static void auth_old_result_cb(JabberStream *js, const char *from, JabberIqType type, const char *id, PurpleXmlNode *packet, gpointer data) { if (type == JABBER_IQ_RESULT) { jabber_stream_set_state(js, JABBER_STREAM_POST_AUTH); jabber_disco_items_server(js); } else { PurpleAccount *account; PurpleConnectionError reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; char *msg = jabber_parse_error(js, packet, &reason); PurpleXmlNode *error; const char *err_code; account = purple_connection_get_account(js->gc); /* FIXME: Why is this not in jabber_parse_error? */ if((error = purple_xmlnode_get_child(packet, "error")) && (err_code = purple_xmlnode_get_attrib(error, "code")) && g_str_equal(err_code, "401")) { reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; /* Clear the pasword if it isn't being saved */ if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(account)) purple_account_set_password(account, NULL, NULL, NULL); } purple_connection_error(js->gc, reason, msg); g_free(msg); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 4) { printf("Usage: %s [Gtalk username] [password] [recipient address] [message]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } input_address = argv[3]; input_message = argv[4]; GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); /* libpurple's built-in DNS resolution forks processes to perform * blocking lookups without blocking the main process. It does not * handle SIGCHLD itself, so if the UI does not you quickly get an army * of zombie subprocesses marching around. */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); init_libpurple(); connect_to_signals(); PurpleAccount *account = purple_account_new(argv[1], "prpl-jabber"); purple_account_set_password(account, argv[2]); purple_accounts_add(account); purple_account_set_enabled(account, UI_ID, TRUE); g_main_loop_run(loop); return 0; }
static void auth_pass_cb(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields) { PurpleAccount *account; JabberStream *js; const char *entry; gboolean remember; /* The password prompt dialog doesn't get disposed if the account disconnects */ if (!PURPLE_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc)) return; account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); js = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); entry = purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, "password"); remember = purple_request_fields_get_bool(fields, "remember"); if (!entry || !*entry) { purple_notify_error(account, NULL, _("Password is required to sign on."), NULL); return; } if (remember) purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); purple_account_set_password(account, entry); /* Rebuild our callbacks as we now have a password to offer */ jabber_sasl_build_callbacks(js); /* Restart our negotiation */ start_cyrus_wrapper(js); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); /* libpurple's built-in DNS resolution forks processes to perform * blocking lookups without blocking the main process. It does not * handle SIGCHLD itself, so if the UI does not you quickly get an army * of zombie subprocesses marching around. */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); init_libpurple(); printf("libpurple initialized. Running version %s.\n", purple_core_get_version()); //I like to see the version number connect_to_signals(); PurpleAccount *account = purple_account_new(PACCOUNT_NAME, "prpl-aim"); //this could be prpl-aim, prpl-yahoo, prpl-msn, prpl-icq, etc. purple_account_set_password(account, PACCOUNT_PASS); purple_accounts_add(account); purple_account_set_enabled(account, UI_ID, TRUE); g_main_loop_run(loop); return 0; }
static int account_set_password(LuaState *L)/*{{{*/ { PurpleAccount **account = ms_lua_checkclass(L, "purple.account", 1); const char *password = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); purple_account_set_password(*account, password); return 0; }/*}}}*/
