コード例 #1
ファイル: cu_algorithm.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
** The suite initialization function.
** Create any re-used objects.
static int init_cg_suite(void)
	pa21 = ptarray_construct(0, 0, 2);
	pa22 = ptarray_construct(0, 0, 2);
	l21 = lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa21);
	l22 = lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa22);
	return 0;

コード例 #2
ファイル: lwin_wkb.c プロジェクト: nextgis-borsch/postgis
* Read a dynamically sized point array and advance the parse state forward.
* First read the number of points, then read the points.
static POINTARRAY* ptarray_from_wkb_state(wkb_parse_state *s)
	size_t pa_size;
	uint32_t ndims = 2;
	uint32_t npoints = 0;
	static uint32_t maxpoints = 4294967295 / WKB_DOUBLE_SIZE / 4;

	/* Calculate the size of this point array. */
	npoints = integer_from_wkb_state(s);
	if (npoints > maxpoints)
		lwerror("point array length (%d) is too large");

	LWDEBUGF(4,"Pointarray has %d points", npoints);

	if( s->has_z ) ndims++;
	if( s->has_m ) ndims++;
	pa_size = npoints * ndims * WKB_DOUBLE_SIZE;

	/* Empty! */
	if( npoints == 0 )
		return ptarray_construct(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints);

	/* Does the data we want to read exist? */
	wkb_parse_state_check(s, pa_size);

	/* If we're in a native endianness, we can just copy the data directly! */
	if( ! s->swap_bytes )
		pa = ptarray_construct_copy_data(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints, (uint8_t*)s->pos);
		s->pos += pa_size;
	/* Otherwise we have to read each double, separately. */
		int i = 0;
		double *dlist;
		pa = ptarray_construct(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints);
		dlist = (double*)(pa->serialized_pointlist);
		for( i = 0; i < npoints * ndims; i++ )
			dlist[i] = double_from_wkb_state(s);

	return pa;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cu_algorithm.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
static void test_lwline_clip_big(void)
	POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct(1, 0, 3);
	LWLINE *line = lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
	char *ewkt;

	p.x = 0.0;
	p.y = 0.0;
	p.z = 0.0;
	ptarray_set_point4d(pa, 0, &p);

	p.x = 1.0;
	p.y = 1.0;
	p.z = 1.0;
	ptarray_set_point4d(pa, 1, &p);

	p.x = 2.0;
	p.y = 2.0;
	p.z = 2.0;
	ptarray_set_point4d(pa, 2, &p);

	c = lwline_clip_to_ordinate_range(line, 'Z', 0.5, 1.5);
	ewkt = lwgeom_to_ewkt((LWGEOM*)c);
	//printf("c = %s\n", ewkt);
	CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(ewkt, "MULTILINESTRING((0.5 0.5 0.5,1 1 1,1.5 1.5 1.5))" );

コード例 #4
ファイル: g_serialized.c プロジェクト: NianYue/pipelinedb
static LWLINE* lwline_from_gserialized_buffer(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t g_flags, size_t *g_size)
	uint8_t *start_ptr = data_ptr;
	LWLINE *line;
	uint32_t npoints = 0;


	line = (LWLINE*)lwalloc(sizeof(LWLINE));
	line->srid = SRID_UNKNOWN; /* Default */
	line->bbox = NULL;
	line->type = LINETYPE;
	line->flags = g_flags;

	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the type. */
	npoints = lw_get_uint32_t(data_ptr); /* Zero => empty geometry */
	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the npoints. */

	if ( npoints > 0 )
		line->points = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), npoints, data_ptr);
		line->points = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), 0); /* Empty linestring */

	data_ptr += FLAGS_NDIMS(g_flags) * npoints * sizeof(double);

	if ( g_size )
		*g_size = data_ptr - start_ptr;

	return line;
コード例 #5
ファイル: g_serialized.c プロジェクト: NianYue/pipelinedb
static LWPOINT* lwpoint_from_gserialized_buffer(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t g_flags, size_t *g_size)
	uint8_t *start_ptr = data_ptr;
	LWPOINT *point;
	uint32_t npoints = 0;


	point = (LWPOINT*)lwalloc(sizeof(LWPOINT));
	point->srid = SRID_UNKNOWN; /* Default */
	point->bbox = NULL;
	point->type = POINTTYPE;
	point->flags = g_flags;

