static void r3d(void *pvParameters) { rr(); while(1) { qq(); } }
void operator()(d_mask * mask) { if ( StringMatch( mask_pos, mask->getName() ) ) { match_mask_wmean2 qq(mean, mask, surf_pos, penalty_factor); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); if (res == NULL) res = create_boolvec(); res->push_back(qq.res); } };
void operator()(d_mask * mask) { if ( StringMatch( mask_pos, mask->getName() ) ) { if (res == NULL) res = create_boolvec(); match_mask_surf_add2 qq(weight, surf_pos, mask); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); res->push_back(qq.res); } };
void insertParen(struct Queue * queue) { int ops = 0; int needed_parens = 0; char ch; struct Stack *s = createStack(); struct Stack *t = createStack(); while(queue->size > 0) { push(s, qd(queue)); } int done = 0; while( ! done ) { ch = peek(s); switch(ch) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': ops++; if (ops > needed_parens) { done = 1; } else { push(t, pop(s)); } break; case ')': needed_parens++; default: push(t, pop(s)); break; } if (s->size == 0 || done == 1) { push(t, '('); done = 1; } } // drain whatever is left while (s->size > 0) { push(t, pop(s)); } while (t->size > 0) { qq(queue, pop(t)); } return; }
virtual void init(Voxel& voxel) { voxel.fib_fa.clear(); voxel.fib_fa.resize(voxel.dim.size()); voxel.fib_dir.clear(); voxel.fib_dir.resize(voxel.dim.size()*3); md.clear(); md.resize(voxel.dim.size()); d0.clear(); d0.resize(voxel.dim.size()); d1.clear(); d1.resize(voxel.dim.size()); b_count = voxel.bvalues.size()-1; std::vector<image::vector<3> > b_data(b_count); //skip null std::copy(voxel.bvectors.begin()+1,voxel.bvectors.end(),b_data.begin()); for(unsigned int index = 0; index < b_count; ++index) b_data[index] *= std::sqrt(voxel.bvalues[index+1]); Kt.resize(6*b_count); { unsigned int qmap[6] = {0 ,4 ,8 ,1 ,2 ,5 }; double qweighting[6]= {1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0,2.0}; // bxx,byy,bzz,bxy,bxz,byz for (unsigned int i = 0,k = 0; i < b_data.size(); ++i,k+=6) { //qq = q qT std::vector<float> qq(3*3); image::matrix::product_transpose(b_data[i].begin(),b_data[i].begin(),qq.begin(), image::dyndim(3,1),image::dyndim(3,1)); /* q11 q15 q19 2*q12 2*q13 2*q16 q21 q25 q29 2*q22 2*q23 2*q26 K = | ... | */ for (unsigned int col = 0,index = i; col < 6; ++col,index+=b_count) Kt[index] = qq[qmap[col]]*qweighting[col]; } } iKtK.resize(6*6); iKtK_pivot.resize(6); image::matrix::product_transpose(Kt.begin(),Kt.begin(),iKtK.begin(), image::dyndim(6,b_count),image::dyndim(6,b_count)); image::matrix::lu_decomposition(iKtK.begin(),iKtK_pivot.begin(),image::dyndim(6,6)); }
int main() { Zyw::vector<int> k(9, 6); Zyw::vector<int> qq(10); std::cout << qq.capacity() << std::endl; std::cout<<k.size()<<std::endl; k.clear(); for (auto qq : k) { std::cout << qq << std::endl; } system("pause"); return 0; }
bool limadb::deletelist (const statstring &listid) { dbquery q (DB); (tlists["id"]); q.where (tlists["address"] == listid.sval()); value res = q.exec (); if (! res.count()) return false; dbquery qq (DB); qq.deletefrom (tmembers).where (tmembers["listid"] == res[0]["id"].ival()); qq.execvoid (); dbquery qqq (DB); qqq.deletefrom (tlists).where (tlists["address"] == listid.sval()); return qqq.execvoid (); }
void CSimuVertexRingObj::updateRotationQuaternionForAllElements(const unsigned int tm, const bool needQuat) { //compute the rotation for each vertex const int BUFFERLEN = 20000; int failbuffer[BUFFERLEN]; int i, c = 0; assert(m_nVRingElementCount==m_nVertexCount); const Vector3d *pVertex = &m_pVertInfo[0].m_pos; const int stride = sizeof(CSimuEntity::VertexInfo); for (i=0; i<m_nVRingElementCount; i++){ CVertexRingElement& elm = m_pVRingElement[i]; if (!elm.computeRotationQuaternionSolidOrShell(0, pVertex, stride)){ failbuffer[c++] = i; elm.m_rotTime = 0; } else{ elm.m_rotTime = tm; } } //make up those failed vertices; assert(c<BUFFERLEN); for (i=0; i<c; i++){ const int vid = failbuffer[i]; CVertexRingElement& elm = m_pVRingElement[vid]; Vector4d q(0,0,0,0); int count = 0; for (int j=0; j<elm.getRodNumber(); j++){ const int v = elm.m_pVertexRingNode[j].m_nVertexID; CVertexRingElement& elm1 = m_pVRingElement[v]; const unsigned int tm1 = elm1.m_rotTime; if (tm1 == tm){ q += elm1.m_quat; count ++; } } if (count>0){ Quaternion qq(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]); qq.normalize(); elm.m_quat = Vector4d(qq[0], qq[1], qq[2], qq[3]); } } }
