コード例 #1
ファイル: VecFile.cpp プロジェクト: jlerouge/GEMpp
VecFile::write(int aXSource,
               int aYSource,
               int aXTarget,
               int aYTarget,
               int aXCenter,
               int aYCenter,
               int        aThickness,
               QGEcolor   aColor,
               QGEoutline anOutline)

    fstream_ << s_vec_prim_arc_         // primitive code
             << ' '
             << toVecOutline(anOutline) // continuous|dashed
             << ' '
             << aXCenter                // xcenter
             << ' '
             << aYCenter                // ycenter
             << ' '
             << qgDist(aXCenter, aYCenter, aXSource, aYSource)  // radius
             << ' '
             << qgAngleDegrees(Point(aXCenter,aYCenter),
                               Point(aXSource,aYSource))  // source angle
             << ' '
             << qgAngleDegrees(Point(aXCenter,aYCenter),
                               Point(aXTarget,aYTarget))  // target angle
             << ' '
             << aThickness              // width
             << std::endl;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DesShapeContext.cpp プロジェクト: rentpath/qgar
DesShapeContext::DesShapeContext(const std::list< GenPoint<int> >& aPtList,
				 double aRhoMax,
				 int aRhoBinCnt,
				 int aThetaBinCnt)

  : rhoMax_      (aRhoMax),
    rhoMaxLog_   (log(aRhoMax + 1.)),
    rhoBinCnt_   (aRhoBinCnt),
    thetaBinCnt_ (aThetaBinCnt)
  // Number of given points
  int ptCnt = (int) aPtList.size();
  // Number of bin points
  int binCnt = aRhoBinCnt * aThetaBinCnt;

  // --------------------------------


  // ---------------------------


  for (int pdx = 0 ; pdx < ptCnt ; ++pdx)
      // Allocate Shape Context...
      int* currShapeContext = new int[binCnt];
      // ...and initialize it to zero
      qgMemSet0(currShapeContext, binCnt);

  // --------------

  double rhoSamplingRate   = rhoMaxLog_   / (double) rhoBinCnt_;
  double thetaSamplingRate = Math::QG_2PI / (double) thetaBinCnt_;

  std::cout << std::endl
	    << "- Nb points = " << ptCnt << std::endl
	    << "- Taille vecteur points = " << points_.size() << std::endl
	    << "- Taille vecteur Shape Contexts = " << pShapeContexts_.size() << std::endl
	    << "- Nb bins pour rho = " << aRhoBinCnt << std::endl
	    << "- Nb bins pour theta = " << aThetaBinCnt << std::endl
	    << "- Rho max = " << rhoMax_ << std::endl
	    << "- log(rho_max+1) = " << rhoMaxLog_ << std::endl
	    << "- Rho sampling rate = " << rhoSamplingRate << std::endl
	    << "- Theta sampling rate = " << thetaSamplingRate
	    << " = " << qgRadiansToDegrees(thetaSamplingRate) << " degrees" << std::endl
	    << std::endl;

  // --------------
  // Let P be the current point
  // pIt: pointer to P
  // pdx: index of P in the data structures of the descriptor

  std::list<Point>::const_iterator pIt = aPtList.begin();

  for (int pdx = 0; pdx < ptCnt; ++pdx, ++pIt)

      // Save current point

      int pX = (*pIt).x();
      int pY = (*pIt).y();

      std::cout << "pdx = " << pdx
		<< "    x=" << pX << "  y=" << pY << std::endl;

      // _______________________________________________________________
      // Do not compute again rho's & theta's computed in previous steps
      // _______________________________________________________________
      // * let pdx be the index of point P
      // * let qdx be the index of point Q, different from P
      // * let V(P,Q) stand for rho(P,Q) or theta(P,Q)
      //   V(P,Q) can be deduced from V(Q,P):
      //     - rho(P,Q)   == rho(Q,P)
      //     - theta(P,Q) == (theta(Q,P) + PI) % 2PI
      // * When qdx > pdx, both V(P,Q) and V(Q,P)
      //   are computed and registered in adequate bins
      // * Thus, when qdx < pdx, V(P,Q) has already been
      //   computed and registered: there is nothing to do...
      // _______________________________________________________________