	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the type. */
	npoints = lw_get_uint32_t(data_ptr); /* Zero => empty geometry */
	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the npoints. */

	if ( npoints > 0 )
		point->point = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), 1, data_ptr);
		point->point = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), 0); /* Empty point */

	data_ptr += npoints * FLAGS_NDIMS(g_flags) * sizeof(double);

	if ( g_size )
		*g_size = data_ptr - start_ptr;

	return point;
コード例 #6
ファイル: g_serialized.c プロジェクト: NianYue/pipelinedb
static LWCIRCSTRING* lwcircstring_from_gserialized_buffer(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t g_flags, size_t *g_size)
	uint8_t *start_ptr = data_ptr;
	LWCIRCSTRING *circstring;
	uint32_t npoints = 0;


	circstring = (LWCIRCSTRING*)lwalloc(sizeof(LWCIRCSTRING));
	circstring->srid = SRID_UNKNOWN; /* Default */
	circstring->bbox = NULL;
	circstring->type = CIRCSTRINGTYPE;
	circstring->flags = g_flags;

	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the circstringtype. */
	npoints = lw_get_uint32_t(data_ptr); /* Zero => empty geometry */
	data_ptr += 4; /* Skip past the npoints. */

	if ( npoints > 0 )
		circstring->points = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), npoints, data_ptr);		
		circstring->points = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(g_flags), FLAGS_GET_M(g_flags), 0); /* Empty circularstring */

	data_ptr += FLAGS_NDIMS(g_flags) * npoints * sizeof(double);

	if ( g_size )
		*g_size = data_ptr - start_ptr;

	return circstring;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: TesseractG/lwgeom
 * @brief Merge two given POINTARRAY and returns a pointer
 * on the new aggregate one.
 * Warning: this function free the two inputs POINTARRAY
 * @return #POINTARRAY is newly allocated
ptarray_merge(POINTARRAY *pa1, POINTARRAY *pa2)
	size_t ptsize = ptarray_point_size(pa1);

	if (FLAGS_GET_ZM(pa1->flags) != FLAGS_GET_ZM(pa2->flags))
		lwerror("ptarray_cat: Mixed dimension");

	pa = ptarray_construct( FLAGS_GET_Z(pa1->flags),
	                        pa1->npoints + pa2->npoints);

	memcpy(         getPoint_internal(pa, 0),
	                getPoint_internal(pa1, 0),

	memcpy(         getPoint_internal(pa, pa1->npoints),
	                getPoint_internal(pa2, 0),


	return pa;
コード例 #8
ファイル: lwline.c プロジェクト: Vlczech/vtapi
* Re-write the measure ordinate (or add one, if it isn't already there) interpolating
* the measure between the supplied start and end values.
lwline_measured_from_lwline(const LWLINE *lwline, double m_start, double m_end)
	int i = 0;
	int hasm = 0, hasz = 0;
	int npoints = 0;
	double length = 0.0;
	double length_so_far = 0.0;
	double m_range = m_end - m_start;
	double m;
	POINT3DZ p1, p2;

	if ( TYPE_GETTYPE(lwline->type) != LINETYPE )
		lwerror("lwline_construct_from_lwline: only line types supported");
		return NULL;

	hasz = TYPE_HASZ(lwline->type);
	hasm = 1;

