コード例 #1
QHash<QString, QByteArray> QtPatch::qmakeValues(const QString &qmakePath, QByteArray *qmakeOutput)
    QHash<QString, QByteArray> qmakeValueHash;

    // in some cases qmake is not runable, because another process is blocking it(filewatcher ...)
    int waitCount = 0;
    while (qmakeValueHash.isEmpty() && waitCount < 3) {
        QFileInfo qmake(qmakePath);

        if (!qmake.exists()) {
            qmakeOutput->append(QString::fromLatin1("%1 is not existing").arg(qmakePath));
            return qmakeValueHash;
        if (!qmake.isExecutable()) {
            qmakeOutput->append(QString::fromLatin1("%1 is not executable").arg(qmakePath));
            return qmakeValueHash;

        QStringList args;
        args << QLatin1String("-query");

        QProcess process;
        process.start(qmake.absoluteFilePath(), args, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
        if (process.waitForFinished(10000)) {
            QByteArray output = process.readAllStandardOutput();
            if (process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) {
                qWarning() << qmake.absoluteFilePath() << args
                           << "crashed with exit code" << process.exitCode()
                           << "standard output: " << output
                           << "error output: " << process.readAllStandardError();
                return qmakeValueHash;
            qmakeValueHash = readQmakeOutput(output);
        if (qmakeValueHash.isEmpty()) {
            static const int waitTimeInMilliSeconds = 500;
        if (process.state() > QProcess::NotRunning ) {
            qDebug() << "qmake process is still running, need to kill it.";

    if (qmakeValueHash.isEmpty())
        qDebug() << "Cannot get any query output from qmake.";
    return qmakeValueHash;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pangen1.c プロジェクト: AustenConrad/plan-9
static void
do_init(FILE *ofd, Symbol *sp)
{	int i; extern Queue *ltab[];

	if (sp->ini
	&&  sp->type == CHAN
	&& ((i = qmake(sp)) > 0))
	{	if (sp->ini->ntyp == CHAN)
			fprintf(ofd, "addqueue(%d, %d)",
			i, ltab[i-1]->nslots == 0);
			fprintf(ofd, "%d", i);
	} else
		putstmnt(ofd, sp->ini, 0);
コード例 #3
Utils::FileName BuildableHelperLibrary::findSystemQt(const Utils::Environment &env)
    QStringList paths = env.path();
    foreach (const QString &path, paths) {
        QString prefix = path;
        if (!prefix.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
        foreach (const QString &possibleCommand, possibleQMakeCommands()) {
            QFileInfo qmake(prefix + possibleCommand);
            if (qmake.exists()) {
                if (isQtChooser(qmake))

                if (!qtVersionForQMake(qmake.absoluteFilePath()).isNull())
                    return Utils::FileName(qmake);
コード例 #4
void IncludePathLocator::Locate(wxArrayString& paths, wxArrayString &excludePaths, bool thirdPartyLibs, const wxString &tool) {
	// Common compiler paths - should be placed at top of the include path!
	wxString tmpfile1 = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("codelite"));
	wxString command;
	wxString tmpfile = tmpfile1;
	tmpfile += wxT(".cpp");

	wxString bin = tool;
	if(bin.IsEmpty()) {
		bin = wxT("gcc");

	wxRenameFile(tmpfile1, tmpfile);

	// GCC prints parts of its output to stdout and some to stderr
	// redirect all output to stdout
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
	// Mac does not like the standard command
	command = wxString::Format(wxT("%s -v -x c++ /dev/null -fsyntax-only"), bin.c_str());
	command = wxString::Format(wxT("%s -v -x c++ %s -fsyntax-only"), bin.c_str(), tmpfile.c_str());

	wxString outputStr = wxShellExec(command, wxEmptyString);
	wxRemoveFile( tmpfile );

	wxArrayString outputArr = wxStringTokenize(outputStr, wxT("\n\r"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
	// Analyze the output
	bool collect(false);
	for(size_t i=0; i<outputArr.GetCount(); i++) {
		if(outputArr[i].Contains(wxT("#include <...> search starts here:"))) {
			collect = true;

		if(outputArr[i].Contains(wxT("End of search list."))) {

		if(collect) {

			wxString file = outputArr.Item(i).Trim().Trim(false);

