コード例 #1
ファイル: line.c プロジェクト: JohnTimothyDaly/less-fork
static int
store_tab(int attr, off_t pos)
	int to_tab = column + cshift - lmargin;
	int i;

	if (ntabstops < 2 || to_tab >= tabstops[ntabstops-1])
		to_tab = tabdefault -
		    ((to_tab - tabstops[ntabstops-1]) % tabdefault);
	else {
		for (i = ntabstops - 2;  i >= 0;  i--)
			if (to_tab >= tabstops[i])
		to_tab = tabstops[i+1] - to_tab;

	if (column + to_tab - 1 + pwidth(' ', attr, 0) +
	    attr_ewidth(attr) > sc_width)
		return (1);

	do {
		STORE_CHAR(' ', attr, " ", pos);
	} while (--to_tab > 0);
	return (0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: mprinter.cpp プロジェクト: PNCG/neuron
Coord MacPrinterCanvas::width() const {
#if carbon
	return Coord(pwidth());
	Rect& r = (*prRecHdl)->prInfo.rPage;
	return Coord(r.right);
コード例 #3
CScriptVal ICmpFootprint::GetShape_wrapper()
	EShape shape;
	entity_pos_t size0, size1, height;
	GetShape(shape, size0, size1, height);

	JSContext* cx = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface().GetContext();

	JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (!obj)
		return JSVAL_VOID;

	if (shape == CIRCLE)
		JS::RootedValue ptype(cx);
		JS::RootedValue pradius(cx);
		JS::RootedValue pheight(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<std::string>(cx, ptype.get(), "circle");
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, pradius.get(), size0);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, pheight.get(), height);
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "type", ptype.address());
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "radius", pradius.address());
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "height", pheight.address());
		JS::RootedValue ptype(cx);
		JS::RootedValue pwidth(cx);
		JS::RootedValue pdepth(cx);
		JS::RootedValue pheight(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<std::string>(cx, ptype.get(), "square");
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, pwidth.get(), size0);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, pdepth.get(), size1);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, pheight.get(), height);
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "type", ptype.address());
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "width", pwidth.address());
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "depth", pdepth.address());
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "height", pheight.address());

	return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
コード例 #4
ファイル: line.c プロジェクト: JohnTimothyDaly/less-fork
 * Delete to the previous base character in the line buffer.
 * Return 1 if one is found.
static int
	LWCHAR prev_ch;
	char *p = linebuf + curr;
	LWCHAR ch = step_char(&p, -1, linebuf + lmargin);
	int width;

	/* This assumes that there is no '\b' in linebuf.  */
	while (curr > lmargin && column > lmargin &&
	    (!(attr[curr - 1] & (AT_ANSI|AT_BINARY)))) {
		curr = p - linebuf;
		prev_ch = step_char(&p, -1, linebuf + lmargin);
		width = pwidth(ch, attr[curr], prev_ch);
		column -= width;
		if (width > 0)
			return (1);
		ch = prev_ch;

	return (0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: line.c プロジェクト: JohnTimothyDaly/less-fork
static int
store_prchar(char c, off_t pos)
	char *s;

	 * Convert to printable representation.
	s = prchar(c);

	 * Make sure we can get the entire representation
	 * of the character on this line.
	if (column + (int)strlen(s) - 1 +
	    pwidth(' ', binattr, 0) + attr_ewidth(binattr) > sc_width)
		return (1);

	for (; *s != 0; s++) {
	return (0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: line.c プロジェクト: JohnTimothyDaly/less-fork
static int
do_append(LWCHAR ch, char *rep, off_t pos)
	int a;
	LWCHAR prev_ch;


	if (ch == '\b') {
		if (bs_mode == BS_CONTROL)
			goto do_control_char;

		 * A better test is needed here so we don't
		 * backspace over part of the printed
		 * representation of a binary character.
		if (curr <= lmargin ||
		    column <= lmargin ||
		    (attr[curr - 1] & (AT_ANSI|AT_BINARY))) {
			STORE_PRCHAR('\b', pos);
		} else if (bs_mode == BS_NORMAL) {
		} else if (bs_mode == BS_SPECIAL) {
			overstrike = backc();

		return (0);