int main() { const int N = 1000; const unsigned int K = 10; Tree tree; Random_points_iterator rpit(4,1000.0); for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ tree.insert(*rpit++); } Point_d pp(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1); Point_d qq(0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2); Iso_box_d query(pp,qq); Distance tr_dist; Neighbor_search N1(tree, query, 5, 10.0, false); // eps=10.0, nearest=false std::cout << "For query rectangle = [0.1, 0.2]^4 " << std::endl << "the " << K << " approximate furthest neighbors are: " << std::endl; for (Neighbor_search::iterator it = N1.begin();it != N1.end();it++) { std::cout << " Point " << it->first << " at distance " << tr_dist.inverse_of_transformed_distance(it->second) << std::endl; } return 0; }
main() { int n,k; printf("Podaj mi calkowite n : "); scanf("%i" , &n); printf("Podaj mi calkowite k : "); scanf("%i" , &k); if( k >= 0 && n >= k ) { printf("\nWwynik : %i" , qq(n,k)); } else { printf("Dane nie spelniaja warunku 0 <= k <= n" ); } printf("\n"); }
boolvec * area_setName(const char * new_name, const char * pos) { match_area_setName qq(new_name, pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_areas->begin(), surfit_areas->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * area_save(const char * filename, const char * pos) { match_area_save qq(filename, pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_areas->begin(), surfit_areas->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * area_write(const char * filename, const char * pos, const char * delimiter) { match_area_write qq(filename, pos, delimiter); qq = std::for_each(surfit_areas->begin(), surfit_areas->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * surface_geq(const char * pos, REAL penalty_factor) { match_surface_geq qq(pos, penalty_factor); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
void assemble ( double adiag[], double aleft[], double arite[], double f[], double h[], int indx[], int nl, int node[], int nu, int nquad, int nsub, double ul, double ur, double xn[], double xquad[] ) { double aij; double he; int i; int ie; int ig; int il; int iq; int iu; int jg; int jl; int ju; double phii; double phiix; double phij; double phijx; double x; double xleft; double xquade; double xrite; /* Zero out the arrays that hold the coefficients of the matrix and the right hand side. */ for ( i = 0; i < nu; i++ ) { f[i] = 0.0; } for ( i = 0; i < nu; i++ ) { adiag[i] = 0.0; } for ( i = 0; i < nu; i++ ) { aleft[i] = 0.0; } for ( i = 0; i < nu; i++ ) { arite[i] = 0.0; } /* For interval number IE, */ for ( ie = 0; ie < nsub; ie++ ) { he = h[ie]; xleft = xn[node[0+ie*2]]; xrite = xn[node[1+ie*2]]; /* consider each quadrature point IQ, */ for ( iq = 0; iq < nquad; iq++ ) { xquade = xquad[ie]; /* and evaluate the integrals associated with the basis functions for the left, and for the right nodes. */ for ( il = 1; il <= nl; il++ ) { ig = node[il-1+ie*2]; iu = indx[ig] - 1; if ( 0 <= iu ) { phi ( il, xquade, &phii, &phiix, xleft, xrite ); f[iu] = f[iu] + he * ff ( xquade ) * phii; /* Take care of boundary nodes at which U' was specified. */ if ( ig == 0 ) { x = 0.0; f[iu] = f[iu] - pp ( x ) * ul; } else if ( ig == nsub ) { x = 1.0; f[iu] = f[iu] + pp ( x ) * ur; } /* Evaluate