			// on Mac, (framework directory) appears also,
			// but it is harmless to use it under all OSs
			file.Replace(wxT("(framework directory)"), wxT(""));

			wxFileName includePath(file, wxT(""));

			paths.Add( includePath.GetPath() );

	if(thirdPartyLibs) {
		// try to locate QMAKE
		wxFileConfig  qmakeConf(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, m_mgr->GetStartupDirectory() + wxT("/config/qmake.ini"));
		wxString      groupName;
		long          index(0);
		wxArrayString out;
		wxString      qmake(wxT("qmake"));

		if (qmakeConf.GetFirstGroup(groupName, index)) {
			// we got qmake configuration, use it instead of the default qmake command
			qmake = qmakeConf.Read(groupName + wxT("/qmake"));

		// Run: qmake -query QT_INSTALL_PREFIX
		wxString cmd;
		cmd << qmake << wxT(" -query QT_INSTALL_PREFIX");

#ifdef __WXGTK__
		cmd << wxT(" 2>/dev/null");

		out = ExecCommand(cmd);

		if (out.IsEmpty() == false ) {

			wxString qt_output (out.Item(0));

#if defined(__WXGTK__)||defined(__WXMAC__)
			wxString pathQt4, pathQt3, pathQt;
			pathQt4 << qt_output << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("include") << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("qt4");
			pathQt3 << qt_output << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("include") << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("qt3");
			pathQt  << qt_output << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("include");

			if (wxDir::Exists( pathQt4 )) {
				wxString tmpPath;

				tmpPath = pathQt4 + wxT("/QtCore");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

				tmpPath = pathQt4 + wxT("/QtGui");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

				tmpPath = pathQt4 + wxT("/QtXml");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

			} else if (wxDir::Exists( pathQt3 ) ) {

				wxString tmpPath;

				tmpPath = pathQt3 + wxT("/QtCore");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

				tmpPath = pathQt3 + wxT("/QtGui");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

				tmpPath = pathQt3 + wxT("/QtXml");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

			} else if (wxDir::Exists( pathQt ) ) {

				wxString tmpPath;

				tmpPath = pathQt + wxT("/QtCore");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

				tmpPath = pathQt + wxT("/QtGui");
					paths.Add( pathQt );

				tmpPath = pathQt + wxT("/QtXml");
					paths.Add( tmpPath );

#else // __WXMSW__
			wxString pathWin;
			pathWin << qt_output << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("include") << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
			if (wxDir::Exists( pathWin )) {

				wxString tmpPath;

				tmpPath = pathWin + wxT("QtCore");
				if(wxFileName::DirExists(tmpPath)) {
					wxFileName fn(tmpPath, wxT(""));
					paths.Add( fn.GetPath() );

				tmpPath = pathWin + wxT("QtGui");
				if(wxFileName::DirExists(tmpPath)) {
					wxFileName fn(tmpPath, wxT(""));
					paths.Add( fn.GetPath() );

				tmpPath = pathWin + wxT("QtXml");
				if(wxFileName::DirExists(tmpPath)) {
					wxFileName fn(tmpPath, wxT(""));
					paths.Add( fn.GetPath() );

		// Try wxWidgets
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		// On Windows, just read the content of the WXWIN environment variable
		wxString wxwin;
		if (wxGetEnv(wxT("WX_INCL_HOME"), &wxwin)) {
			// we got the path to the installation of wxWidgets
			if (wxDir::Exists(wxwin)) {
				paths.Add( wxwin );
				excludePaths.Add( wxwin + wxT("\\univ") );
				excludePaths.Add( wxwin + wxT("\\unix") );
		// run wx-config and parse the output
		out = ExecCommand(wxT("wx-config --cxxflags 2>/dev/null"));
		if (out.IsEmpty() == false) {
			wxString line ( out.Item(0) );
			int where = line.Find(wxT(" -I"));
			while (where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
				line = line.Mid(where + 3);
				paths.Add( line.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')) );
				where = line.Find(wxT(" -I"));