static void purple_login(account_t *acc) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new(acc); struct purple_data *pd; if ((local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee) || (global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv("BITLBEE_DEBUG"))) { imcb_error(ic, "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! " "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead."); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return; } local_bee = acc->bee; /* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events on dead connections. */ purple_connections = g_slist_prepend(purple_connections, ic); ic->proto_data = pd = g_new0(struct purple_data, 1); pd->account = purple_account_new(acc->user, (char *) acc->prpl->data); pd->input_requests = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free); pd->next_request_id = 0; purple_account_set_password(pd->account, acc->pass); purple_sync_settings(acc, pd->account); purple_account_set_enabled(pd->account, "BitlBee", TRUE); if (set_getbool(&acc->set, "mail_notifications") && set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle")) { imcb_add_buddy(ic, set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle"), NULL); } }
static void purple_login( account_t *acc ) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new( acc ); PurpleAccount *pa; if( ( local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee ) || ( global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv( "BITLBEE_DEBUG" ) ) ) { imcb_error( ic, "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! " "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead." ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return; } local_bee = acc->bee; /* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events on dead connections. */ purple_connections = g_slist_prepend( purple_connections, ic ); ic->proto_data = pa = purple_account_new( acc->user, (char*) acc->prpl->data ); purple_account_set_password( pa, acc->pass ); purple_sync_settings( acc, pa ); purple_account_set_enabled( pa, "BitlBee", TRUE ); }
static void auth_old_pass_cb(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields) { PurpleAccount *account; JabberStream *js; const char *entry; gboolean remember; /* TODO: the password prompt dialog doesn't get disposed if the account disconnects */ PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); js = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); entry = purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, "password"); remember = purple_request_fields_get_bool(fields, "remember"); if (!entry || !*entry) { purple_notify_error(account, NULL, _("Password is required to sign on."), NULL, purple_request_cpar_from_connection(gc)); return; } if (remember) purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); purple_account_set_password(account, entry, NULL, NULL); /* Restart our connection */ jabber_auth_start_old(js); }
void QuetzalAccount::load(Config cfg) { cfg.beginGroup(QLatin1String("general")); QByteArray password = cfg.value(QLatin1String("passwd"), QString(), Config::Crypted).toUtf8(); if (!password.isEmpty()) { purple_account_set_password(m_account, password.constData()); purple_account_set_remember_password(m_account, true); } purple_account_set_alias(m_account, cfg.value(QLatin1String("alias"), QString()).toUtf8().constData()); purple_account_set_user_info(m_account, cfg.value(QLatin1String("userInfo"), QString()).toUtf8().constData()); QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(cfg.value(QLatin1String("quetzal_settings")).toMap()); while (it.hasNext()) {; QByteArray key = it.key().toUtf8(); QVariant::Type type = it.value().type(); if (type == QVariant::Bool) { purple_account_set_bool(m_account, key.constData(), it.value().toBool()); } else if (type == QVariant::Int || type == QVariant::UInt || type == QVariant::LongLong || type == QVariant::ULongLong) { purple_account_set_int(m_account, key.constData(), it.value().toInt()); } else { purple_account_set_string(m_account, key.constData(), it.value().toString().toUtf8()); } } cfg.endGroup(); RosterStorage::instance()->load(this); int size = cfg.beginArray(QLatin1String("chats")); QString name = QLatin1String("name"); QString recent = QLatin1String("recent"); QString data = QLatin1String("data"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cfg.setArrayIndex(i); QByteArray alias = cfg.value(name, QString()).toUtf8(); PurpleGroup *group = NULL; if (cfg.value(recent, false)) { group = purple_find_group("Recent"); if (!group) { group = purple_group_new("Recent"); purple_blist_add_group(group, NULL); } } GHashTable *comps = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(cfg.value(data).toMap()); while (it.hasNext()) {; QByteArray key = it.key().toUtf8(); QByteArray value = it.value().toString().toUtf8(); g_hash_table_insert(comps, g_strdup(key.constData()), g_strdup(value.constData())); } PurpleChat *pc = purple_chat_new(m_account, alias.constData(), comps); purple_blist_add_chat(pc, NULL, NULL); } _purple_buddy_icons_blist_loaded_cb(); }