	/* Null points or npoints == 0 will result in empty return geometry */
	if ( lwline->points )
		npoints = lwline->points->npoints;
		length = lwgeom_pointarray_length2d(lwline->points);
		getPoint3dz_p(lwline->points, 0, &p1);

	pa = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, npoints);

	for ( i = 0; i < npoints; i++ )
		POINT4D q;
		POINT2D a, b;
		getPoint3dz_p(lwline->points, i, &p2);
		a.x = p1.x;
		a.y = p1.y;
		b.x = p2.x;
		b.y = p2.y;
		length_so_far += distance2d_pt_pt(&a, &b);
		if ( length > 0.0 )
			m = m_start + m_range * length_so_far / length;
			m = 0.0;
		q.x = p2.x;
		q.y = p2.y;
		q.z = p2.z;
		q.m = m;
		setPoint4d(pa, i, &q);
		p1 = p2;

	return lwline_construct(lwline->SRID, NULL, pa);
コード例 #9
ファイル: lwpoint.c プロジェクト: sensorseverywhere/se
lwpoint_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
	LWPOINT *result = lwalloc(sizeof(LWPOINT));
	result->type = POINTTYPE;
	result->flags = gflags(hasz, hasm, 0);
	result->srid = srid;
	result->point = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, 0);
	result->bbox = NULL;
	return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: TesseractG/lwgeom
 * @brief Add a point in a pointarray.
 * @param pa the source POINTARRAY
 * @param p the point to add
 * @param pdims number of ordinates in p (2..4)
 * @param where to insert the point. 0 prepends, pa->npoints appends
 * @returns a newly constructed POINTARRAY using a newly allocated buffer
 *          for the actual points, or NULL on error.
ptarray_addPoint(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint8_t *p, size_t pdims, uint32_t where)
	POINT4D pbuf;
	size_t ptsize = ptarray_point_size(pa);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "pa %x p %x size %d where %d",
	         pa, p, pdims, where);

	if ( pdims < 2 || pdims > 4 )
		lwerror("ptarray_addPoint: point dimension out of range (%d)",
		return NULL;

	if ( where > pa->npoints )
		lwerror("ptarray_addPoint: offset out of range (%d)",
		return NULL;

	LWDEBUG(3, "called with a %dD point");

	pbuf.x = pbuf.y = pbuf.z = pbuf.m = 0.0;
	memcpy((uint8_t *)&pbuf, p, pdims*sizeof(double));

	LWDEBUG(3, "initialized point buffer");

	ret = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(pa->flags),
	                        FLAGS_GET_M(pa->flags), pa->npoints+1);

	if ( where == -1 ) where = pa->npoints;

	if ( where )
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(ret, 0), getPoint_internal(pa, 0), ptsize*where);

	memcpy(getPoint_internal(ret, where), (uint8_t *)&pbuf, ptsize);

	if ( where+1 != ret->npoints )
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(ret, where+1),
		       getPoint_internal(pa, where),

	return ret;
コード例 #11
ファイル: lwpoint.c プロジェクト: HydroLogic/geocoder
make_lwpoint2d(int SRID, double x, double y)
	POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct(0, 0, 1);

	p.x = x;
	p.y = y;

	memcpy(getPoint_internal(pa, 0), &p, sizeof(POINT2D));

	return lwpoint_construct(SRID, NULL, pa);
コード例 #12
ファイル: lwpoint.c プロジェクト: HydroLogic/geocoder
make_lwpoint3dm(int SRID, double x, double y, double m)
	POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct(0, 1, 1);

	p.x = x;
	p.y = y;
	p.m = m;

	memcpy(getPoint_internal(pa, 0), &p, sizeof(POINT3DM));

	return lwpoint_construct(SRID, NULL, pa);
コード例 #13
ファイル: lwpoint.c プロジェクト: HydroLogic/geocoder
make_lwpoint3dz(int SRID, double x, double y, double z)
	POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct(1, 0, 1);

	p.x = x;
	p.y = y;
	p.z = z;

	memcpy(getPoint_internal(pa, 0), &p, sizeof(POINT3DZ));

