コード例 #1
int SyncTransferThread::do_touch_local_file_with_time(QString fileName, QDateTime time)
    // Linux 上可以使用 utime 或者 utimes 函数, - change file last access and modification times
    // Windows 上文件 SetFileTime()函数设置文件的创建时间、最近一次访问时间以及最近一次修改的时间等
    // Windows 目录 两个函数GetDirTime()和SetDirTime()来实现对文件夹时间信息
    // Qt 中好像是没有修改文件时间属性的方法。

    int ret;
    QFileInfo fi(fileName);

#ifdef WIN32
    // method 1, ok
    QFile q_file(fileName);
    if (!q_file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
        q_debug()<<"open file error:"<<q_file.errorString();
    } else {
        int fp = q_file.handle();
        struct _utimbuf ub;
        ub.actime = fi.lastRead().toTime_t();
        ub.modtime = time.toTime_t();
        ret = _futime(fp, &ub);
        q_debug()<<"_futime ret: "<<ret<<fileName
    return 0;

    // method 2, english ok, chinese faild
    const char *filePathName = gOpt->locale_codec->fromUnicode(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName)).constData();
    struct _utimbuf ub;
    ub.actime = fi.lastRead().toTime_t();
    ub.modtime = time.toTime_t();
    ret = _utime(filePathName, &ub);
    q_debug()<<"_utime ret: "<<ret<<filePathName<<fileName
    return 0;

    // method 2, english ok, chinese faild
    QString appPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
    QString procFilePath = appPath + "/touch.exe";
    QStringList args;
    QProcess proc;
    proc.start(procFilePath, args);
    ret = proc.waitForFinished();

    struct timeval tv[2] = {{0,0}, {0,0}};
    tv[0].tv_sec = fi.lastRead().toTime_t();
    tv[1].tv_sec = time.toTime_t();
    ret = utimes(GlobalOption::instance()->locale_codec->fromUnicode(fileName), tv);
    assert(ret == 0);    

    return 0;
コード例 #2
int SyncTransferThread::do_download(QString remote_path, QString local_path)
    qDebug() <<__FUNCTION__<<": "<<__LINE__<<":"<< __FILE__; 
    qDebug()<< "remote_path = "<<  remote_path  << " , local_path = " << local_path ;
    int pcnt = 0 ;
    int  rlen , wlen  ;
    int file_size , tran_len = 0   ;
    LIBSSH2_SFTP_HANDLE * sftp_handle ;
    LIBSSH2_SFTP_ATTRIBUTES ssh2_sftp_attrib;
    char buff[8192] = {0};
    QString currFile;
    sftp_handle = libssh2_sftp_open(this->ssh2_sftp,
                                    GlobalOption::instance()->remote_codec->fromUnicode(remote_path), LIBSSH2_FXF_READ, 0);
    if (sftp_handle == NULL) {
        //TODO 错误消息通知用户。
        qDebug()<<"open sftp file error :"<< libssh2_sftp_last_error(this->ssh2_sftp);
        return -1 ;
    file_size = ssh2_sftp_attrib.filesize;
    qDebug()<<" remote file size :"<< file_size ;

    currFile = local_path.right(local_path.length() - this->local_base_path.length() - 1);
    emit this->syncFileStarted(currFile, file_size);

    // 本地编码 --> Qt 内部编码
    QFile q_file(local_path);
    if (!q_file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Truncate)) {
        //TODO 错误消息通知用户。
        qDebug()<<"open local file error:"<< q_file.errorString() ;        
    } else {
        //read remote file  and then write to local file
        while ((rlen = libssh2_sftp_read(sftp_handle, buff, sizeof(buff))) > 0) {
            wlen = q_file.write( buff, rlen );
            tran_len += wlen ;
            qDebug()<<"Read len :"<<rlen <<" , write len: "<<wlen
                     <<" tran len: "<<tran_len ;
            //my progress signal
            if (file_size == 0) {
                emit this->transfer_percent_changed(currFile, 100, tran_len, wlen);
            } else {
                pcnt = 100.0 *((double)tran_len  / (double)file_size);
                emit this->transfer_percent_changed(currFile, pcnt, tran_len, wlen);
    q_debug()<<"syncDownload done.";
    this->do_touch_local_file_with_time(local_path, SSHFileInfo(ssh2_sftp_attrib).lastModified());

    emit this->syncFileStopped(currFile, 0);

