int MatrixMulDouble::setupCL(void) { cl_int status = 0; cl_device_type dType; if(sampleArgs->"cpu") == 0) { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else //deviceType = "gpu" { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; if(sampleArgs->isThereGPU() == false) { std::cout << "GPU not found. Falling back to CPU device" << std::endl; dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } } /* * Have a look at the available platforms and pick either * the AMD one if available or a reasonable default. */ status = cl::Platform::get(&platforms); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Platform::get() failed."); std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator i; if(platforms.size() > 0) { if(sampleArgs->isPlatformEnabled()) { i = platforms.begin() + sampleArgs->platformId; } else { for(i = platforms.begin(); i != platforms.end(); ++i) { if(!strcmp((*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str(), "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.")) { break; } } } } cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(*i)(), 0 }; if(NULL == (*i)()) { error("NULL platform found so Exiting Application."); return SDK_FAILURE; } context = cl::Context(dType, cps, NULL, NULL, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Context::Context() failed."); devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>(); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Context::getInfo() failed."); std::cout << "Platform :" << (*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str() << "\n"; int deviceCount = (int)devices.size(); int j = 0; for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator i = devices.begin(); i != devices.end(); ++i, ++j) { std::cout << "Device " << j << " : "; std::string deviceName = (*i).getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>(); std::cout << deviceName.c_str() << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; if (deviceCount == 0) { std::cerr << "No device available\n"; return SDK_FAILURE; } if(validateDeviceId(sampleArgs->deviceId, deviceCount)) { error("validateDeviceId() failed"); return SDK_FAILURE; } std::string extensions = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS>(); std::string buildOptions = std::string(""); // Check if cl_khr_fp64 extension is supported if(strstr(extensions.c_str(), "cl_khr_fp64")) { buildOptions.append("-D KHR_DP_EXTENSION"); } else { // Check if cl_amd_fp64 extension is supported if(!strstr(extensions.c_str(), "cl_amd_fp64")) { OPENCL_EXPECTED_ERROR("Device does not support cl_amd_fp64 extension!"); } } cl_uint localMemType; // Get device specific information status = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<cl_uint>( CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE, &localMemType); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Device::getInfo CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE) failed."); // If scratchpad is available then update the flag if(localMemType == CL_LOCAL) { lds = true; } // Get Device specific Information status = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<size_t>( CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxWorkGroupSize); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE) failed."); status = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<cl_uint>( CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, &maxDimensions); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS) failed."); maxWorkItemSizes = (size_t*)malloc(maxDimensions * sizeof(size_t)); std::vector<size_t> workItems = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES>(); for(cl_uint i = 0; i < maxDimensions; ++i) { maxWorkItemSizes[i] = workItems[i]; } status = devices[sampleArgs->deviceId].getInfo<cl_ulong>( CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, &totalLocalMemory); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZES) failed."); // Set command queue properties cl_command_queue_properties prop = 0; if(!eAppGFLOPS) { prop |= CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE; } commandQueue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[sampleArgs->deviceId], prop, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "CommandQueue::CommandQueue() failed."); // Set Persistent memory only for AMD platform cl_mem_flags inMemFlags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY; if(sampleArgs->isAmdPlatform()) { inMemFlags |= CL_MEM_USE_PERSISTENT_MEM_AMD; } // Create buffer for matrix A inputBufA = cl::Buffer( context, inMemFlags, sizeof(cl_double) * widthA * heightA, NULL, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "cl::Buffer failed. (inputBufA)"); // Create buffer for matrix B inputBufB = cl::Buffer( context, inMemFlags, sizeof(cl_double) * widthB * heightB, NULL, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "cl::Buffer failed. (inputBufB)"); outputBuf = cl::Buffer( context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * heightA * widthB, NULL, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "cl::Buffer failed. (outputBuf)"); device.push_back(devices[sampleArgs->deviceId]); // create a CL program using the kernel source SDKFile kernelFile; std::string kernelPath = getPath(); if(sampleArgs->isLoadBinaryEnabled()) { kernelPath.append(sampleArgs->loadBinary.c_str()); if(kernelFile.readBinaryFromFile(kernelPath.c_str()) != SDK_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Binaries programBinary(1,std::make_pair( (const