static void hangouts_save_refresh_token_password(PurpleAccount *account, const gchar *password) { purple_account_set_password(account, password, NULL, NULL); if (g_strcmp0(purple_core_get_ui(), "BitlBee") == 0) { save_bitlbee_password(account, password); } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The user has selected to change their PIN. * * @param gc The connection object * @param fields The fields from the request pop-up */ static void mxit_change_pin_cb( PurpleConnection* gc, PurpleRequestFields* fields ) { struct MXitSession* session = purple_connection_get_protocol_data( gc ); const char* pin = NULL; const char* pin2 = NULL; const char* err = NULL; int len; int i; PURPLE_ASSERT_CONNECTION_IS_VALID(gc); /* validate pin */ pin = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin" ); if ( !pin ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered is invalid." ); goto out; } len = strlen( pin ); if ( ( len < 4 ) || ( len > 10 ) ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [4-10]." ); goto out; } for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !g_ascii_isdigit( pin[i] ) ) { err = _( "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." ); goto out; } } pin2 = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin2" ); if ( ( !pin2 ) || ( strcmp( pin, pin2 ) != 0 ) ) { err = _( "The two PINs you entered do not match." ); goto out; } out: if ( !err ) { /* update PIN in account */ purple_account_set_password( session->acc, pin, NULL, NULL ); /* update session object */ g_free( session->encpwd ); session->encpwd = mxit_encrypt_password( session ); /* send the update request to MXit */ mxit_send_extprofile_update( session, session->encpwd, 0, NULL ); } else { /* show error to user */ mxit_popup( PURPLE_NOTIFY_MSG_ERROR, _( "PIN Update Error" ), err ); } }
static VALUE login(VALUE self, VALUE protocol, VALUE username, VALUE password) { PurpleAccount* account = purple_account_new(RSTRING_PTR(username), RSTRING_PTR(protocol)); if (NULL == account || NULL == account->presence) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "No able to create account: %s", RSTRING_PTR(protocol)); } purple_account_set_password(account, RSTRING_PTR(password)); purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); purple_account_set_enabled(account, UI_ID, TRUE); PurpleSavedStatus *status = purple_savedstatus_new(NULL, PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE); purple_savedstatus_activate(status); purple_accounts_add(account); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cAccount, NULL, NULL, account); }
void IMInvoker::invoke(void *userdata, const std::string event) { _accountMutex.lock(); EventContext* ctx = (EventContext*)userdata; IMInvoker* instance = ctx->instance; std::string username; Event::getParam(ctx->invokeReq.params, "username", username); std::string protocolId; Event::getParam(ctx->invokeReq.params, "protocol", protocolId); std::string password; Event::getParam(ctx->invokeReq.params, "password", password); instance->_account = purple_account_new(username.c_str(), protocolId.c_str()); _accountInstances[instance->_account] = instance; #if LIBPURPLE_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 purple_account_set_password(instance->_account, password.c_str(), NULL, NULL); #else purple_account_set_password(instance->_account, password.c_str()); #endif purple_account_set_enabled(instance->_account, "uscxml", true); GSList* buddies = purple_blist_get_buddies(); GSList *cur; for (cur = buddies; cur; cur = cur->next) { std::string buddyName = purple_buddy_get_name((PurpleBuddy *)cur->data); Data buddyData = buddyToData((PurpleBuddy *)cur->data); instance->_dataModelVars.compound["buddies"].compound[buddyName] = buddyData; } g_slist_free(buddies); delete(ctx); _accountMutex.unlock(); }
void AccountWindow::StringOption::responseHandler( CppConsUI::InputDialog& activator, AbstractDialog::ResponseType response) { if (response != AbstractDialog::RESPONSE_OK) return; if (type == TYPE_PASSWORD) purple_account_set_password(account, activator.getText()); else if (type == TYPE_ALIAS) purple_account_set_alias(account, activator.getText()); else purple_account_set_string(account, purple_account_option_get_setting(option), activator.getText()); updateValue(); }
