コード例 #1
ファイル: Mlp.cpp プロジェクト: ZeuAlex/Percep_Multi
/* Calcul de l'activation
 * choice = 0 : propagation couche entree -> couche cachee
 * choice = 1 : propagation couche cachee -> couche sortie
void Mlp::propagation(int choice) {

    unsigned long sz_1 = (choice) ? couche_sortie.size() : couche_cachee.size();
    unsigned long sz_2 = (choice) ? couche_cachee.size() : couche_entree.size();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sz_1; i++) {

        double x = 0.0;

        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sz_2; j++)
            // Calcul intensite du signal reçu par j
            x += (choice) ? couche_cachee[j].get_sortie() * couche_cachee[j].get_poids(i)
                    : couche_entree[j].get_sortie() * couche_entree[j].get_poids(i);

        // Calcul sigmoide d'activation neurones des couches entree et cachee -> f(x) = 1 / (1 + e(-x))
        (choice) ? couche_sortie[i].set_sortie(1 / (1 + exp(-x))) : couche_cachee[i].set_sortie(1 / (1 + exp(-x)));

    if(!choice) propagation(++choice);
コード例 #2
void PatchMatch::match(const cv::Mat &src, const cv::Mat &dst, RosMat<offsetElement> &NearNei) {
    double err = 0, pre_err = 0;
    do {
        pre_err = err;
        propagation(src, dst, NearNei);
        err = errorComputation(dst, coordinateMapping(src, NearNei));
//        cout<<err<<", "<<abs(err - pre_err)<<" : "<<HALTING_PARA*err<<endl;
    } while ( abs(err - pre_err) > HALTING_PARA*err);
    showMat(coordinateMapping(src, NearNei), "map", 0);
//    showMat(dst, "d", 1);
//    showMat(src, "s", 0);
    reconstErrorDisplay(dst, coordinateMapping(src, NearNei));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Mlp.cpp プロジェクト: ZeuAlex/Percep_Multi
// Reconnaissance
int Mlp::test(std::vector< std::vector<double> >* tests) {

    int err = 0, result;
    double tmp;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tests->size(); i++) {

        result = 10;
        tmp = 0.0;

        // Attribution des données de test à la couche d'entrée
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < couche_entree.size(); j++) {

        // Passage dans le reseau de neurones

        // Comparaison résultats attendus
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < couche_sortie.size(); j++) {
            if(couche_sortie[j].get_sortie() > tmp) {
                tmp = couche_sortie[j].get_sortie();
                result = j;
            } else if(couche_sortie[j].get_sortie() == tmp) {
                result = 10;

        if(result != (int)i/10) err++;

