bool Client::uploadNewFile() { //ASSERT : data.filetype == FILE_TYPE_NEW std::string filename = this->data.filename; //Entire path. // ); //In mode. //Need to process file name. //TODO : PROCESS FILE NAME. ADD IT TO MY DATABASE. std::string filename_processed = processFileName(filename); //Processes the file name. conn.writeToSocket(filename_processed); //cout-ing the filename on server side works. std::string cont; conn.readFromSocket(cont); conn.writeToSocket_file( filename , NEW_FILE); conn.readFromSocket( cont ); std::string t(CONTINUE); conn.writeToSocket(t); string version; conn.readFromSocket(version); int ver = atoi( version.c_str() ); //need to add to file. this->addToFileLog(this->user.userID , filename_processed , filename , ver); conn.writeToSocket(t); this->getServerFiles_login(); this->dropboxpage->updateServerFiles(); return true; }
void CSupLoginServiceProvider::ConstructL() { __LOGSTR_TOFILE("CSupLoginServiceProvider::ConstructL() begins"); // Form full path to credentials settings file RFs &fs = CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(); TFileName privatePath; fs.PrivatePath(privatePath); TParse parser; TFileName processFileName(RProcess().FileName()); User::LeaveIfError(parser.Set(KLoginProviderSettingsFilename, &privatePath, &processFileName)); iSettingsFile = parser.FullName(); // Read credentials from settings file ReadDataFromFileL(); if (iMemberID && iUsername && iPassword) iLogged = ETrue; // Discover and retrieve description of the web service CSenXmlServiceDescription* serviceDesc = CSenXmlServiceDescription::NewLC( KServiceEndpointMemberId, KNullDesC8 ); serviceDesc->SetFrameworkIdL(KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID); // Create connection to web service iConnection = CSenServiceConnection::NewL(*this, *serviceDesc); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // serviceDesc __LOGSTR_TOFILE("CSupLoginServiceProvider::ConstructL() ends"); }
void LoadChemStationDataDialog::loadSingleFile(const QModelIndex &index) { QVariant var; bool ok; if (!index.isValid()) return; var = m_finfoModel->data(m_finfoModel->index(index.row(), 0), Qt::DisplayRole); QString path = processFileName(var, ok); if (!ok) return; m_loadInfo = LoadInfo(LoadingMode::SINGLE_FILE, path); accept(); }
bool Document::save() { // Save progress m_daily_progress->save(); if (m_filename.isEmpty() || !processFileName(m_filename)) { return saveAs(); } // Write file to disk DocumentWatcher::instance()->pauseWatch(this); DocumentWriter writer; writer.setFileName(m_filename); writer.setType(m_filename.section(QLatin1Char('.'), -1)); writer.setEncoding(m_encoding); writer.setWriteByteOrderMark(Preferences::instance().writeByteOrderMark()); writer.setDocument(m_text->document()); bool saved = writer.write(); m_encoding = writer.encoding(); if (saved) { m_cache_outdated = false; emit replaceCacheFile(this, m_filename); } else { cache(); } DocumentWatcher::instance()->resumeWatch(this); if (!saved) { QMessageBox::critical(window(), tr("Sorry"), tr("Unable to save '%1'.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_filename))); return false; } m_saved_wordcount = m_document_stats.wordCount(); m_text->document()->setModified(false); return true; }
void Tresenv::readOptions() { EnvirBase::readOptions(); cConfiguration *cfg = getConfig(); // note: configname and runstoexec will possibly be overwritten // with the -c, -r command-line options in our setup() method opt_configname = cfg->getAsString(CFGID_CONFIG_NAME); opt_runstoexec = cfg->getAsString(CFGID_RUNS_TO_EXECUTE); opt_extrastack = (size_t) cfg->getAsDouble(CFGID_TRESENV_EXTRA_STACK); opt_outputfile = cfg->getAsFilename(CFGID_OUTPUT_FILE).c_str(); if (!opt_outputfile.empty()) { processFileName(opt_outputfile); ::printf("Tresenv: redirecting output to file `%s'...\n",opt_outputfile.c_str()); FILE *out = fopen(opt_outputfile.c_str(), "w"); if (!out) throw cRuntimeError("Cannot open output redirection file `%s'",opt_outputfile.c_str()); fout = out; } }
/* * ProcessOKorDClick -- user clicked OK or double clicked on a file */ void ProcessOKorDClick( gui_window *gui, unsigned id ) { process_rc prc; int sel; int realsel; char path[_MAX_PATH]; char *optr; char *ptr; int i; unsigned focusid; dlg_info *dlg = GUIGetExtra( gui ); if( id == CTL_OK ) { /* hit enter or clicked ok */ GUIGetFocus( gui, &focusid ); switch( focusid ) { case CTL_DIR_LIST : id = focusid; break; case CTL_FILE_LIST : ptr = GUIGetText( gui, CTL_FILE_LIST ); GUISetText( gui, CTL_EDIT, ptr ); GUIMemFree( ptr ); break; } } switch( id ) { case CTL_FILE_LIST : case CTL_OK : prc = processFileName( gui ); if( prc == PROCESS_TRUE ) { dlg->dialogRC = OFN_RC_FILE_SELECTED; GUICloseDialog( gui ); } else if( prc == PROCESS_FAIL ) { dlg->dialogRC = OFN_RC_RUNTIME_ERROR; GUICloseDialog( gui ); } break; case CTL_DIR_LIST : sel = GUIGetCurrSelect( gui, id ); #if defined( __UNIX__ ) || defined( __NETWARE__ ) path[0] = FILE_SEP_CHAR; path[1] = 0; #else path[0] = 0; #endif realsel = 0; for( i=0;i<sel;i++ ) { ptr = GUIGetListItem( gui, id, i ); if( ptr == NULL ) { return; } optr = ptr; while( *ptr == INDENT_CHAR ) { ptr++; } if( *ptr == '-' ) { strcat( path, ptr+1 ); realsel++; if( i > 0 ) { strcat( path, FILE_SEP ); } } else { GUIMemFree( optr ); break; } GUIMemFree( optr ); } ptr = GUIGetListItem( gui, id, sel ); if( ptr == NULL ) { return; } optr = ptr; while( *ptr == INDENT_CHAR ) { ptr++; } strcat( path, ptr+1 ); GUIMemFree( optr ); goToDir( gui, path ); if( !initDialog( gui, NULL, NULL ) ) { dlg->dialogRC = OFN_RC_RUNTIME_ERROR; GUICloseDialog( gui ); } else { GUISetCurrSelect( gui, id, realsel ); } break; } } /* ProcessOKorDClick */