	return lwpoint_construct(SRID, NULL, pa);
コード例 #14
ファイル: lwsegmentize.c プロジェクト: JeremyGrosser/postgis
static LWGEOM*
linestring_from_pa(const POINTARRAY *pa, int srid, int start, int end)
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	POINTARRAY *pao = ptarray_construct(ptarray_has_z(pa), ptarray_has_m(pa), end-start+2);
	LWDEBUGF(4, "srid=%d, start=%d, end=%d", srid, start, end);
	for( i = start; i < end + 2; i++ )
		getPoint4d_p(pa, i, &p);
		ptarray_set_point4d(pao, j++, &p);	
	return lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline_construct(srid, NULL, pao));
コード例 #15
ファイル: lwsegmentize.c プロジェクト: JeremyGrosser/postgis
static LWGEOM*
circstring_from_pa(const POINTARRAY *pa, int srid, int start, int end)
	POINT4D p0, p1, p2;
	POINTARRAY *pao = ptarray_construct(ptarray_has_z(pa), ptarray_has_m(pa), 3);
	LWDEBUGF(4, "srid=%d, start=%d, end=%d", srid, start, end);
	getPoint4d_p(pa, start, &p0);
	ptarray_set_point4d(pao, 0, &p0);	
	getPoint4d_p(pa, (start+end)/2, &p1);
	ptarray_set_point4d(pao, 1, &p1);	
	getPoint4d_p(pa, end+1, &p2);
	ptarray_set_point4d(pao, 2, &p2);	
	return lwcircstring_as_lwgeom(lwcircstring_construct(srid, NULL, pao));
コード例 #16
ファイル: lwin_wkb.c プロジェクト: nextgis-borsch/postgis
* Read a WKB point, starting just after the endian byte,
* type number and optional srid number.
* Advance the parse state forward appropriately.
* WKB point has just a set of doubles, with the quantity depending on the
* dimension of the point, so this looks like a special case of the above
* with only one point.
static LWPOINT* lwpoint_from_wkb_state(wkb_parse_state *s)
	static uint32_t npoints = 1;
	size_t pa_size;
	uint32_t ndims = 2;
	const POINT2D *pt;

	/* Count the dimensions. */
	if( s->has_z ) ndims++;
	if( s->has_m ) ndims++;
	pa_size = ndims * WKB_DOUBLE_SIZE;

	/* Does the data we want to read exist? */
	wkb_parse_state_check(s, pa_size);

	/* If we're in a native endianness, we can just copy the data directly! */
	if( ! s->swap_bytes )
		pa = ptarray_construct_copy_data(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints, (uint8_t*)s->pos);
		s->pos += pa_size;
	/* Otherwise we have to read each double, separately */
		int i = 0;
		double *dlist;
		pa = ptarray_construct(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints);
		dlist = (double*)(pa->serialized_pointlist);
		for( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
			dlist[i] = double_from_wkb_state(s);

	/* Check for POINT(NaN NaN) ==> POINT EMPTY */
	pt = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
	if ( isnan(pt->x) && isnan(pt->y) )
		return lwpoint_construct_empty(s->srid, s->has_z, s->has_m);
		return lwpoint_construct(s->srid, NULL, pa);
コード例 #17
ファイル: lwin_twkb.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
* Read a dynamically sized point array and advance the parse state forward.
static POINTARRAY* ptarray_from_twkb_state(twkb_parse_state *s, uint32_t npoints)
	uint32_t ndims = s->ndims;
	int i;
	double *dlist;

	LWDEBUG(2,"Entering ptarray_from_twkb_state");
	LWDEBUGF(4,"Pointarray has %d points", npoints);

	/* Empty! */
	if( npoints == 0 )
		return ptarray_construct_empty(s->has_z, s->has_m, 0);

	pa = ptarray_construct(s->has_z, s->has_m, npoints);
	dlist = (double*)(pa->serialized_pointlist);
	for( i = 0; i < npoints; i++ )
		int j = 0;
		/* X */
		s->coords[j] += twkb_parse_state_varint(s);
		dlist[ndims*i + j] = s->coords[j] / s->factor;
		/* Y */
		s->coords[j] += twkb_parse_state_varint(s);
		dlist[ndims*i + j] = s->coords[j] / s->factor;
		/* Z */
		if ( s->has_z )
			s->coords[j] += twkb_parse_state_varint(s);
			dlist[ndims*i + j] = s->coords[j] / s->factor_z;
		/* M */
		if ( s->has_m )
			s->coords[j] += twkb_parse_state_varint(s);
			dlist[ndims*i + j] = s->coords[j] / s->factor_m;