    return err;
コード例 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

   //Variable declarations
   //SuTrace* localTraces;		//Local Traces Data		
   float* vModelData;			//Local Velocity Model Data
   unsigned long localTraceNumber;  	//Local Trace Number
   unsigned long traceNumber;       	//Global Trace Number counter 
   unsigned int  shotNumber;        	//Number of shots counter
   int sx; 				//Position x of shot source
   int sy; 				//Position y of shot source
   int sz; 				//Position z of shot source
   unsigned short ns;			//Number of Samples
   unsigned long ntssMax;		//Maximum Number of Traces of the same shot
   unsigned int shotLimit;		//Number of shots analyzed
   unsigned int localShotNumberLimit;	//Number of shots analyzed for each process
   unsigned long ntt;			//Total Number of traces in SU file
   unsigned int TD;			//Size of trace's data (in Bytes)
   unsigned int i;			//Iterator
   FILE *vModelFile;			//File containing velocity Model data
   int my_rank;                         //Rank of process
   int comm_sz;                         //Number of processes
   MPI_Comm comm; 			//Processes' Communicator
   //MPI_Status status;			//Status of MPI communication
   int Xi;				//Velocity Model length (X axis)
   int Yi;				//Velocity Model width  (Y axis)
   int Zi;				//Velocity Model depth  (Z axis)
   float dX;				//Velocity Model length step (X axis)
   float dY;				//Velocity Model width step  (Y axis)
   float dZ;				//Velocity Model depth step  (Z axis)
   float dt;				//Propagation wave time step (T axis)
   float rdt;				//Propagation wave time step (T axis) restricted
   float sdt;				//Propagation wave time step (T axis) corrected
   float *str;                          //Traces data corrected
   unsigned short sTi;			//Number of Samples corrected
   unsigned int gxMin;			//Distance of the first hidrophone in X axis (in meters)
   unsigned int gxMax;			//Distance of the last  hidrophone in X axis (in meters)
   unsigned int gyMin;			//Distance of the first hidrophone in Y axis (in meters)
   unsigned int gyMax;			//Distance of the last  hidrophone in Y axis (in meters)
   unsigned long Xbi;			//Length of Velocity Model with border (X axis)
   unsigned long Ybi; 			//Width of  Velocity Model with border (Y axis)
   unsigned long Zbi;			//Depth of  Velocity Model with border (Z axis) 
   unsigned long indb;			//Index counter of Velocity Model with border
   unsigned long ind;			//Index counter of Velocity Model
   int xi;				//Index counter of Velocity Model length (Xi) 
   int xbi;				//Index counter of Velocity Model with border length (Xi)
   int yi;				//Index counter of Velocity Model width  (Yi)
   int ybi; 				//Index counter of Velocity Model with border width  (Yi)
   int zi;				//Index counter of Velocity Model depth  (Zi)
   int zbi;				//Index counter of Velocity Model with border depth  (Xi)
   unsigned int bw;			//Border Width applied to Velocity Model
   float *vel;				//Velocity Model with border
   int curSx;				//Position x of shot source of the current trace
   int curSy;				//Position y of shot source of the current trace
   unsigned int curGx;			//Position x of hidrophone of the current trace
   unsigned int curGy;			//Position y of hidrophone of the current trace
   unsigned long curTraceNumber;        //Local Trace Number Counter
   //unsigned int  dest;		//Destination process index
   FILE *suFile;			//SU File
   SuTrace* traces;			//SU Traces
   SuTrace* iTraces;			//SU Traces interpolated
   float *tr;                           //Traces data
   int *trc;				//Traces data coordinate (row, column, depth)
   int ti; 				//Index counter of propagation wave time
   int Ntr;				//Number of Traces in Propagation
   unsigned int localXi; 		//Velocity Model length (X axis) used in the current shot
   unsigned int localYi; 		//Velocity Model width  (Y axis) used in the current shot
   unsigned int localGxMin; 		//Distance of the first hidrophone in X axis (in meters) of the current shot
   unsigned int localGxMax;		//Distance of the last  hidrophone in X axis (in meters) of the current shot
   unsigned int localGyMin;	 	//Distance of the first hidrophone in Y axis (in meters) of the current shot
   unsigned int localGyMax;		//Distance of the last  hidrophone in Y axis (in meters) of the current shot
   unsigned int localGxMinC;		//Coordinate of the first hidrophone in X axis (in rows) of the current shot
   unsigned int localGyMinC;		//Coordinate of the first hidrophone in Y axis (in columns) of the current shot
   char fileName [20];			//Name of a file written by the program
   float vMin;				//Minimum velocity in velocity model
   float vMax;                          //Maximum velocity in velocity model
   double divisor;			//Divisor applied to dt accomplish time restriction
   unsigned int fIndex;			//Floor Index used in Interpolation
   unsigned int cIndex;			//Ceil Index used in Interpolation
   float fCoef;				//Coeficient of floor portion in Interpolation
   float cCoef;				//Coeficient of ceil portion in Interpolation
   int rest;
   int localCeilShotNumber;
   unsigned int localFirstShotNumber; 
   unsigned int iMax;

   //uint8_t* localImage;
   //uint8_t* image;

   //MPI start
   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_sz);
   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);

   // Check command line arguments
   if (argc != 16) 
	usage(argv[0], my_rank); 

   // Get arguments from function call in command line
   Xi = atoi(argv[2]);
   Yi = atoi(argv[3]);
   Zi = atoi(argv[4]);
   dX = atof(argv[5]);
   dY = atof(argv[6]);
   dZ = atof(argv[7]);
   dt = atof(argv[8]);   
   gxMin = atoi(argv[9]);
   gxMax = atoi(argv[10]);
   gyMin = atoi(argv[11]);
   gyMax = atoi(argv[12]);
   ntssMax = atol(argv[14]);
   ntt = atol(argv[15]);
   printf("gxMax: %d\tgyMax: %d", gxMax, gyMax);

