コード例 #1
ファイル: lwpoly.c プロジェクト: sensorseverywhere/se
 * Construct a polygon from a LWLINE being
 * the shell and an array of LWLINE (possibly NULL) being holes.
 * Pointarrays from intput geoms are cloned.
 * SRID must be the same for each input line.
 * Input lines must have at least 4 points, and be closed.
lwpoly_from_lwlines(const LWLINE *shell,
                    uint32_t nholes, const LWLINE **holes)
	uint32_t nrings;
	POINTARRAY **rings = lwalloc((nholes+1)*sizeof(POINTARRAY *));
	int srid = shell->srid;
	LWPOLY *ret;

	if ( shell->points->npoints < 4 )
		lwerror("lwpoly_from_lwlines: shell must have at least 4 points");
	if ( ! ptarray_is_closed_2d(shell->points) )
		lwerror("lwpoly_from_lwlines: shell must be closed");
	rings[0] = ptarray_clone_deep(shell->points);

	for (nrings=1; nrings<=nholes; nrings++)
		const LWLINE *hole = holes[nrings-1];

		if ( hole->srid != srid )
			lwerror("lwpoly_from_lwlines: mixed SRIDs in input lines");

		if ( hole->points->npoints < 4 )
			lwerror("lwpoly_from_lwlines: holes must have at least 4 points");
		if ( ! ptarray_is_closed_2d(hole->points) )
			lwerror("lwpoly_from_lwlines: holes must be closed");

		rings[nrings] = ptarray_clone_deep(hole->points);

	ret = lwpoly_construct(srid, NULL, nrings, rings);
	return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lwin_twkb.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
static LWPOLY* lwpoly_from_twkb_state(twkb_parse_state *s)
	uint32_t nrings;
	int i;
	LWPOLY *poly;

	LWDEBUG(2,"Entering lwpoly_from_twkb_state");

	if ( s->is_empty )
		return lwpoly_construct_empty(SRID_UNKNOWN, s->has_z, s->has_m);

	/* Read number of rings */
	nrings = twkb_parse_state_uvarint(s);

	/* Start w/ empty polygon */
	poly = lwpoly_construct_empty(SRID_UNKNOWN, s->has_z, s->has_m);

	LWDEBUGF(4,"Polygon has %d rings", nrings);

	/* Empty polygon? */
	if( nrings == 0 )
		return poly;

	for( i = 0; i < nrings; i++ )
		/* Ret number of points */
		uint32_t npoints = twkb_parse_state_uvarint(s);
		POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_from_twkb_state(s, npoints);

		/* Skip empty rings */
		if( pa == NULL )

		/* Force first and last points to be the same. */
		if( ! ptarray_is_closed_2d(pa) )
			POINT4D pt;
			getPoint4d_p(pa, 0, &pt);
			ptarray_append_point(pa, &pt, LW_FALSE);

		/* Check for at least four points. */
		if( s->check & LW_PARSER_CHECK_MINPOINTS && pa->npoints < 4 )
			LWDEBUGF(2, "%s must have at least four points in each ring", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			lwerror("%s must have at least four points in each ring", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			return NULL;

		/* Add ring to polygon */
		if ( lwpoly_add_ring(poly, pa) == LW_FAILURE )
			LWDEBUG(2, "Unable to add ring to polygon");
			lwerror("Unable to add ring to polygon");

	return poly;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ptarray.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
ptarray_is_closed_z(const POINTARRAY *in)
	if ( FLAGS_GET_Z(in->flags) )
		return ptarray_is_closed_3d(in);
		return ptarray_is_closed_2d(in);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lwin_wkb.c プロジェクト: nextgis-borsch/postgis
* Read a WKB polygon, starting just after the endian byte,
* type number and optional srid number. Advance the parse state
* forward appropriately.
* First read the number of rings, then read each ring
* (which are structured as point arrays)
static LWPOLY* lwpoly_from_wkb_state(wkb_parse_state *s)
	uint32_t nrings = integer_from_wkb_state(s);
	int i = 0;
	LWPOLY *poly = lwpoly_construct_empty(s->srid, s->has_z, s->has_m);

	LWDEBUGF(4,"Polygon has %d rings", nrings);

	/* Empty polygon? */
	if( nrings == 0 )
		return poly;

	for( i = 0; i < nrings; i++ )
		POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_from_wkb_state(s);
		if( pa == NULL )

		/* Check for at least four points. */
		if( s->check & LW_PARSER_CHECK_MINPOINTS && pa->npoints < 4 )
			LWDEBUGF(2, "%s must have at least four points in each ring", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			lwerror("%s must have at least four points in each ring", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			return NULL;

		/* Check that first and last points are the same. */
		if( s->check & LW_PARSER_CHECK_CLOSURE && ! ptarray_is_closed_2d(pa) )
			LWDEBUGF(2, "%s must have closed rings", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			lwerror("%s must have closed rings", lwtype_name(s->lwtype));
			return NULL;

		/* Add ring to polygon */
		if ( lwpoly_add_ring(poly, pa) == LW_FAILURE )
			LWDEBUG(2, "Unable to add ring to polygon");
			lwerror("Unable to add ring to polygon");

	return poly;
コード例 #5
ファイル: lwtriangle.c プロジェクト: gbroccolo/postgis
 * Construct a triangle from a LWLINE being
 * the shell
 * Pointarray from intput geom are cloned.
 * Input line must have 4 points, and be closed.
lwtriangle_from_lwline(const LWLINE *shell)

	if ( shell->points->npoints != 4 )
		lwerror("lwtriangle_from_lwline: shell must have exactly 4 points");

	if (   (!FLAGS_GET_Z(shell->flags) && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(shell->points)) ||
	        (FLAGS_GET_Z(shell->flags) && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(shell->points)) )
		lwerror("lwtriangle_from_lwline: shell must be closed");

	pa = ptarray_clone_deep(shell->points);
	ret = lwtriangle_construct(shell->srid, NULL, pa);

	if (lwtriangle_is_repeated_points(ret))
		lwerror("lwtriangle_from_lwline: some points are repeated in triangle");

	return ret;
コード例 #6
ファイル: lwpoly.c プロジェクト: sensorseverywhere/se
lwpoly_is_closed(const LWPOLY *poly)
	int i = 0;
	if ( poly->nrings == 0 ) 
		return LW_TRUE;
	for ( i = 0; i < poly->nrings; i++ )
		if (FLAGS_GET_Z(poly->flags))
			if ( ! ptarray_is_closed_3d(poly->rings[i]) )
				return LW_FALSE;
			if ( ! ptarray_is_closed_2d(poly->rings[i]) )
				return LW_FALSE;
	return LW_TRUE;