	return pa;
コード例 #18
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: TesseractG/lwgeom
 * Returns a POINTARRAY with consecutive equal points
 * removed. Equality test on all dimensions of input.
 * Always returns a newly allocated object.
ptarray_remove_repeated_points(POINTARRAY *in)
	size_t ptsize;
	size_t ipn, opn;

	LWDEBUG(3, "ptarray_remove_repeated_points called.");

	/* Single or zero point arrays can't have duplicates */
	if ( in->npoints < 3 ) return ptarray_clone_deep(in);

	ptsize = ptarray_point_size(in);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "ptsize: %d", ptsize);

	/* Allocate enough space for all points */
	out = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(in->flags),
	                        FLAGS_GET_M(in->flags), in->npoints);

	/* Now fill up the actual points (NOTE: could be optimized) */

	memcpy(getPoint_internal(out, 0), getPoint_internal(in, 0), ptsize);
	LWDEBUGF(3, " first point copied, out points: %d", opn);
	for (ipn=1; ipn<in->npoints; ++ipn)
		if ( (ipn==in->npoints-1 && opn==1) || memcmp(getPoint_internal(in, ipn-1),
		        getPoint_internal(in, ipn), ptsize) )
			/* The point is different from the previous,
			 * we add it to output */
			memcpy(getPoint_internal(out, opn++),
			       getPoint_internal(in, ipn), ptsize);
			LWDEBUGF(3, " Point %d differs from point %d. Out points: %d",
			         ipn, ipn-1, opn);

	LWDEBUGF(3, " in:%d out:%d", out->npoints, opn);
	out->npoints = opn;

	return out;
コード例 #19
ファイル: lwgeom_geos.c プロジェクト: gravitystorm/postgis
/* Return a POINTARRAY from a GEOSCoordSeq */
ptarray_from_GEOSCoordSeq(const GEOSCoordSequence *cs, char want3d)
	uint32_t dims=2;
	uint32_t size, i, ptsize;
	POINT4D point;

	LWDEBUG(2, "ptarray_fromGEOSCoordSeq called");

	if ( ! GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(cs, &size) )
		lwerror("Exception thrown");

	LWDEBUGF(4, " GEOSCoordSeq size: %d", size);

	if ( want3d )
		if ( ! GEOSCoordSeq_getDimensions(cs, &dims) )
			lwerror("Exception thrown");

		LWDEBUGF(4, " GEOSCoordSeq dimensions: %d", dims);

		/* forget higher dimensions (if any) */
		if ( dims > 3 ) dims = 3;

	LWDEBUGF(4, " output dimensions: %d", dims);

	ptsize = sizeof(double)*dims;

	pa = ptarray_construct((dims==3), 0, size);

	for (i=0; i<size; i++)
		GEOSCoordSeq_getX(cs, i, &(point.x));
		GEOSCoordSeq_getY(cs, i, &(point.y));
		if ( dims >= 3 ) GEOSCoordSeq_getZ(cs, i, &(point.z));

	return pa;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: TesseractG/lwgeom
 * @brief Remove a point from a pointarray.
 * 	@param which -  is the offset (starting at 0)
 * @return #POINTARRAY is newly allocated
ptarray_removePoint(POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t which)
	size_t ptsize = ptarray_point_size(pa);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "pa %x which %d", pa, which);

	if ( which > pa->npoints-1 )
		lwerror("ptarray_removePoint: offset (%d) out of range (%d..%d)",
		        which, 0, pa->npoints-1);
		return NULL;

	if ( pa->npoints < 3 )
		lwerror("ptarray_removePointe: can't remove a point from a 2-vertex POINTARRAY");

	ret = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(pa->flags),
	                        FLAGS_GET_M(pa->flags), pa->npoints-1);