   //Variables Initialization
   localTraceNumber = 0; 
   traceNumber = 0;       
   shotNumber = 0;
   curSx = 0;		
   curSy = 0;			
   curTraceNumber = 0;  
   divisor = 1;
   vMin = FLT_MAX;
   vMax = 0;
   shotLimit = 1;
   bw = 50;
   Xbi = Xi + 2*bw;
   Ybi = Yi + 2*bw;
   Zbi = Zi + 2*bw;
   // cria imagem local zerada
   //localImage = (uint8_t*) calloc(Xi*Yi*Zi, sizeof(uint8_t));

   //Allocate velocity model data
   vModelData = (float*) malloc(Xi*Yi*Zi*sizeof(float));
   if (vModelData == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}

	 //Open velocity model file
	 vModelFile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
         if (vModelFile == NULL)
                fprintf(stderr, "Erro ao abrir arquivo %s\n", argv[1]);

         // Read velocity model file and puts to vModelData
         if (fread(vModelData, 1, Xi*Yi*Zi*sizeof(float), vModelFile) != Xi*Yi*Zi*sizeof(float))
                fputs ("Reading error",stderr);
                exit (3);

	 printf("My_rank: %d\t Leu modelo de velocidades\n", my_rank);
         //Close velocity model file

  //Allocate velocity model with border
  vel = (float *) malloc(Xbi*Ybi*Zbi*sizeof(float));
  if (vel == NULL) {
    printf("Memory allocation failed: vel.\n");
    return 0;

  //Get Max velocity
  for (xi = 0; xi < Xi; xi++) {
    for (yi = 0; yi < Yi; yi++) {
      for (zi = 0; zi < Zi; zi++) {	
	ind = xi*Yi*Zi + yi*Zi + zi;
	if(vMin > vModelData[ind])
		vMin = vModelData[ind];
	if(vMax < vModelData[ind])
		vMax = vModelData[ind];


  //Open SU file
  suFile = fopen(argv[13], "rb");
  if (suFile == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr, "Erro ao abrir arquivo %s\n", argv[9]);

  //Get number of samples (ns)	   
  fseek(suFile, 114, SEEK_CUR);
  if (fread(&ns, 1, sizeof(unsigned short), suFile) != sizeof(unsigned short)) {
	   printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
  fseek(suFile, -116, SEEK_CUR);
  //Invert ns bytes (Big Endian -> Little Endian)
  invBytes(&ns, sizeof(unsigned short));

  //printf("My_rank: %d\tRealizando expansão do modelo de velocidades\n", my_rank);

  //Test Time Restriction
  rdt = 1/(vMax*sqrt(1/pow(dX,2) + 1/pow(dY,2) + 1/pow(dZ,2)));
  sdt = dt;
  sTi = ns;
  while(sdt > rdt)
	sdt /= 2;
	sTi *= 2;
	divisor *= 2;
  printf("sdt = %.3f\tsTi = %d", sdt, sTi);

  // Optimization
  for (xi = 0; xi < Xi; xi++) {
    for (yi = 0; yi < Yi; yi++) {
      for (zi = 0; zi < Zi; zi++) {
	ind = xi*Yi*Zi + yi*Zi + zi;
	indb = (bw+xi)*Ybi*Zbi + (bw+yi)*Zbi + bw+zi;
	vel[indb] = sdt*sdt*vModelData[ind]*vModelData[ind];

	if(vMin > vModelData[ind])
		vMin = vModelData[ind];
	if(vMax < vModelData[ind])
		vMax = vModelData[ind];

  printf("vMin = %.3f\n", vMin); 
  printf("vMax = %.3f\n", vMax);  
  //printf("velMax = %.3f\n", vMax*vMax*dt*dt);