the integrals that take a product of the basis function times itself, or times the other basis function that is nonzero in this interval. */ for ( jl = 1; jl <= nl; jl++ ) { jg = node[jl-1+ie*2]; ju = indx[jg] - 1; phi ( jl, xquade, &phij, &phijx, xleft, xrite ); aij = he * ( pp ( xquade ) * phiix * phijx + qq ( xquade ) * phii * phij ); /* If there is no variable associated with the node, then it's a specified boundary value, so we multiply the coefficient times the specified boundary value and subtract it from the right hand side. */ if ( ju < 0 ) { if ( jg == 0 ) { f[iu] = f[iu] - aij * ul; } else if ( jg == nsub ) { f[iu] = f[iu] - aij * ur; } } /* Otherwise, we add the coefficient we've just computed to the diagonal, or left or right entries of row IU of the matrix. */ else { if ( iu == ju ) { adiag[iu] = adiag[iu] + aij; } else if ( ju < iu ) { aleft[iu] = aleft[iu] + aij; } else { arite[iu] = arite[iu] + aij; } } } } } } } return; }
boolvec * mask_add(REAL value, REAL weight, const char * pos) { match_mask_add qq(weight, value, pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * surface_add(REAL weight, const char * pos) { match_surface_add qq(weight, pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * surface(const char * pos) { match_surface qq(pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
void TrackThread::run() { VideoCapture caputure; // string WindowNameOutput="window"; Mat frame; Mat output; //emit Mess(QString("test"),QString("camera open filed")); //return ;; if(!caputure.isOpened()) { emit Messquit(QString("warning"),QString("you don't have a camera, please connect one")); //md->mess("warning","camera open failed"); return; } // namedWindow(WindowNameOutput); // cvWaitKey(1000); Sleep(1000); while(nRunFlag){ if(! { emit Messquit(QString("warning"),QString("please connect camera")); //md->mess("warning","camera read failed"); break; } flip(frame,frame,1); int re=process (frame,output); //控制 //if(md->ready){ if(re==1){ emit moveup(); } //md->moveUp(); else if(re==2){ emit movedown(); } //md->moveDown(); else if(re==3){ emit moveleft(); } //md->moveLeft(); else if (re==4){ emit moveright(); } //md->moveRight(); //} // imshow(WindowNameOutput,output); // 显示 cvtColor(output, output, CV_BGR2RGB); QImage qq((unsigned char*),output.cols, output.rows,output.step, QImage::Format_RGB888); // md->setimg(QPixmap::fromImage(qq)); emit setImg(QPixmap::fromImage(qq)); // if(md->exitt) // break; Sleep(50); // cvWaitKey(1000); } caputure.release(); // destroyWindow (WindowNameOutput); }
boolvec * trend_add(REAL weight, REAL D1, REAL D2, const char * pos) { match_trend_add qq(weight, D1, D2, pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_surfs->begin(), surfit_surfs->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * mask_surf_geq(const char * surf_pos, const char * mask_pos, REAL mult) { match_mask_surf_geq qq(surf_pos, mask_pos, mult); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * mask_surf_add(const char * surf_pos, REAL weight, const char * mask_pos) { match_mask_surf_add qq(weight, surf_pos, mask_pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
intvec * area_getId(const char * pos) { match_area_getId qq(pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_areas->begin(), surfit_areas->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
int main ( void ) { double r = qq(); printf("answer is %f %d\n", r, (int)r ); return 0; }
boolvec * area_invert(const char * pos) { match_area_invert qq(pos); qq = std::for_each(surfit_areas->begin(), surfit_areas->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