	/* copy initial part */
	if ( which )
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(ret, 0), getPoint_internal(pa, 0), ptsize*which);

	/* copy final part */
	if ( which < pa->npoints-1 )
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(ret, which), getPoint_internal(pa, which+1),

	return ret;
コード例 #21
* Take in a LINESTRING and return a MULTILINESTRING of those portions of the
* LINESTRING between the from/to range for the specified ordinate (XYZM)
lwline_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWLINE *line, char ordinate, double from, double to)

	LWCOLLECTION *lwgeom_out = NULL;
	int i, rv;
	int added_last_point = 0;
	POINT4D *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL;
	double ordinate_value_p = 0.0, ordinate_value_q = 0.0;
	char hasz = lwgeom_has_z(lwline_as_lwgeom(line));
	char hasm = lwgeom_has_m(lwline_as_lwgeom(line));
	char dims = FLAGS_NDIMS(line->flags);

	/* Null input, nothing we can do. */
	if ( ! line )
		lwerror("Null input geometry.");
		return NULL;

	/* Ensure 'from' is less than 'to'. */
	if ( to < from )
		double t = from;
		from = to;
		to = t;

	LWDEBUGF(4, "from = %g, to = %g, ordinate = %c", from, to, ordinate);
	LWDEBUGF(4, "%s", lwgeom_to_ewkt((LWGEOM*)line));

	/* Asking for an ordinate we don't have. Error. */
	if ( (ordinate == 'Z' && ! hasz) || (ordinate == 'M' && ! hasm) )
		lwerror("Cannot clip on ordinate %d in a %d-d geometry.", ordinate, dims);
		return NULL;

	/* Prepare our working point objects. */
	p = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));
	q = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));
	r = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));

	/* Construct a collection to hold our outputs. */
	lwgeom_out = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, line->srid, hasz, hasm);

	/* Get our input point array */
	pa_in = line->points;

	for ( i = 0; i < pa_in->npoints; i++ )
		LWDEBUGF(4, "Point #%d", i);
		LWDEBUGF(4, "added_last_point %d", added_last_point);
		if ( i > 0 )
			*q = *p;
			ordinate_value_q = ordinate_value_p;
		rv = getPoint4d_p(pa_in, i, p);
		ordinate_value_p = lwpoint_get_ordinate(p, ordinate);
		LWDEBUGF(4, " ordinate_value_p %g (current)", ordinate_value_p);
		LWDEBUGF(4, " ordinate_value_q %g (previous)", ordinate_value_q);

		/* Is this point inside the ordinate range? Yes. */
		if ( ordinate_value_p >= from && ordinate_value_p <= to )
			LWDEBUGF(4, " inside ordinate range (%g, %g)", from, to);

			if ( ! added_last_point )
				LWDEBUG(4,"  new ptarray required");
				/* We didn't add the previous point, so this is a new segment.
				*  Make a new point array. */
				dp = ptarray_construct_empty(hasz, hasm, 32);