  // Expansion of the velocity model for the borders  
  for (xbi = bw; xbi < bw+Xi; xbi++) { // copying top and bottom faces -> z
    for (ybi = bw; ybi < bw+Yi; ybi++) {
      for (zbi = 0; zbi < bw; zbi++) {
	vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi] = vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + bw];
	vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + Zbi-1-zbi] = vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + Zbi-1-bw];
  for (xbi = bw; xbi < bw+Xi; xbi++) { // copying left and right faces -> y
    for (zbi = 0; zbi < Zbi; zbi++) {
      for (ybi = 0; ybi < bw; ybi++) {
	vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi] = vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + bw*Zbi + zbi];
	vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + (Ybi-1-ybi)*Zbi + zbi] = vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + (Ybi-1-bw)*Zbi + zbi];
  for (ybi = 0; ybi < Ybi; ybi++) { // copying front and back faces -> x
    for (zbi = 0; zbi < Zbi; zbi++) {
      for (xbi = 0; xbi < bw; xbi++) {
	vel[xbi*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi] = vel[bw*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi];
	vel[(Xbi-1-xbi)*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi] = vel[(Xbi-1-bw)*Ybi*Zbi + ybi*Zbi + zbi];

   //Output Velocity Model files
   FILE *output_file;
   sprintf(fileName, "vel.ad");
   output_file = fopen(fileName, "wb");

   if (output_file == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Erro ao abrir arquivo output\n");

   fwrite(vel, 1, Xbi*Ybi*Zbi*sizeof(float), output_file);

   printf("My_rank: %d\tArquivo de modelo de velocidades com bordas exportado\n", my_rank);

   //Free memory space allocated to vModelData

   printf("My_rank: %d\tExpansão do modelo de velocidades feito\n", my_rank);

   /***** End of Get Velocity Model *****/

   /*****  Get Traces *****/  

   //Calculate Trace Data Bytes
   TD = ns*sizeof(float);

   //printf("NS: %d\t TD: %d\tSizeof(short): %lu\n", ns, TD, sizeof(short));

   //Allocate Traces
   traces = (SuTrace*) malloc(ntssMax*sizeof(SuTrace));
   for (i = 0; i < ntssMax; i++)
	   traces[i].data = (float *) malloc(TD);

   //Allocate Image		   
   //image = (uint8_t*) calloc(Xi*Yi*Zi, sizeof(uint8_t));

   //shotLimit = 11; 0, 3, 6, 9
   //resto = 2;
   //comm_sz = 4;
   rest = shotLimit % comm_sz;
   localCeilShotNumber = (int) ceil((double)shotLimit/(double)comm_sz);
   localFirstShotNumber = my_rank*localCeilShotNumber;
   shotNumber = 0;

   //Read other local Shots
   while(traceNumber < ntt && shotNumber < localFirstShotNumber)

	//Get Next Sdepth, Sx, Sy                    
	fseek(suFile, 72, SEEK_CUR);
	if (fread(&curSx, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
		printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
	if (fread(&curSy, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
		printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
	fseek(suFile, -80, SEEK_CUR);

	//Invert bytes (Big Endian -> Little Endian)
	invBytes(&curSx, sizeof(int));
	invBytes(&curSy, sizeof(int));	

	//Initialize variables of the current shot
	sx = curSx;
	sy = curSy;
	while(sx == curSx && sy == curSy && traceNumber < ntt)	//Get traces from the same shot
		//Jump Trace
		fseek(suFile, TH+TD, SEEK_CUR);

		//Increment variables

		//Get Next Sx and Sy   
		if(traceNumber < ntt)
			fseek(suFile, 72, SEEK_CUR);
			if (fread(&curSx, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
				printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
			if (fread(&curSy, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
				printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
			fseek(suFile, -80, SEEK_CUR);

			invBytes(&curSx, sizeof(int));
			invBytes(&curSy, sizeof(int));

   //Calculate local ShotNumberLimit
   if(rest != 0 && shotLimit >= comm_sz)
	   if(my_rank > rest)
		   localShotNumberLimit = shotNumber+rest; 
		   localShotNumberLimit = shotNumber+localCeilShotNumber;	   	
   else if(shotLimit >= comm_sz)
	localShotNumberLimit = shotNumber+localCeilShotNumber;
	if(my_rank < rest)
		localShotNumberLimit = shotNumber+localCeilShotNumber;
		localShotNumberLimit = shotNumber;
   printf("My_rank: %u\tNumberShot: %u\tLocalShotNumberLimit: %u\tTraceNumber: %lu\n", my_rank, shotNumber, localShotNumberLimit, traceNumber);