static void do_prpl_change_account_status(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *old_status, PurpleStatus *new_status) { PurplePlugin *prpl; PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info; if (purple_status_is_online(new_status) && purple_account_is_disconnected(account) && purple_network_is_available()) { purple_account_connect(account); return; } if (!purple_status_is_online(new_status)) { if (!purple_account_is_disconnected(account)) purple_account_disconnect(account); /* Clear out the unsaved password if we're already disconnected and we switch to offline status */ else if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(account)) purple_account_set_password(account, NULL); return; } if (purple_account_is_connecting(account)) /* * We don't need to call the set_status PRPL function because * the PRPL will take care of setting its status during the * connection process. */ return; prpl = purple_find_prpl(purple_account_get_protocol_id(account)); if (prpl == NULL) return; prpl_info = PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(prpl); if (!purple_account_is_disconnected(account) && prpl_info->set_status != NULL) { prpl_info->set_status(account, new_status); } }
static gboolean purple_connection_disconnect_cb(gpointer data) { PurpleAccount *account; PurpleConnection *gc; char *password; account = data; gc = purple_account_get_connection(account); if (gc != NULL) gc->disconnect_timeout = 0; password = g_strdup(purple_account_get_password(account)); purple_account_disconnect(account); purple_account_set_password(account, password); g_free(password); return FALSE; }
static void pidgin_connection_network_disconnected (void) { GList *list, *l; PidginBuddyList *gtkblist = pidgin_blist_get_default_gtk_blist(); if(gtkblist) pidgin_status_box_set_network_available(PIDGIN_STATUS_BOX(gtkblist->statusbox), FALSE); l = list = purple_accounts_get_all_active(); while (l) { PurpleAccount *a = (PurpleAccount*)l->data; if (!purple_account_is_disconnected(a)) { char *password = g_strdup(purple_account_get_password(a)); purple_account_disconnect(a); purple_account_set_password(a, password); g_free(password); } l = l->next; } g_list_free(list); }
static void pb_oauth_set_access_token_cb(gpointer data, const gchar *access_token) { PurpleAccount *account = data; gchar *real_access_token; const gchar *access_token_start; const gchar *access_token_end; gchar *strtmp; if (!access_token || !(*access_token)) { return; } if((access_token_start = strstr(access_token, "access_token="))) { access_token_start += 13; access_token_end = strchr(access_token_start, '&'); if (access_token_end) real_access_token = g_strndup(access_token_start, access_token_end - access_token_start); else real_access_token = g_strdup(access_token_start); strtmp = g_strdup(purple_url_decode(real_access_token)); g_free(real_access_token); real_access_token = strtmp; } else { real_access_token = g_strdup(access_token); } if (real_access_token && *real_access_token) { purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); purple_account_set_password(account, real_access_token); purple_account_set_enabled(account, purple_core_get_ui(), TRUE); purple_account_connect(account); } g_free(real_access_token); }
PurpleAccount *client_find_account(extern_account_t *account) { PurpleAccount *r; char* plugin; char username[255]; memset(username, 0, 255); if (strcmp(account->protocol, "gtalk") == 0) { sprintf(username, "%s%s", account->username, "/sip"); plugin = "prpl-jabber"; } else { sprintf(username, "%s", account->username); plugin = account->protocol; } LM_DBG("searching purple account for %s with plugin %s \n", username, plugin); r = purple_accounts_find(username, plugin); if (r) { LM_DBG("account %s found\n", username); return r; } LM_DBG("account %s not found, creating.\n", username); r = purple_account_new(username, plugin); purple_account_set_password(r, account->password); purple_account_set_remember_password(r, TRUE); if (proxy != NULL) purple_account_set_proxy_info(r, proxy); if (strcmp(account->protocol, "gtalk") == 0) purple_account_set_string(r, "connect_server", ""); purple_accounts_add(r); return r; }