				/* We're transiting into the range so add an interpolated
				*  point at the range boundary.
				*  If we're on a boundary and crossing from the far side,
				*  we also need an interpolated point. */
				if ( i > 0 && ( /* Don't try to interpolate if this is the first point */
				            ( ordinate_value_p > from && ordinate_value_p < to ) || /* Inside */
				            ( ordinate_value_p == from && ordinate_value_q > to ) || /* Hopping from above */
				            ( ordinate_value_p == to && ordinate_value_q < from ) ) ) /* Hopping from below */
					double interpolation_value;
					(ordinate_value_q > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
					rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
					rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
					LWDEBUGF(4, "[0] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			/* Add the current vertex to the point array. */
			rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, p, LW_FALSE);
			if ( ordinate_value_p == from || ordinate_value_p == to )
				added_last_point = 2; /* Added on boundary. */
				added_last_point = 1; /* Added inside range. */
		/* Is this point inside the ordinate range? No. */
			LWDEBUGF(4, "  added_last_point (%d)", added_last_point);
			if ( added_last_point == 1 )
				/* We're transiting out of the range, so add an interpolated point
				*  to the point array at the range boundary. */
				double interpolation_value;
				(ordinate_value_p > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
				rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
				rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
				LWDEBUGF(4, " [1] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			else if ( added_last_point == 2 )
				/* We're out and the last point was on the boundary.
				*  If the last point was the near boundary, nothing to do.
				*  If it was the far boundary, we need an interpolated point. */
				if ( from != to && (
				            (ordinate_value_q == from && ordinate_value_p > from) ||
				            (ordinate_value_q == to && ordinate_value_p < to) ) )
					double interpolation_value;
					(ordinate_value_p > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
					rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
					rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
					LWDEBUGF(4, " [2] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			else if ( i && ordinate_value_q < from && ordinate_value_p > to )
				/* We just hopped over the whole range, from bottom to top,
				*  so we need to add *two* interpolated points! */
				dp = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, 2);
				/* Interpolate lower point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, from);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 0, r);
				/* Interpolate upper point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, to);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 1, r);
			else if ( i && ordinate_value_q > to && ordinate_value_p < from )
				/* We just hopped over the whole range, from top to bottom,
				*  so we need to add *two* interpolated points! */
				dp = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, 2);
				/* Interpolate upper point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, to);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 0, r);
				/* Interpolate lower point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, from);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 1, r);
			/* We have an extant point-array, save it out to a multi-line. */
			if ( dp )
				LWDEBUG(4, "saving pointarray to multi-line (1)");

				/* Only one point, so we have to make an lwpoint to hold this
				*  and set the overall output type to a generic collection. */
				if ( dp->npoints == 1 )
					LWPOINT *opoint = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
					lwgeom_out->type = COLLECTIONTYPE;
					lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(opoint));
					LWLINE *oline = lwline_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
					lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwline_as_lwgeom(oline));

				/* Pointarray is now owned by lwgeom_out, so drop reference to it */
				dp = NULL;
			added_last_point = 0;


	/* Still some points left to be saved out. */
	if ( dp && dp->npoints > 0 )
		LWDEBUG(4, "saving pointarray to multi-line (2)");
		LWDEBUGF(4, "dp->npoints == %d", dp->npoints);
		LWDEBUGF(4, "lwgeom_out->ngeoms == %d", lwgeom_out->ngeoms);

		if ( dp->npoints == 1 )
			LWPOINT *opoint = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
			lwgeom_out->type = COLLECTIONTYPE;
			lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(opoint));
			LWLINE *oline = lwline_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
			lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwline_as_lwgeom(oline));

		/* Pointarray is now owned by lwgeom_out, so drop reference to it */
		dp = NULL;


	if ( lwgeom_out->ngeoms > 0 )

	return lwgeom_out;

コード例 #22
Datum LWGEOM_line_interpolate_point(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	double distance = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
	LWLINE *line;
	LWGEOM *geom;
	LWPOINT *point;
	POINTARRAY *ipa, *opa;
	POINT4D pt;
	int nsegs, i;
	double length, slength, tlength;

	if ( distance < 0 || distance > 1 )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 2nd arg isn't within [0,1]");

	if ( gserialized_get_type(gser) != LINETYPE )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 1st arg isn't a line");

	/* Empty.InterpolatePoint == Point Empty */
	if ( gserialized_is_empty(gser) )
		point = lwpoint_construct_empty(gserialized_get_srid(gser), gserialized_has_z(gser), gserialized_has_m(gser));
		result = geometry_serialize(lwpoint_as_lwgeom(point));

	geom = lwgeom_from_gserialized(gser);
	line = lwgeom_as_lwline(geom);
	ipa = line->points;

	/* If distance is one of the two extremes, return the point on that
	 * end rather than doing any expensive computations
	if ( distance == 0.0 || distance == 1.0 )
		if ( distance == 0.0 )
			getPoint4d_p(ipa, 0, &pt);
			getPoint4d_p(ipa, ipa->npoints-1, &pt);

		opa = ptarray_construct(lwgeom_has_z(geom), lwgeom_has_m(geom), 1); 
		ptarray_set_point4d(opa, 0, &pt);
		point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);

