コード例 #1
//Begin Execution
int main(int argv,char *argc[]){
    int inN;
        case 1:    problem1();break;
        case 2:    problem2();break;
        case 3:    problem3();break;
        case 4:    problem4();break;
        case 5:    problem5();break;
        case 6:    problem6();break;
        default:   def(inN);}
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lab2.cpp プロジェクト: hjtree0825/lab2
/* The main function, or the "entry function" of the lab2 program, simply calls the other
 * functions to run.
int main() {
    cout << ">> I'm going to run the lab review now:" << endl;

    cout << ">> I'm going to run lab problem 1 now:" << endl;

    cout << ">> I'm going to run lab problem 2 now:" << endl;

    cout << ">> I'm going to run lab problem 3 now:" << endl;

    cout << ">> I'm going to run lab problem 4/5 now:" << endl;

    return 0; // Lets the operating system know everything ran successfully.
コード例 #3
ファイル: regression.cpp プロジェクト: poulson/libskylark
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    double res, resAtr, resFac;

    El::Initialize(argc, argv);

    bmpi::communicator world;
    int rank = world.rank();

    skybase::context_t context(23234);

    // Setup problem and righthand side
    // Using Skylark's uniform generator (as opposed to Elemental's)
    // will insure the same A and b are generated regardless of the number
    // of processors.
    matrix_type A =
            n, El::DefaultGrid(), context);
    matrix_type b =
            1, El::DefaultGrid(), context);

    regression_problem_type problem(m, n, A);

    boost::mpi::timer timer;
    double telp;

    sol_type x(n,1);

    rhs_type r(b);

    // Using QR
    exact_solver_type<skyalg::qr_l2_solver_tag> exact_solver(problem);
    exact_solver.solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Exact (QR):\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;
    double res_opt = res;

    skybase::Gemv(El::NORMAL, -1.0, problem.input_matrix, x, 1.0, r);

    // Using SNE (semi-normal equations)
    exact_solver_type<skyalg::sne_l2_solver_tag>(problem).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Exact (SNE):\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;
    res_opt = res;

    // Again, using SNE, only with the computed interface (example; to be removed.)
    cmatrix CA(A);
    regression_problem_type1 problem1(m, n, CA);
    exact_solver_type1<skyalg::sne_l2_solver_tag>(problem1).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Exact (SNE) (COMPUTED):\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;
    res_opt = res;

    // Using SVD
    exact_solver_type<skyalg::svd_l2_solver_tag>(problem).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Exact (SVD):\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;
    res_opt = res;

    // Using LSQR
    skyalg::krylov_iter_params_t lsqrparams;
    lsqrparams.am_i_printing = rank == 0;
    lsqrparams.log_level = 0;
            skyalg::lsqr_tag > >(problem, lsqrparams)
        .solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Exact (LSQR):\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << "\t\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    // Using sketch-and-solve

#if 0 
    sketched_solver_type<skysk::JLT_t>(problem, t, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Sketch-and-Solve (JLT):\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    sketched_solver_type<skysk::CWT_t>(problem, t, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Sketch-and-Solve (CWT):\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    sketched_solver_type<skysk::FJLT_t>(problem, t, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Sketch-and-Solve (FJLT):\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    // Accelerate-using-sketching
#if 0
    accelerated_exact_solver_type_sb<skysk::JLT_t>(problem, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Simplified Blendenpik (JLT):\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    accelerated_exact_solver_type_sb<skysk::FJLT_t>(problem, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Simplified Blendenpik (FJLT):\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    accelerated_exact_solver_type_sb<skysk::CWT_t>(problem, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Simplified Blendenpik (CWT):\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    accelerated_exact_solver_type_blendenpik(problem, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "Blendenpik:\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    accelerated_exact_solver_type_lsrn(problem, context).solve(b, x);
    telp = timer.elapsed();
    check_solution(problem, b, x, r, res, resAtr, resFac);
    if (rank == 0)
        std::cout << "LSRN:\t\t\t\t||r||_2 =  "
                  << boost::format("%.2f") % res
                  << " (x " << boost::format("%.5f") % (res / res_opt) << ")"
                  << "\t||r - r*||_2 / ||b - r*||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resFac
                  << "\t||A' * r||_2 = " << boost::format("%.2e") % resAtr
                  << "\t\tTime: " << boost::format("%.2e") % telp << " sec"
                  << std::endl;

    return 0;