コード例 #1
ファイル: sem_timedwait.c プロジェクト: Adoni/WiEngine
sem_timedwait (sem_t * sem, const struct timespec *abstime)
      * ------------------------------------------------------
      *      This function waits on a semaphore possibly until
      *      'abstime' time.
      *      sem
      *              pointer to an instance of sem_t
      *      abstime
      *              pointer to an instance of struct timespec
      *      This function waits on a semaphore. If the
      *      semaphore value is greater than zero, it decreases
      *      its value by one. If the semaphore value is zero, then
      *      the calling thread (or process) is blocked until it can
      *      successfully decrease the value or until interrupted by
      *      a signal.
      *      If 'abstime' is a NULL pointer then this function will
      *      block until it can successfully decrease the value or
      *      until interrupted by a signal.
      * RESULTS
      *              0               successfully decreased semaphore,
      *              -1              failed, error in errno
      * ERRNO
      *              EINVAL          'sem' is not a valid semaphore,
      *              ENOSYS          semaphores are not supported,
      *              EINTR           the function was interrupted by a signal,
      *              EDEADLK         a deadlock condition was detected.
      *              ETIMEDOUT       abstime elapsed before success.
      * ------------------------------------------------------
  int result = 0;
  sem_t s = *sem;

  if (sem == NULL)
      result = EINVAL;
      DWORD milliseconds;

      if (abstime == NULL)
	  milliseconds = INFINITE;
	   * Calculate timeout as milliseconds from current system time. 
	  milliseconds = ptw32_relmillisecs (abstime);


      if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock (&s->lock)) == 0)
	  int v = --s->value;
	  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock (&s->lock);

	  if (v < 0)
#ifdef NEED_SEM
	      int timedout;
	      sem_timedwait_cleanup_args_t cleanup_args;

	      cleanup_args.sem = s;
	      cleanup_args.resultPtr = &result;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma inline_depth(0)
	      /* Must wait */
              pthread_cleanup_push(ptw32_sem_timedwait_cleanup, (void *) &cleanup_args);
#ifdef NEED_SEM
	      timedout =
	      result = pthreadCancelableTimedWait (s->sem, milliseconds);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma inline_depth()

#ifdef NEED_SEM

	      if (!timedout && pthread_mutex_lock (&s->lock) == 0)
	          if (s->leftToUnblock > 0)
	          (void) pthread_mutex_unlock (&s->lock);

#endif /* NEED_SEM */



  if (result != 0)

      errno = result;
      return -1;


  return 0;

}				/* sem_timedwait */
コード例 #2
ファイル: sem_timedwait.c プロジェクト: Schiiiiins/lcu1
sem_timedwait (sem_t * sem, const struct timespec *abstime)
      * ------------------------------------------------------
      *      This function waits on a semaphore possibly until
      *      'abstime' time.
      *      sem
      *              pointer to an instance of sem_t
      *      abstime
      *              pointer to an instance of struct timespec
      *      This function waits on a semaphore. If the
      *      semaphore value is greater than zero, it decreases
      *      its value by one. If the semaphore value is zero, then
      *      the calling thread (or process) is blocked until it can
      *      successfully decrease the value or until interrupted by
      *      a signal.
      *      If 'abstime' is a NULL pointer then this function will
      *      block until it can successfully decrease the value or
      *      until interrupted by a signal.
      * RESULTS
      *              0               successfully decreased semaphore,
      *              -1              failed, error in errno
      * ERRNO
      *              EINVAL          'sem' is not a valid semaphore,
      *              ENOSYS          semaphores are not supported,
      *              EINTR           the function was interrupted by a signal,
      *              EDEADLK         a deadlock condition was detected.
      *              ETIMEDOUT       abstime elapsed before success.
      * ------------------------------------------------------
  int result = 0;


  struct timespec currSysTime;

#else /* NEED_FTIME */

  struct _timeb currSysTime;

#endif /* NEED_FTIME */

  const DWORD MILLISEC_PER_SEC = 1000;
  DWORD milliseconds;
  DWORD tmpAbsMilliseconds;
  DWORD tmpCurrMilliseconds;

  if (sem == NULL)
      result = EINVAL;
      if (abstime == NULL)
	  milliseconds = INFINITE;
	   * Calculate timeout as milliseconds from current system time. 

