コード例 #1
void ArtworkCalligraphyOptionWidget::removeProfile(const QString &name)
    kDebug(38000) << "removing profile" << name;

    int index = profilePosition(name);
    if (index < 0) return;   // no such profile

    // remove the file from the config file
    KConfig config(KGlobal::mainComponent(), RCFILENAME);
    int deletedIndex = m_profiles[name]->index;
    QString deletedGroup = "Profile" + QString::number(deletedIndex);
    kDebug(38000) << deletedGroup;

    // and from profiles


    // now in the config file there is value ProfileN missing,
    // where N = configIndex, so put the last one there
    if (m_profiles.isEmpty()) return;

    int lastN = -1;
    Profile *profile = 0; // profile to be moved, will be the last one
    foreach(Profile *p, m_profiles) {
        if (p->index > lastN) {
            lastN = p->index;
            profile = p;

    Q_ASSERT(profile != 0);

    // do nothing if the deleted group was the last one
    if (deletedIndex > lastN) return;

    QString lastGroup = "Profile" + QString::number(lastN);

    KConfigGroup profileGroup(&config, deletedGroup);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("name", profile->name);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("usePath", profile->usePath);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("usePressure", profile->usePressure);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("useAngle", profile->useAngle);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("width", profile->width);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("thinning", profile->thinning);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("angle", profile->angle);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("fixation", profile->fixation);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("caps", profile->caps);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("mass", profile->mass);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("drag", profile->drag);

    profile->index = deletedIndex;
コード例 #2
void ArtworkCalligraphyOptionWidget::loadProfiles()
    KConfig config(KGlobal::mainComponent(), RCFILENAME);

    // load profiles as long as they are present
    int i = 0;
    while (1) { // forever
        KConfigGroup profileGroup(&config, "Profile" + QString::number(i));
        // invalid profile, assume we reached the last one
        if (! profileGroup.hasKey("name"))

        Profile *profile = new Profile;
        profile->index = i;
        profile->name =         profileGroup.readEntry("name", QString());
        profile->usePath =      profileGroup.readEntry("usePath", false);
        profile->usePressure =  profileGroup.readEntry("usePressure", false);
        profile->useAngle =     profileGroup.readEntry("useAngle", false);
        profile->width =        profileGroup.readEntry("width", 30.0);
        profile->thinning =     profileGroup.readEntry("thinning", 0.2);
        profile->angle =        profileGroup.readEntry("angle", 30);
        profile->fixation =     profileGroup.readEntry("fixation", 0.0);
        profile->caps =         profileGroup.readEntry("caps", 0.0);
        profile->mass =         profileGroup.readEntry("mass", 3.0);
        profile->drag =         profileGroup.readEntry("drag", 0.7);

        m_profiles.insert(profile->name, profile);

    m_changingProfile = true;
    ProfileMap::const_iterator it = m_profiles.constBegin();
    ProfileMap::const_iterator lastIt = m_profiles.constEnd();
    for (; it != lastIt; ++it) {
    m_changingProfile = false;

コード例 #3
KonqProfileMap KonqProfileDlg::readAllProfiles()
  KonqProfileMap mapProfiles;

  const QStringList profiles = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", "konqueror/profiles/*", KStandardDirs::NoDuplicates );
  QStringList::ConstIterator pIt = profiles.constBegin();
  QStringList::ConstIterator pEnd = profiles.constEnd();
  for (; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt )
    QFileInfo info( *pIt );
    QString profileName = KIO::decodeFileName( info.baseName() );
    KConfig cfg( *pIt, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
    if ( cfg.hasGroup( "Profile" ) )
      KConfigGroup profileGroup( &cfg, "Profile" );
      if ( profileGroup.hasKey( "Name" ) )
        profileName = profileGroup.readEntry( "Name" );

      mapProfiles.insert( profileName, *pIt );

  return mapProfiles;
コード例 #4
void ArtworkCalligraphyOptionWidget::saveProfile(const QString &name)
    kDebug(38000) << name;
    Profile *profile = new Profile;
    profile->name = name;
    profile->usePath = m_usePath->isChecked();
    profile->usePressure = m_usePressure->isChecked();
    profile->useAngle = m_useAngle->isChecked();
    profile->width = m_widthBox->value();
    profile->thinning = m_thinningBox->value();
    profile->angle = m_angleBox->value();
    profile->fixation = m_fixationBox->value();
    profile->caps = m_capsBox->value();
    profile->mass = m_massBox->value();
    profile->drag = m_dragBox->value();

    if (m_profiles.contains(name)) {
        // there is already a profile with the same name, overwrite
        profile->index = m_profiles[name]->index;
        m_profiles.insert(name, profile);
    } else {
        // it is a new profile
        profile->index = m_profiles.count();
        m_profiles.insert(name, profile);
        // add the profile to the combobox
        kDebug(38000) << "BEFORE:";
        QString dbg;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_comboBox->count(); ++i)
            dbg += m_comboBox->itemText(i) + ' ';
        kDebug(38000) << dbg;
        int pos = profilePosition(name);
        m_changingProfile = true;
        m_comboBox->insertItem(pos, name);
        m_changingProfile = false;
        kDebug(38000) << "AFTER:";
        for (int i = 0; i < m_comboBox->count(); ++i)
            dbg += m_comboBox->itemText(i) + ' ';
        kDebug(38000) << dbg;
        kDebug(38000) << "new at" << pos << m_comboBox->itemText(pos) << name;

    KConfig config(KGlobal::mainComponent(), RCFILENAME);
    QString str = "Profile" + QString::number(profile->index);
    KConfigGroup profileGroup(&config, str);

    profileGroup.writeEntry("name", name);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("usePath", profile->usePath);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("usePressure", profile->usePressure);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("useAngle", profile->useAngle);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("width", profile->width);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("thinning", profile->thinning);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("angle", profile->angle);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("fixation", profile->fixation);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("caps", profile->caps);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("mass", profile->mass);
    profileGroup.writeEntry("drag", profile->drag);

    KConfigGroup generalGroup(&config, "General");
    generalGroup.writeEntry("profile", name);

    kDebug(38000) << name;

    int pos = profilePosition(name);
    kDebug(38000) << "adding in" << pos << m_comboBox->itemText(pos);
    kDebug(38000) << m_comboBox->currentText();