コード例 #1
ファイル: q3Box.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
void q3Box::Render( const q3Transform& tx, bool awake, q3Render* render ) const
	q3Transform world = q3Mul( tx, local );

	q3Vec3 vertices[ 8 ] = {
		q3Vec3( -e.x, -e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x, -e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x,  e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x,  e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x, -e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x, -e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x,  e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x,  e.y,  e.z )

	for ( i32 i = 0; i < 36; i += 3 )
		q3Vec3 a = q3Mul( world, vertices[ kBoxIndices[ i ] ] );
		q3Vec3 b = q3Mul( world, vertices[ kBoxIndices[ i + 1 ] ] );
		q3Vec3 c = q3Mul( world, vertices[ kBoxIndices[ i + 2 ] ] );

		q3Vec3 n = q3Normalize( q3Cross( b - a, c - a ) );

		//render->SetPenColor( 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.7f, 0.5f );
		//render->SetPenPosition( a.x, a.y, a.z );
		//render->Line( b.x, b.y, b.z );
		//render->Line( c.x, c.y, c.z );
		//render->Line( a.x, a.y, a.z );

		render->SetTriNormal( n.x, n.y, n.z );
		render->Triangle( a.x, a.y, a.z, b.x, b.y, b.z, c.x, c.y, c.z );
コード例 #2
ファイル: q3Box.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
void q3Box::ComputeAABB( const q3Transform& tx, q3AABB* aabb ) const
	q3Transform world = q3Mul( tx, local );

	q3Vec3 v[ 8 ] = {
		q3Vec3( -e.x, -e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x, -e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x,  e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3( -e.x,  e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x, -e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x, -e.y,  e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x,  e.y, -e.z ),
		q3Vec3(  e.x,  e.y,  e.z )

	for ( i32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
		v[ i ] = q3Mul( world, v[ i ] );

	q3Vec3 min( Q3_R32_MAX, Q3_R32_MAX, Q3_R32_MAX );
	q3Vec3 max( -Q3_R32_MAX, -Q3_R32_MAX, -Q3_R32_MAX );

	for ( i32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
		min = q3Min( min, v[ i ] );
		max = q3Max( max, v[ i ] );

	aabb->min = min;
	aabb->max = max;
コード例 #3
ファイル: q3Box.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
bool q3Box::Raycast( const q3Transform& tx, q3RaycastData* raycast ) const
	q3Transform world = q3Mul( tx, local );
	q3Vec3 d = q3MulT( world.rotation, raycast->dir );
	q3Vec3 p = q3MulT( world, raycast->start );
	const r32 epsilon = r32( 1.0e-8 );
	r32 tmin = 0;
	r32 tmax = raycast->t;

	// t = (e[ i ] - p.[ i ]) / d[ i ]
	r32 t0;
	r32 t1;
	q3Vec3 n0;

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
		// Check for ray parallel to and outside of AABB
		if ( q3Abs( d[ i ] ) < epsilon )
			// Detect separating axes
			if ( p[ i ] < -e[ i ] || p[ i ] > e[ i ] )
				return false;

			r32 d0 = r32( 1.0 ) / d[ i ];
			r32 s = q3Sign( d[ i ] );
			r32 ei = e[ i ] * s;
			q3Vec3 n( 0, 0, 0 );
			n[ i ] = -s;

			t0 = -(ei + p[ i ]) * d0;
			t1 = (ei - p[ i ]) * d0;

			if ( t0 > tmin )
				n0 = n;
				tmin = t0;

			tmax = q3Min( tmax, t1 );

			if ( tmin > tmax )
				return false;

	raycast->normal = q3Mul( world.rotation, n0 ); 
	raycast->toi = tmin;