    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: session.cpp プロジェクト: FlorentUguet/TulpaDiary
Session::Session(std::string file)
    local_file = file;

    QFileInfo q_file(local_file.c_str());
    std::string date = q_file.absoluteDir().dirName().toStdString();

    root = loadJSONFile(local_file.c_str());

コード例 #4
int SyncTransferThread::do_upload(QString local_path, QString remote_path)
    qDebug() <<__FUNCTION__<<": "<<__LINE__<<":"<< __FILE__; 
    qDebug()<< "remote_path = "<<  remote_path  << " , local_path = " << local_path ;

    int pcnt = 0 ;
    int rlen , wlen  ;
    int file_size , tran_len = 0   ;
    LIBSSH2_SFTP_HANDLE * sftp_handle ;
    LIBSSH2_SFTP_ATTRIBUTES ssh2_sftp_attrib;
    char buff[5120] = {0};
    QString currFile;
    //TODO 检查文件可写属性
    sftp_handle = libssh2_sftp_open(this->ssh2_sftp,
                                    LIBSSH2_FXF_READ|LIBSSH2_FXF_WRITE|LIBSSH2_FXF_CREAT|LIBSSH2_FXF_TRUNC, 0666);
    if (sftp_handle == NULL) {
        //TODO 错误消息通知用户。
        char errmsg[200] = {0};
        int emlen = 0;
        libssh2_session_last_error(this->ssh2_sess, (char **)&errmsg, &emlen, 0);
        qDebug()<<"open sftp file error :"<< libssh2_sftp_last_error(this->ssh2_sftp)
        if (libssh2_sftp_last_error(this->ssh2_sftp) == LIBSSH2_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) {
            // this->errorString = QString(tr("Open file faild, Permission denied"));
            // qDebug()<<this->errorString;
        // this->error_code = ERRNO_BASE + libssh2_sftp_last_error(this->ssh2_sftp);
        emit this->syncFileStopped(currFile, -1);
        return -1 ;
    QFileInfo local_fi(local_path);
    file_size = local_fi.size();
    qDebug()<<"local file size:" << file_size ;

    currFile = local_path.right(local_path.length() - this->local_base_path.length() - 1);
    emit this->syncFileStarted(currFile, file_size);
    // 本地编码 --> Qt 内部编码
    QFile q_file(local_path);
    if (!q_file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        //TODO 错误消息通知用户。
        qDebug()<<"open local file error:"<< q_file.errorString()  ;
        //printf("open local file error:%s\n", strerror( errno ) );        
    } else {
        //read local file and then write to remote file
        while (!q_file.atEnd()) {
            qDebug()<<"Read local ... ";
            rlen = q_file.read(buff, sizeof(buff));
            qDebug()<<"Read local done ";
            if (rlen <= 0) {
                //qDebug()<<"errno: "<<errno<<" err msg:"<< strerror( errno) << ftell( local_handle) ;
                break ;
            qDebug()<<"write to sftp ... ";
            wlen = libssh2_sftp_write(sftp_handle, buff, rlen);
            qDebug()<<"write to sftp done ";
            Q_ASSERT(wlen == rlen);
            tran_len += wlen ;
            //qDebug()<<" local read : "<< rlen << " sftp write :"<<wlen <<" up len :"<< tran_len ;
            // 			qDebug() <<" read len :"<< rlen <<" , write len: "<< wlen 
            //                    << " tran len: "<< tran_len ;
            if (file_size == 0 ) {
                emit this->transfer_percent_changed(currFile, 100, tran_len, wlen);
            } else {
                pcnt = 100.0 *((double)tran_len  / (double)file_size);
                // qDebug()<< QString("100.0 *((double)%1  / (double)%2)").arg(tran_len).arg(file_size)<<" = "<<pcnt ;
                emit this->transfer_percent_changed(currFile, pcnt, tran_len, wlen);
    // qDebug()<<"out cycle, close sftp...";
    q_debug()<<"syncUpload done.";
    this->do_touch_sftp_file_with_time(remote_path, QFileInfo(local_path).lastModified());

    emit this->syncFileStopped(currFile, 0);

    return 0;