int parse(char*toParse, char*ret_buffer, char**uid) { char command = -1, *pCur, *pPrev; int ix, Bound = TK__LAST; taim_session *ses; pCur = toParse; for(ix = 0; ix < Bound; ix++) { if(!strncmp(pCur, g_commands[ix], strlen(g_commands[ix]))) { command = ix; pCur += strlen(g_commands[ix]); break; } } switch(command) { case TK_UID: if(*pCur == ' ') { pCur++; pPrev = pCur; while(*pCur > 32) { pCur ++; } *uid = (char*) malloc(pCur - pPrev); memcpy(*uid, pPrev, pCur - pPrev); (*uid)[pCur - pPrev] = 0; } else { *uid = 0; do { if(*uid != 0) { free(*uid); } *uid = (char*) malloc(KEY_LENGTH + 1); memcpy(*uid, generate_uid(), KEY_LENGTH); } while(uid_addsession(*uid) == 0); } memcpy(ret_buffer, *uid, strlen(*uid)); sprintf(ret_buffer + strlen(*uid) + 1, "\n"); return RET_NODATA; break; case TK_USER: pCur++; pPrev = pCur; while(*pCur > 32 ) { pCur++; } *uid = (char*)malloc(pCur - pPrev + 1); memcpy(*uid, pPrev, pCur - pPrev); (*uid)[pCur - pPrev] = 0; ses = uid_find(*uid); pCur ++; { char *username = pCur; for( ix = 0; username[ix] > ' '; ix++); username[ix] = 0; GList *iter = purple_plugins_get_protocols(); PurplePlugin *plugin = iter->data; PurplePluginInfo *info = plugin->info; printf("<%x>", (unsigned int)ses); fflush(0); if(ses->pses->account == 0) { taim_new_account(ses); } d(username); ses->pses->account->account = purple_account_new(username, info->id); } return RET_NODATA; break; case TK_PASS: pCur++; pPrev = pCur; while(*pCur > 32 ) { pCur++; } *uid = (char*)malloc(pCur - pPrev + 1); memcpy(*uid, pPrev, pCur - pPrev); (*uid)[pCur - pPrev] = 0; pCur ++; ses = uid_find(*uid); { PurpleSavedStatus *status; char *password = pCur, hash[20]; for(ix = 0; password[ix] > ' '; ix++); password[ix] = 0; if(ses->pses->account->hash_have == 1) { // See if the hashes match if(!memcmp(SHA1(password, strlen(password), hash), ses->pses->account->hash, 20)) { // If so, then bond the stuff } else // Otherwise, try to auth anyway { strcpy(ses->pses->account->password_try, password); } purple_account_set_password(ses->pses->account->account, password); purple_account_set_enabled(ses->pses->account->account, UI_ID, TRUE); // Either way, this password is replaced with the new one } else { strcpy(ses->pses->account->password_try, password); purple_account_set_password(ses->pses->account->account, password); purple_account_set_enabled(ses->pses->account->account, UI_ID, TRUE); } // Now, to connect the account(s), create a status and activate it. status = purple_savedstatus_new(NULL, PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE); purple_savedstatus_activate(status); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex_init); } return RET_NODATA; break; case TK_GET: pCur++; pPrev = pCur; while(*pCur > 32 ) { pCur++; } *uid = (char*)malloc(pCur - pPrev + 1); memcpy(*uid, pPrev, pCur - pPrev); (*uid)[pCur - pPrev] = 0; pCur ++; if((*uid)[0]) { d(*uid); drecurse(g_blist->root, *uid); return RET_DATA; } else { return RET_NODATA; } break; case TK_SEND: pCur++; pPrev = pCur; while(*pCur > 32 ) { pCur++; } *uid = (char*)malloc(pCur - pPrev + 1); memcpy(*uid, pPrev, pCur - pPrev); (*uid)[pCur - pPrev] = 0; pCur ++; pCur[strlen(pCur) - 1] = 0; taim_send(pCur, *uid, ret_buffer); return RET_NODATA; break; case TK_QUIT: do_exit(); break; default: return RET_ERROR; // unknown command break; } return RET_ERROR; }
void mimoc_account_save_pass(PurpleAccount *account, char *password) { purple_account_set_password(account, password); purple_account_set_remember_password(account, TRUE); }
void msn_session_set_error(MsnSession *session, MsnErrorType error, const char *info) { PurpleConnection *gc; PurpleConnectionError reason; char *msg; if (session->destroying) return; gc = purple_account_get_connection(session->account); switch (error) { case MSN_ERROR_SERVCONN: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(info); break; case MSN_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(_("Our protocol is not supported by the " "server")); break; case MSN_ERROR_HTTP_MALFORMED: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(_("Error parsing HTTP")); break; case MSN_ERROR_SIGN_OTHER: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NAME_IN_USE; msg = g_strdup(_("You have signed on from another location")); if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(session->account)) purple_account_set_password(session->account, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case MSN_ERROR_SERV_UNAVAILABLE: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(_("The MSN servers are temporarily " "unavailable. Please wait and try " "again.")); break; case MSN_ERROR_SERV_DOWN: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(_("The MSN servers are going down " "temporarily")); break; case MSN_ERROR_AUTH: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Unable to authenticate: %s"), (info == NULL ) ? _("Unknown error") : info); /* Clear the password if it isn't being saved */ if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(session->account)) purple_account_set_password(session->account, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case MSN_ERROR_BAD_BLIST: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Your MSN buddy list is temporarily " "unavailable: %s"), (info == NULL) ? _("Unknown error") : info); break; default: reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; msg = g_strdup(_("Unknown error")); break; } msn_session_disconnect(session); purple_connection_error(gc, reason, msg); g_free(msg); }
