compiler if we were using C++
             * classes.
            g = (graphedge *) ((char *) l - offsetof(graphedge, pnode));
            e = (edge *) ((char *) g - offsetof(edge, gnode));
            u = (vertex *) ((char *) e->gnode.parent - offsetof(vertex, gnode));
            if (&u->gnode != &graph.start)
                for (i = s = t = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (showcounts)
                        t += e->data.acount[i];
                        d[i] = e->data.acount[i] - e->data.dcount[i];
                        t += e->data.atotal[i];
                        d[i] = e->data.atotal[i] - e->data.dtotal[i];
                    s += d[i];
                if (e->flags & 2)
                    fputs(" (*) ", stdout);
                    printchar(' ', 5);
                if (showcounts)
                    fprintf(stdout, "%6lu ", t);
                    printdata(e->data.acount, t);
                    fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu ", s);
                    fprintf(stdout, "%8lu ", t);
                    printdata(e->data.atotal, t);
                    fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu ", s);
                printdata(d, s);
                printchar(' ', 6);
                printsymbol(stdout, u->pnode);
                fprintf(stdout, " [%lu]\n", u->index);
        fprintf(stdout, "[%lu] ", v->index);
        if (showcounts)
            printchar(' ', 44 - countdigits(v->index));
            printchar(' ', 48 - countdigits(v->index));
        printsymbol(stdout, v->pnode);
        fprintf(stdout, " [%lu]\n", v->index);
        /* Calculate the details of the children.
        for (l = v->gnode.children.head; l->next != NULL; l = l->next)
            /* The following three lines are a bit excessive and result from
             * using class-based programming in C.  These conversions would be
             * automatically calculated by the compiler if we were using C++
             * classes.
            g = (graphedge *) ((char *) l - offsetof(graphedge, cnode));
            e = (edge *) ((char *) g - offsetof(edge, gnode));
            u = (vertex *) ((char *) e->gnode.child - offsetof(vertex, gnode));
            if (&u->gnode != &graph.end)
                for (i = s = t = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (showcounts)
                        t += e->data.acount[i];
                        d[i] = e->data.acount[i] - e->data.dcount[i];
                        t += e->data.atotal[i];
                        d[i] = e->data.atotal[i] - e->data.dtotal[i];
                    s += d[i];
                if (e->flags & 2)
                    fputs(" (*) ", stdout);
                    printchar(' ', 5);
                if (showcounts)
                    fprintf(stdout, "%6lu ", t);
                    printdata(e->data.acount, t);
                    fprintf(stdout, "  %6lu ", s);
                    fprintf(stdout, "%8lu ", t);
                    printdata(e->data.atotal, t);
                    fprintf(stdout, "  %8lu ", s);
                printdata(d, s);
                printchar(' ', 6);
                printsymbol(stdout, u->pnode);
                fprintf(stdout, " [%lu]\n", u->index);
コード例 #5
ファイル: mprof.c プロジェクト: groleo/mpatrol
    profiledata *d;
    profilenode *n, *p;
    treenode *t;
    size_t i;
    unsigned long a, b, j, k;
    double e, f, g;

    printchar(' ', 34);
    fputs("MEMORY LEAKS\n\n", stdout);
    printchar(' ', 28);
    fprintf(stdout, "(maximum stack depth: %lu)\n\n", maxstack);
    printchar(' ', 16);
    fputs("unfreed", stdout);
    printchar(' ', 22);
    fputs("allocated\n", stdout);
    printchar('-', 40);
    fputs("  ", stdout);
    printchar('-', 16);
    if (showcounts)
        fputs("\n     %   count       %     bytes       %   "
              "count     bytes  function\n\n", stdout);
        fputs("\n     %     bytes       %   count       %     "
              "bytes   count  function\n\n", stdout);
    for (n = (profilenode *) __mp_minimum(proftree.root); n != NULL; n = p)
        p = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&n->node);
        if ((n->data != 0) && !n->flags)
            d = &n->tdata;
            sumdata(d, &data[n->data - 1]);
            while ((p != NULL) && ((p->addr == n->addr) || (!useaddresses &&
                     (p->symbol != 0) && (p->symbol == n->symbol))))
                if ((p->data != 0) && !p->flags && comparestack(n, p, 0))
                    sumdata(d, &data[p->data - 1]);
                    p->flags = 1;
                p = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&p->node);
            p = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&n->node);
            a = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (showcounts)
                    a += d->acount[i] - d->dcount[i];
                    a += d->atotal[i] - d->dtotal[i];
            if (a > 0)
                __mp_treeinsert(&temptree, &n->tnode, a);
    for (n = (profilenode *) __mp_minimum(proftree.root); n != NULL;
         n = (profilenode *) __mp_successor(&n->node))
        n->flags = 0;
    for (t = __mp_maximum(temptree.root); t != NULL; t = __mp_predecessor(t))
        n = (profilenode *) ((char *) t - offsetof(profilenode, tnode));
        d = &n->tdata;
        a = t->key;
        b = j = k = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (showcounts)
                b += d->dtotal[i];
                j += d->acount[i];
                k += d->atotal[i];
                b += d->dcount[i];
                j += d->atotal[i];
                k += d->acount[i];
        b = k - b;
        e = ((double) a / (double) j) * 100.0;
        f = ((double) b / (double) k) * 100.0;
        if (showcounts)
            g = ((double) a / (double) (acount - dcount)) * 100.0;
            fprintf(stdout, "%6.2f  %6lu  %6.2f  %8lu  %6.2f  %6lu  %8lu  ",
                    g, a, e, b, f, j, k);
            g = ((double) a / (double) (atotal - dtotal)) * 100.0;
            fprintf(stdout, "%6.2f  %8lu  %6.2f  %6lu  %6.2f  %8lu  %6lu  ",
                    g, a, e, b, f, j, k);
        printsymbol(stdout, n);
        fputc('\n', stdout);
        p = n;
        for (i = 1; (maxstack == 0) || (i < maxstack); i++)
            if (p->parent == 0)
            p = &nodes[p->parent - 1];
            printchar(' ', 60);
            printsymbol(stdout, p);
            fputc('\n', stdout);
    if (acount != 0)
        e = ((double) (acount - dcount) / (double) acount) * 100.0;
        e = 0.0;
    if (atotal != 0)
        f = ((double) (atotal - dtotal) / (double) atotal) * 100.0;
        f = 0.0;
    if (temptree.size != 0)
        fputc('\n', stdout);
    if (showcounts)
        fprintf(stdout, "        %6lu  %6.2f  %8lu  %6.2f  %6lu  %8lu  total\n",
                acount - dcount, e, atotal - dtotal, f, acount, atotal);
        fprintf(stdout, "        %8lu  %6.2f  %6lu  %6.2f  %8lu  %6lu  total\n",
                atotal - dtotal, f, acount - dcount, e, atotal, acount);