int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ // Initialize the MPI environment if(MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ) != MPI_SUCCESS){ MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1 ); } // Get the number of processes int world_size; if(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size) != MPI_SUCCESS){ MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2 ); } // Get the rank of the process int world_rank; if(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank) != MPI_SUCCESS){ MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3 ); } // Get the name of the processor std::string processor_name(MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME, '\0'); int name_len = processor_name.size(); if(MPI_Get_processor_name(&processor_name[0], &name_len) != MPI_SUCCESS){ MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4 ); } processor_name.resize(name_len); // Print off a hello world message from every process -> normally you would send all message to the first process and print them from there printf("Hello world from processor \"%s\", rank %d out of %d processors\n", processor_name.c_str(), world_rank, world_size); // Finalize the MPI environment. No more MPI calls can be made after this if(MPI_Finalize() != MPI_SUCCESS){ MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 6 ); } return 0; }
void* call_back_thread_func(void* param) { BGCC_TRACE("bgcc", "enroll self"); callback_thread_arg_t* arg = (callback_thread_arg_t*)param; std::string proxy_name = arg->proxy_name; std::string server_ip = arg->server_ip; int32_t server_port = arg->server_port; ServiceManager* service_manager = arg->service_manager; Semaphore* sema = arg->sema; SharedPointer<ClientSocket> connect; SharedPointer<BinaryProtocol> proto; #ifndef _WIN32 int32_t ep = epoll_create(1); struct epoll_event ee; struct epoll_event revents[1]; #endif RECON: sema->signal(); connect = SharedPointer<ClientSocket>( new(std::nothrow) ClientSocket(server_ip, server_port)); connect->open(); connect->set_recv_timeout(60*60*24*30); proto = SharedPointer<BinaryProtocol>( new(std::nothrow) BinaryProtocol(connect)); int32_t ret = 0; ret = proto->writeMessageBegin("bgcc::BaseProcessor_enroll", "__enroll", bgcc::CALL, 0); if (ret < 0) { bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_s(1); goto RECON; } ret = proto->writeString(proxy_name); if (ret < 0) { bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_s(1); goto RECON; } ret = proto->writeMessageEnd(); if (ret < 0) { bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_s(1); goto RECON; } #ifndef _WIN32 = connect->get_socket(); = EPOLLIN; epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, connect->get_socket(), &ee); #endif while (true) { #ifndef _WIN32 int32_t nevent = epoll_wait(ep, revents, 1, -1); BGCC_TRACE("bgcc", "epoll_wait return %d", nevent); if (nevent >= 1) { #endif char buffer[BUFSIZ]; int32_t xxret; xxret = connect->read(buffer, 20); BGCC_TRACE("bgcc", "ret value read %d", xxret); if (0 != xxret) { #ifndef _WIN32 epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, connect->get_socket(), &ee); #endif bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_s(1); goto RECON; } int32_t body_len = (int32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(buffer +16)); BGCC_TRACE("bgcc", "body size %d", body_len); char body[BUFSIZ]; xxret = connect->read(body, body_len); BGCC_TRACE("bgcc", "body ret value read %d", xxret); if (0 != xxret) { #ifndef _WIN32 epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, connect->get_socket(), &ee); #endif bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_s(1); goto RECON; } int32_t processor_name_len = (int32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(body)); std::string processor_name(body + 4, processor_name_len); SharedPointer<IProcessor> processor = service_manager->get_service(processor_name); if (processor.is_valid()) { processor->process( body + 4 + processor_name_len, body_len - 4 - processor_name_len, proto); } /* added for handling unexist service*/ else { processor = service_manager->get_service("._baseservice_2012"); if (processor.is_valid()) { SharedPointer<BinaryProtocol> bp(new BinaryProtocol(SharedPointer<ITransport>(NULL))); bp->writeMessageBegin("xx", "__service_not_found", bgcc::CALL, 0); bp->writeInt32(0); bp->writeString("__service_not_found"); bp->writeBool(false); void* data = NULL; int32_t head_body_size; NBDataBuffer* db = bp->get_data_buffer(); db->get_data(&data, head_body_size); processor->process( (char*)data + 20 + 4 + 2, head_body_size - 20 - 4 - 2, proto); } } #ifndef _WIN32 } #endif } //#ifdef _WIN32 return NULL; //#endif }
return_type operator ()( parameter_type parameter_param )const { return processor_name()( parameter_param ); }
int32_t bgcc::SSLCallBackTask::operator()(const bool *isstopped, void *) { char *pbody = _buf_body; int32_t ret = -1; char buffer[MAX_DEFAULT_LEN]={0}; while (!(*isstopped)) { int32_t buffer_size=MAX_DEFAULT_LEN; while(((ret=_pselector->Select(_connect->ssl()))==0) && !(*isstopped)); while(ret<0 && !(*isstopped)){ bgcc::TimeUtil::safe_sleep_ms(200); if(Register()){ while(((ret=_pselector->Select(_connect->ssl()))==0) && !(*isstopped)); if(ret>0){ break; } } } if(*isstopped){ break; } if(pbody && pbody!=_buf_body){ free(pbody); pbody=_buf_body; } ret = _connect->read(_buf_head, HEAD_SIZE); if(0!=ret){ BGCC_WARN("bgcc", "Read ret %d errno=%d, goto reconnect", ret, BgccSockGetLastError()); continue; } int32_t body_len = BODY_LEN(_buf_head); if(body_len > MAX_DEFAULT_LEN){ if( !(pbody=(char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char) * body_len))){ BGCC_WARN("bgcc", "Malloc failed while receiving. Size: %d", body_len); } } if(pbody&&(ret=_connect->read(pbody, body_len))==0){ std::string processor_name(PROCESSOR_NAME_PTR(pbody), PROCESSOR_NAME_LEN(pbody)); _processor=_sm->get_service(processor_name); if (_processor.is_valid()) { _processor->process( pbody, body_len, _proto); continue; } } else if(!pbody){ pbody=_buf_body; } else{ continue; } _processor = _sm->get_service(DEF_SERVICE); if (_processor.is_valid()) { if(Fake::fake_default_body(buffer, buffer_size)){ _processor->process(buffer, buffer_size,_proto); } } } if(pbody && pbody!=_buf_body){ free(pbody); pbody=_buf_body; } return 0; }