/** * This function parses the given response from a clientLogin request * and extracts the useful information. * * @param gc The PurpleConnection. If the response data does * not indicate then purple_connection_error_reason() * will be called to close this connection. * @param response The response data from the clientLogin request. * @param response_len The length of the above response, or -1 if * @response is NUL terminated. * @param token If parsing was successful then this will be set to * a newly allocated string containing the token. The * caller should g_free this string when it is finished * with it. On failure this value will be untouched. * @param secret If parsing was successful then this will be set to * a newly allocated string containing the secret. The * caller should g_free this string when it is finished * with it. On failure this value will be untouched. * @param hosttime If parsing was successful then this will be set to * the time on the OpenAuth Server in seconds since the * Unix epoch. On failure this value will be untouched. * * @return TRUE if the request was successful and we were able to * extract all info we need. Otherwise FALSE. */ static gboolean parse_client_login_response(PurpleConnection *gc, const gchar *response, gsize response_len, char **token, char **secret, time_t *hosttime) { xmlnode *response_node, *tmp_node, *data_node; xmlnode *secret_node = NULL, *hosttime_node = NULL, *token_node = NULL, *tokena_node = NULL; char *tmp; /* Parse the response as XML */ response_node = xmlnode_from_str(response, response_len); if (response_node == NULL) { char *msg; purple_debug_error("oscar", "clientLogin could not parse " "response as XML: %s\n", response); msg = generate_error_message(response_node, URL_CLIENT_LOGIN); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, msg); g_free(msg); return FALSE; } /* Grab the necessary XML nodes */ tmp_node = xmlnode_get_child(response_node, "statusCode"); data_node = xmlnode_get_child(response_node, "data"); if (data_node != NULL) { secret_node = xmlnode_get_child(data_node, "sessionSecret"); hosttime_node = xmlnode_get_child(data_node, "hostTime"); token_node = xmlnode_get_child(data_node, "token"); if (token_node != NULL) tokena_node = xmlnode_get_child(token_node, "a"); } /* Make sure we have a status code */ if (tmp_node == NULL || (tmp = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(tmp_node)) == NULL) { char *msg; purple_debug_error("oscar", "clientLogin response was " "missing statusCode: %s\n", response); msg = generate_error_message(response_node, URL_CLIENT_LOGIN); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, msg); g_free(msg); xmlnode_free(response_node); return FALSE; } /* Make sure the status code was 200 */ if (strcmp(tmp, "200") != 0) { int status_code, status_detail_code = 0; status_code = atoi(tmp); g_free(tmp); tmp_node = xmlnode_get_child(response_node, "statusDetailCode"); if (tmp_node != NULL && (tmp = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(tmp_node)) != NULL) { status_detail_code = atoi(tmp); g_free(tmp); } purple_debug_error("oscar", "clientLogin response statusCode " "was %d (%d): %s\n", status_code, status_detail_code, response); if (status_code == 330 && status_detail_code == 3011) { PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(account)) purple_account_set_password(account, NULL); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, _("Incorrect password")); } else if (status_code == 330 && status_detail_code == 3015) { purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, _("Server requested that you fill out a CAPTCHA in order to " "sign in, but this client does not currently support CAPTCHAs.")); } else if (status_code == 401 && status_detail_code == 3019) { purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR, _("AOL does not allow your screen name to authenticate here")); } else { char *msg; msg = generate_error_message(response_node, URL_CLIENT_LOGIN); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR, msg); g_free(msg); } xmlnode_free(response_node); return FALSE; } g_free(tmp); /* Make sure