void assemble (){ int offset = 0; int slaveSizeNU = nu / numprocs; /* MASTER WORK */ if(rank == MASTER){ int masterSizeNU = slaveSizeNU + (nu % numprocs); double aij; double he; int i; int ie; int ig; int il; int iq; int iu; int jg; int jl; int ju; double phii; double phiix; double phij; double phijx; double x; double xleft; double xquade; double xrite; /* set offset to end of master block */ offset = masterSizeNU; /* send offsets to slaves */ for (int i = 1; i < numprocs; i++) { MPI_Send(&offset,1,MPI_INT,i,110,MPI_COMM_WORLD); offset += slaveSizeNU; } /* master does its work with openmp */ #pragma omp parallel for for ( i = 0; i < masterSizeNU; i++ ) { f[i] = 0.0; adiag[i] = 0.0; aleft[i] = 0.0; arite[i] = 0.0; } /* set offset to end of master block */ offset = masterSizeNU; /* master receives data from slaves */ for (int i = 1; i < numprocs; i++) { MPI_Recv(&f[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,i,111,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); MPI_Recv(&adiag[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,i,112,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); MPI_Recv(&aleft[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,i,113,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); MPI_Recv(&arite[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,i,114,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); offset += masterSizeNU; } /* For interval number IE, */ for ( ie = 0; ie < NSUB; ie++ ) { he = h[ie]; xleft = xn[node[0+ie*2]]; xrite = xn[node[1+ie*2]]; /* consider each quadrature point IQ, */ for ( iq = 0; iq < nquad; iq++ ) { xquade = xquad[ie]; /* and evaluate the integrals associated with the basis functions for the left, and for the right nodes. */ for ( il = 1; il <= NL; il++ ) { ig = node[il-1+ie*2]; iu = indx[ig] - 1; if ( 0 <= iu ) { phi ( il, xquade, &phii, &phiix, xleft, xrite ); f[iu] = f[iu] + he * ff ( xquade ) * phii; /* Take care of boundary nodes at which U' was specified. */ if ( ig == 0 ) { x = 0.0; f[iu] = f[iu] - pp ( x ) * ul; } else if ( ig == NSUB ) { x = 1.0; f[iu] = f[iu] + pp ( x ) * ur; } /* Evaluate the integrals that take a product of the basis function times itself, or times the other basis function that is nonzero in this interval. */ for ( jl = 1; jl <= NL; jl++ ) { jg = node[jl-1+ie*2]; ju = indx[jg] - 1; phi ( jl, xquade, &phij, &phijx, xleft, xrite ); aij = he * ( pp ( xquade ) * phiix * phijx + qq ( xquade ) * phii * phij ); /* If there is no variable associated with the node, then it's a specified boundary value, so we multiply the coefficient times the specified boundary value and subtract it from the right hand side. */ if ( ju < 0 ) { if ( jg == 0 ) { f[iu] = f[iu] - aij * ul; } else if ( jg == NSUB ) { f[iu] = f[iu] - aij * ur; } } /* Otherwise, we add the coefficient we've just computed to the diagonal, or left or right entries of row IU of the matrix. */ else { if ( iu == ju ) { adiag[iu] = adiag[iu] + aij; } else if ( ju < iu ) { aleft[iu] = aleft[iu] + aij; } else { arite[iu] = arite[iu] + aij; } } } // printf("%d\n",jl ); } } } } } /* SLAVE WORK */ if(rank != MASTER){ /* receive offset */ MPI_Recv(&offset,1,MPI_INT,MASTER,110,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); /* slave does its work with openmp */ #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = offset; i < (offset + slaveSizeNU); i++ ) { f[i] = 0.0; adiag[i] = 0.0; aleft[i] = 0.0; arite[i] = 0.0; } /* slave sends data to master */ MPI_Send(&f[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,MASTER,111,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&adiag[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,MASTER,112,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&aleft[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,MASTER,113,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&arite[offset],slaveSizeNU,MPI_DOUBLE,MASTER,114,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } }
boolvec * mask_wmean(REAL mean, const char * mask_pos, const char * surf_pos, REAL penalty_factor) { match_mask_wmean qq(mean, mask_pos, surf_pos, penalty_factor); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