void*)kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, device, programBinary, NULL, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Program::Program(Binary) failed."); } else { kernelPath.append(""); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Sources programSource( 1, std::make_pair(kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, programSource, &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Program::Program(Source) failed."); } std::string flagsStr = std::string(""); // Get build options if any flagsStr.append(buildOptions.c_str()); // Get additional options if(sampleArgs->isComplierFlagsSpecified()) { SDKFile flagsFile; std::string flagsPath = getPath(); flagsPath.append(sampleArgs->flags.c_str()); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load flags file: " << flagsPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } flagsFile.replaceNewlineWithSpaces(); const char * flags = flagsFile.source().c_str(); flagsStr.append(flags); } if(flagsStr.size() != 0) { std::cout << "Build Options are : " << flagsStr.c_str() << std::endl; } status =, flagsStr.c_str()); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { if(status == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) { std::string str = program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(devices[sampleArgs->deviceId]); std::cout << " \n\t\t\tBUILD LOG\n"; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; std::cout << str << std::endl; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; } } CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Program::build() failed."); // Create kernel // If local memory is present then use the specific kernel if(lds) { kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "mmmKernel_local", &status); } else { kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "mmmKernel", &status); } CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "cl::Kernel failed."); status = kernel.getWorkGroupInfo<cl_ulong>( devices[sampleArgs->deviceId], CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, &usedLocalMemory); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Kernel::getWorkGroupInfo(CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE) failed" ".(usedLocalMemory)"); availableLocalMemory = totalLocalMemory - usedLocalMemory; if(lds) { neededLocalMemory = (blockSize * 4) * (blockSize * 4) * sizeof(cl_double); } else { neededLocalMemory = 0; } if(neededLocalMemory > availableLocalMemory) { std::cout << "Unsupported: Insufficient local memory on device." << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } // Check group size against group size returned by kernel kernelWorkGroupSize = kernel.getWorkGroupInfo<CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE> (devices[sampleArgs->deviceId], &status); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "Kernel::getWorkGroupInfo() failed."); if((cl_uint)(blockSize * blockSize) > kernelWorkGroupSize) { if(kernelWorkGroupSize >= 64) { blockSize = 8; } else if(kernelWorkGroupSize >= 32) { blockSize = 4; } else { std::cout << "Out of Resources!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Group Size specified : " << blockSize * blockSize << std::endl; std::cout << "Max Group Size supported on the kernel : " << kernelWorkGroupSize<<std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } } if(blockSize > maxWorkItemSizes[0] || blockSize > maxWorkItemSizes[1] || blockSize * blockSize > maxWorkGroupSize) { error("Unsupported: Device does not support requested number of work items."); return SDK_FAILURE; } return SDK_SUCCESS; }
int GaussianNoise::setupCL() { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; cl_device_type dType; if("cpu") == 0) { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else //deviceType = "gpu" { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; if(isThereGPU() == false) { std::cout << "GPU not found. Falling back to CPU device" << std::endl; dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } } /* * Have a look at the available platforms and pick either * the AMD one if available or a reasonable default. */ err = cl::Platform::get(&platforms); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Platform::get() failed."); std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator i; if(platforms.size() > 0) { if(isPlatformEnabled()) { i = platforms.begin() + platformId; } else { for(i = platforms.begin(); i != platforms.end(); ++i) { if(!strcmp((*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str(), "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.")) { break; } } } } cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(*i)(), 0 }; context = cl::Context(dType, cps, NULL, NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Context::Context() failed."); devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>(); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Context::getInfo() failed."); std::cout << "Platform :" << (*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str() << "\n"; int deviceCount = (int)devices.size(); int j = 0; for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator i = devices.begin(); i != devices.end(); ++i, ++j) { std::cout << "Device " << j << " : "; std::string deviceName = (*i).getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>(); std::cout << deviceName.c_str() << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; if (deviceCount == 0) { std::cerr << "No device available\n"; return SDK_FAILURE; } if(sampleCommon->validateDeviceId(deviceId, deviceCount)) { sampleCommon->error("sampleCommon::validateDeviceId() failed"); return