we have everything else */ if (data_node == NULL || secret_node == NULL || token_node == NULL || tokena_node == NULL) { char *msg; purple_debug_error("oscar", "clientLogin response was missing " "something: %s\n", response); msg = generate_error_message(response_node, URL_CLIENT_LOGIN); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, msg); g_free(msg); xmlnode_free(response_node); return FALSE; } /* Extract data from the XML */ *token = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(tokena_node); *secret = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(secret_node); tmp = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped(hosttime_node); if (*token == NULL || **token == '\0' || *secret == NULL || **secret == '\0' || tmp == NULL || *tmp == '\0') { char *msg; purple_debug_error("oscar", "clientLogin response was missing " "something: %s\n", response); msg = generate_error_message(response_node, URL_CLIENT_LOGIN); purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR, msg); g_free(msg); g_free(*token); g_free(*secret); g_free(tmp); xmlnode_free(response_node); return FALSE; } *hosttime = strtol(tmp, NULL, 10); g_free(tmp); xmlnode_free(response_node); return TRUE; }
static gboolean flap_connection_destroy_cb(gpointer data) { FlapConnection *conn; OscarData *od; PurpleAccount *account; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; conn = data; /* Explicitly added for debugging #5927. Don't re-order this, only * consider removing it. */ purple_debug_info("oscar", "Destroying FLAP connection %p\n", conn); od = conn->od; account = purple_connection_get_account(od->gc); purple_debug_info("oscar", "Destroying oscar connection (%p) of " "type 0x%04hx. Disconnect reason is %d\n", conn, conn->type, conn->disconnect_reason); od->oscar_connections = g_slist_remove(od->oscar_connections, conn); if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(od, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_CONNERR))) userfunc(od, conn, NULL, conn->disconnect_code, conn->error_message); /* * TODO: If we don't have a SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE connection then * we should try to request one instead of disconnecting. */ if (!account->disconnecting && ((od->oscar_connections == NULL) || (!flap_connection_getbytype(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE)))) { /* No more FLAP connections! Sign off this PurpleConnection! */ gchar *tmp; PurpleConnectionError reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR; if (conn->disconnect_code == 0x0001) { reason = PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NAME_IN_USE; tmp = g_strdup(_("You have signed on from another location")); if (!purple_account_get_remember_password(account)) purple_account_set_password(account, NULL); } else if (conn->disconnect_reason == OSCAR_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_CLOSED) tmp = g_strdup(_("Server closed the connection")); else if (conn->disconnect_reason == OSCAR_DISCONNECT_LOST_CONNECTION) tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Lost connection with server: %s"), conn->error_message); else if (conn->disconnect_reason == OSCAR_DISCONNECT_INVALID_DATA) tmp = g_strdup(_("Received invalid data on connection with server")); else if (conn->disconnect_reason == OSCAR_DISCONNECT_COULD_NOT_CONNECT) tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Unable to connect: %s"), conn->error_message); else /* * We shouldn't print a message for some disconnect_reasons. * Like OSCAR_DISCONNECT_LOCAL_CLOSED. */ tmp = NULL; if (tmp != NULL) { purple_connection_error_reason(od->gc, reason, tmp); g_free(tmp); } } flap_connection_close(od, conn); g_free(conn->error_message); g_free(conn->cookie); /* * Free conn->internal, if necessary */ if (conn->type == SNAC_FAMILY_CHAT) flap_connection_destroy_chat(od, conn); g_slist_free(conn->groups); while (conn->rateclasses != NULL) { g_free(conn->rateclasses->data); conn->rateclasses = g_slist_delete_link(conn->rateclasses, conn->rateclasses); } g_hash_table_destroy(conn->rateclass_members); if (conn->queued_snacs) { while (!g_queue_is_empty(conn->queued_snacs)) { QueuedSnac *queued_snac; queued_snac = g_queue_pop_head(conn->queued_snacs); flap_frame_destroy(queued_snac->frame); g_free(queued_snac); } g_queue_free(conn->queued_snacs); } if (conn->queued_lowpriority_snacs) { while (!g_queue_is_empty(conn->queued_lowpriority_snacs)) { QueuedSnac *queued_snac; queued_snac = g_queue_pop_head(conn->queued_lowpriority_snacs); flap_frame_destroy(queued_snac->frame); g_free(queued_snac); } g_queue_free(conn->queued_lowpriority_snacs); } if (conn->queued_timeout > 0) purple_timeout_remove(conn->queued_timeout); g_free(conn); return FALSE; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Register a new account with MXit * * @param gc The connection object * @param fields This is the fields filled-in by the user */ static void mxit_cb_register_ok( PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields ) { struct MXitSession* session = purple_connection_get_protocol_data( gc ); struct MXitProfile* profile = session->profile; const char* str; const char* pin; const char* err = NULL; int len; int i; purple_debug_info( MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "mxit_cb_register_ok\n" ); if ( !PURPLE_CONNECTION_IS_VALID( gc ) ) { purple_debug_error( MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to register; account offline.\n" ); return; } /* nickname */ str = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "nickname" ); if ( ( !str ) || ( strlen( str ) < 3 ) ) { err = _( "The Display Name you entered is too short." ); goto out; } g_strlcpy( profile->nickname, str, sizeof( profile->nickname ) ); /* birthdate */ str = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "bday" ); if ( ( !str ) || ( strlen( str ) < 10 ) || ( !validateDate( str ) ) ) { err = _( "The birthday you entered is invalid. The correct format is: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." ); goto out; } g_strlcpy( profile->birthday, str, sizeof( profile->birthday ) ); /* gender */ profile->male = ( purple_request_fields_get_choice( fields, "male" ) != 0 ); /* pin */ pin = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin" ); if ( !pin ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered is invalid." ); goto out; } len = strlen( pin ); if ( ( len < 7 ) || ( len > 10 ) ) { err = _( "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [7-10]." ); goto out; } for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !g_ascii_isdigit( pin[i] ) ) { err = _( "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." ); goto out; } } str = purple_request_fields_get_string( fields, "pin2" ); if ( ( !str ) || ( strcmp( pin, str ) != 0 ) ) { err = _( "The two PINs you entered do not match." ); goto out; } g_strlcpy( profile->pin, pin, sizeof( profile->pin ) ); out: if ( !err ) { purple_account_set_password( session->acc, session->profile->pin, NULL, NULL ); mxit_login_connect( session ); } else { /* show error to user */ mxit_popup( PURPLE_NOTIFY_MSG_ERROR, _( "Registration Error" ), err ); mxit_register_view( session ); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GList *iter; int i, num; GList *names = NULL; const char *prpl; char name[128]; char *password; GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); PurpleAccount *account; PurpleSavedStatus *status; char *res; #ifndef _WIN32 /* libpurple's built-in DNS resolution forks processes to perform * blocking lookups without blocking the main process. It does not * handle SIGCHLD itself, so if the UI does not you quickly get an army * of zombie subprocesses marching around. */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); #endif init_libpurple(); printf("libpurple initialized.\n"); iter = purple_plugins_get_protocols(); for (i = 0; iter; iter = iter->next) { PurplePlugin *plugin = iter->data; PurplePluginInfo *info = plugin->info; if (info && info->name) { printf("\t%d: %s\n", i++, info->name); names = g_list_append(names, info->id); } } printf("Select the protocol [0-%d]: ", i-1); res = fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); if (!res) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to gets protocol selection."); abort(); } sscanf(name, "%d", &num); prpl = g_list_nth_data(names, num); printf("Username: "******"Failed to read user name."); abort(); } name[strlen(name) - 1] = 0; /* strip the \n at the end */ /* Create the account */ account = purple_account_new(name, prpl); /* Get the password for the account */ password = getpass("Password: "); purple_account_set_password(account, password); /* It's necessary to enable the account first. */ purple_account_set_enabled(account, UI_ID, TRUE); /* Now, to connect the account(s), create a status and activate it. */ status = purple_savedstatus_new(NULL, PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE); purple_savedstatus_activate(status); connect_to_signals_for_demonstration_purposes_only(); g_main_loop_run(loop); return 0; }