ProcessStatus POSIXProcess::getProcessStatus(){ int processStatus = 0; int waitpidStatus = waitpid(processID(), &processStatus, WNOHANG); if(waitpidStatus == 0) return RUNNING; if(waitpidStatus < 0){ std::ostringstream buf; buf << processID(); POSIXUtils::printError("getProcessStatus", "waitpid", buf.str()); return UNKNOWN; } else{ if(WIFEXITED(processStatus)) return NORMAL_EXIT; if(WIFSIGNALED(processStatus)){ if((WTERMSIG(processStatus) == SIGKILL) || (WTERMSIG(processStatus) == SIGTERM)) return KILLED; else return ABNORMAL_EXIT; } } return UNKNOWN; }
int POSIXProcess::killProcess(){ int killStatus = kill(processID(), SIGTERM); if(killStatus != 0){ POSIXUtils::printError("killProcess", "kill"); std::ostringstream buf; buf << processID(); throw SystemOperationException(errno, "POSIXProcess::killProcess: could not kill process: " + buf.str() + ". Error description: " + strerror(errno)); } return killStatus; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function that starts the test process. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void RunServerL( const TDesC &aParameter ) { COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SenSrvTestProcess - RunServerL(name=%S)" ),&aParameter ) ); TInt processID( 0 ); TLex parameter( aParameter ); parameter.Val( processID ); TTime now; now.HomeTime(); TBuf<50> processName; processName.Format( KSensrvTestProcessName, now.Int64() ); User::RenameProcess( processName ); // Set process priority RProcess svrProcess; svrProcess.SetPriority( EPriorityHigh ); // Create and install the active scheduler we need CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler; CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler); CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler ); CSensrvTestObserver* observer = CSensrvTestObserver::NewLC( processID ); // Initialisation complete, now signal the client RProcess::Rendezvous(KErrNone); // Ready to run COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SenSrvTestProcess - RunServer() - Starting scheduler..." )) ); CActiveScheduler::Start(); COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SenSrvTestProcess - RunServer() - Scheduler stopped" )) ); // Cleanup CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(observer); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler); COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SenSrvTestProcess - RunServer() - return" )) ); }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int result=0; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, true, L"FreezerSingleProcessMutex"); if (hMutex == NULL) { LOG_5( "Error: Couldn't create mutex, exiting" ); return false; } if( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { LOG_5( "Error: Another process owns the mutex, exiting" ); QList<int> pids; if( pidsByName( "freezer.exe", &pids ) ) { int otherProcessId = pids[0]; if( otherProcessId == processID() ) { if( pids.size() < 2 ) return false; otherProcessId = pids[1]; } LOG_5( "Trying to find window with process pid of " + QString::number( otherProcessId ) ); EnumWindows( AFEnumWindowsProc, LPARAM(otherProcessId) ); } return false; } QLibrary excdll( "exchndl.dll" ); if( !excdll.load() ) { qWarning( excdll.errorString().toLatin1().constData() ); } disableWindowsErrorReporting( "assburner.exe" ); #endif signal(SIGSEGV, oops_handler); signal(SIGABRT, oops_handler); QApplication a(argc, argv); if( !initConfig( "freezer.ini" ) ) { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // Fallback if the config file does not exist in the current folder if( !initConfig( "/etc/ab/freezer.ini" ) ) #endif return -1; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QString cp = "h:/public/" + getUserName() + "/Blur"; if( !QDir( cp ).exists() ) cp = "C:/Documents and Settings/" + getUserName(); initUserConfig( cp + "/freezer.ini" ); #else initUserConfig( QDir::homePath() + "/.freezer" ); #endif initStone( argc, argv ); classes_loader(); initStoneGui(); { JobList showJobs; bool showTime = false; QString currentView; QStringList loadViewFiles; for( int i = 1; i<argc; i++ ){ QString arg( argv[i] ); if( arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" ) { LOG_1( QString("Freezer v") + VERSION ); LOG_1( "Options:" ); LOG_1( "-current-render" ); LOG_1( "\tShow the current job that is rendering on this machine\n" ); LOG_1( "-show-time" ); LOG_1( "\tOutputs summary of time executed for all sql statement at program close\n" ); LOG_1( "-user USER" ); LOG_1( "\tSet the logged in user to USER: Requires Admin Privs" ); LOG_1( "-current-view VIEWNAME" ); LOG_1( "\tMake VIEWNAME the active view, once they are all loaded" ); LOG_1( "-load-view FILE" ); LOG_1( "\tRead a saved view config from FILE" ); LOG_1( stoneOptionsHelp() ); return 0; } else if( arg.endsWith("-show-time") ) showTime = true; else if( arg.endsWith( "-current-render" ) ) { showJobs = Host::currentHost().activeAssignments().jobs(); } else if( arg.endsWith("-user") && (i+1 < argc) ) { QString impersonate( argv[++i] ); if( User::hasPerms( "User", true ) ) // If you can edit users, you can login as anyone User::setCurrentUser( impersonate ); } else if( arg.endsWith("-current-view") && (i+1 < argc) ) { currentView = QString( argv[++i] ); } else if( arg.endsWith("-load-view") && (i+1 < argc) ) { loadViewFiles << QString(argv[++i]); } } // Share the database across threads, each with their own connection FreezerCore::setDatabaseForThread( classesDb(), Connection::createFromIni( config(), "Database" ) ); { loadPythonPlugins(); MainWindow m; IniConfig & cfg = userConfig(); cfg.pushSection( "MainWindow" ); QStringList fg = cfg.readString( "FrameGeometry", "" ).split(','); cfg.popSection(); if( fg.size()==4 ) { m.resize( QSize( fg[2].toInt(), fg[3].toInt() ) ); m.move( QPoint( fg[0].toInt(), fg[1].toInt() ) ); } if( showJobs.size() ) m.jobPage()->setJobList( showJobs ); foreach( QString viewFile, loadViewFiles ) m.loadViewFromFile( viewFile ); if( !currentView.isEmpty() ) m.setCurrentView( currentView );; result = a.exec(); if( showTime ){ Database * tm = Database::current(); LOG_5( " Sql Time Elapsed" ); LOG_5( "| Select | Update | Insert | Delete | Total |" ); LOG_5( "-----------------------------------------------" ); LOG_5( QString( "| %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 |\n") .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlSelect ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlUpdate ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlInsert ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlDelete ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime() ) ); LOG_5( " Index Time Elapsed" ); LOG_5( "| Added | Updated | Incoming | Deleted | Search | Total |" ); LOG_5( "-----------------------------------------------" ); LOG_5( QString( "| %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 |\n") .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexAdded ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexUpdated ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexIncoming ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexRemoved ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexSearch ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime() ) ); tm->printStats(); } } } shutdown(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN CloseHandle( hMutex ); #endif return result; }