SDK_FAILURE; } commandQueue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[deviceId], 0, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "CommandQueue::CommandQueue() failed."); /* * Create and initialize memory objects */ // Set Presistent memory only for AMD platform cl_mem_flags inMemFlags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY; if(isAmdPlatform()) inMemFlags |= CL_MEM_USE_PERSISTENT_MEM_AMD; // Create memory object for input Image inputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, inMemFlags, width * height * pixelSize, 0, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (inputImageBuffer)"); // Create memory object for output Image outputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, width * height * pixelSize, NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (outputImageBuffer)"); device.push_back(devices[deviceId]); // create a CL program using the kernel source streamsdk::SDKFile kernelFile; std::string kernelPath = sampleCommon->getPath(); if(isLoadBinaryEnabled()) { kernelPath.append(loadBinary.c_str()); if(!kernelFile.readBinaryFromFile(kernelPath.c_str())) { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Binaries programBinary(1,std::make_pair( (const void*)kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, device, programBinary, NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::Program(Binary) failed."); } else { kernelPath.append(""); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Sources programSource(1, std::make_pair(kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, programSource, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::Program(Source) failed."); } std::string flagsStr = std::string(""); // Get additional options if(isComplierFlagsSpecified()) { streamsdk::SDKFile flagsFile; std::string flagsPath = sampleCommon->getPath(); flagsPath.append(flags.c_str()); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load flags file: " << flagsPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } flagsFile.replaceNewlineWithSpaces(); const char * flags = flagsFile.source().c_str(); flagsStr.append(flags); } if(flagsStr.size() != 0) std::cout << "Build Options are : " << flagsStr.c_str() << std::endl; err =, flagsStr.c_str()); if(err != CL_SUCCESS) { if(err == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) { std::string str = program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(devices[deviceId]); std::cout << " \n\t\t\tBUILD LOG\n"; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; std::cout << str << std::endl; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; } } CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::build() failed."); // Create kernel kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "gaussian_transform", &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Kernel::Kernel() failed."); // Check group size against group size returned by kernel kernelWorkGroupSize = kernel.getWorkGroupInfo<CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE>(devices[deviceId], &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Kernel::getWorkGroupInfo() failed."); if((blockSizeX * blockSizeY) > kernelWorkGroupSize) { if(!quiet) { std::cout << "Out of Resources!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Group Size specified : " << blockSizeX * blockSizeY << std::endl; std::cout << "Max Group Size supported on the kernel : " << kernelWorkGroupSize << std::endl; std::cout << "Falling back to " << kernelWorkGroupSize << std::endl; } if(blockSizeX > kernelWorkGroupSize) { blockSizeX = kernelWorkGroupSize; blockSizeY = 1; } } return SDK_SUCCESS; }
int UnsharpMask::setupCL() { try { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; cl_device_type dType; if(sampleArgs->"cpu") == 0) { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else //deviceType == "gpu" { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; if(sampleArgs->isThereGPU() == false) { std::cout << "GPU not found. Falling back to CPU device" << std::endl; dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } } /* * Have a look at the available platforms and pick either * the AMD one if available or a reasonable default. */ cl::Platform::get(&platforms); std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator i; if(platforms.size() > 0) { if(sampleArgs->isPlatformEnabled()) { i = platforms.begin() + sampleArgs->platformId; } else { for(i = platforms.begin(); i != platforms.end(); ++i) { if(!strcmp((*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str(), "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.")) { break; } } } } cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(*i)(), 0 }; context = cl::Context(dType, cps, NULL, NULL); devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>(); std::cout << "Platform :" << (*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str() << "\n"; int deviceCount = (int)devices.size(); int j = 0; for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator i = devices.begin(); i != devices.end(); ++i, ++j) { std::cout << "Device " << j << " : "; std::string deviceName = (*i).getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>(); std::cout << deviceName.c_str() << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; if (deviceCount == 0) { std::cerr << "No device available\n"; return SDK_FAILURE; } if(validateDeviceId(sampleArgs->deviceId, deviceCount)) { error("validateDeviceId() failed"); return SDK_FAILURE; } commandQueue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[sampleArgs->deviceId], 