   //Read local shots
   while(traceNumber < ntt && shotNumber < localShotNumberLimit)

	//Get Next Sdepth, Sx, Sy                    
	fseek(suFile, 48, SEEK_CUR);
	if (fread(&sz, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
		printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
	fseek(suFile, 20, SEEK_CUR);
	if (fread(&curSx, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
		printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
	if (fread(&curSy, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
		printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
	fseek(suFile, -80, SEEK_CUR);

	//Invert bytes (Big Endian -> Little Endian)
	invBytes(&curSx, sizeof(int));
	invBytes(&curSy, sizeof(int));	
	invBytes(&sz, sizeof(int));	

	//Compute destination process
	//dest = (shotNumber % (comm_sz-1)) + 1; 

	//printf("Rank: %d\tNumberShot: %u\tenviou coordenada da fonte\n", my_rank, shotNumber);

	//Initialize variables of the current shot
	sx = curSx;
	sy = curSy;
	curTraceNumber = 0;
	localGxMax = localGyMax = 0;
	localGxMin = localGyMin = INT_MAX;

	while(sx == curSx && sy == curSy && traceNumber < ntt)	//Get traces from the same shot
		//Get Trace
		if (fread(&(traces[curTraceNumber]), 1, TH, suFile) != TH) {
			printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
		if (fread(traces[curTraceNumber].data, 1, TD, suFile) != TD) {
			printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");

		//Get Current Gx and Gy
		curGx = traces[curTraceNumber].gx;
		curGy = traces[curTraceNumber].gy;
		invBytes(&curGx, sizeof(int));
		invBytes(&curGy, sizeof(int));

		//printf("TraceNumber = %lu\t\tgxMin = %u\tgxMax = %u\tgyMin = %u\tgyMax = %u\n", traceNumber, gxMin, gxMax, gyMin, gyMax);

		//Get max/min Gx and Gy
		if(curGx > localGxMax)
			localGxMax = curGx;
		if(curGx < localGxMin)
			localGxMin = curGx;

		if(curGy > localGyMax)
			localGyMax = curGy;
		if(curGy < localGyMin)
			localGyMin = curGy;

		//Increment variables

		//Get Next Sx and Sy   
		if(traceNumber < ntt)
			fseek(suFile, 72, SEEK_CUR);
			if (fread(&curSx, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
				printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
			if (fread(&curSy, 1, sizeof(int), suFile) != sizeof(int)) {
				printf("getSuTrace failed!\n");
			fseek(suFile, -80, SEEK_CUR);

			invBytes(&curSx, sizeof(int));
			invBytes(&curSy, sizeof(int));

	printf("gxMin = %u\tgxMax = %u\tgyMin = %u\tgyMax = %u\n", localGxMin, localGxMax, localGyMin, localGyMax);
	printf("My_rank: %u\tNumberShot: %u\tLocalTraceNumber: %lu\tTraceNumber: %lu\n", my_rank, shotNumber, localTraceNumber, traceNumber);
	printf("\nMy_rank: %d\tDistribuição dos traços concluída com sucesso!\n", my_rank);

	Ntr = 1;  //Number of traces (sources)

	//Allocate traces coordinates and samples of traces
	trc = (int *) malloc(Ntr*3*sizeof(int));
	tr = (float *) malloc(Ntr*ns*sizeof(float));

	for (ti = 0; ti < ns; ti++) {
		tr[ti] = source(ti*dt);
		//printf("tr[%d] = %.3f\n", ti, tr[ti]);

	//Converting sx, sy and sx to coordinates
	trc[0] = (sx-localGxMin)/dX;
	trc[1] = (sy-localGyMin)/dY;
	trc[2] = sz/dZ;

	//Update propagation filename
	sprintf(fileName, "direta_%d.bin", shotNumber);