boolvec * mask_geq(REAL value, const char * mask_pos, REAL penalty_factor) { match_mask_geq qq(value, mask_pos, penalty_factor); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };
int getPath() { getKey = true; if (feedbackKey || goalKey || mapKey){ if (feedbackKey) ROS_INFO("huai le1"); if (goalKey) ROS_INFO("huai le2"); if (mapKey) ROS_INFO("huai le3"); getKey = false; return 0; } int idd = 0; int mapData[height*width]; std::queue<tpoint> path, q; std::vector<tpoint> tpath; PATH.clear(); tpath.clear(); while (!path.empty()) path.pop(); while (!q.empty()) q.pop(); nowPoint = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i ++) { mapData[i] = mapDataInit[i]; } double z[3]; tf::Quaternion qq(feedbackData.orientation.x, feedbackData.orientation.y, feedbackData.orientation.z, feedbackData.orientation.w); tf::Matrix3x3 m(qq); m.getRPY(z[0], z[1], z[2]); double x1 , x2 , x; double y1, y2, y; ROS_INFO("hua"); for (int i = 90; i < 450; i ++) { x1 = scanData[i] * cos((i - 270) * 0.00999999977648 + z[2]); y1 = scanData[i] * sin((i - 270) * 0.00999999977648 + z[2]); x2 = 0.215 * cos(z[2]); y2 = 0.215 * sin(z[2]); x = feedbackData.position.x + x1 + x2; y = feedbackData.position.y + y1 + y2; printf("%f %f %f\n", x, y, z[2]); for (int ii = int(y / pointSize) + Start.y - 3; ii < int(y / pointSize) + Start.y + 3; ii ++) { for (int jj = int(x / pointSize) + Start.x - 3; jj < int(x / pointSize) + Start.x + 3; jj ++) { mapData[ii * width + jj] = 100; } } } ROS_INFO("start getPath"); bitathome_navigation_control::MyMap mapDataPub; for (int i = 0; i < height * width; i ++)[i]); mapShow_pub.publish(mapDataPub); /* for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i ++) { printf("%d," , mapData[i]); } printf("\n"); exit(0); */ ROS_INFO("start getPath"); tpoint tNow, temp; tNow.x = Now.x; tNow.y = Now.y; tNow.idd = idd; idd ++; q.push(tNow); tpath.push_back(tNow); while (!q.empty()){ temp = q.front(); q.pop(); if (temp.x == Goal.x and temp.y == Goal.y){ while (true) { path.push(tpath[temp.idd]); temp = tpath[]; if (temp.idd == 0){ break; } } //printf("path len is %d\n", path.size()); int next = -1; while (!path.empty()) { if (path.front().ddir != next) { PATH.push_back(path.front()); next = path.front().ddir; } path.pop(); } reverse(PATH.begin(),PATH.end()); printf("PATH len is %d\n", (int)PATH.size()); for (int i = 0; i < PATH.size(); i ++) printf("路径点%d: %d %d %f\n",i , PATH[i].x, PATH[i].y, euler_angles[PATH[i].ddir]); ROS_INFO("getPath over"); getKey = false; int pathLen = PATH.size(); if (pathLen == 1) { bitathome_navigation_control::MyPoint ret; ret.x = (PATH[nowPoint].x - Start.x) * pointSize; ret.y = (PATH[nowPoint].y - Start.y) * pointSize; ret.z = goalData.z; ret.say = goalData.say; goalPoint_pub.publish(ret); } else { bitathome_navigation_control::MyPoint ret; ret.x = (PATH[nowPoint].x - Start.x) * pointSize; ret.y = (PATH[nowPoint].y - Start.y) * pointSize; ret.z = euler_angles[PATH[nowPoint].ddir]; ret.say = ""; goalPoint_pub.publish(ret); } return pathLen; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) { tpoint tson; tson.x = temp.x + dirs[i][0]; tson.y = temp.y + dirs[i][1]; if (tson.y * width + tson.x > 0 && tson.y * width + tson.x < width* height && (mapData[tson.y * width + tson.x] == 0 || (mapData[tson.y * width + tson.x] == -1 && mapDataInit[temp.y*width+temp.x] == -1))){ tson.ddir = i; = temp.idd; tson.idd = idd; idd ++; q.push(tson); tpath.push_back(tson); mapData[tson.y * width + tson.x] = 100; } } } PATH.clear(); ROS_INFO("f**k"); return 0; }
boolvec * mask_completer_add(REAL weight, const char * mask_pos, REAL D1, REAL D2, REAL alpha, REAL w) { match_mask_completer_add qq(weight, mask_pos, D1, D2, alpha, w); qq = std::for_each(surfit_masks->begin(), surfit_masks->end(), qq); return qq.res; };