0); device.push_back(devices[sampleArgs->deviceId]); // create a CL program using the kernel source SDKFile kernelFile; std::string kernelPath = getPath(); if(sampleArgs->isLoadBinaryEnabled()) { kernelPath.append(sampleArgs->loadBinary.c_str()); if(kernelFile.readBinaryFromFile(kernelPath.c_str()) != SDK_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Binaries programBinary(1,std::make_pair( (const void*)kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, device, programBinary, NULL); } else { kernelPath.append(""); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Sources programSource(1, std::make_pair(kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, programSource); } std::string flagsStr = std::string(""); // Get additional options if(sampleArgs->isComplierFlagsSpecified()) { SDKFile flagsFile; std::string flagsPath = getPath(); flagsPath.append(sampleArgs->flags.c_str()); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load flags file: " << flagsPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } flagsFile.replaceNewlineWithSpaces(); const char * flags = flagsFile.source().c_str(); flagsStr.append(flags); } if(flagsStr.size() != 0) { std::cout << "Build Options are : " << flagsStr.c_str() << std::endl; }, flagsStr.c_str()); queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[sampleArgs->deviceId], 0, &err); int dimen = 2*radius+1; cl::ImageFormat format(CL_BGRA,CL_UNSIGNED_INT8); if(loadInputImage()!=SDK_SUCCESS) { return SDK_FAILURE; } gaussian1DBuffer = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, dimen*sizeof(float)); // create the 1D Gaussian kernel if(dImageBuffer) { gaussian2DBuffer = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, dimen*dimen*sizeof(float)); inputBuffer = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, imageSize); outputBuffer = cl::Buffer (context,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, imageSize); unsharp_mask_filter = cl::Kernel(program, "unsharp_mask_filter"); } else { inputImageObj = cl::Image2D(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, format, width, height); sharpenImageObj = cl::Image2D(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, format, width, height); tmpImageObj = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, width*height*sizeof(cl_float4)); // Create kernel unsharp_mask_pass1 = cl::Kernel(program, "unsharp_mask_pass1"); unsharp_mask_pass2 = cl::Kernel(program, "unsharp_mask_pass2"); } } catch (cl::Error e) { if(e.err() == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) { std::string str = program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(devices[sampleArgs->deviceId]); std::cout << " \n\t\t\tBUILD LOG\n"; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; std::cout << str << std::endl; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; } else { std::cout << e.what() << " failed!"<< std::endl; std::cout << "Error code: " << e.err() << std::endl; } return SDK_FAILURE; } return SDK_SUCCESS; }
int HDRToneMapping::setupCL() { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; cl_device_type dType; if("cpu") == 0) { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else //deviceType = "gpu" { dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; if(isThereGPU() == false) { std::cout << "GPU not found. Falling back to CPU device" << std::endl; dType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } } /* * Have a look at the available platforms and pick either * the AMD one if available or a reasonable default. */ err = cl::Platform::get(&platforms); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Platform::get() failed."); std::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator i; if(platforms.size() > 0) { if(isPlatformEnabled()) { i = platforms.begin() + platformId; } else { for(i = platforms.begin(); i != platforms.end(); ++i) { if(!strcmp((*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str(), "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.")) { break; } } } } cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(*i)(), 0 }; context = cl::Context(dType, cps, NULL, NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Context::Context() failed."); devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>(); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Context::getInfo() failed."); std::cout << "Platform :" << (*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR>().c_str() << "\n"; int deviceCount = (int)devices.size(); int j = 0; for (std::vector<cl::Device>::iterator i = devices.begin(); i != devices.end(); ++i, ++j) { std::cout << "Device " << j << " : "; std::string deviceName = (*i).getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>(); std::cout << deviceName.c_str() << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; if (deviceCount == 0) { std::cout << "No device available\n"; return SDK_FAILURE; } if(sampleCommon->validateDeviceId(deviceId, deviceCount) != SDK_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "sampleCommon::validateDeviceId() failed"; return SDK_FAILURE; } // Get Device specific Information err = devices[deviceId].getInfo<size_t>( CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, &maxWorkGroupSize); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE) failed."); err = devices[deviceId].getInfo<cl_uint>( CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, &maxDimensions); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS) failed."); maxWorkItemSizes = (size_t*)malloc(maxDimensions * sizeof(size_t)); std::vector<size_t> workItems = devices[deviceId].getInfo<CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES>(); for(cl_uint i = 0; i < maxDimensions; ++i) maxWorkItemSizes[i] = workItems[i]; err = devices[deviceId].getInfo<cl_ulong>( CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, &totalLocalMemory); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Device::getInfo(CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZES) failed."); commandQueue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[deviceId], 0, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "CommandQueue::CommandQueue() failed."); /* * Create and initialize memory objects */ // Set Presistent memory only for AMD platform cl_mem_flags inMemFlags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY; if(isAmdPlatform()) inMemFlags |= CL_MEM_USE_PERSISTENT_MEM_AMD; // Create memory object for input Image /** * We use CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR for CPU as the CPU device is running the kernel * on the actual buffer provided by the application */ if (dType == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { inputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, width * height * numChannels * sizeof(cl_float), input, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (inputImageBuffer)"); // Create memory object for output Image outputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, width * height * numChannels * sizeof(cl_float), output, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (outputImageBuffer)"); } else if (dType == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { inputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, inMemFlags, width * height * numChannels * sizeof(cl_float), 0, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (inputImageBuffer)"); // Create memory object for output Image outputImageBuffer = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, width * height * numChannels * sizeof(cl_float), NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Buffer::Buffer() failed. (outputImageBuffer)"); } device.push_back(devices[deviceId]); // create a CL program using the kernel source streamsdk::SDKFile kernelFile; std::string kernelPath = sampleCommon->getPath(); if(isLoadBinaryEnabled()) { kernelPath.append(loadBinary.c_str()); if(kernelFile.readBinaryFromFile(kernelPath.c_str())) { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Binaries programBinary(1,std::make_pair( (const void*)kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, device, programBinary, NULL, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::Program(Binary) failed."); } else { kernelPath.append(""); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load kernel file : " << kernelPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } cl::Program::Sources programSource(1, std::make_pair(kernelFile.source().data(), kernelFile.source().size())); program = cl::Program(context, programSource, &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::Program(Source) failed."); } std::string flagsStr = std::string(""); // Get additional options if(isComplierFlagsSpecified()) { streamsdk::SDKFile flagsFile; std::string flagsPath = sampleCommon->getPath(); flagsPath.append(flags.c_str()); if(! { std::cout << "Failed to load flags file: " << flagsPath << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } flagsFile.replaceNewlineWithSpaces(); const char * flags = flagsFile.source().c_str(); flagsStr.append(flags); } if(flagsStr.size() != 0) std::cout << "Build Options are : " << flagsStr.c_str() << std::endl; err =, flagsStr.c_str()); if(err != CL_SUCCESS) { if(err == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) { std::string str = program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(devices[deviceId]); std::cout << " \n\t\t\tBUILD LOG\n"; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; std::cout << str << std::endl; std::cout << " ************************************************\n"; } } CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Program::build() failed."); // Create kernel kernel = cl::Kernel(program, "toneMappingPattanaik", &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Kernel::Kernel() failed."); // Check group size against group size returned by kernel kernelWorkGroupSize = kernel.getWorkGroupInfo<CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE>(devices[deviceId], &err); CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(err, "Kernel::getWorkGroupInfo() failed."); /** * For CPU device the kernel work group size is 1024. * Workgroup creation/replacement is an overhead - * avoid workgroups with small number of workitems (we pay more for replacing a WG than running more WI in a for loop). */ if (kernelWorkGroupSize >= 1024) { blockSizeX = 32; blockSizeY = 32; } if((cl_uint)(blockSizeX * blockSizeY) > kernelWorkGroupSize) { if(kernelWorkGroupSize >= 64) { blockSizeX = 8; blockSizeY = 8; } else if(kernelWorkGroupSize >= 32) { blockSizeX = 4; blockSizeY = 4; } else { std::cout << "Out of Resources!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Group Size specified : " << blockSizeX * blockSizeY << std::endl; std::cout << "Max Group Size supported on the kernel : " << kernelWorkGroupSize<<std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } } if(blockSizeX > maxWorkItemSizes[0] || blockSizeY > maxWorkItemSizes[1] || blockSizeX * blockSizeY > maxWorkGroupSize) { std::cout << "Unsupported: Device does not support requested number of work items." << std::endl; return SDK_FAILURE; } return SDK_SUCCESS; }