コード例 #1
ファイル: mesg.c プロジェクト: 99years/plan9
static int
s_snd(Queue *q, Lextok *n)
{	Lextok *m;
	RunList *rX, *sX = X;	/* rX=recvr, sX=sendr */
	int i, j = 0;	/* q field# */

	for (m = n->rgt; m && j < q->nflds; m = m->rgt, j++)
	{	q->contents[j] = cast_val(q->fld_width[j], eval(m->lft), 0);
		typ_ck(q->fld_width[j], Sym_typ(m->lft), "rv-send");
	q->qlen = 1;
	if (!complete_rendez())
	{	q->qlen = 0;
		return 0;
	if (TstOnly)
	{	q->qlen = 0;
		return 1;
	q->stepnr[0] = depth;
	if ((verbose&16) && depth >= jumpsteps)
	{	m = n->rgt;
		rX = X; X = sX;
		for (j = 0; m && j < q->nflds; m = m->rgt, j++)
			sr_talk(n, eval(m->lft), "Sent ", "->", j, q);
		for (i = j; i < q->nflds; i++)
			sr_talk(n, 0, "Sent ", "->", i, q);
		if (j < q->nflds)
			  printf("%3d: warning: missing params in rv-send\n",
		else if (m)
			  printf("%3d: warning: too many params in rv-send\n",
		X = rX;	/* restore receiver's context */
		if (!s_trail)
		{	if (!n_rem || !q_rem)
				fatal("cannot happen, s_snd", (char *) 0);
			m = n_rem->rgt;
			for (j = 0; m && j < q->nflds; m = m->rgt, j++)
			{	if (m->lft->ntyp != NAME
				||  strcmp(m->lft->sym->name, "_") != 0)
					i = eval(m->lft);
				else	i = 0;

				if (verbose&8)
				sr_talk(n_rem,i,"Recv ","<-",j,q_rem);
			if (verbose&8)
			for (i = j; i < q->nflds; i++)
				sr_talk(n_rem, 0, "Recv ", "<-", j, q_rem);
			if (columns == 2)
				putarrow(depth, depth);
		n_rem = (Lextok *) 0;
		q_rem = (Queue *) 0;
	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: gharrows.c プロジェクト: Fahdben/imscript
// ff: input flow image
// s: arrow scaling
// g: grid spacing
void flowarrows(float *ff, int w, int h, float s, int g)
	//printf("set terminal postscript eps\n");
	printf("set size ratio 1\n");
	printf("unset border\n");
	printf("unset xtics\n");
	printf("unset ytics\n");
	printf("set rmargin 0\n");
	printf("set lmargin 0\n");
	printf("set tmargin 0\n");
	printf("set bmargin 0\n");
	printf("plot [0:%d] [0:%d] \"-\" notitle with vectors "
		//	"filled "
			"linestyle 1"
			"\n", w, h);
	float (*f)[w][2] = (void*)ff;
	int gw = w/g, gh = h/g;
	for (int j = 0; j < gh; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < gw; i++) {
		float m[2] = {0, 0}, nm = 0;
		for (int jj = 0; jj < g; jj++)
		for (int ii = 0; ii < g; ii++) {
			int pi = g*i + ii;
			int pj = g*j + jj;
			if (pi < w && pj < h && isfinite(f[pj][pi][0])
					     && isfinite(f[pj][pi][1]))	{
				m[0] += f[pj][pi][0];
				m[1] += f[pj][pi][1];
				nm += s;
		if (nm > 0)
			putarrow(g*i+g/2, g*j+g/2, m[0]/nm, m[1]/nm);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mesg.c プロジェクト: 99years/plan9
static int
a_rcv(Queue *q, Lextok *n, int full)
{	Lextok *m;
	int i=0, oi, j, k;
	extern int Rvous;

	if (q->qlen == 0)
		return 0;	/* q is empty */
	/* test executability */
	for (m = n->rgt, j=0; m && j < q->nflds; m = m->rgt, j++)
		if ((m->lft->ntyp == CONST
		   && q->contents[i*q->nflds+j] != m->lft->val)
		||  (m->lft->ntyp == EVAL
		   && q->contents[i*q->nflds+j] != eval(m->lft->lft)))
		{	if (n->val == 0		/* fifo recv */
			||  n->val == 2		/* fifo poll */
			|| ++i >= q->qlen)	/* last slot */
				return 0;	/* no match  */
			goto try_slot;
	if (TstOnly) return 1;

	if (verbose&8)
	{	if (j < q->nflds)
			printf("%3d: warning: missing params in next recv\n",
		else if (m)
			printf("%3d: warning: too many params in next recv\n",

	/* set the fields */
	if (Rvous)
	{	n_rem = n;
		q_rem = q;

	oi = q->stepnr[i];
	for (m = n->rgt, j = 0; m && j < q->nflds; m = m->rgt, j++)
	{	if (columns && !full)	/* was columns == 1 */
		if ((verbose&8) && !Rvous && depth >= jumpsteps)
		{	sr_talk(n, q->contents[i*q->nflds+j],
			(full && n->val < 2)?"Recv ":"[Recv] ", "<-", j, q);
		if (!full)
			continue;	/* test */
		if (m && m->lft->ntyp != CONST && m->lft->ntyp != EVAL)
		{	(void) setval(m->lft, q->contents[i*q->nflds+j]);
			typ_ck(q->fld_width[j], Sym_typ(m->lft), "recv");
		if (n->val < 2)		/* not a poll */
		for (k = i; k < q->qlen-1; k++)
		{	q->contents[k*q->nflds+j] =
			if (j == 0)
			  q->stepnr[k] = q->stepnr[k+1];

	if ((!columns || full)
	&& (verbose&8) && !Rvous && depth >= jumpsteps)
	for (i = j; i < q->nflds; i++)
	{	sr_talk(n, 0,
		(full && n->val < 2)?"Recv ":"[Recv] ", "<-", i, q);
	if (columns == 2 && full && !Rvous && depth >= jumpsteps)
		putarrow(oi, depth);

	if (full && n->val < 2)
	return 1;