	/* Interpolate a point on the line */
	nsegs = ipa->npoints - 1;
	length = ptarray_length_2d(ipa);
	tlength = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < nsegs; i++ )
		POINT4D p1, p2;
		POINT4D *p1ptr=&p1, *p2ptr=&p2; /* don't break
						                                 * strict-aliasing rules

		getPoint4d_p(ipa, i, &p1);
		getPoint4d_p(ipa, i+1, &p2);

		/* Find the relative length of this segment */
		slength = distance2d_pt_pt((POINT2D*)p1ptr, (POINT2D*)p2ptr)/length;

		/* If our target distance is before the total length we've seen
		 * so far. create a new point some distance down the current
		 * segment.
		if ( distance < tlength + slength )
			double dseg = (distance - tlength) / slength;
			interpolate_point4d(&p1, &p2, &pt, dseg);
			opa = ptarray_construct(lwgeom_has_z(geom), lwgeom_has_m(geom), 1); 
			ptarray_set_point4d(opa, 0, &pt);
			point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);
		tlength += slength;

	/* Return the last point on the line. This shouldn't happen, but
	 * could if there's some floating point rounding errors. */
	getPoint4d_p(ipa, ipa->npoints-1, &pt);
	opa = ptarray_construct(lwgeom_has_z(geom), lwgeom_has_m(geom), 1); 
	ptarray_set_point4d(opa, 0, &pt);
	point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);
	PG_FREE_IF_COPY(gser, 0);
コード例 #23
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
 * Returns a POINTARRAY with consecutive equal points
 * removed. Equality test on all dimensions of input.
 * Always returns a newly allocated object.
ptarray_remove_repeated_points_minpoints(const POINTARRAY *in, double tolerance, int minpoints)
	size_t ptsize;
	size_t ipn, opn;
	const POINT2D *last_point, *this_point;
	double tolsq = tolerance * tolerance;

	if ( minpoints < 1 ) minpoints = 1;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "%s called", __func__);

	/* Single or zero point arrays can't have duplicates */
	if ( in->npoints < 3 ) return ptarray_clone_deep(in);

	ptsize = ptarray_point_size(in);

	LWDEBUGF(3, " ptsize: %d", ptsize);

	/* Allocate enough space for all points */
	out = ptarray_construct(FLAGS_GET_Z(in->flags),
	                        FLAGS_GET_M(in->flags), in->npoints);

	/* Now fill up the actual points (NOTE: could be optimized) */

	/* Keep the first point */
	memcpy(getPoint_internal(out, 0), getPoint_internal(in, 0), ptsize);
	last_point = getPoint2d_cp(in, 0);
	LWDEBUGF(3, " first point copied, out points: %d", opn);
	for ( ipn = 1; ipn < in->npoints; ++ipn)
		this_point = getPoint2d_cp(in, ipn);
		if ( ipn < in->npoints-minpoints+1 || opn >= minpoints ) /* need extra points to hit minponts */
			if (
				(tolerance == 0 && memcmp(getPoint_internal(in, ipn-1), getPoint_internal(in, ipn), ptsize) == 0) || /* exact dupe */
				(tolerance > 0.0 && distance2d_sqr_pt_pt(last_point, this_point) <= tolsq) /* within the removal tolerance */
			) continue;

		 * The point is different (see above) from the previous,
		 * so we add it to output
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(out, opn++), getPoint_internal(in, ipn), ptsize);
		last_point = this_point;
		LWDEBUGF(3, " Point %d differs from point %d. Out points: %d", ipn, ipn-1, opn);
	/* Keep the last point */
	if ( memcmp(last_point, getPoint_internal(in, ipn-1), ptsize) != 0 )
		memcpy(getPoint_internal(out, opn-1), getPoint_internal(in, ipn-1), ptsize);

	LWDEBUGF(3, " in:%d out:%d", out->npoints, opn);
	out->npoints = opn;

	return out;