	if (overstrike > 0) {
		 * Overstrike the character at the current position
		 * in the line buffer.  This will cause either
		 * underline (if a "_" is overstruck),
		 * bold (if an identical character is overstruck),
		 * or just deletion of the character in the buffer.
		overstrike = utf_mode ? -1 : 0;
		/* To be correct, this must be a base character.  */
		prev_ch = get_wchar(linebuf + curr);
		a = attr[curr];
		if (ch == prev_ch) {
			 * Overstriking a char with itself means make it bold.
			 * But overstriking an underscore with itself is
			 * ambiguous.  It could mean make it bold, or
			 * it could mean make it underlined.
			 * Use the previous overstrike to resolve it.
			if (ch == '_') {
				if ((a & (AT_BOLD|AT_UNDERLINE)) != AT_NORMAL)
				else if (last_overstrike != AT_NORMAL)
					a |= last_overstrike;
					a |= AT_BOLD;
			} else {
				a |= AT_BOLD;
		} else if (ch == '_') {
			ch = prev_ch;
			rep = linebuf + curr;
		} else if (prev_ch == '_') {
		/* Else we replace prev_ch, but we keep its attributes.  */
	} else if (overstrike < 0) {
		if (is_composing_char(ch) ||
		    is_combining_char(get_wchar(linebuf + curr), ch))
			/* Continuation of the same overstrike.  */
			a = last_overstrike;
			overstrike = 0;

	if (ch == '\t') {
		 * Expand a tab into spaces.
		switch (bs_mode) {
		case BS_CONTROL:
			goto do_control_char;
		case BS_NORMAL:
		case BS_SPECIAL:
			STORE_TAB(a, pos);
	} else if ((!utf_mode || is_ascii_char(ch)) && control_char((char)ch)) {
		if (ctldisp == OPT_ON ||
		    (ctldisp == OPT_ONPLUS && IS_CSI_START(ch))) {
			 * Output as a normal character.
			STORE_CHAR(ch, AT_NORMAL, rep, pos);
		} else {
			STORE_PRCHAR((char)ch, pos);
	} else if (utf_mode && ctldisp != OPT_ON && is_ubin_char(ch)) {
		char *s;

		s = prutfchar(ch);

		if (column + (int)strlen(s) - 1 +
		    pwidth(' ', binattr, 0) + attr_ewidth(binattr) > sc_width)
			return (1);

		for (; *s != 0; s++)
	} else {
		STORE_CHAR(ch, a, rep, pos);
	return (0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: line.c プロジェクト: JohnTimothyDaly/less-fork
static int
store_char(LWCHAR ch, char a, char *rep, off_t pos)
	int w;
	int replen;
	char cs;
	int matches;

	w = (a & (AT_UNDERLINE|AT_BOLD));	/* Pre-use w.  */
	if (w != AT_NORMAL)
		last_overstrike = w;

	if (is_hilited(pos, pos+1, 0, &matches)) {
		 * This character should be highlighted.
		 * Override the attribute passed in.
		if (a != AT_ANSI) {
			if (highest_hilite != -1 && pos > highest_hilite)
				highest_hilite = pos;
			a |= AT_HILITE;

	if (ctldisp == OPT_ONPLUS && in_ansi_esc_seq()) {
		if (!is_ansi_end(ch) && !is_ansi_middle(ch)) {
			/* Remove whole unrecognized sequence.  */
			char *p = &linebuf[curr];
			LWCHAR bch;
			do {
				bch = step_char(&p, -1, linebuf);
			} while (p > linebuf && !IS_CSI_START(bch));
			curr = p - linebuf;
			return (0);
		a = AT_ANSI;	/* Will force re-AT_'ing around it.  */
		w = 0;
	} else if (ctldisp == OPT_ONPLUS && IS_CSI_START(ch)) {
		a = AT_ANSI;	/* Will force re-AT_'ing around it.  */
		w = 0;
	} else {
		char *p = &linebuf[curr];
		LWCHAR prev_ch = step_char(&p, -1, linebuf);
		w = pwidth(ch, a, prev_ch);

	if (ctldisp != OPT_ON && column + w + attr_ewidth(a) > sc_width)
		 * Won't fit on screen.
		return (1);

	if (rep == NULL) {
		cs = (char)ch;
		rep = &cs;
		replen = 1;
	} else {
		replen = utf_len(rep[0]);
	if (curr + replen >= size_linebuf-6) {
		 * Won't fit in line buffer.
		 * Try to expand it.
		if (expand_linebuf())
			return (1);

	while (replen-- > 0) {
		linebuf[curr] = *rep++;
		attr[curr] = a;
	column += w;
	return (0);