static int lwpoly_calculate_gbox_cartesian(LWPOLY *poly, GBOX *gbox) { if ( ! poly ) return LW_FAILURE; if ( poly->nrings == 0 ) return LW_FAILURE; /* Just need to check outer ring */ return ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian( poly->rings[0], gbox ); }
static int lwtriangle_calculate_gbox_cartesian(LWTRIANGLE *triangle, GBOX *gbox) { if ( ! triangle ) return LW_FAILURE; return ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian( triangle->points, gbox ); }
static int lwpoint_calculate_gbox_cartesian(LWPOINT *point, GBOX *gbox) { if ( ! point ) return LW_FAILURE; return ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian( point->point, gbox ); }
static int lwline_calculate_gbox_cartesian(LWLINE *line, GBOX *gbox) { if ( ! line ) return LW_FAILURE; return ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian( line->points, gbox ); }
Datum LWGEOM_interiorringn_polygon(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GSERIALIZED *geom; int32 wanted_index; LWCURVEPOLY *curvepoly = NULL; LWPOLY *poly = NULL; POINTARRAY *ring; LWLINE *line; LWGEOM *lwgeom; GSERIALIZED *result; GBOX *bbox = NULL; int type; POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "LWGEOM_interierringn_polygon called."); wanted_index = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); if ( wanted_index < 1 ) { /* elog(ERROR, "InteriorRingN: ring number is 1-based"); */ PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* index out of range */ } geom = (GSERIALIZED *)PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0)); type = gserialized_get_type(geom); if ( (type != POLYGONTYPE) && (type != CURVEPOLYTYPE) ) { elog(ERROR, "InteriorRingN: geom is not a polygon"); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0); PG_RETURN_NULL(); } lwgeom = lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom); if( lwgeom_is_empty(lwgeom) ) { lwpoly_free(poly); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0); PG_RETURN_NULL(); } if ( type == POLYGONTYPE) { poly = lwgeom_as_lwpoly(lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom)); /* Ok, now we have a polygon. Let's see if it has enough holes */ if ( wanted_index >= poly->nrings ) { lwpoly_free(poly); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0); PG_RETURN_NULL(); } ring = poly->rings[wanted_index]; /* COMPUTE_BBOX==TAINTING */ if ( poly->bbox ) { bbox = lwalloc(sizeof(GBOX)); ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian(ring, bbox); } /* This is a LWLINE constructed by interior ring POINTARRAY */ line = lwline_construct(poly->srid, bbox, ring); result = geometry_serialize((LWGEOM *)line); lwline_release(line); lwpoly_free(poly); } else { curvepoly = lwgeom_as_lwcurvepoly(lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom)); if (wanted_index >= curvepoly->nrings) { PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0); lwgeom_release((LWGEOM *)curvepoly); PG_RETURN_NULL(); } result = geometry_serialize(curvepoly->rings[wanted_index]); lwgeom_free((LWGEOM*)curvepoly); } PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0); PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); }