	   * subtract current system time from abstime in a way that checks
	   * that abstime is never in the past, or is never equivalent to the
	   * defined INFINITE value (0xFFFFFFFF).
	   * Assume all integers are unsigned, i.e. cannot test if less than 0.
	  tmpAbsMilliseconds =  abstime->tv_sec * MILLISEC_PER_SEC;
	  tmpAbsMilliseconds += (abstime->tv_nsec + (NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC/2)) / NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;

	  /* get current system time */


	    FILETIME ft;

	    SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
	     * GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); would be faster,
	     * but it does not exist on WinCE

	    ptw32_filetime_to_timespec(&ft, &currSysTime);

	  tmpCurrMilliseconds = currSysTime.tv_sec * MILLISEC_PER_SEC;
	  tmpCurrMilliseconds += (currSysTime.tv_nsec + (NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC/2)) / NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;

#else /* ! NEED_FTIME */


	  tmpCurrMilliseconds = (DWORD) currSysTime.time * MILLISEC_PER_SEC;
	  tmpCurrMilliseconds += (DWORD) currSysTime.millitm;

#endif /* NEED_FTIME */

	  if (tmpAbsMilliseconds > tmpCurrMilliseconds)
	      milliseconds = tmpAbsMilliseconds - tmpCurrMilliseconds;
	      if (milliseconds == INFINITE)
		  /* Timeouts must be finite */
	      /* The abstime given is in the past */
	      milliseconds = 0;

#ifdef NEED_SEM

      result = (pthreadCancelableTimedWait ((*sem)->event, milliseconds));

#else /* NEED_SEM */

      result = (pthreadCancelableTimedWait ((*sem)->sem, milliseconds));



  if (result != 0)

      errno = result;
      return -1;


#ifdef NEED_SEM

  ptw32_decrease_semaphore (sem);

#endif /* NEED_SEM */

  return 0;

}				/* sem_timedwait */
コード例 #3
ファイル: pthread_timedjoin_np.c プロジェクト: TidyHuang/DLP
pthread_timedjoin_np (pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr, const struct timespec *abstime)
      * ------------------------------------------------------
      *      This function waits for 'thread' to terminate and
      *      returns the thread's exit value if 'value_ptr' is not
      *      NULL or until 'abstime' passes and returns an
      *      error. If 'abstime' is NULL then the function waits
      *      forever, i.e. reverts to pthread_join behaviour.
      *      This function detaches the thread on successful
      *      completion.
      *      thread
      *              an instance of pthread_t
      *      value_ptr
      *              pointer to an instance of pointer to void
      *      abstime
      *              pointer to an instance of struct timespec
      *              representing an absolute time value
      *      This function waits for 'thread' to terminate and
      *      returns the thread's exit value if 'value_ptr' is not
      *      NULL or until 'abstime' passes and returns an
      *      error. If 'abstime' is NULL then the function waits
      *      forever, i.e. reverts to pthread_join behaviour.
      *      This function detaches the thread on successful
      *      completion.
      *      NOTE:   Detached threads cannot be joined or canceled.
      *              In this implementation 'abstime' will be
      *              resolved to the nearest millisecond.
      * RESULTS
      *              0               'thread' has completed
      *              ETIMEDOUT       abstime passed
      *              EINVAL          thread is not a joinable thread,
      *              ESRCH           no thread could be found with ID 'thread',
      *              ENOENT          thread couldn't find it's own valid handle,
      *              EDEADLK         attempt to join thread with self
      * ------------------------------------------------------
  int result;
  pthread_t self;
  DWORD milliseconds;
  ptw32_thread_t * tp = (ptw32_thread_t *) thread.p;
  ptw32_mcs_local_node_t node;

  if (abstime == NULL)
      milliseconds = INFINITE;
       * Calculate timeout as milliseconds from current system time.
      milliseconds = ptw32_relmillisecs (abstime);

  ptw32_mcs_lock_acquire(&ptw32_thread_reuse_lock, &node);

  if (NULL == tp
      || thread.x != tp->ptHandle.x)
      result = ESRCH;
  else if (PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED == tp->detachState)
      result = EINVAL;
      result = 0;


  if (result == 0)
       * The target thread is joinable and can't be reused before we join it.
      self = pthread_self();

      if (NULL == self.p)
          result = ENOENT;
      else if (pthread_equal (self, thread))
          result = EDEADLK;
           * Pthread_join is a cancellation point.
           * If we are canceled then our target thread must not be
           * detached (destroyed). This is guaranteed because
           * pthreadCancelableTimedWait will not return if we
           * are canceled.
          result = pthreadCancelableTimedWait (tp->threadH, milliseconds);

          if (0 == result)
              if (value_ptr != NULL)
                  *value_ptr = tp->exitStatus;

               * The result of making multiple simultaneous calls to
               * pthread_join() or pthread_timedjoin_np() or pthread_detach()
               * specifying the same target is undefined.
              result = pthread_detach (thread);
          else if (ETIMEDOUT != result)
              result = ESRCH;

  return (result);