	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: q3Body.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
void q3Body::SynchronizeProxies( )
	q3BroadPhase* broadphase = &m_scene->m_contactManager.m_broadphase;

	m_tx.position = m_worldCenter - q3Mul( m_tx.rotation, m_localCenter );

	q3AABB aabb;
	q3Transform tx = m_tx;

	q3Box* box = m_boxes;
	while ( box )
		box->ComputeAABB( tx, &aabb );
		broadphase->Update( box->broadPhaseIndex, aabb );
		box = box->next;
コード例 #5
ファイル: q3Box.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
// q3Box
bool q3Box::TestPoint( const q3Transform& tx, const q3Vec3& p ) const
	q3Transform world = q3Mul( tx, local );
	q3Vec3 p0 = q3MulT( world, p );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
		r32 d = p0[ i ];
		r32 ei = e[ i ];

		if ( d > ei || d < -ei )
			return false;

	return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: q3Body.cpp プロジェクト: ColinGilbert/qu3e
const q3Box* q3Body::AddBox( const q3BoxDef& def )
	q3AABB aabb;
	q3Box* box = (q3Box*)m_scene->m_heap.Allocate( sizeof( q3Box ) );
	box->local = def.m_tx;
	box->e = def.m_e;
	box->next = m_boxes;
	m_boxes = box;
	box->ComputeAABB( q3Mul( m_tx, box->local ), &aabb );

	box->body = this;
	box->friction = def.m_friction;
	box->restitution = def.m_restitution;
	box->density = def.m_density;
	box->sensor = def.m_sensor;

	CalculateMassData( );

	m_scene->m_contactManager.m_broadphase.InsertBox( box, aabb );
	m_scene->m_newBox = true;

	return box;
コード例 #7
ファイル: q3Body.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
void q3Body::CalculateMassData( )
	q3Mat3 inertia = q3Diagonal( r32( 0.0 ) );
	m_invInertiaModel = q3Diagonal( r32( 0.0 ) );
	m_invInertiaWorld = q3Diagonal( r32( 0.0 ) );
	m_invMass = r32( 0.0 );
	m_mass = r32( 0.0 );
	r32 mass = r32( 0.0 );

	if ( m_flags & eStatic || m_flags &eKinematic )
		q3Identity( m_localCenter );
		m_worldCenter = m_tx.position;

	q3Vec3 lc;
	q3Identity( lc );

	for ( q3Box* box = m_boxes; box; box = box->next)
		if ( box->density == r32( 0.0 ) )

		q3MassData md;
		box->ComputeMass( &md );
		mass += md.mass;
		inertia += md.inertia;
		lc += md.center * md.mass;

	if ( mass > r32( 0.0 ) )
		m_mass = mass;
		m_invMass = r32( 1.0 ) / mass;
		lc *= m_invMass;
		q3Mat3 identity;
		q3Identity( identity );
		inertia -= (identity * q3Dot( lc, lc ) - q3OuterProduct( lc, lc )) * mass;
		m_invInertiaModel = q3Inverse( inertia );

		if ( m_flags & eLockAxisX )
			q3Identity( m_invInertiaModel.ex );

		if ( m_flags & eLockAxisY )
			q3Identity( m_invInertiaModel.ey );

		if ( m_flags & eLockAxisZ )
			q3Identity( m_invInertiaModel.ez );
		// Force all dynamic bodies to have some mass
		m_invMass = r32( 1.0 );
		m_invInertiaModel = q3Diagonal( r32( 0.0 ) );
		m_invInertiaWorld = q3Diagonal( r32( 0.0 ) );

	m_localCenter = lc;
	m_worldCenter = q3Mul( m_tx, lc );
コード例 #8
ファイル: q3Body.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
const q3Vec3 q3Body::GetWorldVector( const q3Vec3& v ) const
	return q3Mul( m_tx.rotation, v );
コード例 #9
ファイル: q3Body.cpp プロジェクト: OldManHoHo/opengl_engine
const q3Vec3 q3Body::GetWorldPoint( const q3Vec3& p ) const
	return q3Mul( m_tx, p );