	//Calculate local bounds and local velocity model size
	localGxMinC = (localGxMin-gxMin)/dX;
	localGyMinC = (localGyMin-gyMin)/dY;
	localXi = (localGxMax-localGxMin)/dX + 1;
	localYi = (localGyMax-localGyMin)/dY + 1;

	printf("My_rank: %u\tNumberShot: %u\tLocalXi: %u\tLocalYi: %u\tlocalGxMinC = %u\tlocalGyMinC = %u\n", my_rank, shotNumber, localXi, localYi, localGxMinC, localGyMinC);
	printf("trc[0] = %d\ttrc[1] = %d\ttrc[2] = %d\tsx = %d\tsy = %d\n", trc[0], trc[1], trc[2], sx, sy);
	//Test Propagation Restrictions
	printf("maxDs tem que ser menor que %.6f\n", vMin/(4.0*freq));
	if(maxDs(dX,dY,dZ) <= vMin/(4.0*freq))
		printf("Passou no teste espacial\n");
		printf("Nao passou no teste espacial\n");

	printf("dt tem que ser menor que %.6f\n",  1/(vMax*sqrt(1/pow(dX,2) + 1/pow(dY,2) + 1/pow(dZ,2))));
	if(dt <= rdt)
		printf("Passou no teste temporal 2\n");
		propagation( &(vel[localGxMinC*Ybi*Zbi + localGyMinC*Zbi]), localXi, localYi, Yi, Zi, dX, dY, dZ, tr, ns, dt, trc, Ntr, 1, fileName, bw, my_rank, shotNumber, iMax);

		//Allocate corrected pointers
		str = (float *) malloc(Ntr*sTi*sizeof(float));
   		/*iTraces = (SuTrace*) malloc(curTraceNumber*sizeof(SuTrace));
		for (i = 0; i < curTraceNumber; i++)
			iTraces[i].data = (float *) malloc(divisor*TD);
		}// */

        	for (ti = 0; ti < sTi; ti++) 
			if(ti % (int) divisor != 0)
				fIndex = (int) divisor*floor((double) ti / divisor);
				cIndex = (int) divisor*ceil((double) ti / divisor);
				fCoef = ((float) (ti-fIndex)) / divisor ;
				cCoef = ((float) (cIndex-ti)) / divisor ;
				str[ti] = fCoef*tr[fIndex]+cCoef*tr[cIndex];
				/*for (i = 0; i < curTraceNumber; i++)
					iTraces[i].data[ti] = fCoef*traces[i].data[fIndex]+cCoef*traces[i].data[cIndex];
				if(my_rank == 0)
					//printf("ti: %d\tdiv: %.2f\tfI: %d\tcI: %d\t fCoef: %.2f\t cCoef: %.2f\ttr[fI]: %.3f\ttr[cI]: %.3f\tstr[t]: %.3f\n", ti, divisor, fIndex, cIndex, fCoef, cCoef, tr[fIndex], tr[cIndex], str[ti]);
				str[ti] = tr[ti];

		//Free default pointers
		/*for (i = 0; i < ntssMax; i++)

                iMax = 0;
		printf("Nao passou no teste temporal 2\n");		
		propagation( &(vel[localGxMinC*Ybi*Zbi + localGyMinC*Zbi]), localXi, localYi, Yi, Zi, dX, dY, dZ, str, sTi, sdt, trc, Ntr, 1, fileName, bw, my_rank, shotNumber, iMax);

		//Free corrected pointers
		/*for (i = 0; i < curTraceNumber; i++)

	// assinatura retropropagacao
	//backpropagation(vel, localXi, localYi, Yi, Zi, dx, dy, dz, traces, sTi, sdt, trc, curTraceNumber, 200, fileName, bw, my_rank, shotNumber);

	// assinatura correlacao cruzada
	//imageCondition(localImage, u_i, u_r, Xi, Yi, Zi);

	shotNumber++;//Update number of shot


   printf("\nMy_rank: %d\tCalculo dos traços concluído com sucesso!\n", my_rank);

   /*****  End of Get Traces *****/

   // adicionar a imagem local
   //MPI_Reduce(localImage, image, Xi*Yi*Zi, MPI_UINT8_T, MPI_SUM, 0, comm);

   //Print data to File
   //printFile(traces, localTraceNumber, TD, vel, Xbi*Ybi*Zbi, my_rank);

   //Free pointers


   //End of MPI Processes

   return 0;