      // qIt: pointer to point Q, different from current point P
      // qdx: index of Q in the data structures of the descriptor

      std::list< GenPoint<int> >::const_iterator qIt = pIt;

      for (int qdx = pdx + 1; qdx < ptCnt ; ++qdx, ++qIt)

	  int qX = (*qIt).x();
	  int qY = (*qIt).y();

      std::cout << "    qdx = " << qdx
		<< "    x=" << qX << "  y=" << qY << std::endl;

	  // Offset (in the Shape Context table) corresponding
	  // to bin number given by log(rho(P,Q))
	  int rhoOffset =
	    thetaBinCnt_ * (int) (log(qgDist(pX, pY, qX, qY)) / rhoSamplingRate);

	  // Theta(P,Q)
	  double theta = qgAngle(pX, pY, qX, qY);

	  // Register position of Q relatively to P
	  ++(pShapeContexts_[pdx][rhoOffset + (int) (theta / thetaSamplingRate)]);

      std::cout << "        rho=" << qgDist(pX, pY, qX, qY)
		<< "  log(rho)= " << log(qgDist(pX, pY, qX, qY))
		<< "  index=" << (int) (log(qgDist(pX, pY, qX, qY)) / rhoSamplingRate)
		<< "  offset=" << rhoOffset
		<< std::endl
		<< "        theta_1=" << qgRadiansToDegrees(theta)
		<< "  index_1=" << (int) (theta / thetaSamplingRate) << std::endl;

	  // Theta(Q,P)
	  if (theta > Math::QG_PI)
	      theta -= Math::QG_PI;
	      theta += Math::QG_PI;

	  // Register position of P relatively to Q
          ++(pShapeContexts_[qdx][rhoOffset + (int) (theta / thetaSamplingRate)]);

	  std::cout << "        theta_2=" << qgRadiansToDegrees(theta)
		<< "  index_2=" << (int) (theta / thetaSamplingRate) << std::endl;
	} // END for qdx

    } // END for pdx

コード例 #3
ファイル: RWSegmentVector.cpp プロジェクト: rentpath/qgar
RWSegmentVector::buildTree(std::vector<Point>& myChain,
			   int fidx,
			   int lidx,
			   double minDeviation)
  RWTree* myNode = new RWTree(fidx, lidx);

  // Find maximum deviation
  double maxDeviation = 0.0;
  int whereToCut = fidx;

  if (myChain[fidx] == myChain[lidx]) // Closed curves
      Point p = myChain[fidx];
      for (int i = fidx + 1 ; i < lidx ; ++i)
	  double d = qgDist(p, myChain[i]);
	  if (d > maxDeviation)
	      whereToCut = i;
	      maxDeviation = d;
      // If loop too small or max deviation equal to zero, forget it
      if ((lidx - fidx + 1) < 4 || maxDeviation < minDeviation)
	  delete myNode;
	  return 0;
      else // Otherwise, create a very large significance
	  myNode->setLeftChild(buildTree(myChain, fidx, whereToCut, minDeviation));
	  myNode->setRightChild(buildTree(myChain, whereToCut, lidx, minDeviation));
	  searchBestApproximation (myNode);
	  return myNode;
  else // Open curves
      for (int i = fidx + 1 ; i < lidx ; ++i)
	  double d = qgDist(myChain[i], myChain[fidx], myChain[lidx]);
	  if (d > maxDeviation)
	      whereToCut = i;
	      maxDeviation = d;

      // If loop too small or max deviation equal to zero, keep as such
      if ((lidx - fidx + 1) < 4 || maxDeviation < minDeviation)
	  myNode->setSignificance(maxDeviation / qgDist(myChain[fidx], myChain[lidx]));
	  return myNode;
      else // Otherwise, recursive call
	  myNode->setSignificance(maxDeviation / qgDist(myChain[fidx], myChain[lidx]));
	  myNode->setLeftChild(buildTree(myChain, fidx, whereToCut, minDeviation));
	  myNode->setRightChild(buildTree(myChain, whereToCut, lidx, minDeviation));
	  searchBestApproximation (myNode);
	  return myNode;